public GraphicStyleDecorator(BaseShape shape):base() { if (shape == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("shape"); } this.shape = shape; }
public GraphicStyleDecorator(BaseShape shape):base() { if (shape == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("shape"); } this.Shape = shape; Thickness = 1; DashStyle = DashStyle.Solid; }
public static int GetAppropriateLevel(RectangleShape extent, BaseShape shape) { RectangleShape currentBoundingBox = SquaredExtent(extent); RectangleShape shapeBoundingBox = shape.GetBoundingBox(); int level = 0; if (shapeBoundingBox.IsWithin(currentBoundingBox)) { while (true) { level++; RectangleShape upperLeft = GetUpperLeftQuater(currentBoundingBox); RectangleShape uppperRight = GetUpperRightQuater(currentBoundingBox); RectangleShape lowerLeft = GetLowerLeftQuater(currentBoundingBox); RectangleShape lowerRight = GetLowerRightQuater(currentBoundingBox); if (shapeBoundingBox.IsWithin(upperLeft)) { currentBoundingBox = upperLeft; } else if (shapeBoundingBox.IsWithin(uppperRight)) { currentBoundingBox = uppperRight; } else if (shapeBoundingBox.IsWithin(lowerLeft)) { currentBoundingBox = lowerLeft; } else if (shapeBoundingBox.IsWithin(lowerRight)) { currentBoundingBox = lowerRight; } else { break; } } } return level; }
public override void Visit(BaseShape shape) { shape.width = Convert.ToInt32(width); shape.height = Convert.ToInt32(height); }
/// <summary> /// gets the center of the square /// </summary> /// <param name="baseShape">base shape</param> /// <returns>vector of square</returns> public Vector GetCenter(BaseShape baseShape) { var center = new Vector((Canvas.GetLeft(baseShape) + (this.Width / 2)), Canvas.GetTop(baseShape) + (this.Height / 2)); return(center); }
/// <summary> /// visit the vistor with square /// </summary> /// <param name="visitor">the past visitor </param> /// <param name="baseShape">base shape</param> public void Accept(IVisitor visitor, BaseShape baseShape) { visitor.VisitSquare(baseShape); }
/// <summary> /// Draw the Backround <see cref="BaseStyleDecorator"></see> /// </summary> /// <param name="graphics">a valid graphics object</param> /// <param name="shape">the shape to fill</param> /// protected virtual void FillShape (Graphics graphics,BaseShape shape) { if (graphics == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("graphics"); } if (shape == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("shape"); } shape.FillShape(graphics, new SolidFillPattern(this.styleDecorator.BackColor), this.styleDecorator.DisplayRectangle); }
private void SimplifyShapeFile() { var args = new UpdatingTaskProgressEventArgs(TaskState.Updating); var currentSource = (ShapeFileFeatureSource)FeatureSource; if (!currentSource.IsOpen) { currentSource.Open(); } var canceled = false; var shapeFileType = currentSource.GetShapeFileType(); var projectionWkt = Proj4Projection.ConvertProj4ToPrj(DisplayProjectionParameters); var helper = new ShapeFileHelper(shapeFileType, outputPathFileName, currentSource.GetColumns(), projectionWkt); try { helper.ForEachFeatures(currentSource, (f, currentProgress, upperBound, percentage) => { try { if (f.GetWellKnownBinary() != null) { SimplificationType simType = SimplificationType.DouglasPeucker; if (preserveTopology) { simType = SimplificationType.TopologyPreserving; } var shape = f.GetShape(); var areaShape = shape as AreaBaseShape; var lineShape = shape as LineBaseShape; BaseShape simplifiedShape = null; if (areaShape != null) { if (selectedDistanceUnit == "Decimal Degrees") { simplifiedShape = areaShape.Simplify(simplificationTolerance, simType); } else { simplifiedShape = areaShape.Simplify(mapUnit, simplificationTolerance, (DistanceUnit)converter.ConvertBack(selectedDistanceUnit, null, null, null), simType); } } else if (lineShape != null) { if (selectedDistanceUnit == "Decimal Degrees") { simplifiedShape = lineShape.Simplify(simplificationTolerance, simType); } else { simplifiedShape = lineShape.Simplify(mapUnit, simplificationTolerance, (DistanceUnit)converter.ConvertBack(selectedDistanceUnit, null, null, null), simType); } } if (simplifiedShape != null) { Feature feature = new Feature(simplifiedShape); foreach (var item in f.ColumnValues) { feature.ColumnValues[item.Key] = item.Value; } helper.Add(feature); } } args = new UpdatingTaskProgressEventArgs(TaskState.Updating, percentage); args.Current = currentProgress; args.UpperBound = upperBound; OnUpdatingProgress(args); canceled = args.TaskState == TaskState.Canceled; return(canceled); } catch (Exception e) { GisEditor.LoggerManager.Log(LoggerLevel.Debug, e.Message, new ExceptionInfo(e)); return(false); } }); } finally { helper.Commit(); } }
private Connector getTo(BaseShape shp, int tograde) { Connector con = shp.Connectors[0]; string type = shp.DeviceType; if (type == "05") { con = shp.Connectors[2]; shp.Angle = 180; } else if (type == "01") {//母线 if (shapenumdic.ContainsKey(shp)) { shapenumdic[shp]++; } else { shapenumdic.Add(shp, 1); } con = shp.Connectors["bottom" + shapenumdic[shp]]; } else if (type == "56" || type == "57" || type == "58") { if (shapenumdic.ContainsKey(shp)) { shapenumdic[shp]++; } else { shapenumdic.Add(shp, 1); } con = shp.Connectors["bottom" + shapenumdic[shp]]; } else { //if (OddEven.IsEven(tograde)) { // con = shp.Connectors["leftconnector"]; //} else { // con = shp.Connectors["topconnector"]; //} } return con; }
private Connector getForm(BaseShape shp, int tograde) { Connector con = shp.Connectors[0]; string type = shp.DeviceType; if (type == "05") { con = shp.Connectors[3]; } else if (type == "01") {//母线 if (shapenumdic.ContainsKey(shp)) { shapenumdic[shp]++; } else { shapenumdic.Add(shp, 1); } con = shp.Connectors["bottom" + shapenumdic[shp]]; } else if (type == "56" || type == "57" || type == "58") { if (shapenumdicmx.ContainsKey(shp)) { //shapenumdic[shp]++; shapenumdicmx[shp]++; } else { shapenumdicmx.Add(shp, 1); } int n = 5 - shapenumdicmx[shp] + 1; con = shp.Connectors["bottom" + n.ToString()]; } else { //if (OddEven.IsEven(tograde)) { // con = shp.Connectors["rightconnector"]; //} else { // con = shp.Connectors["bottomconnector"]; //} } return con; }
/// <summary> /// Initialize new instance of <see cref="CubicBezierSelection"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="layer">The selection shapes layer.</param> /// <param name="shape">The selected shape.</param> /// <param name="style">The selection shapes style.</param> /// <param name="point">The selection point shape.</param> public CubicBezierSelection(XLayer layer, ICubicBezier shape, ShapeStyle style, BaseShape point) { _layer = layer; _cubicBezier = shape; _style = style; _point = point; }
/// <summary> /// 初始化控件 /// </summary> public void InitControl() { indicators.Clear(); RemoveAll(); if (minuteMode) { AllowDrag = false; DataSource.SetColsCapacity(20); IsMinute = true; AutoFillXScale = true; ScrollAddSpeed = true; XFieldText = "日期"; CanMoveShape = true; LeftYScaleWidth = 80; RightYScaleWidth = 80; XScalePixel = 21; mainDiv = AddChartDiv(70); mainDiv.ShowVGrid = true; MinuteLineMax = 0; MinuteLineMin = 0; mainDiv.LeftYScale.ScaleType = YScaleType.EqualRatio; mainDiv.RightYScale.ScaleType = YScaleType.EqualRatio; mainDiv.Title = "分时线"; mainDiv.XScale.Visible = false; List <double> scaleSteps = new List <double>(); scaleSteps.Add(LbCommon.GetDateNum(1970, 1, 1, 10, 0, 0, 0)); scaleSteps.Add(LbCommon.GetDateNum(1970, 1, 1, 10, 30, 0, 0)); scaleSteps.Add(LbCommon.GetDateNum(1970, 1, 1, 11, 0, 0, 0)); scaleSteps.Add(LbCommon.GetDateNum(1970, 1, 1, 11, 30, 0, 0)); scaleSteps.Add(LbCommon.GetDateNum(1970, 1, 1, 13, 30, 0, 0)); scaleSteps.Add(LbCommon.GetDateNum(1970, 1, 1, 14, 0, 0, 0)); scaleSteps.Add(LbCommon.GetDateNum(1970, 1, 1, 14, 30, 0, 0)); mainDiv.XScale.ScaleSteps = scaleSteps; mainDiv.PaddingBottom = 10; mainDiv.PaddingTop = 10; LineShape lineShape = AddLine("分时线", COLUMN_CLOSE, mainDiv); lineShape.LineColor = Color.White; //成交量 volumeDiv = AddChartDiv(30); volumeDiv.LeftYScale.Distance = 60; volumeDiv.Title = "成交量"; volumeDiv.RightYScale.Distance = 60; volumeDiv.XScale.ScaleSteps = scaleSteps; BarShape barShape = AddBar("成交量", COLUMN_VOLUME, volumeDiv); volumeDiv.XScale.Format = "hh:mm"; barShape.Title = ""; barShape.BarStyle = BarStyle.Line; SetBar("成交量", System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 80), System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 80)); if (!blackOrWhite) { mainDiv.ForeColor = Color.Black; mainDiv.BackColor = Color.White; mainDiv.LeftYScale.TipForeColor = Color.White; mainDiv.RightYScale.TipForeColor = Color.White; volumeDiv.LeftYScale.TipForeColor = Color.White; volumeDiv.RightYScale.TipForeColor = Color.White; volumeDiv.XScale.TipForeColor = Color.White; volumeDiv.BackColor = Color.White; mainDiv.BorderColor = Color.Black; volumeDiv.BorderColor = Color.Black; macdDiv.BorderColor = Color.Black; mainDiv.LeftYScale.ForeColor = Color.Black; mainDiv.RightYScale.ForeColor = Color.Black; mainDiv.LeftYScale.ScaleColor = Color.Black; mainDiv.RightYScale.ScaleColor = Color.Black; volumeDiv.LeftYScale.ForeColor = Color.Black; volumeDiv.RightYScale.ForeColor = Color.Black; volumeDiv.LeftYScale.ScaleColor = Color.Black; volumeDiv.RightYScale.ScaleColor = Color.Black; mainDiv.GridColor = Color.Black; volumeDiv.GridColor = Color.Black; lineShape.LineColor = Color.Black; barShape.UpColor = Color.Black; barShape.DownColor = Color.Black; volumeDiv.XScale.ForeColor = Color.Black; volumeDiv.XScale.ScaleColor = Color.Black; } } else { AllowDrag = true; DataSource.SetColsCapacity(20); IsMinute = false; AutoFillXScale = false; ScrollAddSpeed = true; XFieldText = "日期"; CanMoveShape = true; LeftYScaleWidth = 80; RightYScaleWidth = 80; XScalePixel = 11; mainDiv = AddChartDiv(60); mainDiv.Title = "日线"; mainDiv.XScale.Visible = false; mainDiv.PaddingBottom = 10; mainDiv.PaddingTop = 10; //mainDiv.LeftYScale.System = VScaleSystem.Logarithmic; mainDiv.RightYScale.ScaleType = YScaleType.Percent; CandleShape candleShape = AddCandle("K线", COLUMN_OPEN, COLUMN_HIGH, COLUMN_LOW, COLUMN_CLOSE, mainDiv); candleShape.UpColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 80, 80); candleShape.DownColor = Color.FromArgb(80, 255, 255); candleShape.CandleStyle = CandleStyle.CloseLine; candleShape.StyleField = CTableEx.AutoField; candleShape.ColorField = CTableEx.AutoField; dataSource.AddColumn(candleShape.StyleField); dataSource.AddColumn(candleShape.ColorField); IndicatorMovingAverage indBoll = (IndicatorMovingAverage)AddIndicator("MA"); indBoll.SetParam(COLUMN_CLOSE, mainDiv); //成交量 volumeDiv = AddChartDiv(15); volumeDiv.XScale.Visible = false; volumeDiv.LeftYScale.Magnitude = 10000; volumeDiv.RightYScale.Magnitude = 10000; volumeDiv.LeftYScale.Digit = 0; volumeDiv.RightYScale.Digit = 0; BarShape barShape = AddBar("成交量", COLUMN_VOLUME, volumeDiv); barShape.Title = "成交量"; barShape.BarStyle = BarStyle.Bar; barShape.Digit = 0; barShape.StyleField = CTableEx.AutoField; barShape.ColorField = CTableEx.AutoField; dataSource.AddColumn(barShape.StyleField); dataSource.AddColumn(barShape.ColorField); SetBar("成交量", System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 80), System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(125, 206, 235)); macdDiv = AddChartDiv(25); macdDiv.XScale.Format = "hh:mm"; div2Indicator = ChangeIndicator(indicatorName); indicators.Add(indBoll); indicators.Add(div2Indicator); if (!blackOrWhite) { mainDiv.LeftYScale.TipForeColor = Color.White; mainDiv.RightYScale.TipForeColor = Color.White; volumeDiv.LeftYScale.TipForeColor = Color.White; volumeDiv.RightYScale.TipForeColor = Color.White; mainDiv.ForeColor = Color.Black; mainDiv.BackColor = Color.White; volumeDiv.BackColor = Color.White; macdDiv.BackColor = Color.White; mainDiv.BorderColor = Color.Black; volumeDiv.BorderColor = Color.Black; macdDiv.BorderColor = Color.Black; mainDiv.LeftYScale.ForeColor = Color.Black; mainDiv.RightYScale.ForeColor = Color.Black; mainDiv.LeftYScale.ScaleColor = Color.Black; mainDiv.RightYScale.ScaleColor = Color.Black; volumeDiv.LeftYScale.ForeColor = Color.Black; volumeDiv.RightYScale.ForeColor = Color.Black; volumeDiv.LeftYScale.ScaleColor = Color.Black; volumeDiv.RightYScale.ScaleColor = Color.Black; macdDiv.LeftYScale.ForeColor = Color.Black; macdDiv.RightYScale.ForeColor = Color.Black; macdDiv.LeftYScale.ScaleColor = Color.Black; macdDiv.RightYScale.ScaleColor = Color.Black; macdDiv.XScale.ForeColor = Color.Black; macdDiv.XScale.ScaleColor = Color.Black; mainDiv.GridColor = Color.Black; volumeDiv.GridColor = Color.Black; macdDiv.GridColor = Color.Black; candleShape.UpColor = Color.Black; candleShape.DownColor = Color.Black; barShape.UpColor = Color.Black; barShape.DownColor = Color.Black; candleShape.HighTitleColor = Color.Black; candleShape.LowTitleColor = Color.Black; candleShape.CloseTitleColor = Color.Black; candleShape.OpenTitleColor = Color.Black; List <BaseShape> shapes = indBoll.GetShapeList(); for (int i = 0; i < shapes.Count; i++) { BaseShape bShape = shapes[i] as BaseShape; if (bShape is BarShape) { (bShape as BarShape).DownColor = Color.Black; (bShape as BarShape).UpColor = Color.Black; } else if (bShape is LineShape) { (bShape as LineShape).LineColor = Color.Black; } } } } }
public static void DoTick() { if (playing) { DrawNextShape(); if (CheckCol() == false && (_yOffset * _bs < _height * _bs - (_actualShape.GetHeight() * _bs))) { _yOffset = _yOffset + 1; } else { bool[,] tmp = _actualShape.GetMatrix(); for (int i = 0; i < _width; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < _height; j++) { if ((i < 4 && j < 4) && tmp[i, j] == true) { _collisionBox[i + _xOffset, j + _yOffset] = true; } } } ScoreDlg(CountScore()); _xOffset = 0; _yOffset = 0; _actualShape = _nextShape; GetNextShape(); } } }
public override void OnCollision(BaseShape other) { // Do nothing }
private static void GetNextShape() { Random rnd = new Random(); int brick = rnd.Next(_brickTypeNum); for(int i=0; i < DateTime.Now.Second; i++) brick = rnd.Next(_brickTypeNum); _nextShape = ShapeQueue.GetShape(brick); DrawNextShape(); }
public static void StartGame() { // Create actual shape Random rnd = new Random(); int brick = rnd.Next(_brickTypeNum); _actualShape = ShapeQueue.GetShape(brick); // Init playing = true; _collisionBox = new bool[_width, _height]; _xOffset = 0; _yOffset = 0; GetNextShape(); // for shape preview DrawShape(); // draw actual shape before first tick }
public static void LoadGame(string fileName) { string[] getLines = File.ReadAllLines(fileName); string[] tmpArr = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(getLines[0])).Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < _height; i++) { string[] getData = tmpArr[i].Split(';'); for (int j = 0; j < _width; j++) { _collisionBox[j, i] = Convert.ToBoolean(getData[j]); } } _actualShape = ShapeQueue.GetShape(Int32.Parse(getLines[1])); _xOffset = Int32.Parse(getLines[2]); _yOffset = Int32.Parse(getLines[3]); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (_needRestart) { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R)) { InitialMap(); _currentShape = null; _needRestart = false; } else { return; } } if (_currentShape == null) { _currentDownList.Clear(); _currentShape = _nextOnesList[0]; _currentDownColor = _currentShape.ShapeColor; _currentDownList = _currentShape.GetMapDownSquareListByOrigin(_currentShape.StartOffSet); _currentShapeOrigin = _currentShape.StartOffSet; //产生一个新的图形来补充到接下来的图形列表当中 _nextOnesList.RemoveAt(0); BaseShape bs = ShapeManager.Instance.GetNextShape(); bs.ResetStartShapeAndColor(); _nextOnesList.Add(bs); //刷新接下来图形的显示界面 //将所有的接下来形状显示区域刷新为黑色 for (int i = 0; i < _nextOnesSquareList.Count; i++) { _nextOnesSquareList[i].GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color =; } //将每一个接下来图形显示出来 for (int index = 0; index < 4; index++) { List <Vector2> shapeList = _nextOnesList[index].GetMapDownSquareListByOrigin(; for (int i = 0; i < shapeList.Count; i++) { GetNextSquareByIndex(index, (int)shapeList[i].x, (int)shapeList[i].y).GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = _nextOnesList[index].ShapeColor; } } for (int i = 0; i < _currentDownList.Count; i++) { if ((int)_currentDownList[i].x >= 0) { if (CheckValidByIndex((int)_currentDownList[i].x, (int)_currentDownList[i].y)) { GetSquareByIndex((int)_currentDownList[i].x, (int)_currentDownList[i].y).SetActive(true); GetSquareByIndex((int)_currentDownList[i].x, (int)_currentDownList[i].y).GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = _currentDownColor; } else { Debug.Log("Game Over"); UIManager.Instance.GameMessageText.text = "Game Over"; _needRestart = true; return; } } } _fallDownTimeAccumulation = 0f; } else { _fallDownTimeAccumulation += Time.deltaTime; if (_fallDownTimeAccumulation > _fallDownTimeLimit) { _fallDownTimeAccumulation -= _fallDownTimeLimit; //检查碰撞 if (!CheckDownMove()) { //将已落下的方块稳定下来,重新生成另外一个方块 for (int i = 0; i < _currentDownList.Count; i++) { if ((int)_currentDownList [i].x >= 0) { _stableMatrix [(int)_currentDownList [i].x, (int)_currentDownList [i].y] = true; } } //重置参数 _fallDownTimeAccumulation = 0f; _currentShape = null; //消除填满的格子 //检查已经填满的行 _fullRowIndexList.Clear(); for (int i = MAP_ROW_COUNT - 1; i >= 0; i--) { bool isFull = true; for (int j = 0; j < MAP_COL_COUNT; j++) { if (!_stableMatrix[i, j]) { isFull = false; break; } } if (isFull) { //消除满行 for (int j = 0; j < MAP_COL_COUNT; j++) { _stableMatrix [i, j] = false; // Sequence sequence = DOTween.Sequence(); // sequence.AppendCallback(()=>{ // GetSquareByIndex (i, j).transform.DOScale(0, 1.3f); // }); // sequence.AppendInterval(1.3f); // sequence.AppendCallback(()=>{ // GetSquareByIndex (i, j).transform.localScale =; // }); // sequence.Play(); GetSquareByIndex(i, j).SetActive(false); } _fullRowIndexList.Add(i); } } //如果有满行,执行清除动作 if (_fullRowIndexList.Count > 0) { //找到当前棋盘的山顶 int summit; for (summit = 0; summit < MAP_ROW_COUNT; summit++) { bool isSummit = false; for (int j = 0; j < MAP_COL_COUNT; j++) { if (_stableMatrix [summit, j]) { isSummit = true; break; } } if (isSummit) { break; } } int fullRowIndex = 0; for (int row = MAP_ROW_COUNT - 1; row >= summit; row--) { while (fullRowIndex < _fullRowIndexList.Count && row == _fullRowIndexList[fullRowIndex]) { row--; fullRowIndex++; } if (fullRowIndex > 0) { for (int col = 0; col < MAP_COL_COUNT; col++) { _stableMatrix[row + fullRowIndex, col] = _stableMatrix[row, col]; GetSquareByIndex(row + fullRowIndex, col).SetActive(_stableMatrix [row + fullRowIndex, col]); if (_stableMatrix[row, col]) { GetSquareByIndex(row + fullRowIndex, col).GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = GetSquareByIndex(row, col).GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color; } //将当前行清空 _stableMatrix[row, col] = false; GetSquareByIndex(row, col).SetActive(false); } } } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < _currentDownList.Count; i++) { //隐藏之前的位置 if ((int)_currentDownList[i].x >= 0) { GetSquareByIndex((int)_currentDownList[i].x, (int)_currentDownList[i].y).SetActive(false); } //下落一格子 _currentDownList [i] = new Vector2(_currentDownList[i].x + 1, _currentDownList[i].y); } _currentShapeOrigin += new Vector2(1, 0); //重新显示下降的方块 for (int i = 0; i < _currentDownList.Count; i++) { if ((int)_currentDownList[i].x >= 0) { GetSquareByIndex((int)_currentDownList[i].x, (int)_currentDownList[i].y).SetActive(true); GetSquareByIndex((int)_currentDownList[i].x, (int)_currentDownList[i].y).GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = _currentDownColor; } } } } } //玩家输入 //向左移动 if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftArrow) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.A)) { MoveLeft(); _leftTimeAccumulation = 0f; } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftArrow) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A)) { _leftTimeAccumulation += Time.deltaTime; if (_leftTimeAccumulation > _horizonTimeLimit) { _leftTimeAccumulation -= _horizonTimeLimit; MoveLeft(); } } //向右移动 if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.RightArrow) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.D)) { MoveRight(); _rightTimeAccumulation = 0f; } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightArrow) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.D)) { _rightTimeAccumulation += Time.deltaTime; if (_rightTimeAccumulation > _horizonTimeLimit) { _rightTimeAccumulation -= _horizonTimeLimit; MoveRight(); } } //加速下降 if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.DownArrow)) { //找到最后的位置,直接落下 int downCount = 0; while (CheckDownMove(downCount)) { downCount++; } downCount--; if (downCount > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < _currentDownList.Count; i++) { if ((int)_currentDownList [i].x >= 0) { GetSquareByIndex((int)_currentDownList [i].x, (int)_currentDownList [i].y).SetActive(false); } _currentDownList [i] = new Vector2(_currentDownList [i].x + downCount, _currentDownList [i].y); } //重新显示方块 for (int i = 0; i < _currentDownList.Count; i++) { if ((int)_currentDownList[i].x >= 0) { GetSquareByIndex((int)_currentDownList[i].x, (int)_currentDownList[i].y).SetActive(true); GetSquareByIndex((int)_currentDownList[i].x, (int)_currentDownList[i].y).GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = _currentDownColor; } } _currentShapeOrigin += new Vector2(downCount, 0); _fallDownTimeAccumulation = 0f; } } //变形 if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.W) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.UpArrow)) { //按照一定形状将下落的方块变形,如果不能变形,则没有效果 // _currentShape.GetSwiftShapeMatrix(); List <Vector2> tempList = _currentShape.GetSwiftDownSquareListByOrigin(_currentShapeOrigin); bool isValidSwift = true; for (int i = 0; i < tempList.Count; i++) { if (!CheckValidByIndex((int)tempList[i].x, (int)tempList[i].y)) { isValidSwift = false; break; } } if (isValidSwift) { //隐藏原来的 for (int i = 0; i < _currentDownList.Count; i++) { if ((int)_currentDownList [i].x >= 0) { GetSquareByIndex((int)_currentDownList [i].x, (int)_currentDownList [i].y).SetActive(false); } } _currentShape.Swift(); _currentDownList = _currentShape.GetMapDownSquareListByOrigin(_currentShapeOrigin); //显示变形之后的下落方块 for (int i = 0; i < _currentDownList.Count; i++) { if ((int)_currentDownList [i].x >= 0) { GetSquareByIndex((int)_currentDownList [i].x, (int)_currentDownList [i].y).SetActive(true); GetSquareByIndex((int)_currentDownList[i].x, (int)_currentDownList[i].y).GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = _currentDownColor; } } } } }
public void Visit(BaseShape shape) { WriteToFile(shape); }
private static OrchShape CreateOrchShape(BaseShape bc) { OrchShape os = null; var data = bc.Relationship as XLANGView.TrkMetadata; if (data != null) { os = new OrchShape { Text = bc.Text, Id = data.ShapeID }; var selRect = new Rectangle( bc.DesignSurfaceClientLocation.X - 5, bc.DesignSurfaceClientLocation.Y - 7, bc.Width, bc.Height); os.SelectionArea = new SelectionArea( selRect.X, selRect.Y, selRect.Width, selRect.Height); switch (bc.GetType().ToString()) { case "Microsoft.VisualStudio.EFT.SendShape": os.ShapeType = ShapeType.SendShape; break; case "Microsoft.VisualStudio.EFT.ReceiveShape": os.ShapeType = ShapeType.ReceiveShape; break; case "Microsoft.VisualStudio.EFT.VariableAssignmentShape": os.ShapeType = ShapeType.VariableAssignment; break; case "Microsoft.VisualStudio.EFT.MessageAssignmentShape": os.ShapeType = ShapeType.MessageAssignment; break; } } return os; }
public void AddInputShape(BaseShape shape) { AddInputShapeCore(shape); }
public static ulong GetLocation(RectangleShape extent, BaseShape shape, int level) { RectangleShape extentBoundingBox = SquaredExtent(extent); RectangleShape shapeBoundingBox = shape.GetBoundingBox(); ulong location = 1; if (shapeBoundingBox.IsWithin(extentBoundingBox)) { int currentlevel = 1; while (currentlevel < level) { RectangleShape upperLeft = GetUpperLeftQuater(extentBoundingBox); RectangleShape uppperRight = GetUpperRightQuater(extentBoundingBox); RectangleShape lowerLeft = GetLowerLeftQuater(extentBoundingBox); RectangleShape lowerRight = GetLowerRightQuater(extentBoundingBox); if (shapeBoundingBox.IsWithin(upperLeft)) { location = (location << 1) | 1; currentlevel++; extentBoundingBox = upperLeft; } else if (shapeBoundingBox.IsWithin(uppperRight)) { location = (location << 2) | 1; currentlevel++; extentBoundingBox = uppperRight; } else if (shapeBoundingBox.IsWithin(lowerLeft)) { location = (location << 3) | 1; currentlevel++; extentBoundingBox = lowerLeft; } else if (shapeBoundingBox.IsWithin(lowerRight)) { location = (location << 4) | 1; currentlevel++; extentBoundingBox = lowerRight; } else { break; } } } return location; }
public static bool TryToDelete(ILayerContainer container, IEnumerable <PathShape> paths, BaseShape shape) { foreach (var path in paths) { foreach (var figure in path.Figures) { if (figure.Shapes.Contains(shape)) { figure.Shapes.Remove(shape); figure.MarkAsDirty(true); if (figure.Shapes.Count <= 0) { path.Figures.Remove(figure); path.MarkAsDirty(true); if (path.Figures.Count <= 0) { container.Shapes.Remove(path); } } return(true); } } } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// 添加指标公式 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> public BaseIndicator ChangeIndicator(String text) { indicatorName = text; BaseIndicator indicator = AddIndicator(text); if (div2Indicator != null) { DeleteIndicator(div2Indicator); switch (text) { case "ASI": (indicator as IndicatorAccumulationSwingIndex).SetParam(COLUMN_OPEN, COLUMN_CLOSE, COLUMN_HIGH, COLUMN_LOW, 6, macdDiv); break; case "ADTM": (indicator as IndicatorADTM).SetParam(COLUMN_OPEN, COLUMN_HIGH, COLUMN_LOW, 23, 8, macdDiv); break; case "ATR": (indicator as IndicatorAverageTrueRange).SetParam(COLUMN_HIGH, COLUMN_LOW, 14, macdDiv); break; case "BBI": (indicator as IndicatorBullandBearIndex).SetParam(COLUMN_CLOSE, 3, 6, 12, 24, macdDiv); break; case "BIAS": (indicator as IndicatorBIAS).SetParam(COLUMN_CLOSE, 6, macdDiv); break; case "BOLL": (indicator as IndicatorBollingerBands).SetParam(COLUMN_CLOSE, 20, 2, macdDiv); break; case "CCI": (indicator as IndicatorCommodityChannelIndex).SetParam(COLUMN_CLOSE, COLUMN_HIGH, COLUMN_LOW, 14, macdDiv); break; case "CHAIKIN": (indicator as IndicatorChaikinOscillator).SetParam(COLUMN_CLOSE, COLUMN_HIGH, COLUMN_LOW, COLUMN_VOLUME, 10, 20, 6, macdDiv); break; case "DDI": (indicator as IndicatorDirectionDeviationIndex).SetParam(COLUMN_HIGH, COLUMN_LOW, 13, 30, 10, 5, macdDiv); break; case "DMA": (indicator as IndicatorDifferentOfMovingAverage).SetParam(COLUMN_CLOSE, 10, 50, 10, macdDiv); break; case "DMI": (indicator as IndicatorDirectionalMovementIndex).SetParam(COLUMN_CLOSE, COLUMN_HIGH, COLUMN_LOW, 14, 6, macdDiv); break; case "DPO": (indicator as IndicatorDetrendedPriceOscillator).SetParam(COLUMN_CLOSE, 20, 11, 6, macdDiv); break; case "EMA": (indicator as IndicatorExponentialMovingAverage).SetParam(COLUMN_CLOSE, 5, macdDiv); break; case "KDJ": (indicator as IndicatorStochasticOscillator).SetParam(COLUMN_CLOSE, COLUMN_HIGH, COLUMN_LOW, 9, 3, 3, macdDiv); break; case "LWR": (indicator as IndicatorLWR).SetParam(COLUMN_CLOSE, COLUMN_HIGH, COLUMN_LOW, 9, 3, 3, macdDiv); break; case "MACD": (indicator as IndicatorMACD).SetParam(COLUMN_CLOSE, 12, 26, 9, macdDiv); break; case "MASS": (indicator as IndicatorMassIndex).SetParam(COLUMN_HIGH, COLUMN_LOW, 25, 9, macdDiv); break; case "MTM": (indicator as IndicatorMomentumIndex).SetParam(COLUMN_CLOSE, 12, 6, macdDiv); break; case "NVI": (indicator as IndicatorNegativeVolumeIndex).SetParam(COLUMN_VOLUME, COLUMN_CLOSE, 72, macdDiv); break; case "OBV": (indicator as IndicatorOnBalanceVolume).SetParam(COLUMN_CLOSE, COLUMN_VOLUME, macdDiv); break; case "OSC": (indicator as IndicatorOscillator).SetParam(COLUMN_CLOSE, 10, 6, macdDiv); break; case "PBX": (indicator as IndicatorPBX).SetParam(COLUMN_CLOSE, 4, macdDiv); break; case "PSY": (indicator as IndicatorPsychologicalLine).SetParam(COLUMN_CLOSE, 12, macdDiv); break; case "PVI": (indicator as IndicatorPositiveVolumeIndex).SetParam(COLUMN_VOLUME, COLUMN_CLOSE, 72, macdDiv); break; case "ROC": (indicator as IndicatorRateOfChange).SetParam(COLUMN_CLOSE, 12, 6, macdDiv); break; case "RSI": (indicator as IndicatorRelativeStrengthIndex).SetParam(COLUMN_CLOSE, 6, macdDiv); break; case "SAR": (indicator as IndicatorStopAndReveres).SetParam(COLUMN_HIGH, COLUMN_LOW, 4, 2, 20, macdDiv); break; case "SD": (indicator as IndicatorStandardDeviation).SetParam(COLUMN_CLOSE, 14, 2, macdDiv); break; case "SLOWKD": (indicator as IndicatorSlowStochasticOscillator).SetParam(COLUMN_CLOSE, COLUMN_HIGH, COLUMN_LOW, 9, 3, 3, 3, macdDiv); break; case "MA": (indicator as IndicatorMovingAverage).SetParam(COLUMN_CLOSE, macdDiv); break; case "SMA": (indicator as IndicatorSimpleMovingAverage).SetParam(COLUMN_CLOSE, 5, 1, macdDiv); break; case "TRIX": (indicator as IndicatorTripleExponentiallySmoothedMovingAverage).SetParam(COLUMN_CLOSE, 12, 12, macdDiv); break; case "VR": (indicator as IndicatorVolumeRatio).SetParam(COLUMN_CLOSE, COLUMN_VOLUME, 26, 6, macdDiv); break; case "WR": (indicator as IndicatorWilliamsAndRate).SetParam(COLUMN_CLOSE, COLUMN_HIGH, COLUMN_LOW, 10, macdDiv); break; case "WVAD": (indicator as IndicatorWVAD).SetParam(COLUMN_VOLUME, COLUMN_CLOSE, COLUMN_HIGH, COLUMN_LOW, COLUMN_OPEN, 24, 6, macdDiv); break; } indicators.Remove(indicator); div2Indicator = indicator; indicators.Add(div2Indicator); div2Indicator.OnCalculate(0); RefreshGraph(); } if (!blackOrWhite) { List <BaseShape> shapes = indicator.GetShapeList(); for (int i = 0; i < shapes.Count; i++) { BaseShape bShape = shapes[i] as BaseShape; if (bShape is BarShape) { (bShape as BarShape).DownColor = Color.Black; (bShape as BarShape).UpColor = Color.Black; } else if (bShape is LineShape) { (bShape as LineShape).LineColor = Color.Black; } } } return(indicator); }
public LineDecorator(BaseShape shape) : base(shape) { }
/// <summary> /// the visitor method for Triangle /// </summary> /// <param name="visitor">the past visitor</param> /// <param name="baseShape">base shape</param> public void Accept(IVisitor visitor, BaseShape baseShape) { visitor.VisitTriangle(baseShape); }
/// <summary> /// Visitor Function for line /// </summary> /// <param name="line">Selected Shape</param> public void VisitLine(BaseShape line) { MainWindow.AppWindow.RemoveShape(line); }
protected abstract void AddInputShapeCore(BaseShape shape);
/// <summary> /// Visitor Function for square /// </summary> /// <param name="square">Selected Shape</param> public void VisitSquare(BaseShape square) { MainWindow.AppWindow.RemoveShape(square); }
public static bool TryToDelete(ILayerContainer container, IEnumerable <GroupShape> groups, BaseShape shape) { foreach (var group in groups) { if (group.Shapes.Contains(shape)) { group.Shapes.Remove(shape); group.MarkAsDirty(true); if (group.Shapes.Count <= 0) { container.Shapes.Remove(group); } return(true); } } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Visitor Function for triangle /// </summary> /// <param name="triangle">Selected Shape</param> public void VisitTriangle(BaseShape triangle) { MainWindow.AppWindow.RemoveShape(triangle); }
private void SimplifyAllFeatures() { UpdatingTaskProgressEventArgs args = null; var features = GetFeaturesFromTempFile().ToArray(); int index = 1; int count = features.Count(); SimplificationType simType = SimplificationType.DouglasPeucker; if (preserveTopology) { simType = SimplificationType.TopologyPreserving; } Collection <Feature> simplifiedFeatures = new Collection <Feature>(); foreach (Feature feature in features) { try { var shape = feature.GetShape(); var areaShape = shape as AreaBaseShape; var lineShape = shape as LineBaseShape; BaseShape simplifiedShape = null; if (areaShape != null) { if (selectedDistanceUnit == "Decimal Degrees") { simplifiedShape = areaShape.Simplify(simplificationTolerance, simType); } else { simplifiedShape = areaShape.Simplify(mapUnit, simplificationTolerance, (DistanceUnit)converter.ConvertBack(selectedDistanceUnit, null, null, null), simType); } } else if (lineShape != null) { if (selectedDistanceUnit == "Decimal Degrees") { simplifiedShape = lineShape.Simplify(simplificationTolerance, simType); } else { simplifiedShape = lineShape.Simplify(mapUnit, simplificationTolerance, (DistanceUnit)converter.ConvertBack(selectedDistanceUnit, null, null, null), simType); } } if (simplifiedShape != null) { Feature newFeature = new Feature(simplifiedShape.GetWellKnownBinary(), feature.Id, feature.ColumnValues); newFeature.Tag = feature.Tag; simplifiedFeatures.Add(newFeature); } } catch (Exception ex) { args = new UpdatingTaskProgressEventArgs(TaskState.Error); args.Message = feature.Id; args.Error = new ExceptionInfo(ex.Message, ex.StackTrace, ex.Source); GisEditor.LoggerManager.Log(LoggerLevel.Debug, ex.Message, new ExceptionInfo(ex)); OnUpdatingProgress(args); continue; } var progressPercentage = index * 100 / count; args = new UpdatingTaskProgressEventArgs(TaskState.Updating, progressPercentage); args.Current = index; args.UpperBound = count; OnUpdatingProgress(args); isCanceled = args.TaskState == TaskState.Canceled; if (isCanceled) { break; } index++; } if (!isCanceled) { args = new UpdatingTaskProgressEventArgs(TaskState.Updating); args.Message = "Creating File"; OnUpdatingProgress(args); FileExportInfo info = new FileExportInfo(simplifiedFeatures, GetColumns(), outputPathFileName, displayProjectionParameters); Export(info); } //args = new UpdatingProgressLongRunningTaskPluginEventArgs(LongRunningTaskState.Completed); //args.Message = "Finished"; //OnUpdatingProgress(args); }
/// <summary> /// Visitor Function for ellipse /// </summary> /// <param name="ellipse">Selected Shape</param> public void VisitEllipse(BaseShape ellipse) { MainWindow.AppWindow.RemoveShape(ellipse); }
/// <summary> /// gets the string of the square /// </summary> /// <param name="baseShape">base shape</param> /// <returns>the string of square</returns> public string GetString(BaseShape baseShape) { return($"Rectangle {Canvas.GetLeft(baseShape)} {Canvas.GetTop(baseShape)} {Width} {Height}"); }
public abstract PointShape TryToGetPoint(BaseShape shape, Point2 target, double radius, IHitTest hitTest);
/// <summary> /// 判断顺序,Line,Circle,Arc ,Ellipse,返回交点,不存在则交点为0,不存在判断则返回null /// </summary> /// <param name="bsOne"></param> /// <param name="bsTwo"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected List <PointF> intersect(BaseShape bsOne, BaseShape bsTwo) { listPoint.Clear(); #region Line和其他线的交点,Line,Circle,Arc,Ellipse if ("Line".Equals(bsOne.ShapeClass) && "Line".Equals(bsTwo.ShapeClass)) { lineWithLine((Line)bsOne, (Line)bsTwo); return(listPoint); } else if ("Line".Equals(bsOne.ShapeClass) && "Circle".Equals(bsTwo.ShapeClass)) { lineWithCircle((Line)bsOne, (Circle)bsTwo); return(listPoint); } else if ("Line".Equals(bsOne.ShapeClass) && "Arc".Equals(bsTwo.ShapeClass)) { lineWithArc((Line)bsOne, (Arc)bsTwo); return(listPoint); } else if ("Line".Equals(bsOne.ShapeClass) && "Ellipse".Equals(bsTwo.ShapeClass) && ((Ellipse)bsTwo).Complete) { lineWithEllipse((Line)bsOne, (Ellipse)bsTwo); return(listPoint); } else if ("Line".Equals(bsOne.ShapeClass) && "Ellipse".Equals(bsTwo.ShapeClass) && !((Ellipse)bsTwo).Complete) { lineWithEllipseArc((Line)bsOne, (Ellipse)bsTwo); return(listPoint); } #endregion #region Circle 和其他线的交点 ,Circle,Arc,Ellipse else if ("Circle".Equals(bsOne.ShapeClass) && "Circle".Equals(bsTwo.ShapeClass)) { circleWithCircle((Circle)bsOne, (Circle)bsTwo); return(listPoint); } else if ("Circle".Equals(bsOne.ShapeClass) && "Arc".Equals(bsTwo.ShapeClass)) { circleWithArc((Circle)bsOne, (Arc)bsTwo); return(listPoint); } else if ("Circle".Equals(bsOne.ShapeClass) && "Ellipse".Equals(bsTwo.ShapeClass) && ((Ellipse)bsTwo).Complete) { circleWithEllipse((Circle)bsOne, (Ellipse)bsTwo); return(listPoint); } else if ("Circle".Equals(bsOne.ShapeClass) && "Ellipse".Equals(bsTwo.ShapeClass) && !((Ellipse)bsTwo).Complete) { return(circleWithEllipseArc((Circle)bsOne, (Ellipse)bsTwo)); } #endregion #region Arc 和其他线的交点 ,Arc,Ellipse else if ("Arc".Equals(bsOne.ShapeClass) && "Arc".Equals(bsTwo.ShapeClass)) { arcWithArc((Arc)bsOne, (Arc)bsTwo); return(listPoint); } else if ("Arc".Equals(bsOne.ShapeClass) && "Ellipse".Equals(bsTwo.ShapeClass) && ((Ellipse)bsTwo).Complete) { return(arcWithEllipse((Arc)bsOne, (Ellipse)bsTwo)); } else if ("Arc".Equals(bsOne.ShapeClass) && "Ellipse".Equals(bsTwo.ShapeClass) && !((Ellipse)bsTwo).Complete) { return(arcWithEllipseArc((Arc)bsOne, (Ellipse)bsTwo)); } #endregion #region Ellipse 和其他线的交点 Ellipse else if ("Ellipse".Equals(bsOne.ShapeClass) && ((Ellipse)bsOne).Complete && "Ellipse".Equals(bsTwo.ShapeClass) && ((Ellipse)bsTwo).Complete) { return(ellipseWithEllipse((Ellipse)bsOne, (Ellipse)bsTwo)); } else if ("Ellipse".Equals(bsOne.ShapeClass) && ((Ellipse)bsOne).Complete && "Ellipse".Equals(bsTwo.ShapeClass) && !((Ellipse)bsTwo).Complete) { return(ellipseWithEllipseArc((Ellipse)bsOne, (Ellipse)bsTwo)); } #endregion #region Ellipse 和其他线的交点 Ellipse else if ("Ellipse".Equals(bsOne.ShapeClass) && !((Ellipse)bsOne).Complete && "Ellipse".Equals(bsTwo.ShapeClass) && !((Ellipse)bsTwo).Complete) { return(ellipseArcWithEllipseArc((Ellipse)bsOne, (Ellipse)bsTwo)); } #endregion else { //不属于上述类型的相交判断时返回null值 return(null); } }
public abstract BaseShape Contains(BaseShape shape, Point2 target, double radius, IHitTest hitTest);
/// <inheritdoc/> public override void Move(BaseShape shape) { base.Move(shape); _selection.Move(); }
public abstract BaseShape Overlaps(BaseShape shape, Rect2 target, double radius, IHitTest hitTest);
protected void OnQueryAreaChanged(BaseShape queringArea) { EventHandler<QueryAreaChangedMapModelEventArgs> handler = QueryAreaChanged; if (handler != null) handler(this, new QueryAreaChangedMapModelEventArgs(new Feature(queringArea))); }
public override void Draw(object dc, ShapeRenderer renderer, BaseShape shape, ISelection selection, double dx, double dy) { }
private static void GetSelectionAreas(Graphics g, BaseShape shape, OrchestrationOverviewImage orchestration) { try { foreach (BaseShape bc in shape.Shapes) { if (bc is ReceiveShape || bc is SendShape || bc is MessageAssignmentShape || bc is VariableAssignmentShape) { OrchShape os = CreateOrchShape(bc); if (os != null) { if (orchestration.ShapeMap != null) { orchestration.ShapeMap.Add(os); } //if (drawHotspots) //{ // DrawDebugRect(g, os.SelectionArea.GetRectangle()); //} } } GetSelectionAreas(g, bc, orchestration); } } catch (Exception ex) { string message = ex.Message; } }
public override void Visit(BaseShape shape) { WriteToFile(shape); }
public static Collection<QuadCell> GetIntersectingCells(RectangleShape extent, BaseShape shape, int startLevel, int endLevel) { RectangleShape extentBoundingBox = SquaredExtent(extent); RectangleShape shapeBoundingBox = shape.GetBoundingBox(); Collection<QuadCell> result = new Collection<QuadCell>(); if (shapeBoundingBox.Intersects(extentBoundingBox)) { ulong location = GetLocation(extentBoundingBox, shape, int.MaxValue); ulong reversedResult = Reverse(location); ulong temporaryValue = reversedResult; temporaryValue >>= 1; int locationLength = GetLevelsCount(temporaryValue); if (startLevel <= locationLength) { int index = startLevel; while (index <= endLevel) { ulong temporaryLocation = temporaryValue; if (index <= locationLength) { MovePositionByIndex(ref temporaryLocation, index); if (locationLength > 1) { result.Add(GetCellByLocation(extentBoundingBox, temporaryLocation)); } else { result.Add(GetCellByLocation(extentBoundingBox, 0)); } } index++; } } if (endLevel > locationLength) { Queue<ulong> locationsToProcess = new Queue<ulong>(); locationsToProcess.Enqueue(location); while (locationsToProcess.Count > 0) { ulong currentLocation = locationsToProcess.Dequeue(); for (int k = 1; k <= 4; k++) { ulong newLocation = (currentLocation << k) | 1; result.Add(GetCellByLocation(extentBoundingBox, newLocation)); int newLocationsCount = GetLevelsCount(newLocation); if (newLocationsCount < endLevel) { locationsToProcess.Enqueue(newLocation); } } } } } //if (result.Count == 0) //{ // result.Add(GetCellByLocation(extentBoundingBox, "01")); // result.Add(GetCellByLocation(extentBoundingBox, "02")); // result.Add(GetCellByLocation(extentBoundingBox, "03")); // result.Add(GetCellByLocation(extentBoundingBox, "04")); //} return result; }
public abstract void Find(IToolContext context, BaseShape shape);
private void createconnect(BaseShape preshape, BaseShape shape,int level) { int mod = level % 2; Connector confrom = preshape.Connectors[3]; Connector conto = shape.Connectors[1]; graphControl1.AddConnection(confrom, conto); }