public void Initialize(ISharpControl control) { _frontEndControl = new FrontEndControl(control); _basicProcessor = new BasicProcessor(control, _frontEndControl); _settingsControl = new SettingsControl(control, _basicProcessor); control.RegisterStreamHook(_basicProcessor, Radio.ProcessorType.FilteredAudioOutput); control.RegisterFrontControl(_frontEndControl, PluginPosition.Bottom); _basicProcessor.Enabled = true; }
public void Setup() { lines = new SortedList <ushort, C64BasicInstruction>(); arch = new C64Basic(lines); arch6502 = new Mos6502ProcessorArchitecture("m6502"); m = new BasicProcessor(lines); host = new Mock <RewriterTestBase.RewriterHost>(arch) { CallBase = true }; host.Setup(h => h.GetArchitecture("m6502")) .Returns(arch6502); }
public void Setup() { lines = new SortedList <ushort, C64BasicInstruction>(); arch = new C64Basic(lines); arch6502 = new Mos6502ProcessorArchitecture("m6502"); m = new BasicProcessor(lines); host = new Mock <RewriterTestBase.RewriterHost>(arch) { CallBase = true }; host.Setup(h => h.GetArchitecture("m6502")) .Returns(arch6502); base.Given_MemoryArea(new MemoryArea(Address.Ptr16(0x10), new byte[10])); }
public void Setup() { lines = new SortedList <ushort, C64BasicInstruction>(); sc = CreateServiceContainer(); arch = new C64Basic(sc, "c64", new Dictionary <string, object>()); arch6502 = new Mos6502Architecture(sc, "m6502", new Dictionary <string, object>()); m = new BasicProcessor(lines); host = new Mock <RewriterHost>(arch) { CallBase = true }; host.Setup(h => h.GetArchitecture("m6502")) .Returns(arch6502); base.Given_MemoryArea(new ByteMemoryArea(Address.Ptr16(0x800), new byte[10])); }
public void Setup() { lines = new SortedList<ushort, C64BasicInstruction>(); arch = new C64Basic(lines); m = new BasicProcessor(lines); }
public Copyable GetItem(string typeName) { Type type = new BasicProcessor().Parse <RuntimeType>(typeName).Type; return(GetItem(type)); }
public void Setup() { lines = new SortedList <ushort, C64BasicInstruction>(); arch = new C64Basic(lines); m = new BasicProcessor(lines); }
[SetUp] public void SetUp() { processor = new BasicProcessor(); }
private void ProcessRequest() { try { while (true) { int protocalType = mSocketTalker.ReceiveInt(); BasicProcessor requestProcessor = null; switch (protocalType) { case ProtocolTypes.TYPE_LIST_CONTENTS: requestProcessor = new ListContentsProcessor(mSocketTalker); break; case ProtocolTypes.TYPE_LIST_ALL_FILES: requestProcessor = new ListAllFilesProcessor(mSocketTalker); break; case ProtocolTypes.TYPE_LIST_ALL_DIRECTORIES: requestProcessor = new ListAllDirectoriesProcessor(mSocketTalker); break; case ProtocolTypes.TYPE_DELETE_CONTENTS: requestProcessor = new DeleteContentsProcessor(mSocketTalker); break; case ProtocolTypes.TYPE_RENAME_CONTENT: requestProcessor = new RenameContentProcessor(mSocketTalker); break; case ProtocolTypes.TYPE_CREATE_DIRECTORY: requestProcessor = new CreateDirectoryProcessor(mSocketTalker); break; case ProtocolTypes.TYPE_START_PROCESS: requestProcessor = new StartProcessProcessor(mSocketTalker); break; case ProtocolTypes.TYPE_GET_CONTENT_INFO: requestProcessor = new GetContentInfoProcessor(mSocketTalker); break; case ProtocolTypes.TYPE_MOVE_CONTENTS: requestProcessor = new MoveContentsProcessor(mSocketTalker); break; case ProtocolTypes.TYPE_COPY_CONTENTS: requestProcessor = new CopyContentsProcessor(mSocketTalker); break; case ProtocolTypes.TYPE_GET_CONTENT: requestProcessor = new GetContentProcessor(mSocketTalker); break; case ProtocolTypes.TYPE_PUT_CONTENT: requestProcessor = new PutContentProcessor(mSocketTalker); break; default: throw new Exception("Invalid requested protocol type."); } requestProcessor.ProcessRequest(); if (requestProcessor.CanProcessNextRequest) { continue; } else { break; } } } catch { } finally { Close(); } }
public SettingsControl(ISharpControl control, BasicProcessor processor) { InitializeComponent(); // processor can be used to update its parameters according to user changes on this control }