コード例 #1
        private static CrawlerDownloadPackageModel CreatePackge(BaseHttpCrawler crawler, HttpModel httpGet, HtmlNode anchor)
            var name          = crawler.CreatePackageName(anchor, httpGet);
            var twoLetterLang = crawler.GetTwoLetterLanguage(httpGet, anchor);

            return(CrawlerDownloadPackageModel.CreateSuccess(name, httpGet.Encoding, anchor.Href(), twoLetterLang));
コード例 #2
        private static IReadOnlyCollection <HtmlNode> GetAnchors(HttpModel httpGet, BaseHttpCrawler crawler)
            var html          = httpGet.GetAsHtml();
            var anchors       = html.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(".//a").ToList();
            var resultAnchors = anchors.ToList();

            foreach (var anchor in anchors)
                var href    = anchor.Href();
                var baseUri = new Uri(httpGet.Url);

                var uri = new Uri(baseUri, href);
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(uri.Fragment) == false && uri.Fragment.StartsWith("#"))
                    // hrefs with anchors (internal) should be unified because the anchors don't represent
                    // new url - they represent just location in the same document
                    // example: www.google.com#main -> www.google.com
                    var(urlWithoutFragment, _) = uri.AbsoluteUri.TupleSplit("#");
                    uri = new Uri(urlWithoutFragment);

                anchor.SetAttributeValue("href", uri.AbsoluteUri.HtmlDecode());

                var additionalUrls = crawler.GenerateAdditionalUrls(anchor, null);
                resultAnchors.AddRange(additionalUrls.Select(x => HtmlNode.CreateNode($"<a href='{x}'></a>")));

            // add and the caller as anchor
            var callerAnchor = html.CreateElement("a");

            callerAnchor.SetAttributeValue("href", httpGet.Url);

コード例 #3
 private async Task AddOrUpdatePackageToDatabase(BaseHttpCrawler crawler, IReadOnlyCollection <CrawlerDownloadPackageModel> packages, int crawlerId)
     foreach (var package in packages.Where(x => x.IsProcessed == false && x.Success == true))
         await this.AddOrUpdatePackageToDatabase(crawler, package, crawlerId);
コード例 #4
        private async Task AddOrUpdatePackageToDatabase(BaseHttpCrawler crawler, CrawlerDownloadPackageModel package, int crawlerId)
            var documentGroupModel = new DocumentGroupModel
                Name = package.Name.Value,
                TwoLetterLanguage = package.TwoLetterLanguage,
                CrawlerId         = crawlerId

            var failed = false;

            foreach (var downloadModel in package.Documents)
                    var httpGet = downloadModel.HttpGet;
                    if (downloadModel.IsDownloaded == failed)
                        httpGet = await crawler.Http.GetAsync(downloadModel.Url);

                    documentGroupModel.Documents.Add(new DocumentModel
                        Format = httpGet.MimeType,
                        Raw    = httpGet.Raw,
                        Name   = downloadModel.Name.Value,
                        Url    = downloadModel.Url,
                catch (Exception e)
                    this.logger.Error(message: $"package name: {package.Name}; url: {downloadModel.Url}", exception: e);
                    failed = true;

            package.IsProcessed = true;
            this.logger.Info($"Processed package: {package.Url}");

            if (failed == false)
                //var isNewOrUpdated = this.documentGroupManager.AddOrUpdateDocumentGroup(documentGroupModel);
                //if (isNewOrUpdated)
                //    this.logger.Info(message: $"New or updated: {documentGroupModel.Name}; {documentGroupModel.Identifier}");
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Starts the crawling, creating and persisting of the packages to the database
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="crawler">Crawler to start</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task StartAsync(BaseHttpCrawler crawler)
            // todo: protect agains recursive calls link1 -> link2 -> link1

            var crawlerName = crawler.GetType().FullName;
            var crawlerId   = this.documentGroupManager.GetOrCreateCrawlerId(crawlerName);

            this.logger.Info($"Start {crawlerName} - {DateTime.UtcNow}");

            foreach (var initialPageUrl in crawler.InitialPageUrls)
                var packages = await this.CrawlAsyncRecursivly(crawler, initialPageUrl, crawlerId);

            this.logger.Info($"End {crawlerName} - {DateTime.UtcNow}");
コード例 #6
        private async Task <IReadOnlyCollection <CrawlerDownloadPackageModel> > CrawlAsyncRecursivly(BaseHttpCrawler crawler, String url, int crawlerId)
            var result = new List <CrawlerDownloadPackageModel>();

                var httpGet = await crawler.Http.GetAsync(url);

                var packageInfo = await this.CrawlAsyncRecursivly(crawler, httpGet, null, crawlerId);

                // with the current impl. of the CrawlAsyncRecursivly the last package could be skipped and not pushed in the database
                // depending on the recursion level from which the package was downloaded
                // so we must explicitly check and process it
                var notProcessed = packageInfo.Where(x => x.Success && x.IsProcessed == false).SingleOrDefault();
                if (notProcessed != null)
                    await this.AddOrUpdatePackageToDatabase(crawler, notProcessed, crawlerId);


                // todo: log or send notification view email or something like this for the package info
                // probably how many has failed / successed .. etc
            catch (Exception e)
                this.logger.Error(message: url, exception: e);

コード例 #7
        private static CrawlerDownloadDocumentModel CreatePackgeDocument(BaseHttpCrawler crawler, HttpModel httpGet, HtmlNode anchor)
            var name = crawler.CreatePackageDocumentName(anchor, httpGet);

            return(new CrawlerDownloadDocumentModel(name, anchor.Href(), httpGet));
コード例 #8
        private async Task <(CrawlerDownloadPackageModel package, HttpModel httpGet)> CreatePackage(BaseHttpCrawler crawler, HtmlNode anchor, HttpModel parentHttpGet, HtmlNode parentAnchor)
            var httpGet = await crawler.Http.GetAsync(anchor.Href());

            var package = CreatePackge(crawler, httpGet, anchor);

            if (crawler.ShouldIncludePackgeAsDocument(anchor))
                // the package itself is also treated as package document (if this needs to be changed just introduce config option to control the behaviour)
                package.Documents.Add(CreatePackgeDocument(crawler, httpGet, anchor));

            this.logger.Info($"Downloaded package: {package.Url}");

            if (crawler.ShouldIncludeParentPageAsDocument(parentAnchor, anchor))
                package.Documents.Add(CreatePackgeDocument(crawler, parentHttpGet, parentAnchor));

            return(package, httpGet);
コード例 #9
        private async Task <IReadOnlyCollection <CrawlerDownloadPackageModel> > CrawlAsyncRecursivly(BaseHttpCrawler crawler, HttpModel parentHttpGet, HtmlNode parentAnchor, int crawlerId)
            var packages = new List <CrawlerDownloadPackageModel>();
            var package  = (CrawlerDownloadPackageModel)null;

            var anchors = GetAnchors(parentHttpGet, crawler);

            foreach (var anchor in anchors)
                var httpGet = (HttpModel)null;

                // if the url is not already processed (protection against infinity recursive call)
                if (this.processedUrls.Add(anchor.Href()))
                        if (crawler.IsPackage(anchor))
                            // process current package before create new
                            if (package?.Success == true && package?.IsProcessed == false)
                                await this.AddOrUpdatePackageToDatabase(crawler, package, crawlerId);

                            (package, httpGet) = await this.CreatePackage(crawler, anchor, parentHttpGet, parentAnchor);

                        // if package has failed we should skip processing documents for the failed package
                        else if (crawler.IsPackageDocument(anchor) && package?.Success == true)
                            // if given package is already processed we should not attach additional documents to the package
                            if (package.IsProcessed)
                                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Not allowed to add documents to already processed package. Name: {package.Name}; Url: {anchor.Href()}");

                            httpGet = await crawler.Http.GetAsync(anchor.Href());

                            package.Documents.Add(CreatePackgeDocument(crawler, httpGet, anchor));

                            this.logger.Info($"Downloaded document package: {anchor.Href()}");

                        if (crawler.ShouldExamine(anchor))
                            if (httpGet == null)
                                httpGet = await crawler.Http.GetAsync(anchor.Href());

                            this.logger.Debug($"Going recursivly for: {anchor.Href()}");

                            packages.AddRange(await this.CrawlAsyncRecursivly(crawler, httpGet, anchor, crawlerId));
                            // process if there is any package
                            await this.AddOrUpdatePackageToDatabase(crawler, packages, crawlerId);
                        // when not processed
                        else if (httpGet == null)
                            if (crawler.IsPackageDocument(anchor) && package?.Success == false)
                                this.logger.Debug($"Package failed -> skip downloading document: {anchor.Href()}");
                                this.logger.Debug($"Skip downloading: {anchor.Href()}");
                    catch (Exception e)
                        package = CrawlerDownloadPackageModel.CreateFailed(e.ToString());

                        this.logger.Error(message: $"{anchor.Href()}", e);
