コード例 #1
        private static void DeleteSyncRow(WhitelistType whitelistType, string Ip, BatchQueryBuilder batchQueryBuilder)
            var command = new MySqlCommand($"DELETE FROM FamilyRpServerAccess.{schemaTable[whitelistType]} WHERE IP = @IP;");

            command.Parameters.AddWithValue("IP", Ip);
コード例 #2
        public static Task UpdateWhitelists()
            using (BatchQueryBuilder batchQueryBuilder = new BatchQueryBuilder(config.ConnString))
                foreach (WhitelistType type in Enum.GetValues(typeof(WhitelistType)))
                    Dictionary <string, string> Ips = FetchIps(type, WhitelistActionFilter.Add);
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> Ip in Ips)
                        AddUserToFirewall(type, Ip.Key, batchQueryBuilder);

                    Ips = FetchIps(type, WhitelistActionFilter.Remove);
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> Ip in Ips)
                        RemoveUserFromFirewall(type, Ip.Key, batchQueryBuilder);

コード例 #3
 private static void AuditLog(string WhitelistType, string Ip, string ActionType, BatchQueryBuilder batchQueryBuilder)
     batchQueryBuilder.AppendSqlCommand(new MySqlCommand($@"INSERT INTO FamilyRpServerAccess.ServerWhitelistLog (Date, ActionType, Ip, WhitelistType) VALUES
                         (NOW(), '{ActionType}', '{Ip}', '{WhitelistType}');"));
コード例 #4
        private static void UpdateSyncStatus(WhitelistType whitelistType, string Ip, string targetState, BatchQueryBuilder batchQueryBuilder)
            var command = new MySqlCommand($"UPDATE FamilyRpServerAccess.{schemaTable[whitelistType]} SET State = @State WHERE IP = @IP;");

            command.Parameters.AddWithValue("State", targetState);
            command.Parameters.AddWithValue("IP", Ip);
コード例 #5
        private static void RemoveUserFromFirewall(WhitelistType whitelistType, string Ip, BatchQueryBuilder batchQueryBuilder)
            Console.WriteLine($"Removing IP {Ip} as {whitelistType}");

            // TODO: Delete IP from server here
            // Use Config.MasterIps and whitelistType to map to correct server
            // If success:
            DeleteSyncRow(whitelistType, Ip, batchQueryBuilder);
コード例 #6
        private static void AddUserToFirewall(WhitelistType whitelistType, string Ip, BatchQueryBuilder batchQueryBuilder)
            Console.WriteLine($"Adding IP {Ip} as {whitelistType}");

            // TODO: Delete IP from server here
            // Example:
            // var ci = new CsfInterface.Client();
            // await ci.LoginToCsf("username", "password", "baseUrl");
            // await ci.AddTempWhiteListIp(Ip, "", "30124", 200);
            // Use Config.MasterIps and whitelistType to map to correct server
            // If success:
            UpdateSyncStatus(whitelistType, Ip, "Keep", batchQueryBuilder);