コード例 #1
        public void AgentShouldKillScriptsThatExceedTimeoutConstraints()
            // Arrange
            var          agent = new BatchFileDeployAgent();
            const string deployScriptFilename  = "SlowDeployment.bat";
            var          deployScriptDirectory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();

            File.WriteAllText(deployScriptFilename, @"ping -n 10");    // script that just takes about nn seconds to execute

            // required because the deploy agent builds its own parameter list
            var tfsBuildDetail = new BuildDetail
                DropLocation = string.Empty,
                BuildNumber  = string.Empty,

            var deployAgentData = new DeployAgentData
                DeployScriptRoot       = deployScriptDirectory,
                DeployScriptFile       = deployScriptFilename,
                Timeout                = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2),
                TfsBuildDetail         = tfsBuildDetail,
                DeployScriptParameters = Enumerable.Empty <DeployScriptParameter>().ToList(),

            // Act
            var deployAgentResult = agent.Deploy(deployAgentData);

            // Assert
            Assert.IsFalse(deployAgentResult.Output.Contains(@"Ping statistics"));

            // Clean up
コード例 #2
        public void AgentShouldNotCauseScriptsWithMassiveOutputToStall()
            // Arrange
            const string massiveOutputScript = "@echo off\nfor /L %%i in (1000, -1, 0) do echo %%i green bottles, hanging on the wall";

            var          agent = new BatchFileDeployAgent();
            const string deployScriptFilename  = "MassiveOutputDeployment.bat";
            var          deployScriptDirectory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();

            File.WriteAllText(deployScriptFilename, massiveOutputScript);

            // required because the deploy agent builds its own parameter list
            var tfsBuildDetail = new BuildDetail
                DropLocation = string.Empty,
                BuildNumber  = string.Empty,

            var deployAgentData = new DeployAgentData
                DeployScriptRoot       = deployScriptDirectory,
                DeployScriptFile       = deployScriptFilename,
                Timeout                = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5),
                TfsBuildDetail         = tfsBuildDetail,
                DeployScriptParameters = Enumerable.Empty <DeployScriptParameter>().ToList(),

            // Act
            var deployAgentResult = agent.Deploy(deployAgentData);

            // Assert
            Assert.IsTrue(deployAgentResult.Output.Contains(@"0 green bottles, hanging on the wall"));

            // Clean up
コード例 #3
        public void BatchFileDeployAgent__should_not_terminate_a_script_when_the_timeout_is_maximum()
            // Arrange
            const string deployScriptFilename  = "SlowDeployment.bat";
            var          deployScriptDirectory = Path.GetTempPath();

            File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(deployScriptDirectory, deployScriptFilename), @"ping -n 2");    // script that just takes about nn seconds to execute

            // required because the deploy agent builds its own parameter list
            var tfsBuildDetail = new BuildDetail
                DropLocation = string.Empty,
                BuildNumber  = string.Empty,

            var deployAgentData = new DeployAgentData
                DeployScriptRoot       = deployScriptDirectory,
                DeployScriptFile       = deployScriptFilename,
                Timeout                = TimeSpan.MaxValue,
                TfsBuildDetail         = tfsBuildDetail,
                DeployScriptParameters = Enumerable.Empty <DeployScriptParameter>().ToList(),

            var agent = new BatchFileDeployAgent();

            // Act
            var deployAgentResult = agent.Deploy(deployAgentData);

            // Absterge

            // Assert
            StringAssert.Contains(deployAgentResult.Output, @"Pinging");
            StringAssert.Contains(deployAgentResult.Output, @"Ping statistics");