コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate an empty BatchInfo
        /// </summary>
        internal async Task <(BatchInfo, DatabaseChangesSelected)> GetEmptyChangesAsync(MessageGetChangesBatch message)
            // Get config
            var isBatched = message.BatchSize > 0;

            // create the in memory changes set
            var changesSet = new SyncSet(message.Schema.ScopeName);

            // Create a Schema set without readonly tables, attached to memory changes
            foreach (var table in message.Schema.Tables)
                DbSyncAdapter.CreateChangesTable(message.Schema.Tables[table.TableName, table.SchemaName], changesSet);

            // Create the batch info, in memory
            var batchInfo = new BatchInfo(!isBatched, changesSet, message.BatchDirectory);;

            // add changes to batchInfo
            await batchInfo.AddChangesAsync(new SyncSet()).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Create a new empty in-memory batch info
            return(batchInfo, new DatabaseChangesSelected());
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a batch of changes to synchronize when given batch size,
        /// destination knowledge, and change data retriever parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A DbSyncContext object that will be used to retrieve the modified data.</returns>
        internal virtual async Task <(SyncContext, BatchInfo, DatabaseChangesSelected)> InternalGetChangesAsync(
            SyncContext context, MessageGetChangesBatch message,
            DbConnection connection, DbTransaction transaction,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken, IProgress <ProgressArgs> progress)
            // batch info containing changes
            BatchInfo batchInfo;

            // Statistics about changes that are selected
            DatabaseChangesSelected changesSelected;

            if (context.SyncWay == SyncWay.Upload && context.SyncType == SyncType.Reinitialize)
                (batchInfo, changesSelected) = await this.InternalGetEmptyChangesAsync(message).ConfigureAwait(false);

                return(context, batchInfo, changesSelected);

            // Call interceptor
            await this.InterceptAsync(new DatabaseChangesSelectingArgs(context, message, connection, transaction), cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // create local directory
            if (message.BatchSize > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(message.BatchDirectory) && !Directory.Exists(message.BatchDirectory))

            changesSelected = new DatabaseChangesSelected();

            // numbers of batch files generated
            var batchIndex = 0;

            // Check if we are in batch mode
            var isBatch = message.BatchSize > 0;

            // Create a batch info in memory (if !isBatch) or serialized on disk (if isBatch)
            // batchinfo generate a schema clone with scope columns if needed
            batchInfo = new BatchInfo(!isBatch, message.Schema, message.BatchDirectory);

            // Clean SyncSet, we will add only tables we need in the batch info
            var changesSet = new SyncSet();

            var cptSyncTable    = 0;
            var currentProgress = context.ProgressPercentage;

            foreach (var syncTable in message.Schema.Tables)
                // tmp count of table for report progress pct

                // Only table schema is replicated, no datas are applied
                if (syncTable.SyncDirection == SyncDirection.None)

                // if we are in upload stage, so check if table is not download only
                if (context.SyncWay == SyncWay.Upload && syncTable.SyncDirection == SyncDirection.DownloadOnly)

                // if we are in download stage, so check if table is not download only
                if (context.SyncWay == SyncWay.Download && syncTable.SyncDirection == SyncDirection.UploadOnly)

                // Get Command
                var selectIncrementalChangesCommand = await this.GetSelectChangesCommandAsync(context, syncTable, message.Setup, message.IsNew, connection, transaction);

                // Set parameters
                this.SetSelectChangesCommonParameters(context, syncTable, message.ExcludingScopeId, message.IsNew, message.LastTimestamp, selectIncrementalChangesCommand);

                // launch interceptor if any
                var args = new TableChangesSelectingArgs(context, syncTable, selectIncrementalChangesCommand, connection, transaction);
                await this.InterceptAsync(args, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                if (!args.Cancel && args.Command != null)
                    // Statistics
                    var tableChangesSelected = new TableChangesSelected(syncTable.TableName, syncTable.SchemaName);

                    // Create a chnages table with scope columns
                    var changesSetTable = DbSyncAdapter.CreateChangesTable(message.Schema.Tables[syncTable.TableName, syncTable.SchemaName], changesSet);

                    // Get the reader
                    using var dataReader = await args.Command.ExecuteReaderAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

                    // memory size total
                    double rowsMemorySize = 0L;

                    while (dataReader.Read())
                        // Create a row from dataReader
                        var row = CreateSyncRowFromReader(dataReader, changesSetTable);

                        // Add the row to the changes set

                        // Set the correct state to be applied
                        if (row.RowState == DataRowState.Deleted)
                        else if (row.RowState == DataRowState.Modified)

                        // calculate row size if in batch mode
                        if (isBatch)
                            var fieldsSize     = ContainerTable.GetRowSizeFromDataRow(row.ToArray());
                            var finalFieldSize = fieldsSize / 1024d;

                            if (finalFieldSize > message.BatchSize)
                                throw new RowOverSizedException(finalFieldSize.ToString());

                            // Calculate the new memory size
                            rowsMemorySize += finalFieldSize;

                            // Next line if we don't reach the batch size yet.
                            if (rowsMemorySize <= message.BatchSize)

                            // Check interceptor
                            var batchTableChangesSelectedArgs = new TableChangesSelectedArgs(context, changesSetTable, tableChangesSelected, connection, transaction);
                            await this.InterceptAsync(batchTableChangesSelectedArgs, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                            // add changes to batchinfo
                            await batchInfo.AddChangesAsync(changesSet, batchIndex, false, message.SerializerFactory, this).ConfigureAwait(false);

                            // increment batch index

                            // we know the datas are serialized here, so we can flush  the set

                            // Recreate an empty ContainerSet and a ContainerTable
                            changesSet = new SyncSet();

                            changesSetTable = DbSyncAdapter.CreateChangesTable(message.Schema.Tables[syncTable.TableName, syncTable.SchemaName], changesSet);

                            // Init the row memory size
                            rowsMemorySize = 0L;


                    // We don't report progress if no table changes is empty, to limit verbosity
                    if (tableChangesSelected.Deletes > 0 || tableChangesSelected.Upserts > 0)

                    // even if no rows raise the interceptor
                    var tableChangesSelectedArgs = new TableChangesSelectedArgs(context, changesSetTable, tableChangesSelected, connection, transaction);
                    await this.InterceptAsync(tableChangesSelectedArgs, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    context.ProgressPercentage = currentProgress + (cptSyncTable * 0.2d / message.Schema.Tables.Count);

                    // only raise report progress if we have something
                    if (tableChangesSelectedArgs.TableChangesSelected.TotalChanges > 0)
                        this.ReportProgress(context, progress, tableChangesSelectedArgs);

            // We are in batch mode, and we are at the last batchpart info
            // Even if we don't have rows inside, we return the changesSet, since it contains at least schema
            if (changesSet != null && changesSet.HasTables && changesSet.HasRows)
                await batchInfo.AddChangesAsync(changesSet, batchIndex, true, message.SerializerFactory, this).ConfigureAwait(false);

            //Set the total rows count contained in the batch info
            batchInfo.RowsCount = changesSelected.TotalChangesSelected;

            // Check the last index as the last batch

            // Raise database changes selected
            if (changesSelected.TotalChangesSelected > 0 || changesSelected.TotalChangesSelectedDeletes > 0 || changesSelected.TotalChangesSelectedUpdates > 0)
                var databaseChangesSelectedArgs = new DatabaseChangesSelectedArgs(context, message.LastTimestamp, batchInfo, changesSelected, connection);
                this.ReportProgress(context, progress, databaseChangesSelectedArgs);
                await this.InterceptAsync(databaseChangesSelectedArgs, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            return(context, batchInfo, changesSelected);
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// update configuration object with tables desc from server database
        /// </summary>
        public virtual async Task <(SyncContext, BatchInfo)> CreateSnapshotAsync(SyncContext context, SyncSet schema, SyncSetup setup,
                                                                                 DbConnection connection, DbTransaction transaction, string snapshotDirectory, int batchSize, long remoteClientTimestamp,
                                                                                 CancellationToken cancellationToken, IProgress <ProgressArgs> progress = null)
            // create local directory
            if (!Directory.Exists(snapshotDirectory))
                this.Orchestrator.logger.LogDebug(SyncEventsId.CreateDirectory, new { SnapshotDirectory = snapshotDirectory });

            // cleansing scope name
            var directoryScopeName = new string(context.ScopeName.Where(char.IsLetterOrDigit).ToArray());

            var directoryFullPath = Path.Combine(snapshotDirectory, directoryScopeName);

            // create local directory with scope inside
            if (!Directory.Exists(directoryFullPath))
                this.Orchestrator.logger.LogDebug(SyncEventsId.CreateDirectory, new { DirectoryFullPath = directoryFullPath });

            // numbers of batch files generated
            var batchIndex = 0;

            // create the in memory changes set
            var changesSet = new SyncSet();

            var sb         = new StringBuilder();
            var underscore = "";

            if (context.Parameters != null)
                foreach (var p in context.Parameters.OrderBy(p => p.Name))
                    var cleanValue = new string(p.Value.ToString().Where(char.IsLetterOrDigit).ToArray());
                    var cleanName  = new string(p.Name.Where(char.IsLetterOrDigit).ToArray());

                    underscore = "_";

            var directoryName = sb.ToString();

            directoryName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(directoryName) ? "ALL" : directoryName;

            // batchinfo generate a schema clone with scope columns if needed
            var batchInfo = new BatchInfo(false, schema, directoryFullPath, directoryName);

            // Delete directory if already exists
            directoryFullPath = Path.Combine(directoryFullPath, directoryName);

            if (Directory.Exists(directoryFullPath))
                this.Orchestrator.logger.LogDebug(SyncEventsId.DropDirectory, new { DirectoryFullPath = directoryFullPath });
                Directory.Delete(directoryFullPath, true);

            foreach (var syncTable in schema.Tables)
                var tableBuilder = this.GetTableBuilder(syncTable, setup);
                var syncAdapter  = tableBuilder.CreateSyncAdapter();

                // launch interceptor if any
                await this.Orchestrator.InterceptAsync(new TableChangesSelectingArgs(context, syncTable, connection, transaction), cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                // Get Select initialize changes command
                var selectIncrementalChangesCommand = await this.GetSelectChangesCommandAsync(context, syncAdapter, syncTable, true, connection, transaction);

                // Set parameters
                this.SetSelectChangesCommonParameters(context, syncTable, null, true, 0, selectIncrementalChangesCommand);

                // log
                this.Orchestrator.logger.LogDebug(SyncEventsId.CreateSnapshot, new
                    SelectChangesCommandText = selectIncrementalChangesCommand.CommandText,
                    ExcludingScopeId         = Guid.Empty,
                    IsNew         = true,
                    LastTimestamp = 0

                // Get the reader
                using (var dataReader = await selectIncrementalChangesCommand.ExecuteReaderAsync().ConfigureAwait(false))
                    // memory size total
                    double rowsMemorySize = 0L;

                    // Create a chnages table with scope columns
                    var changesSetTable = SyncAdapter.CreateChangesTable(schema.Tables[syncTable.TableName, syncTable.SchemaName], changesSet);

                    while (dataReader.Read())
                        // Create a row from dataReader
                        var row = CreateSyncRowFromReader(dataReader, changesSetTable);

                        // Add the row to the changes set

                        // Log trace row
                        this.Orchestrator.logger.LogTrace(SyncEventsId.CreateSnapshot, row);

                        var fieldsSize     = ContainerTable.GetRowSizeFromDataRow(row.ToArray());
                        var finalFieldSize = fieldsSize / 1024d;

                        if (finalFieldSize > batchSize)
                            throw new RowOverSizedException(finalFieldSize.ToString());

                        // Calculate the new memory size
                        rowsMemorySize += finalFieldSize;

                        // Next line if we don't reach the batch size yet.
                        if (rowsMemorySize <= batchSize)

                        // add changes to batchinfo
                        await batchInfo.AddChangesAsync(changesSet, batchIndex, false, this.Orchestrator).ConfigureAwait(false);

                        this.Orchestrator.logger.LogDebug(SyncEventsId.CreateBatch, changesSet);

                        // increment batch index

                        // we know the datas are serialized here, so we can flush  the set

                        // Recreate an empty ContainerSet and a ContainerTable
                        changesSet = new SyncSet();

                        changesSetTable = SyncAdapter.CreateChangesTable(schema.Tables[syncTable.TableName, syncTable.SchemaName], changesSet);

                        // Init the row memory size
                        rowsMemorySize = 0L;


            if (changesSet != null && changesSet.HasTables)
                await batchInfo.AddChangesAsync(changesSet, batchIndex, true, this.Orchestrator).ConfigureAwait(false);

                this.Orchestrator.logger.LogDebug(SyncEventsId.CreateBatch, changesSet);

            // Check the last index as the last batch

            batchInfo.Timestamp = remoteClientTimestamp;

            // Serialize on disk.
            var jsonConverter = new JsonConverter <BatchInfo>();

            var summaryFileName = Path.Combine(directoryFullPath, "summary.json");

            using (var f = new FileStream(summaryFileName, FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
                this.Orchestrator.logger.LogDebug(SyncEventsId.CreateSnapshotSummary, batchInfo);
                var bytes = await jsonConverter.SerializeAsync(batchInfo).ConfigureAwait(false);

                f.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

            return(context, batchInfo);
コード例 #4
        GetChangesAsync(ScopeInfo clientScope, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default, IProgress <ProgressArgs> progress = null)
            SyncSet schema;
            // Get context or create a new one
            var ctx = this.GetContext();

            if (!this.StartTime.HasValue)
                this.StartTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

            ServerScopeInfo serverScopeInfo;

            // Need the server scope
            serverScopeInfo = await this.EnsureSchemaAsync(cancellationToken, progress).ConfigureAwait(false);

            schema = serverScopeInfo.Schema;

            clientScope.Schema  = schema;
            clientScope.Setup   = serverScopeInfo.Setup;
            clientScope.Version = serverScopeInfo.Version;

            // generate a message to send
            var changesToSend = new HttpMessageSendChangesRequest(ctx, clientScope)
                Changes     = null,
                IsLastBatch = true,
                BatchIndex  = 0

            var serializer = this.SerializerFactory.GetSerializer <HttpMessageSendChangesRequest>();
            var binaryData = await serializer.SerializeAsync(changesToSend);

            await this.InterceptAsync(new HttpMessageSendChangesRequestArgs(binaryData), cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // response
            var httpMessageContent = await this.httpRequestHandler.ProcessRequestAsync <HttpMessageSendChangesResponse>
                                         (this.HttpClient, this.ServiceUri, binaryData, HttpStep.GetChanges, ctx.SessionId, clientScope.Name,
                                         this.SerializerFactory, this.Converter, this.Options.BatchSize, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // if nothing available, return empty response
            if (httpMessageContent.Changes == null)
                return(httpMessageContent.RemoteClientTimestamp, null, new DatabaseChangesSelected());

            // Get if we need to work in memory or serialize things
            var workInMemoryLocally = this.Options.BatchSize == 0;

            bool isLastBatch;
            //timestamp generated by the server, hold in the client db
            long remoteClientTimestamp;

            // Create the BatchInfo and SyncContext to return at the end
            var serverBatchInfo = new BatchInfo(workInMemoryLocally, schema, this.Options.BatchDirectory);

            // stats
            DatabaseChangesSelected serverChangesSelected;

            // While we are not reaching the last batch from server
                // Check if we are at the last batch.
                // If so, we won't make another loop
                isLastBatch           = httpMessageContent.IsLastBatch;
                ctx                   = httpMessageContent.SyncContext;
                remoteClientTimestamp = httpMessageContent.RemoteClientTimestamp;
                serverChangesSelected = httpMessageContent.ServerChangesSelected;

                var changesSet = serverBatchInfo.SanitizedSchema.Clone();

                changesSet.ImportContainerSet(httpMessageContent.Changes, false);

                if (this.Converter != null && changesSet.HasRows)

                // Create a BatchPartInfo instance
                await serverBatchInfo.AddChangesAsync(changesSet, httpMessageContent.BatchIndex, isLastBatch, this);

                // free some memory
                if (httpMessageContent.Changes != null)

                if (!isLastBatch)
                    // Ask for the next batch index
                    var requestBatchIndex = httpMessageContent.BatchIndex + 1;

                    // Create the message enveloppe
                    var httpMessage = new HttpMessageGetMoreChangesRequest(ctx, requestBatchIndex);

                    // serialize message
                    var serializer2 = this.SerializerFactory.GetSerializer <HttpMessageGetMoreChangesRequest>();
                    var binaryData2 = await serializer2.SerializeAsync(httpMessage);

                    await this.InterceptAsync(new HttpMessageGetMoreChangesRequestArgs(binaryData), cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    httpMessageContent = await this.httpRequestHandler.ProcessRequestAsync <HttpMessageSendChangesResponse>(
                        this.HttpClient, this.ServiceUri, binaryData2, HttpStep.GetMoreChanges, ctx.SessionId, this.ScopeName,
                        this.SerializerFactory, this.Converter, 0, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
            } while (!isLastBatch);

            // generate the new scope item
            this.CompleteTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

            // Reaffect context

            return(remoteClientTimestamp, serverBatchInfo, serverChangesSelected);
コード例 #5
        GetSnapshotAsync(SyncSet schema = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default, IProgress <ProgressArgs> progress = null)
            // Get context or create a new one
            var ctx = this.GetContext();

            if (!this.StartTime.HasValue)
                this.StartTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

            // Make a remote call to get Schema from remote provider
            if (schema == null)
                var serverScopeInfo = await this.EnsureSchemaAsync(cancellationToken, progress).ConfigureAwait(false);

                schema = serverScopeInfo.Schema;

            // Create the BatchInfo and SyncContext to return at the end
            // Set InMemory by default to "true", but the real value is coming from server side
            var serverBatchInfo = new BatchInfo(false, schema, this.Options.BatchDirectory);

            bool isLastBatch;
            //timestamp generated by the server, hold in the client db
            long remoteClientTimestamp;

            // generate a message to send
            var changesToSend = new HttpMessageSendChangesRequest(ctx, null)
                Changes     = null,
                IsLastBatch = true,
                BatchIndex  = 0

            var serializer = this.SerializerFactory.GetSerializer <HttpMessageSendChangesRequest>();
            var binaryData = await serializer.SerializeAsync(changesToSend);

            var httpMessageContent = await this.httpRequestHandler.ProcessRequestAsync <HttpMessageSendChangesResponse>(
                this.HttpClient, this.ServiceUri, binaryData, HttpStep.GetSnapshot, ctx.SessionId, this.ScopeName,
                this.SerializerFactory, this.Converter, 0, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // if no snapshot available, return empty response
            if (httpMessageContent.Changes == null)
                return(httpMessageContent.RemoteClientTimestamp, null);

            // While we are not reaching the last batch from server
                // Check if we are at the last batch.
                // If so, we won't make another loop
                isLastBatch           = httpMessageContent.IsLastBatch;
                ctx                   = httpMessageContent.SyncContext;
                remoteClientTimestamp = httpMessageContent.RemoteClientTimestamp;

                var changesSet = serverBatchInfo.SanitizedSchema.Clone();

                changesSet.ImportContainerSet(httpMessageContent.Changes, false);

                if (this.Converter != null && changesSet.HasRows)

                // Create a BatchPartInfo instance
                await serverBatchInfo.AddChangesAsync(changesSet, httpMessageContent.BatchIndex, isLastBatch, this);

                // free some memory
                if (httpMessageContent.Changes != null)

                if (!isLastBatch)
                    // Ask for the next batch index
                    var requestBatchIndex = httpMessageContent.BatchIndex + 1;

                    // Create the message enveloppe
                    var httpMessage = new HttpMessageGetMoreChangesRequest(ctx, requestBatchIndex);

                    // serialize message
                    var serializer2 = this.SerializerFactory.GetSerializer <HttpMessageGetMoreChangesRequest>();
                    var binaryData2 = await serializer2.SerializeAsync(httpMessage);

                    await this.InterceptAsync(new HttpMessageGetMoreChangesRequestArgs(binaryData), cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    httpMessageContent = await this.httpRequestHandler.ProcessRequestAsync <HttpMessageSendChangesResponse>(
                        this.HttpClient, this.ServiceUri, binaryData2, HttpStep.GetMoreChanges, ctx.SessionId, this.ScopeName,
                        this.SerializerFactory, this.Converter, 0, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
            } while (!isLastBatch);

            // Reaffect context

            return(remoteClientTimestamp, serverBatchInfo);
コード例 #6
        ApplyThenGetChangesAsync(ScopeInfo scope, BatchInfo clientBatchInfo, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default, IProgress <ProgressArgs> progress = null)
            SyncSet schema;
            // Get context or create a new one
            var ctx = this.GetContext();

            if (!this.StartTime.HasValue)
                this.StartTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

            //// create the in memory changes set
            //var changesSet = new SyncSet();

            // is it something that could happens ?
            if (scope.Schema == null)
                // Make a remote call to get Schema from remote provider
                var serverScopeInfo = await this.EnsureSchemaAsync(cancellationToken, progress).ConfigureAwait(false);

                schema = serverScopeInfo.Schema;
                schema = scope.Schema;


            // if we don't have any BatchPartsInfo, just generate a new one to get, at least, something to send to the server
            // and get a response with new data from server
            if (clientBatchInfo == null)
                clientBatchInfo = new BatchInfo(true, schema);

            // Get sanitized schema, without readonly columns
            var sanitizedSchema = clientBatchInfo.SanitizedSchema;

            // --------------------------------------------------------------
            // STEP 1 : Send everything to the server side
            // --------------------------------------------------------------

            // response
            HttpMessageSendChangesResponse httpMessageContent = null;

            // If not in memory and BatchPartsInfo.Count == 0, nothing to send.
            // But we need to send something, so generate a little batch part
            if (clientBatchInfo.InMemory || (!clientBatchInfo.InMemory && clientBatchInfo.BatchPartsInfo.Count == 0))
                var changesToSend = new HttpMessageSendChangesRequest(ctx, scope);

                if (this.Converter != null && clientBatchInfo.InMemoryData != null && clientBatchInfo.InMemoryData.HasRows)

                var containerSet = clientBatchInfo.InMemoryData == null ? new ContainerSet() : clientBatchInfo.InMemoryData.GetContainerSet();
                changesToSend.Changes     = containerSet;
                changesToSend.IsLastBatch = true;
                changesToSend.BatchIndex  = 0;

                // serialize message
                var serializer = this.SerializerFactory.GetSerializer <HttpMessageSendChangesRequest>();
                var binaryData = await serializer.SerializeAsync(changesToSend);

                await this.InterceptAsync(new HttpMessageSendChangesRequestArgs(binaryData), cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                httpMessageContent = await this.httpRequestHandler.ProcessRequestAsync <HttpMessageSendChangesResponse>
                                         (this.HttpClient, this.ServiceUri, binaryData, HttpStep.SendChanges, ctx.SessionId, scope.Name,
                                         this.SerializerFactory, this.Converter, this.Options.BatchSize, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                // Foreach part, will have to send them to the remote
                // once finished, return context
                foreach (var bpi in clientBatchInfo.BatchPartsInfo.OrderBy(bpi => bpi.Index))
                    // If BPI is InMempory, no need to deserialize from disk
                    // othewise load it
                    await bpi.LoadBatchAsync(sanitizedSchema, clientBatchInfo.GetDirectoryFullPath(), this);

                    var changesToSend = new HttpMessageSendChangesRequest(ctx, scope);

                    if (this.Converter != null && bpi.Data.HasRows)

                    // Set the change request properties
                    changesToSend.Changes     = bpi.Data.GetContainerSet();
                    changesToSend.IsLastBatch = bpi.IsLastBatch;
                    changesToSend.BatchIndex  = bpi.Index;

                    // serialize message
                    var serializer = this.SerializerFactory.GetSerializer <HttpMessageSendChangesRequest>();
                    var binaryData = await serializer.SerializeAsync(changesToSend);

                    await this.InterceptAsync(new HttpMessageSendChangesRequestArgs(binaryData), cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    httpMessageContent = await this.httpRequestHandler.ProcessRequestAsync <HttpMessageSendChangesResponse>
                                             (this.HttpClient, this.ServiceUri, binaryData, HttpStep.SendChanges, ctx.SessionId, scope.Name,
                                             this.SerializerFactory, this.Converter, this.Options.BatchSize, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    // for some reasons, if server don't want to wait for more, just break
                    // That should never happened, actually
                    if (httpMessageContent.ServerStep != HttpStep.SendChangesInProgress)

            // --------------------------------------------------------------
            // STEP 2 : Receive everything from the server side
            // --------------------------------------------------------------

            // Now we have sent all the datas to the server and now :
            // We have a FIRST response from the server with new datas
            // 1) Could be the only one response (enough or InMemory is set on the server side)
            // 2) Could bt the first response and we need to download all batchs

            // While we have an other batch to process
            var isLastBatch = false;

            // Get if we need to work in memory or serialize things
            var workInMemoryLocally = this.Options.BatchSize == 0;

            // Create the BatchInfo and SyncContext to return at the end
            // Set InMemory by default to "true", but the real value is coming from server side
            var serverBatchInfo = new BatchInfo(workInMemoryLocally, schema, this.Options.BatchDirectory);

            // stats
            DatabaseChangesSelected serverChangesSelected = null;
            DatabaseChangesApplied  clientChangesApplied  = null;

            //timestamp generated by the server, hold in the client db
            long remoteClientTimestamp = 0;

            // While we are not reaching the last batch from server
                // Check if we are at the last batch.
                // If so, we won't make another loop
                isLastBatch           = httpMessageContent.IsLastBatch;
                serverChangesSelected = httpMessageContent.ServerChangesSelected;
                clientChangesApplied  = httpMessageContent.ClientChangesApplied;
                ctx = httpMessageContent.SyncContext;
                remoteClientTimestamp = httpMessageContent.RemoteClientTimestamp;

                var changesSet = sanitizedSchema.Clone();

                changesSet.ImportContainerSet(httpMessageContent.Changes, false);

                if (this.Converter != null && changesSet.HasRows)

                // Create a BatchPartInfo instance
                await serverBatchInfo.AddChangesAsync(changesSet, httpMessageContent.BatchIndex, isLastBatch, this);

                // free some memory
                if (!workInMemoryLocally && httpMessageContent.Changes != null)

                if (!isLastBatch)
                    // Ask for the next batch index
                    var requestBatchIndex = httpMessageContent.BatchIndex + 1;

                    // Create the message enveloppe
                    var httpMessage = new HttpMessageGetMoreChangesRequest(ctx, requestBatchIndex);

                    // serialize message
                    var serializer = this.SerializerFactory.GetSerializer <HttpMessageGetMoreChangesRequest>();
                    var binaryData = await serializer.SerializeAsync(httpMessage);

                    await this.InterceptAsync(new HttpMessageGetMoreChangesRequestArgs(binaryData), cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    httpMessageContent = await this.httpRequestHandler.ProcessRequestAsync <HttpMessageSendChangesResponse>(
                        this.HttpClient, this.ServiceUri, binaryData, HttpStep.GetMoreChanges, ctx.SessionId, scope.Name,
                        this.SerializerFactory, this.Converter, this.Options.BatchSize, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
            } while (!isLastBatch);

            // generate the new scope item
            this.CompleteTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

            // Reaffect context

            return(remoteClientTimestamp, serverBatchInfo,
                   httpMessageContent.ConflictResolutionPolicy, clientChangesApplied, serverChangesSelected);
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a batch of changes to synchronize when given batch size,
        /// destination knowledge, and change data retriever parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A DbSyncContext object that will be used to retrieve the modified data.</returns>
        public virtual async Task <(SyncContext, BatchInfo, DatabaseChangesSelected)> GetChangeBatchAsync(
            SyncContext context, MessageGetChangesBatch message,
            DbConnection connection, DbTransaction transaction,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken, IProgress <ProgressArgs> progress = null)
            // batch info containing changes
            BatchInfo batchInfo;

            // Statistics about changes that are selected
            DatabaseChangesSelected changesSelected;

            if (context.SyncWay == SyncWay.Upload && context.SyncType == SyncType.Reinitialize)
                (batchInfo, changesSelected) = await this.GetEmptyChangesAsync(message);

                return(context, batchInfo, changesSelected);

            // Check if the provider is not outdated
            var isOutdated = this.IsRemoteOutdated();

            // Get a chance to make the sync even if it's outdated
            if (isOutdated)
                var outdatedArgs = new OutdatedArgs(context, null, null);

                // Interceptor
                await this.InterceptAsync(outdatedArgs).ConfigureAwait(false);

                if (outdatedArgs.Action != OutdatedAction.Rollback)
                    context.SyncType = outdatedArgs.Action == OutdatedAction.Reinitialize ? SyncType.Reinitialize : SyncType.ReinitializeWithUpload;

                if (outdatedArgs.Action == OutdatedAction.Rollback)
                    throw new OutOfDateException();

            // create local directory
            if (message.BatchSize > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(message.BatchDirectory) && !Directory.Exists(message.BatchDirectory))

            // numbers of batch files generated
            var batchIndex = 0;

            // Check if we are in batch mode
            var isBatch = message.BatchSize > 0;

            // Create stats object to store changes count
            var changes = new DatabaseChangesSelected();

            // create the in memory changes set
            var changesSet = new SyncSet(message.Schema.ScopeName);

            // Create a Schema set without readonly columns, attached to memory changes
            foreach (var table in message.Schema.Tables)
                DbSyncAdapter.CreateChangesTable(message.Schema.Tables[table.TableName, table.SchemaName], changesSet);

            // Create a batch info in memory (if !isBatch) or serialized on disk (if isBatch)
            // batchinfo generate a schema clone with scope columns if needed
            batchInfo = new BatchInfo(!isBatch, changesSet, message.BatchDirectory);

            // Clear tables, we will add only the ones we need in the batch info

            foreach (var syncTable in message.Schema.Tables)
                // if we are in upload stage, so check if table is not download only
                if (context.SyncWay == SyncWay.Upload && syncTable.SyncDirection == SyncDirection.DownloadOnly)

                // if we are in download stage, so check if table is not download only
                if (context.SyncWay == SyncWay.Download && syncTable.SyncDirection == SyncDirection.UploadOnly)

                var tableBuilder = this.GetTableBuilder(syncTable);
                var syncAdapter  = tableBuilder.CreateSyncAdapter(connection, transaction);

                // raise before event
                context.SyncStage = SyncStage.TableChangesSelecting;
                var tableChangesSelectingArgs = new TableChangesSelectingArgs(context, syncTable.TableName, connection, transaction);
                // launch interceptor if any
                await this.InterceptAsync(tableChangesSelectingArgs).ConfigureAwait(false);

                // Get Command
                var selectIncrementalChangesCommand = this.GetSelectChangesCommand(context, syncAdapter, syncTable, message.IsNew);

                // Set parameters
                this.SetSelectChangesCommonParameters(context, syncTable, message.ExcludingScopeId, message.IsNew, message.LastTimestamp, selectIncrementalChangesCommand);

                // Statistics
                var tableChangesSelected = new TableChangesSelected(syncTable.TableName);

                // Get the reader
                using (var dataReader = selectIncrementalChangesCommand.ExecuteReader())
                    // memory size total
                    double rowsMemorySize = 0L;

                    // Create a chnages table with scope columns
                    var changesSetTable = DbSyncAdapter.CreateChangesTable(message.Schema.Tables[syncTable.TableName, syncTable.SchemaName], changesSet);

                    while (dataReader.Read())
                        // Create a row from dataReader
                        var row = CreateSyncRowFromReader(dataReader, changesSetTable);

                        // Add the row to the changes set

                        // Set the correct state to be applied
                        if (row.RowState == DataRowState.Deleted)
                        else if (row.RowState == DataRowState.Modified)

                        // calculate row size if in batch mode
                        if (isBatch)
                            var fieldsSize     = ContainerTable.GetRowSizeFromDataRow(row.ToArray());
                            var finalFieldSize = fieldsSize / 1024d;

                            if (finalFieldSize > message.BatchSize)
                                throw new RowOverSizedException(finalFieldSize.ToString());

                            // Calculate the new memory size
                            rowsMemorySize += finalFieldSize;

                            // Next line if we don't reach the batch size yet.
                            if (rowsMemorySize <= message.BatchSize)

                            // add changes to batchinfo
                            await batchInfo.AddChangesAsync(changesSet, batchIndex, false);

                            // increment batch index

                            // we know the datas are serialized here, so we can flush  the set

                            // Recreate an empty ContainerSet and a ContainerTable
                            changesSet = new SyncSet(message.Schema.ScopeName);

                            changesSetTable = DbSyncAdapter.CreateChangesTable(message.Schema.Tables[syncTable.TableName, syncTable.SchemaName], changesSet);

                            // Init the row memory size
                            rowsMemorySize = 0L;


                context.SyncStage = SyncStage.TableChangesSelected;

                if (tableChangesSelected.Deletes > 0 || tableChangesSelected.Upserts > 0)

                // Event progress & interceptor
                context.SyncStage = SyncStage.TableChangesSelected;
                var tableChangesSelectedArgs = new TableChangesSelectedArgs(context, tableChangesSelected, connection, transaction);
                this.ReportProgress(context, progress, tableChangesSelectedArgs);
                await this.InterceptAsync(tableChangesSelectedArgs).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // We are in batch mode, and we are at the last batchpart info
            // Even if we don't have rows inside, we return the changesSet, since it contains at leaset schema
            if (changesSet != null && changesSet.HasTables)
                await batchInfo.AddChangesAsync(changesSet, batchIndex, true).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Check the last index as the last batch

            return(context, batchInfo, changes);