// Removes the old page in the panel and places the new one in // With the exception of the history page the old pages are still kept in memory for quicker access private void LoadNewPage(BaseFormControl newPage) { this.mainPanel.Hide(); this.mainPanel.Controls.Clear(); currentControl.OnPageRemoved(); newPage.OnPageAttached(); this.mainPanel.Controls.Add(newPage); currentControl = newPage; newPage.Anchor = AnchorStyles.None; newPage.Left = (mainPanel.Width - newPage.Width) / 2; newPage.Top = (mainPanel.Height - newPage.Height) / 2; this.mainPanel.Show(); }
private void Main_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ToolTip HomeToolTip = new ToolTip(); HomeToolTip.SetToolTip(home_button, "Home"); HomeToolTip.SetToolTip(force_tracker, "Force Tracker"); HomeToolTip.SetToolTip(time_button, "Time Tracker"); HomeToolTip.SetToolTip(histogram, "Show History"); HomeToolTip.SetToolTip(user_button, "Show/Edit User Information"); HomeToolTip.SetToolTip(exit_button, "Exit Program"); Rectangle screenSize = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds; Width = screenSize.Width; Height = screenSize.Height; home = new HomeScreen(); this.currentControl = home; mainPanel.Controls.Add(home); mainPanel.Width = Width; mainPanel.Height = Height - tableLayoutPanel1.Height; mainPanel.Location = new Point(0, tableLayoutPanel1.Height); home.Width = mainPanel.Width; home.Height = mainPanel.Height; this.BackColor = ThemeManager.initBackground(); home.OnOptionClicked += (send, args) => { // Determines which control to page in depending on the argument passed through the event switch (args.ClassToCall) { case ClassToCall.ComboCounter: if (comboScore == null) { comboScore = new ComboScoreControl(); } LoadNewPage(comboScore); break; case ClassToCall.TotalForce: if (totalForce == null) { totalForce = new targeted_total_of_force(); } LoadNewPage(totalForce); break; case ClassToCall.TotalForce2Play: if (totalForceComp == null) { totalForceComp = new Targeted_total_of_force_comp(); } LoadNewPage(totalForceComp); break; case ClassToCall.TotalTime: if (totalTime == null) { totalTime = new targeted_total_of_time(); } LoadNewPage(totalTime); break; case ClassToCall.TotalTimeCustom: if (totalTimeComp == null) { totalTimeComp = new targeted_total_of_time_comp(); } LoadNewPage(totalTimeComp); break; case ClassToCall.CompetePound: if (poundForPound == null) { poundForPound = new ComboScoreCompControl(); } LoadNewPage(poundForPound); break; case ClassToCall.SensorAdj: if (sensorAdj == null) { sensorAdj = new CensorControl(); } LoadNewPage(sensorAdj); break; case ClassToCall.PunchCount: if (punchCount == null) { punchCount = new punch_count(); } LoadNewPage(punchCount); break; case ClassToCall.PunchCountCustom: if (punchCountComp == null) { punchCountComp = new punch_count_comp(); } LoadNewPage(punchCountComp); break; case ClassToCall.PunchChallenge: if (punchChallenge == null) { punchChallenge = new punch_challenge(); } LoadNewPage(punchChallenge); break; case ClassToCall.PunchChallengeCustom: if (punchChallengeComp == null) { punchChallengeComp = new punch_challenge_comp(); } LoadNewPage(punchChallengeComp); break; default: break; } }; }