コード例 #1
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update( )
         * ---press E, set cursor---click a enemy, CD--------------------

        if (enabled &&
            (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.E) || launched) &&
            curCd <= 0 && manaCost <= m_property.curMana)
            hasPrepared = true;
            launched    = false;

        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1))
            hasPrepared = false;

        if (hasPrepared && Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
            if (m_heroCtrl.leftMouseClkGo != null &&
                range > Vector3.Distance(m_heroCtrl.leftMouseClkGo.transform.position, transform.position))
                string _group = m_heroCtrl.leftMouseClkGo.tag;
                if (m_heroCtrl.AtDifferentGroup(_group, gameObject.tag))
                    m_target = m_heroCtrl.leftMouseClkGo;
                    hasPrepared = false;
                    curCd       = cd;
                    //print("zhaoxin use E!!!!!!!!!" + m_heroCtrl.leftMouseClkGo.name);
                    AdnormalState _teleport = new AdnormalState(GameCode.AdnormalStateCode.Teleport, 0.2f, 0.0f);
                    m_heroCtrl.rightMouseClkGo = m_target;
                    m_heroCtrl.target          = m_target;
                    m_animator.SetBool("atk1", true);

                    // slow the target
                    BaseProperty _p = m_target.GetComponent <BaseProperty>();
                    AdnormalState _slow = new AdnormalState(GameCode.AdnormalStateCode.Slow, duration, slowDown);
                    _p.moveSpeed *= (1 - slowDown);
            hasPrepared = false;

        if (curCd > 0)
            curCd -= Time.deltaTime;
            // dash to enemy
            if (m_property.adnormalStates[(int)GameCode.AdnormalStateCode.Teleport].duration >= 0)
                transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(
                    Time.deltaTime * 5);
コード例 #2
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update( )
         *             *
         *             *
         *              *
         *                *
         *                  *
         *                     *
         *                         *
         * ----------------   duration     -           cd                ---------------
         *                 3 atk here      3th atk completed or duration=0

        // we can use this skill only we haven't press it and it is not in CD
        if (enabled &&
            (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Q) || launched) &&
            curCd <= 0 && m_curDuration <= 0 && manaCost <= m_property.curMana)
            m_curDuration = duration;
            m_hasAttack = false;
            launched    = false;
            atkCount    = 3;
            //print("zhaoxin use q");

        AnimatorStateInfo _anmStt = m_animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0);

        if (m_curDuration > 0)
            m_curDuration -= Time.deltaTime;
            curCd          = 0;
            if (_anmStt.IsTag("a"))
                if (_anmStt.normalizedTime > 0.25f && _anmStt.normalizedTime < 0.45f && !m_hasAttack)
                    m_hasAttack = true;

                if (_anmStt.normalizedTime > 0.5f)
                    m_hasAttack = false;
            else if (_anmStt.IsName("Base.batk"))
                if (atkCount == 1)
                    m_animator.SetBool("q", true);
                    m_hasAttack = false;
        else if (m_curDuration < 0)
            curCd         = cd;
            m_curDuration = 0;

        if (_anmStt.IsName("Base.q"))
            if (m_animator.GetBool("q"))
                m_curDuration    = 0;
                m_animator.speed = m_property.atkSpeed / m_property.baseAtkSpeed;
                m_animator.SetBool("q", false);
                curCd    = cd;
                m_target = m_heroCtrl.rightMouseClkGo;
                BaseProperty _property = m_target.GetComponent <BaseProperty>();
                if (_property != null)
                    // knock up enemy for 0.5 second
                    AdnormalState _adnmStt = new AdnormalState(GameCode.AdnormalStateCode.KnockUp, 0.5f, 0.0f);
                    _property.Damaged((int)((float)m_property.atk * (1 + (float)level / 10)));
                    // effect of this skill
                    GetPool(targetEffectPrefab.name, targetEffectPrefab).
                    GetObject(m_target.transform.position + new Vector3(0, m_target.GetComponent <Collider>().bounds.size.y / 2, 0));
                //print("zhaoxin Q !!!!!!!!!!");

        if (curCd > 0)
            curCd -= Time.deltaTime;