public async void EmailInvoiceFunction(object sender, EventArgs e) { await((HomeLayout)App.Current.MainPage).SetLoading(true, "Sending email..."); string cardType = await App.serverData.GetTransactionInformation(transaction.transactionID, "trans_cardType"); string card4 = await App.serverData.GetTransactionInformation(transaction.transactionID, "trans_last4"); if (transaction.transactionType == "Sale") { bool sent = await BaseFunctions.EmailSaleInvoice(transaction, cardType + " ending with " + card4); await((HomeLayout)App.Current.MainPage).SetLoading(false, "Sending email..."); if (sent) { await App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Success", "Invoice has been sent to your email", "Ok"); } else { await App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Failed", "Something went wrong please retry.", "Ok"); } } else if (transaction.transactionType == "Donation") { bool sent = await BaseFunctions.EmailDonationInvoice(transaction, cardType + " ending with " + card4); await((HomeLayout)App.Current.MainPage).SetLoading(false, "Sending email..."); if (sent) { await App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Success", "Invoice has been sent to your email", "Ok"); } else { await App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Failed", "Something went wrong please retry.", "Ok"); } } }