コード例 #1
ファイル: AC_Curve.cs プロジェクト: 15831944/autocad-arx
 public virtual Curve GetOrthoProjectedCurve(Plane planeToProjectOn)
     Curve GetOrthoProj = BaseCurve.GetOrthoProjectedCurve(planeToProjectOn);
     return GetOrthoProj;
コード例 #2
ファイル: AC_Curve.cs プロジェクト: 15831944/autocad-arx
 public virtual double GetParameterAtDistance(double dist)
     double GetParameterAtDist = BaseCurve.GetParameterAtDistance(dist);
     return GetParameterAtDist;
コード例 #3
ファイル: AC_Curve.cs プロジェクト: 15831944/autocad-arx
 public virtual DBObjectCollection GetOffsetCurves(double offsetDist)
     DBObjectCollection GetOffset = BaseCurve.GetOffsetCurves(offsetDist);
     return GetOffset;
コード例 #4
ファイル: AC_Curve.cs プロジェクト: 15831944/autocad-arx
 public virtual DBObjectCollection GetOffsetCurvesGivenPlaneNormal(Vector3d normal, double offsetDist)
     DBObjectCollection GetOffset = BaseCurve.GetOffsetCurvesGivenPlaneNormal(normal,offsetDist);
     return GetOffset;
コード例 #5
ファイル: AC_Curve.cs プロジェクト: 15831944/autocad-arx
 public Curve3d GetGeCurve(Tolerance tolerance)
     Curve3d GetGeCur = BaseCurve.GetGeCurve(tolerance);
     return GetGeCur;
コード例 #6
ファイル: AC_Curve.cs プロジェクト: 15831944/autocad-arx
 public virtual double GetDistAtPoint(Point3d point)
     double DistAtPoint = BaseCurve.GetDistAtPoint(point);
     return DistAtPoint;
コード例 #7
ファイル: AC_Curve.cs プロジェクト: 15831944/autocad-arx
 public virtual double GetDistanceAtParameter(double value)
     double GetDistanceAtPar = BaseCurve.GetDistanceAtParameter(value);
     return GetDistanceAtPar;
コード例 #8
ファイル: AC_Curve.cs プロジェクト: 15831944/autocad-arx
 public virtual double GetParameterAtPoint(Point3d point)
     double GetParameterAtP = BaseCurve.GetParameterAtPoint(point);
     return GetParameterAtP;
コード例 #9
ファイル: AC_Curve.cs プロジェクト: 15831944/autocad-arx
 public virtual Point3d GetPointAtDist(double value)
     Point3d GetPointAtD = BaseCurve.GetPointAtDist(value);
     return GetPointAtD;
コード例 #10
ファイル: AC_Curve.cs プロジェクト: 15831944/autocad-arx
 public virtual DBObjectCollection GetSplitCurves(Point3dCollection points)
     DBObjectCollection GetSplitC = BaseCurve.GetSplitCurves(points);
     return GetSplitC;
コード例 #11
ファイル: AC_Curve.cs プロジェクト: 15831944/autocad-arx
 public virtual Point3d GetClosestPointTo(Point3d givenPoint, Vector3d direction, bool extend)
     Point3d GetClosestPoint = BaseCurve.GetClosestPointTo(givenPoint, direction, extend);
     return GetClosestPoint;
コード例 #12
ファイル: AC_Curve.cs プロジェクト: 15831944/autocad-arx
 public virtual Vector3d GetSecondDerivative(Point3d point)
     Vector3d GetSecondDer = BaseCurve.GetSecondDerivative(point);
     return GetSecondDer;
コード例 #13
ファイル: AC_Curve.cs プロジェクト: 15831944/autocad-arx
 public virtual Vector3d GetSecondDerivative(double value)
     Vector3d GetSecondDer = BaseCurve.GetSecondDerivative(value);
     return GetSecondDer;
コード例 #14
ファイル: AC_Curve.cs プロジェクト: 15831944/autocad-arx
 public virtual Curve GetProjectedCurve(Plane planeToProjectOn, Vector3d projectionDirection)
     Curve GetProjectedC = BaseCurve.GetProjectedCurve(planeToProjectOn, projectionDirection);
     return GetProjectedC;
コード例 #15
ファイル: AC_Curve.cs プロジェクト: 15831944/autocad-arx
 public virtual Point3d GetPointAtParameter(double value)
     Point3d GetPointAtPar = BaseCurve.GetPointAtParameter(value);
     return GetPointAtPar;
コード例 #16
ファイル: AC_Curve.cs プロジェクト: nbright/utility_funcs
        public Curve3d GetGeCurve()
            Curve3d GetGeCur = BaseCurve.GetGeCurve();

コード例 #17
ファイル: AC_Curve.cs プロジェクト: nbright/utility_funcs
        public virtual Vector3d GetFirstDerivative(Point3d point)
            Vector3d GetFirstDer = BaseCurve.GetFirstDerivative(point);

コード例 #18
ファイル: AC_Curve.cs プロジェクト: nbright/utility_funcs
        public virtual Vector3d GetFirstDerivative(double value)
            Vector3d GetFirstDer = BaseCurve.GetFirstDerivative(value);

コード例 #19
ファイル: AC_Curve.cs プロジェクト: nbright/utility_funcs
        public virtual Point3d GetClosestPointTo(Point3d givenPoint, bool extend)
            Point3d GetClosestPoint = BaseCurve.GetClosestPointTo(givenPoint, extend);

コード例 #20
ファイル: AC_Curve.cs プロジェクト: nbright/utility_funcs
        public virtual DBObjectCollection GetSplitCurves(DoubleCollection value)
            DBObjectCollection GetSplitC = BaseCurve.GetSplitCurves(value);

コード例 #21
 protected override void setJSON(JObject obj, BaseClassIfc host, SetJsonOptions options)
     base.setJSON(obj, host, options);
     obj["BaseCurve"] = BaseCurve.getJson(this, options);
     if (EndPoint != null)
         obj["EndPoint"] = EndPoint.getJson(this, options);
コード例 #22
 internal override void SetXML(XmlElement xml, BaseClassIfc host, Dictionary <string, XmlElement> processed)
     base.SetXML(xml, host, processed);
     xml.AppendChild(BaseCurve.GetXML(xml.OwnerDocument, "BaseCurve", this, processed));
     if (EndPoint != null)
         xml.AppendChild(EndPoint.GetXML(xml.OwnerDocument, "EndPoint", this, processed));
コード例 #23
 protected override void setJSON(JObject obj, BaseClassIfc host, SetJsonOptions options)
     base.setJSON(obj, host, options);
     obj["BaseCurve"] = BaseCurve.getJson(this, options);
     obj["Segments"]  = new JArray(Segments.Select(x => x.getJson(this, options)));
     if (EndPoint != null)
         obj["EndPoint"] = EndPoint.getJson(this, options);
コード例 #24
        public ActionResult <BoddyFormula> BoddyFormula(BoddyFormula baseCurve)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            baseCurve.Result = BaseCurve.BoddyFormula(baseCurve.SpherePower, baseCurve.CylinderPower, baseCurve.AddPower);
コード例 #25
        public ActionResult <VogelsRuleMinusModel> VogelsRuleMinus(VogelsRuleMinusModel baseCurve)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            baseCurve.Result = BaseCurve.VogelsRuleMinus(baseCurve.SpherePower, baseCurve.CylinderPower);
コード例 #26
        private void AddBaseCurveInputs(List <BasicAssetValuation> assetQuotes)
            QuotedAssetSet baseCurveInputs = ((YieldCurveValuation)BaseCurve?.GetFpMLData().Second)?.inputs;

            if (baseCurveInputs?.assetQuote != null)
                foreach (BasicAssetValuation assetQuote in baseCurveInputs.assetQuote)
                    BasicAssetValuation clonedAssetQuote = XmlSerializerHelper.Clone(assetQuote);
                    clonedAssetQuote.definitionRef = BaseCurveName;
コード例 #27
        internal override void SetXML(XmlElement xml, BaseClassIfc host, Dictionary <string, XmlElement> processed)
            base.SetXML(xml, host, processed);
            xml.AppendChild(BaseCurve.GetXML(xml.OwnerDocument, "BaseCurve", this, processed));
            XmlElement element = xml.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("Segments", mDatabase.mXmlNamespace);

            foreach (IfcCurveSegment o in Segments)
                element.AppendChild(o.GetXML(xml.OwnerDocument, "", this, processed));
            if (EndPoint != null)
                xml.AppendChild(EndPoint.GetXML(xml.OwnerDocument, "EndPoint", this, processed));
コード例 #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform a model interpolation on a vector of values
        /// We must assume the points are arranged x0 &lt;=x &lt;= x1 for this to work/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="time">The time value</param>
        /// <param name="extrapolation">This is not currently implemented.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public double ValueAt(double time, bool extrapolation)
            var result = BaseCurve.ValueAt(time, extrapolation) + SpreadCurve.ValueAt(time, extrapolation);

コード例 #29
        public override void Run()
            ASS ass_in  = ASS.FromFile(this.InFileName);
            ASS ass_out = new ASS()
                Header = ass_in.Header, Events = new List <ASSEvent>()

            for (int iEv = 0; iEv < ass_in.Events.Count; iEv++)
                bool isJp = iEv <= 9;
                //if (iEv != 0) continue;
                //if (iEv != 9) continue;
                //if (!isJp) continue;
                //if (iEv != 5 && iEv != 6) continue;
                //if (iEv != 19 && iEv != 9) continue;
                //if (iEv < 20) continue;
                ASSEvent        ev     = ass_in.Events[iEv];
                List <KElement> kelems = ev.SplitK(!isJp);
                int             x0     = MarginLeft;
                int             y0     = (isJp || iEv >= 20) ? (PlayResY - MarginBottom - FontHeight) : MarginTop;
                int             kSum   = 0;

                /// 两句英文
                if (iEv >= 20)
                    y0            -= 45;
                    x0            += 4;
                    this.MaskStyle = "Style: Default,DFMincho-UB,30,&H00FFFFFF,&HFFFFFFFF,&HFFFFFFFF,&HFFFFFFFF,0,0,0,0,100,100,0,0,0,0,0,5,0,0,0,128";
                    for (int iK = 0; iK < kelems.Count; iK++)
                        Console.WriteLine("{0} / {1} : {2} / {3}", iEv + 1, ass_in.Events.Count, iK + 1, kelems.Count);
                        KElement ke     = kelems[iK];
                        Size     sz     = GetSize(ke.KText);
                        double   kStart = ev.Start + kSum * 0.01;
                        double   kEnd   = kStart + ke.KValue * 0.01;
                        kSum += ke.KValue;
                        int        x     = x0 + this.FontSpace + sz.Width / 2;
                        int        y     = y0 + FontHeight / 2;
                        int        x_an7 = x0 + 2;
                        int        y_an7 = y0;
                        StringMask mask  = GetMask(ke.KText, x, y);
                        x0 += this.FontSpace + sz.Width;
                        if (ke.KText.Trim().Length == 0)
                            x0 -= sz.Width / 2;
                        if (ke.KText.Trim().Length == 0)

                        double t0 = ev.Start - 0.5 + iK * 0.07;
                        double t1 = t0 + 0.35;
                        double t2 = kStart;
                        double t3 = kEnd;
                        double t4 = ev.End - 0.5 + iK * 0.07;
                        double t5 = t4 + 0.35;

                        Func <double, double> fPosX = h => (x + (h - ev.Start) * 20);

                        ass_out.AppendEvent(50, "en", t0, t4,
                                            move(fPosX(t0), y, fPosX(t4), y) + a(1, "00") +
                                            fsc(0, 0) + fad(0.1, 0) +
                                            t(0, 0.28, fsc(140, 140).t()) + t(0.28, 0.35, fsc(100, 100).t()) +
                        ass_out.AppendEvent(30, "en", t0, t4,
                                            fsc(0, 0) + fad(0.1, 0) +
                                            t(0, 0.28, fsc(140, 140).t()) + t(0.28, 0.35, fsc(100, 100).t()) +
                                            move(fPosX(t0), y, fPosX(t4), y) + a(3, "44") + bord(3) + blur(3) + c(3, "6888FF") +
                        ass_out.AppendEvent(50, "en", t4, t5,
                                            move(fPosX(t4), y, fPosX(t5), y) + a(1, "00") +
                                            fad(0, 0.1) +
                                            t(0, 0.07, fsc(140, 140).t()) + t(0.07, 0.35, fsc(0, 0).t()) +
                        ass_out.AppendEvent(30, "en", t4, t5,
                                            fad(0, 0.1) +
                                            t(0, 0.07, fsc(140, 140).t()) + t(0.07, 0.35, fsc(0, 0).t()) +
                                            move(fPosX(t4), y, fPosX(t5), y) + a(3, "44") + bord(3) + blur(3) + c(3, "6888FF") +

                        string ptcol = "FF68AD";
                        for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
                            double ptx0 = Common.RandomDouble_Gauss(rnd, x - 2, x + 2);
                            double pty0 = Common.RandomDouble_Gauss(rnd, y - 2, y + 2);
                            double ptag = Common.RandomDouble(rnd, 0, Math.PI * 2);
                            double ptr  = Common.RandomDouble_Gauss(rnd, 50, 75);
                            double ptx1 = ptx0 + Math.Cos(ptag) * ptr;
                            double pty1 = pty0 + Math.Sin(ptag) * ptr;
                            double ptt0 = Common.RandomDouble(rnd, t0, t0 + 0.2);
                            double ptt1 = ptt0 + Common.RandomDouble(rnd, 2, 3);

                            string tstr = "";
                            for (double tmpt = 0; tmpt <= ptt1 - ptt0; tmpt += 0.40)
                                tstr += t(tmpt, tmpt + 0.20, a(1, "FF").t() + a(3, "FF").t()) + t(tmpt + 0.20, tmpt + 0.40, a(1, "44").t() + a(3, "88").t());
                            ass_out.AppendEvent(0, "pt", ptt0, ptt1,
                                                move(ptx0, pty0, ptx1, pty1) + a(1, "44") + a(3, "88") + c(3, Common.RandomBool(rnd, 0.5) ? ptcol : "FFFFFF") +
                                                bord(1.5) + blur(1.5) + fsc(150, 150) + tstr +
                                                p(1) + "m 0 0 l 1 0 1 1 0 1");

                for (int iK = 0; iK < kelems.Count; iK++)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} / {1} : {2} / {3}", iEv + 1, ass_in.Events.Count, iK + 1, kelems.Count);
                    if (iEv == 19)
                        isJp = iK <= 10;
                    this.MaskStyle = isJp ?
                                     "Style: Default,DFMincho-UB,38,&H00FFFFFF,&HFFFFFFFF,&HFFFFFFFF,&HFFFFFFFF,0,0,0,0,100,100,0,0,0,0,0,5,0,0,0,128" :
                                     "Style: Default,汉仪粗宋繁,38,&H00FFFFFF,&HFFFFFFFF,&HFFFFFFFF,&HFFFFFFFF,1,0,0,0,100,100,0,0,0,0,0,5,0,0,0,134";
                    string evStyle         = isJp ? "" : "cn";
                    string outlineFontname = isJp ? "DFMincho-UB" : "汉仪粗宋繁";
                    int    outlineEncoding = isJp ? 128 : 134;
                    isJp = iEv <= 9;
                    KElement ke = kelems[iK];
                    Size     sz = GetSize(ke.KText);
                    if (ke.KText[0] == 'く')
                        x0 += 2;
                    double kStart = ev.Start + kSum * 0.01;
                    double kEnd   = kStart + ke.KValue * 0.01;
                    kSum += ke.KValue;
                    int        x     = x0 + this.FontSpace + sz.Width / 2;
                    int        y     = y0 + FontHeight / 2;
                    int        x_an7 = x0 + 2;
                    int        y_an7 = y0;
                    StringMask mask  = GetMask(ke.KText, x, y);
                    x0 += this.FontSpace + sz.Width;
                    if (ke.KText.Trim().Length == 0)
                    string outlineString = GetOutline(x - FontHeight / 2, y - FontHeight / 2, ke.KText[0], outlineFontname, outlineEncoding, 38, 0, 262);

                    if (iEv == 9 && iK == 0)
                        outlineString = GetOutline(x - FontHeight / 2 + 10, y - FontHeight / 2, 'I', outlineFontname, outlineEncoding, 38, 0, 262);
                    if (iEv == 9 && iK == 2)
                        outlineString =
                            GetOutline(x - FontHeight / 2 - 29, y - FontHeight / 2, 'w', outlineFontname, outlineEncoding, 38, 0, 262) +
                            GetOutline(x - FontHeight / 2 - 29 + 30 - 12 + 1, y - FontHeight / 2, 'a', outlineFontname, outlineEncoding, 38, 0, 262) +
                            GetOutline(x - FontHeight / 2 - 29 + 60 - 20 - 2, y - FontHeight / 2, 'n', outlineFontname, outlineEncoding, 38, 0, 262) +
                            GetOutline(x - FontHeight / 2 - 29 + 90 - 34, y - FontHeight / 2, 'n', outlineFontname, outlineEncoding, 38, 0, 262) +
                            GetOutline(x - FontHeight / 2 - 29 + 120 - 44, y - FontHeight / 2, 'a', outlineFontname, outlineEncoding, 38, 0, 262);
                    if (iEv == 9 && iK == 4)
                        outlineString =
                            GetOutline(x - FontHeight / 2 - 29 - 11 + 30, y - FontHeight / 2, 's', outlineFontname, outlineEncoding, 38, 0, 262) +
                            GetOutline(x - FontHeight / 2 - 29 + 30 - 12 + 1 + 20, y - FontHeight / 2, 'a', outlineFontname, outlineEncoding, 38, 0, 262) +
                            GetOutline(x - FontHeight / 2 - 29 + 60 - 20 - 2 + 19, y - FontHeight / 2, 'y', outlineFontname, outlineEncoding, 38, 0, 262);

                    if (iEv == 19 && iK <= 10)
                        outlineString = GetOutline(x - FontHeight / 2 + 8, y - FontHeight / 2, ke.KText[0], outlineFontname, outlineEncoding, 38, 0, 262);

                    if (!isJp)
                        y += 2;

                    double t0 = ev.Start - 0.5 + iK * 0.07;
                    double t1 = t0 + 0.5;
                    double t2 = kStart;
                    double t3 = kEnd;
                    double t4 = ev.End - 0.6 + iK * 0.07;
                    double t5 = t4 + 0.5;

                    int lumsz = 12;
                    if (iEv == 9 && iK == 2)
                        lumsz = 18;
                    if (iEv == 1 || iEv == 2)
                        lumsz = 15;
                    ASSPointF[] lums = new ASSPointF[1];
                    for (int i = 0; i < lums.Length; i++)
                        lums[i] = new ASSPointF {
                            X = Common.RandomDouble(rnd, x_an7 - 2, x0), Y = Common.RandomDouble(rnd, y - 18, y + 18)
                    string[] lumcols   = { "002BC8" };
                    string[] lumalphas = { "00" };

                    string shadCol1 = "000000";
                    if (!isJp)
                        shadCol1 = "FFFFFF";
                    string shadCol2 = "FFFFFF";

                    string lightCol = "6888FF";

                    if (isJp)
                        ass_out.AppendEvent(50, evStyle, t2 - 0.15, t3 - 0.15,
                                            pos(x + 1, y + 2) + fad(0.1, Common.Min(0.3, t3 - t2 - 0.2)) + fsc(150, 150) + t(fsc(100, 100).t()) +
                                            a(1, "00") + a(3, "66") + c(3, lumcols[0]) + bord(3) + blur(3) +
                        ass_out.AppendEvent(8, evStyle, t0, t2 + 0.8,
                                            pos(x + 2, y + 2) + fad(0.8, 0.8) +
                                            a(1, "77") + c(1, shadCol1) + blur(2) +
                        ass_out.AppendEvent(8, evStyle, t2, t5 - 0.5,
                                            pos(x + 2, y + 2) + fad(0.8, 0.8) +
                                            a(1, "00") + c(1, shadCol2) + blur(2) +
                        ass_out.AppendEvent(8, evStyle, t0, t5 - 0.5,
                                            pos(x + 2, y + 2) + fad(0.8, 0.8) +
                                            a(1, "00") + c(1, shadCol1) + blur(2) +

                    for (int iLum = 0; iLum < lums.Length; iLum++)
                        string col1   = lumcols[iLum];
                        double lum1_x = lums[iLum].X;
                        double lum1_y = lums[iLum].Y;
                        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                            ass_out.AppendEvent(20, "pt", t0, t1,
                                                an(5) +
                                                clip(4, outlineString) + pos(lum1_x, lum1_y) +
                                                a(1, lumalphas[iLum]) + a(3, "00") + c(1, col1) + c(3, col1) +
                                                t(bord(lumsz).t() + blur(lumsz).t()) +
                                                @"{\p1}m 0 0 l 1 0 1 1 0 1");
                            ass_out.AppendEvent(20, "pt", t1, t4,
                                                an(5) +
                                                clip(4, outlineString) + pos(lum1_x, lum1_y) +
                                                a(1, lumalphas[iLum]) + a(3, "00") + c(1, col1) + c(3, col1) +
                                                blur(lumsz) + bord(lumsz) +
                                                @"{\p1}m 0 0 l 1 0 1 1 0 1");
                            ass_out.AppendEvent(20, "pt", t4, t5,
                                                an(5) +
                                                clip(4, outlineString) + pos(lum1_x, lum1_y) +
                                                a(1, lumalphas[iLum]) + a(3, "00") + c(1, col1) + c(3, col1) +
                                                blur(lumsz) + bord(lumsz) +
                                                t(bord(0).t() + blur(0).t()) +
                                                @"{\p1}m 0 0 l 1 0 1 1 0 1");

                    if (!isJp)

                    /*if (iEv == 9)
                     * {
                     *  string strikeCol = "FF68AD";
                     *  for (int j = 0; j < 40; j++)
                     *  {
                     *      for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                     *      {
                     *          double ptt0 = t2 - 0.3 + i * 0.01;
                     *          double ptt1 = ptt0 + 0.3;
                     *          string ptCol1 = Common.scaleColor(strikeCol, "FFFFFF", 1 - (double)i / 19.0 * 0.5);
                     *          string ptAlpha = "77";
                     *          if (i >= 17) ptAlpha = "00";
                     *          int ag1 = j * 9 + (int)(((double)i * 0.01) * 360);
                     *          int ag2 = ag1 + 360;
                     *          ass_out.AppendEvent(0 + i / 2, "pt", ptt0, ptt1,
                     *              move(x + 50, y, x + 50, y - 50) + org(x, y) + blur(2.3 - i * 0.07) + a(1, ptAlpha) + a(3, ptAlpha) + frz(-ag1) +
                     *              c(1, ptCol1) + c(3, ptCol1) + t(0, 0.1, fscx(250 - 10 * i).t()) + fscy(100 - i * 5) + t(frz(-ag2).t()) +
                     *              p(3) + "m 100 0 b 20 10 -20 10 -100 0 -20 -10 20 -10 100 0");
                     *      }
                     *  }
                     * }*/
                    if (iEv == 0)
                        foreach (ASSPoint pt in mask.Points)
                            double ag  = (double)(pt.Y - mask.Y0) / (double)mask.Height * 0.25;
                            int    iag = (int)(ag / Math.PI / 2 * 360);
                            ass_out.AppendEvent(70, "pt", t2 - 0.2, t5,
                                                pos(pt.X, pt.Y) + frz(iag) + t(fry(180).t()) + fad(0.1, 0.5) +
                                                a(1, "F4") + c(1, lightCol) + be(1) +
                                                @"{\p2}m 0 0 l -200 0 0 2");
                    if (iEv == 1 || iEv == 2)
                        double ptt0 = t2 - 0.2;
                        double ptt1 = t3 - 0.2;
                        double ptt2 = t3 + 2;
                        if (ptt2 > t4)
                            ptt2 = t4;
                        ass_out.AppendEvent(5, "pt", ptt0, ptt2,
                                            pos(x, y) + an(5) + blur(2) + bord(2) + fad(0.3, 0.5) +
                                            a(1, "00") + c(1, "FFFFFF") + fsc(50, 50) +
                                            t(0, 0.01, fsc(130, 130).t()) +
                                            t(ptt1 - ptt0 - 0.3, ptt1 - ptt0, fsc(70, 70).t() + a(1, "AA").t()) +
                                            a(3, "44") + c(3, "FF68AD") + t(frz((int)((ptt2 - ptt0) * ((((iEv + iK) % 2 == 1) ? 100 : -100)))).t()) +
                                            p(2) + "m 64 14 b 66 10 67 5 66 1 b 59 0 50 0 46 2 b 45 6 47 10 48 15 b 42 15 37 17 32 21 b 31 18 27 13 24 11 b 18 15 14 20 10 25 b 13 29 17 31 21 32 b 17 38 14 43 14 49 b 10 47 5 46 1 47 b 0 53 0 60 1 67 b 5 68 10 66 14 64 b 15 70 17 76 20 81 b 17 83 13 85 10 88 b 13 94 18 98 25 103 b 27 101 31 96 32 92 b 36 95 42 98 48 99 b 47 103 46 107 46 112 b 53 113 59 113 66 112 b 66 107 66 104 64 99 b 70 98 75 95 81 92 b 81 95 84 100 88 103 b 93 100 99 94 102 88 b 99 85 95 83 92 81 b 95 76 97 70 98 65 b 103 66 106 68 111 67 b 113 60 113 55 111 47 b 107 46 103 48 98 49 b 97 44 95 38 92 32 b 95 31 100 29 102 25 b 98 19 94 15 88 11 b 85 13 82 18 81 21 b 76 18 70 15 64 14 l 55 37 b 68 38 75 45 76 57 b 76 68 68 76 56 77 b 44 75 37 68 36 57 b 37 45 44 38 55 37 l 59 37 l 66 15 l 64 14");
                    if (iEv == 3 || iEv == 4)
                        string strikeCol = "FF68AD";
                        if (iEv == 3)
                            for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                                double ptt0    = t2 - 0.3 + i * 0.01;
                                double ptt1    = ptt0 + 0.3;
                                string ptCol1  = Common.scaleColor(strikeCol, "FFFFFF", (double)i / 19.0 * 0.8);
                                string ptCol2  = Common.scaleColor(strikeCol, "FFFFFF", (double)i / 19.0 * 0.5);
                                string ptAlpha = "77";
                                if (i >= 17)
                                    ptAlpha = "00";
                                ass_out.AppendEvent(15, "pt", ptt0, ptt1,
                                                    pos(x, y) + blur(2.3 - i * 0.07) + a(1, ptAlpha) + a(3, ptAlpha) + frz(90) +
                                                    c(1, ptCol1) + c(3, ptCol1) + t(0, 0.1, fscx(500 - 20 * i).t()) + fscy(100 - i * 5) +
                                                    p(3) + "m 100 0 b 20 10 -20 10 -100 0 -20 -10 20 -10 100 0");
                        else if (iEv == 4)
                            for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                                if ((iEv + iK + (j / 2)) % 2 == 0)
                                string ptStr = "m 100 0 b 20 10 -20 10 -100 0 -20 -10 20 -10 100 0";
                                if (j >= 2)
                                    ptStr = "m 0 -100 b 10 -20 10 20 0 100 -10 20 -10 -20 0 -100";
                                Func <double, ASSPointF> fpos = ti => new ASSPointF();
                                if (j == 2)
                                    fpos = ti => new ASSPointF {
                                        X = x - 20, Y = y + ti * 200
                                else if (j == 3)
                                    fpos = ti => new ASSPointF {
                                        X = x + 20, Y = y - ti * 200
                                else if (j == 0)
                                    fpos = ti => new ASSPointF {
                                        X = x + ti * 200, Y = y - 20
                                else if (j == 1)
                                    fpos = ti => new ASSPointF {
                                        X = x - ti * 200, Y = y + 20
                                for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                                    double ptt0    = t2 - 0.3 + i * 0.01;
                                    double ptt1    = ptt0 + 0.3;
                                    string ptCol1  = Common.scaleColor(strikeCol, "FFFFFF", (double)i / 19.0 * 0.8);
                                    string ptCol2  = Common.scaleColor(strikeCol, "FFFFFF", (double)i / 19.0 * 0.5);
                                    string ptAlpha = "77";
                                    if (i >= 17)
                                        ptAlpha = "00";
                                    ass_out.AppendEvent(15, "pt", ptt0, ptt1,
                                                        move(fpos(ptt0 - t2 + 0.3 - 0.3), fpos(ptt1 - t2 + 0.3)) + blur(2.3 - i * 0.07) + a(1, ptAlpha) + a(3, ptAlpha) +
                                                        c(1, ptCol1) + c(3, ptCol1) + ((j <= 1) ? (t(0, 0.1, fscx(500 - 20 * i).t()) + fscy(100 - i * 5)) : (t(0, 0.1, fscy(500 - 20 * i).t()) + fscx(100 - i * 5))) +
                                                        p(3) + ptStr);
                            double ptt0 = t2 - 0.2;
                            double ptt1 = t3 - 0.2;
                            double ptt2 = t3 + 2;
                            if (ptt2 > t4)
                                ptt2 = t4;
                            ass_out.AppendEvent(5, "pt", ptt0, ptt2,
                                                pos(x, y + 15) + an(5) + blur(2) + bord(2) + fad(0.3, 0.5) +
                                                a(1, "00") + c(1, "FFFFFF") + fsc(50, 50) + frx(60) +
                                                t(0, 0.01, fsc(130, 130).t()) +
                                                t(ptt1 - ptt0 - 0.3, ptt1 - ptt0, fsc(70, 70).t() + a(1, "77").t()) +
                                                a(3, "44") + c(3, "FF68AD") + t(frz((int)((ptt2 - ptt0) * ((((iEv + iK) % 2 == 1) ? 100 : -100)))).t()) +
                                                p(2) + "m 64 14 b 66 10 67 5 66 1 b 59 0 50 0 46 2 b 45 6 47 10 48 15 b 42 15 37 17 32 21 b 31 18 27 13 24 11 b 18 15 14 20 10 25 b 13 29 17 31 21 32 b 17 38 14 43 14 49 b 10 47 5 46 1 47 b 0 53 0 60 1 67 b 5 68 10 66 14 64 b 15 70 17 76 20 81 b 17 83 13 85 10 88 b 13 94 18 98 25 103 b 27 101 31 96 32 92 b 36 95 42 98 48 99 b 47 103 46 107 46 112 b 53 113 59 113 66 112 b 66 107 66 104 64 99 b 70 98 75 95 81 92 b 81 95 84 100 88 103 b 93 100 99 94 102 88 b 99 85 95 83 92 81 b 95 76 97 70 98 65 b 103 66 106 68 111 67 b 113 60 113 55 111 47 b 107 46 103 48 98 49 b 97 44 95 38 92 32 b 95 31 100 29 102 25 b 98 19 94 15 88 11 b 85 13 82 18 81 21 b 76 18 70 15 64 14 l 55 37 b 68 38 75 45 76 57 b 76 68 68 76 56 77 b 44 75 37 68 36 57 b 37 45 44 38 55 37 l 59 37 l 66 15 l 64 14");
                    if (iEv >= 5 && iEv <= 9)
                        string strikeCol = "FF68AD";
                        double ptt0      = t2 - 0.3;
                        double ptt1      = t3 - 0.2 - 0.1;
                        if (ptt1 > t4)
                            ptt1 = t4;
                        double           theta1 = Common.RandomDouble(rnd, 0, Math.PI);
                        List <BaseCurve> curves = new List <BaseCurve>();
                        Circle2          cl     = new Circle2 {
                            X0 = x, Y0 = y, A = 60, B = 27, MinT = 0 + ptt0 * 4, MaxT = (ptt1 - ptt0) * Math.PI * 2 + ptt0 * 4, Theta = theta1, dTheta = 0
                        CompositeCurve cc = new CompositeCurve {
                            MinT = ptt0, MaxT = ptt1
                        cc.AddCurve(cc.MinT, cc.MaxT, cl);
                        cl = new Circle2 {
                            X0 = x, Y0 = y, A = 60, B = 27, MinT = 0 + ptt0 * 4 + Math.PI, MaxT = Math.PI + (ptt1 - ptt0) * Math.PI * 2 + ptt0 * 4, Theta = theta1, dTheta = 0
                        cc = new CompositeCurve {
                            MinT = ptt0, MaxT = ptt1
                        cc.AddCurve(cc.MinT, cc.MaxT, cl);
                        for (int i = 0; i < curves.Count; i++)
                            BaseCurve        curve      = curves[i];
                            List <ASSPointF> path       = curve.GetPath_Dis(6, 7);
                            string           strikeCol2 = Common.scaleColor(strikeCol, "FFFFFF", 0.5);
                            foreach (ASSPointF pt in path)
                                ass_out.AppendEvent((pt.Theta < Math.PI) ? 0 : 100, "pt", pt.T, pt.T + 0.3,
                                                    pos(pt.X, pt.Y) + a(1, "44") + a(3, "77") + c(1, "FFFFFF") + c(3, "FFFFFF") +
                                                    bord(8) + blur(8) +
                                                    t(0, 0.04, c(1, strikeCol2).t() + c(3, strikeCol2).t() + bord(4).t() + blur(4).t()) +
                                                    t(0.04, 0.3, c(1, strikeCol).t() + c(3, strikeCol).t() + bord(2).t() + blur(2).t()) +
                                                    p(1) + "m 0 0 l 1 0 1 1 0 1");
                                ass_out.AppendEvent((pt.Theta < Math.PI) ? 0 : 100, "pt", pt.T, pt.T + 0.3,
                                                    pos(pt.X, pt.Y) + a(1, "44") + a(3, "44") + c(1, "FFFFFF") + c(3, "FFFFFF") +
                                                    bord(4) + blur(4) +
                                                    t(0, 0.04, bord(2.5).t() + blur(2.5).t()) +
                                                    t(0.04, 0.3, bord(1.3).t() + blur(1.3).t()) +
                                                    p(1) + "m 0 0 l 1 0 1 1 0 1");
                        for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
                            double             dz    = Common.RandomDouble(rnd, -30, 30);
                            Func <double, int> fz    = ti => (int)((theta1 + Math.PI * 0.5) / Math.PI / 2.0 * 360.0 + dz * (ptt1 - ti) / (ptt1 - ptt0));
                            string             ptStr = "m 100 0 b 20 10 -20 10 -100 0 -20 -10 20 -10 100 0";
                            for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                                double pttt0   = ptt0 + i * 0.01;
                                double pttt1   = ptt1;
                                string ptCol1  = Common.scaleColor(strikeCol, "FFFFFF", (double)i / 19.0 * 0.8);
                                string ptCol2  = Common.scaleColor(strikeCol, "FFFFFF", (double)i / 19.0 * 0.5);
                                string ptAlpha = "77";
                                if (i >= 17)
                                    ptAlpha = "00";
                                ass_out.AppendEvent(0 + i, "pt", pttt0, pttt1,
                                                    fad(0, 0.5) + pos(x, y) + blur(2.3 - i * 0.07) + a(1, ptAlpha) + a(3, ptAlpha) + frz(fz(pttt0)) +
                                                    c(1, ptCol1) + c(3, ptCol1) + t(0, 0.1, fscx(500 - 20 * i).t()) + fscy(100 - i * 5) + t(0, (pttt1 - pttt0) * 0.9, frz(fz(pttt1)).t()) +
                                                    p(3) + ptStr);

コード例 #30
ファイル: AC_Curve.cs プロジェクト: nbright/utility_funcs
 public void SetFromGeCurve(Curve3d geCurve, Vector3d __unnamed001, Tolerance tolerance)
     BaseCurve.SetFromGeCurve(geCurve, __unnamed001, tolerance);