IEnumerator SetupBattle() { //Instantiate both player and enemy into the battle enemiesAlive = 3; global = GameObject.Find("GlobalObject"); actions = GameObject.Find("Actions"); actions.SetActive(false); GameObject player = Instantiate(playerPrefab, playerBattleStation); GlobalControl globalObject = global.GetComponent <GlobalControl>(); GameObject enemyOne = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("Capling"), enemyBattleStation); GameObject enemyTwo = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("Capling"), enemyBattleStation2); GameObject enemyThree = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("Capling"), enemyBattleStation3); //Get the information about the enemy and player playerUnit = player.GetComponent <Player>(); enemyUnitOne = enemyOne.GetComponent <Enemy>(); enemyUnitTwo = enemyTwo.GetComponent <Enemy>(); enemyUnitThree = enemyThree.GetComponent <Enemy>(); playerLevel = player.GetComponent <PlayerLevel>(); LoadPlayerData(); playerHUD.SetPlayerHUD(playerUnit); storeMobility = playerLevel.stats[4]; Debug.Log("Current player level: " + playerLevel.Level); Debug.Log("Player's HP when level is set: " + playerUnit.currentHP); playerUnit.attackList = new List <Attack>(); setPlayerSkills(); Debug.Log(playerUnit.attackList.Count); for (int i = 0; i < playerUnit.attackList.Count; i++) { GameObject newButton = Instantiate(skillPrefab, skillContent); Attack toAdd = newButton.GetComponent <Attack>(); toAdd.SetValue(playerUnit.attackList[i].damage, playerUnit.attackList[i].type, playerUnit.attackList[i].name, playerUnit.attackList[i].isSkill, playerUnit.attackList[i].spCost); newButton.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text =; newButton.SetActive(true); print(toAdd.type); } print(playerUnit.attackList.Count); //StartCoroutine(ReadDialogue("Three Caplings appear in front of you!")); dialogueText.text = "Three Caplings appear in front of you!"; playerUnit.unitLevel = playerLevel.Level; //passes in the information about player and enemy unit to set their hud displays playerHUD.SetPlayerHUD(playerUnit); enemyHUD.SetEnemyHUD(enemyUnitOne); enemyHUD2.SetEnemyHUD(enemyUnitTwo); enemyHUD3.SetEnemyHUD(enemyUnitThree); //This waits a second to progress yield return(new WaitForSeconds(2f)); //Attack: 0 //Defense: 1 //Skill: 2 //Technique: 3 //Mobility: 4 Debug.Log("Current Attack stat: " + playerLevel.stats[0]); Debug.Log("Current Defense stat: " + playerLevel.stats[1]); Debug.Log("Current Skill stat: " + playerLevel.stats[2]); Debug.Log("Current Technique stat: " + playerLevel.stats[3]); Debug.Log("Current Mobility stat: " + playerLevel.stats[4]); turnOrder = new string[4]; currentTurn = -1; if (playerLevel.stats[4] >= enemyUnitOne.stats[4]) { turnOrder[0] = "Player"; turnOrder[1] = "EnemyOne"; turnOrder[2] = "EnemyTwo"; turnOrder[3] = "EnemyThree"; Debug.Log("Player attacks first"); state = DimragStateOne.PLAYERTURN; PlayerTurn(); } else { turnOrder[0] = "EnemyOne"; turnOrder[1] = "EnemyTwo"; turnOrder[2] = "EnemyThree"; turnOrder[3] = "Player"; Debug.Log("Enemy attacks first"); state = DimragStateOne.FIRSTENEMYTURN; StartCoroutine(FirstEnemyTurn()); } }
IEnumerator SetupBattle() { //Instantiate both player and enemy into the battle global = GameObject.Find("GlobalObject"); isLoading = false; GameObject player = Instantiate(playerPrefab, playerBattleStation); GlobalControl globalObject = global.GetComponent <GlobalControl> (); GameObject enemy = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load(globalObject.nextFight), enemyBattleStation); //Get the information about the enemy and player playerUnit = player.GetComponent <Player> (); enemyUnit = enemy.GetComponent <Enemy> (); playerLevel = player.GetComponent <PlayerLevel> (); LoadPlayerData(); //playerStats = player.GetComponent<PlayerStats> (); playerHUD.SetPlayerHUD(playerUnit); storeMobility = playerLevel.stats [4]; Debug.Log("Current player level: " + playerLevel.Level); Debug.Log("Player's HP when level is set: " + playerUnit.currentHP); playerUnit.attackList = new List <Attack> (); Attack trash = gameObject.AddComponent <Attack>(); trash.damage = 1; trash.type = "trash"; = "Dump"; trash.spCost = 3; trash.isSkill = true; Attack recycle = gameObject.AddComponent <Attack>(); recycle.damage = 1; recycle.type = "recycle"; = "Shred"; recycle.spCost = 3; recycle.isSkill = true; Attack compost = gameObject.AddComponent <Attack>(); compost.damage = 1; compost.type = "compost"; = "Worm Strike"; compost.spCost = 3; compost.isSkill = true; playerUnit.addAttack(trash); playerUnit.addAttack(recycle); playerUnit.addAttack(compost); Debug.Log(playerUnit.attackList.Count); for (int i = 0; i < playerUnit.attackList.Count; i++) { GameObject newButton = Instantiate(skillPrefab, skillContent); Attack thisAttack = newButton.GetComponent <Attack>(); thisAttack.SetValue(playerUnit.attackList [i].damage, playerUnit.attackList [i].type, playerUnit.attackList [i].name, playerUnit.attackList [i].isSkill, playerUnit.attackList[i].spCost); newButton.GetComponentInChildren <Text> ().text =; newButton.SetActive(true); print(thisAttack.type); } print(playerUnit.attackList.Count); dialogueText.text = enemyUnit.unitName + " is here to fight!"; playerUnit.unitLevel = playerLevel.Level; //passes in the information about player and enemy unit to set their hud displays playerHUD.SetPlayerHUD(playerUnit); enemyHUD.SetEnemyHUD(enemyUnit); //This waits a small amount of time before giving the dialogue to the player that they should choose an action yield return(new WaitForSeconds(2f)); //Attack: 0 //Defense: 1 //Skill: 2 //Technique: 3 //Mobility: 4 Debug.Log("Current Attack stat: " + playerLevel.stats[0]); Debug.Log("Current Defense stat: " + playerLevel.stats[1]); Debug.Log("Current Skill stat: " + playerLevel.stats[2]); Debug.Log("Current Technique stat: " + playerLevel.stats[3]); Debug.Log("Current Mobility stat: " + playerLevel.stats[4]); //Now the state is set to player's turn, and we move on to the PlayerTurn function if (playerLevel.stats [4] >= enemyUnit.stats [4]) { Debug.Log("Player attacks first"); state = BattleState.PLAYERTURN; PlayerTurn(); } else { state = BattleState.ENEMYTURN; StartCoroutine(EnemyTurn()); Debug.Log("Enemy attacks first"); } }