コード例 #1
        public async Task postUpdatedMessage()
                await vm.ShowLoader();

                if (App.buttonClick == 0)

                    var        client    = new HttpClient();
                    HttpClient hc        = new HttpClient();
                    var        response1 = await hc.GetStringAsync(Config.COMMENT_INFO_URL + requirementId);

                    var obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CommentsInfoModel>(response1);

                    //if (userListPicker.SelectedIndex != -1)
                    var values = new Dictionary <object, object>
                        { "lastMessage", obj.lastMessage },
                        { "lastPostDate", obj.lastPostDate },
                        { "lastPostBy", obj.lastPostBy },
                        { "requirementId", obj.requirementId },
                        { "reqDefinitionId", obj.reqDefinitionId },
                        { "reqDealId", obj.reqDealId },
                        { "requirementDealId", obj.requirementDealId },
                        { "documentDefinitionId", obj.documentDefinitionId },
                        { "documentDefinitionName", obj.documentDefinitionName },
                        { "documentId", obj.documentId },
                        { "primaryDocumentName", obj.primaryDocumentName },
                        { "statusDescription", obj.statusDescription },
                        { "status", statusUpdatedTxt },
                        { "description", obj.description },
                        { "name", obj.name },
                        { "type", obj.type },
                        { "reqType", obj.reqType },
                        { "typeCode", obj.typeCode },
                        { "valueLabel", obj.valueLabel },
                        { "compareFlag", obj.compareFlag },
                        { "showCompareFlag", obj.showCompareFlag },
                        { "expectedValue", obj.expectedValue },
                        { "actualValue", obj.actualValue },
                        { "actualValueEnabled", obj.actualValueEnabled },
                        { "active", obj.active },
                        { "manualRequirement", obj.manualRequirement },
                        { "dueDate", obj.dueDate },
                        { "asOfDate", obj.asOfDate },
                        { "expirationDate", obj.expirationDate },
                        { "sourceCode", obj.sourceCode },
                        { "source", obj.source },
                        { "entityType", obj.entityType },
                        { "initiateProcessId", obj.initiateProcessId },
                        { "processHistoryId", obj.processHistoryId },
                        { "processId", obj.processId },
                        { "stageId", obj.stageId },
                        { "functionId", functionIdTxt },
                        { "processStageFunctionId", processStageFunctionIdTxt },
                        { "deferStageName", obj.deferStageName },
                        { "stageName", obj.stageName },
                        { "stageStatus", obj.stageStatus },
                        { "assignedTo", obj.assignedTo },
                        { "assignedToFullName", obj.assignedToFullName },
                        { "createdBy", obj.createdBy },
                        { "deferToStage", obj.deferToStage },
                        { "comment", obj.comment },
                        { "compareDataType", obj.compareDataType },
                        { "compareFunctionName", obj.compareFunctionName },
                        { "exception", obj.exception },
                        { "complete", obj.complete },
                        { "daysDue", obj.daysDue },
                        { "group", obj.group },
                        { "requireDocument", obj.requireDocument },
                        { "missingDocument", obj.missingDocument },
                        { "requireAsOfDate", obj.requireAsOfDate },
                        { "expirationPeriodDays", obj.expirationPeriodDays },
                        { "priority", obj.priority },
                        { "exceptionFlag", obj.exceptionFlag },
                        { "mitigatingFactors", obj.mitigatingFactors },
                        { "stageType", obj.stageType },
                        { "isAttention", obj.isAttention },
                        { "attentionType", obj.attentionType },
                        { "actionType", typeUpdatedTxt },
                        { "createdDate", obj.createdDate },
                        { "lastModBy", userId },
                        { "lastModByDate", currentDateTime },
                        { "apReqNeededforclosing", obj.apReqNeededforclosing },
                        { "coProcessNeededforclosing", obj.coProcessNeededforclosing },
                        { "isSubjectTo", obj.isSubjectTo },
                        { "isMitigatingFactors", obj.isMitigatingFactors },
                        { "subjectTo", obj.subjectTo },
                        { "loanRequestType", obj.loanRequestType },
                        { "dealId", obj.dealId },
                        { "isSaveComplete", obj.isSaveComplete },
                        { "lastModbyFirstname", obj.lastModbyFirstname },
                        { "lastModbyLastname", obj.lastModbyLastname },
                        { "documentCount", obj.documentCount },
                        { "hardstop", obj.hardstop },
                        { "statusType", obj.statusType },
                        { "frequentlyUsed", obj.frequentlyUsed },
                        { "isTickler", obj.isTickler },
                        { "threadId", obj.threadId },

                    string url      = Config.POST_UPDATED_COMMENTS + notifyDefinitionTxt;
                    var    content1 = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(values), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
                    var    response = await client.PostAsync(url, content1);

                    if (response.StatusCode != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK || response.Content == null)
                        Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async() =>
                            await DisplayAlert("Data Not Sent!!", string.Format("Response contained status code: {0}", response.StatusCode), "OK");
                        var content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                        await ShowMessage("Simon", content, "OK", async() =>
                            await Navigation.PopToRootAsync();

                        //await DisplayAlert("Simon", content, "OK", "Cancel");
                        // the call is awaited
                        //// the execution is stopped here, the next line won't be executed until the user chooses Yes or No
                        //if (yesSelected)  // No compile error, as the result will be bool, since we awaited the Task<bool>
                        //   await Navigation.PopToRootAsync();
                        //{ return; }
            catch (Exception ex)
                await BaseViewModel.ClosePopup();