protected override void Arrange() { base.Arrange(); _client = new MyClient(_connectionInfo, false, _serviceFactoryMock.Object); _client.Connect(); }
public void ConnectTest() { BaseClient target = CreateBaseClient(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value target.Connect(); Assert.Inconclusive("A method that does not return a value cannot be verified."); }
/// <summary> /// 重新连接方法 /// </summary> internal void Reconnect() { string temp = string.Format("TCP主机地址:{0},端口号:{1}", ServerIp, ServerPort); //TCP连接的主机地址与端口 LastErrorMessage = "TCP连接意外断开,正在尝试重连。" + temp; //FileClient.WriteFailureInfo(LastErrorMessage); try { BaseClient.Close(); BaseClient = HoldLocalPort ? new TcpClient(LocalEndPoint) : new TcpClient(); BaseClient.Connect(ServerIp, ServerPort); SetName(); //重连次数+1,同时调用事件委托 ReconnTimer++; if (ReconnTimerChanged != null) { ReconnTimerChanged.BeginInvoke(Name, ReconnTimer, null, null); } NetStream = BaseClient.GetStream(); if (AutoReceive) { NetStream.BeginRead(Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length, new AsyncCallback(TcpCallBack), this); } //FileClient.WriteFailureInfo("TCP重新连接成功。" + temp); } //假如出现异常,将错误信息写入日志并进入下一次循环 catch (Exception e) { LastErrorMessage = string.Format("TCP重新连接失败:{0}。", e.Message) + temp; } }
// attempt to connect x times to fix known issue with SSH library public static void ConnectWithRetry(BaseClient client, int attempts) { if (!client.IsConnected) { bool isAuthenticated = true; for (int i = 0; i < attempts && isAuthenticated && !client.IsConnected; i++) { try{ client.Connect(); } catch (Renci.SshNet.Common.SshAuthenticationException) { isAuthenticated = false; // leave early so we don't lock out account from bad credentials } catch (Renci.SshNet.Common.SshConnectionException) { // Fix bizarre error found with Renci.SshNet => Server response does not contain SSH protocol identification. // // // This occurred frequently when connecting to PUB400.COM, really not sure why. } } if (!isAuthenticated) { throw new KanpachiAuthenticationException("Failed to authenticate with current credentials for " + $"{client.ConnectionInfo.Username}@{client.ConnectionInfo.Host}."); } if (!client.IsConnected) { throw new KanpachiConnectionException($"Failed to connect to {client.ConnectionInfo.Host} after {attempts} attempt(s)."); } } }
protected void Arrange() { _connectionInfo = new ConnectionInfo("host", "user", new PasswordAuthenticationMethod("user", "pwd")); _keepAliveSent = new ManualResetEvent(false); _serviceFactoryMock = new Mock <IServiceFactory>(MockBehavior.Strict); _sessionMock = new Mock <ISession>(MockBehavior.Strict); _mockSequence = new MockSequence(); _serviceFactoryMock.InSequence(_mockSequence).Setup(p => p.CreateSession(_connectionInfo)).Returns(_sessionMock.Object); _sessionMock.InSequence(_mockSequence).Setup(p => p.Connect()); _sessionMock.InSequence(_mockSequence).Setup(p => p.TrySendMessage(It.IsAny <IgnoreMessage>())) .Returns(true) .Callback(() => { Thread.Sleep(300); _keepAliveSent.Set(); }); _client = new MyClient(_connectionInfo, false, _serviceFactoryMock.Object) { KeepAliveInterval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50d) }; _client.Connect(); }
static void Main() { BaseClient client = new BaseClient(); //Create an instance of the client used to connect to the server client.Connect("", 6789); //Connect to the server using the ip and port provided while (client.IsConnected()) //While we are connected to the server { Packet p1 = new Packet(10); //Create an empty packet of type 10 p1.Add(DateTime.Now.Ticks); //Add to the packet a long, in this case the current time in Ticks p1.Add(2.3f); //Add a float p1.Add(new Byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 }); //Add a float p1.AddList(new List <Double>() { 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4 }); p1.AddList(new List <Single>() { 10.1f, 10.2f, 10.3f, 10.4f }); client.SendPacket(p1); //Send the packet over the connection (packet auto disposes when sent) Packet p2 = new Packet(11); //Create an empty packet of type 10 p2.Add(true); //Add to the packet a bool p2.Add("test cake"); //Add to the packet a string p2.Add(Guid.NewGuid()); //Add to the packet a GUID client.SendPacket(p2); //Send the packet over the connection (packet auto disposes when sent) Thread.Sleep(20); //Wait for 20 ms before repeating } client.Disconnect(); }
private Task Connect(BaseClient client) => Task.Run(async() => { var i = 0; var maxTry = 5; while (i < maxTry) { try { client.KeepAliveInterval = KeepAliveSpan; // avoid client drops client.Connect(); break; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error($"Connect to {client.ConnectionInfo.Host} error: {ex}"); if (i == maxTry) { throw; } else { Log.Information($"retry connect to the client"); await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); } } i++; } });
public void Connect(string host, int port) { if (Connected) { Disconnect(); } BaseClient.Connect(host, port); }
/// <summary> /// Robustly make the connection to an ssh endpoint. This includes retries and the like. /// </summary> /// <param name="c"></param> private static void ConnectSSHRobustly(BaseClient c) { c.KeepAliveInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15); Policy .Handle <SshOperationTimeoutException>() .Or <SshConnectionException>() .WaitAndRetry(new[] { TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60) }, (exception, timespan, count, ctx) => Trace.WriteLine($"Failed to connect to {c.ConnectionInfo.Host} ({exception.Message}) - retry count {count}")) .Execute(() => c.Connect()); }
protected void Arrange() { SetupData(); CreateMocks(); SetupMocks(); _client = new MyClient(_connectionInfo, false, _serviceFactoryMock.Object); _client.Connect(); }
/// <summary> /// UDP重新连接方法 /// </summary> private void TcpAutoReconnect() { while (true) { Thread.Sleep(1000); //假如属性提示未连接,则UDP重连线程挂起 if (!IsConnected) { Auto_UdpReconnect.WaitOne(); } //假如属性提示已连接但实际上连接已断开,尝试重连 //else if (IsConnected && !IsSocketConnected()) else if (IsConnected && !IsConnected_Socket) { string temp = string.Format("UDP主机地址:{0},端口号:{1}", ServerIp, ServerPort); //UDP连接的主机地址与端口 LastErrorMessage = "UDP连接意外断开,正在尝试重连。" + temp; FileClient.WriteFailureInfo(LastErrorMessage); try { BaseClient.Close(); BaseClient = HoldLocalPort ? new UdpClient(LocalEndPoint) : new UdpClient(); BaseClient.Connect(ServerIp, ServerPort); SetName(); //重连次数+1,同时调用事件委托 ReconnTimer++; if (ReconnTimerChanged != null) { ReconnTimerChanged.BeginInvoke(Name, ReconnTimer, null, null); } if (Connected != null) { Connected.BeginInvoke(Name, new EventArgs(), null, null); } //NetStream = BaseClient.GetStream(); if (AutoReceive) { BaseClient.BeginReceive(new AsyncCallback(ReceiveCallBack), this); } //NetStream.BeginRead(Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length, new AsyncCallback(TcpCallBack), this); //IsSocketConnected(); FileClient.WriteFailureInfo("UDP重新连接成功。" + temp); } //假如出现异常,将错误信息写入日志并进入下一次循环 catch (Exception e) { LastErrorMessage = string.Format("UDP重新连接失败:{0}。", e.Message) + temp; FileClient.WriteExceptionInfo(e, LastErrorMessage, false); continue; //TODO: 是否抛出异常? //throw; //假如不需要抛出异常,注释此句 } } } }
protected override void Arrange() { base.Arrange(); _client = new MyClient(_connectionInfo, false, _serviceFactoryMock.Object) { KeepAliveInterval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50d) }; _client.Connect(); }
protected void Arrange() { SetupData(); CreateMocks(); SetupMocks(); _client = new MyClient(_connectionInfo, false, _serviceFactoryMock.Object) { KeepAliveInterval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50d) }; _client.Connect(); }
/// <summary> /// constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="p_sftpcl">sftp client object</param> /// <param name="p_method">method, value: post or move</param> /// <param name="uriResponse"> uri to get response</param> /// <param name="p_InStream"> input stream, if is not null then upload, else download</param> public SftpWebResponse(BaseClient p_sftpcl, string p_method, Uri uriResponse, Uri uriMoveTo, Stream p_InStream) { m_uriResponse = uriResponse; m_method = p_method; m_sftpClient = p_sftpcl; if (!m_sftpClient.IsConnected) { m_sftpClient.Connect(); } m_sReqStream = p_InStream; m_uriMoveTo = uriMoveTo; m_whc.Add("ServerInfo", m_sftpClient.ConnectionInfo.ServerVersion.ToString()); m_sResponse = doAction(); }
private void tryConnect(string service, BaseClient client, bool terminateProcessOnException = false) { try { client.Connect(); } catch (Exception ex) { bool gracefulFail = false; if (ex is SocketException) { Logger.WriteLine(10, $"ERROR: During { service } startup a Socket connection could not be established! Check your host name/address, and that the host is running."); gracefulFail = true; } else if (ex is SshConnectionException) { Logger.WriteLine(10, $"ERROR: During { service } startup an SSH session could not be established! Check SSH is enabed on the server."); gracefulFail = true; } else if (ex is SshAuthenticationException) { Logger.WriteLine(10, $"ERROR: During { service } startup SSH authentication failed. Check your username and password!"); gracefulFail = true; } else if (ex is ProxyException) { Logger.WriteLine(10, $"ERROR: During { service } startup a proxy connection could not be established!"); gracefulFail = true; } else if (ex is SshOperationTimeoutException) { Logger.WriteLine(10, $"SSH During { service } startup the connection timed out!"); gracefulFail = true; } if (gracefulFail) { _tcs.TrySetResult(false); if (terminateProcessOnException) { Environment.Exit(1); } } throw; } }
protected void Arrange() { _connectionInfo = new ConnectionInfo("host", "user", new PasswordAuthenticationMethod("user", "pwd")); _serviceFactoryMock = new Mock<IServiceFactory>(MockBehavior.Strict); _sessionMock = new Mock<ISession>(MockBehavior.Strict); _serviceFactoryMock.Setup(p => p.CreateSession(_connectionInfo)).Returns(_sessionMock.Object); _sessionMock.Setup(p => p.Connect()); _sessionMock.Setup(p => p.TrySendMessage(It.IsAny<IgnoreMessage>())) .Returns(true) .Callback(() => Thread.Sleep(300)); _client = new MyClient(_connectionInfo, false, _serviceFactoryMock.Object) { KeepAliveInterval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50d) }; _client.Connect(); }
public void Connect(string ip, int port) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ip)) { return; } var IPs = Dns.GetHostAddresses(ip); IPAddress IP = IPs.Where(x => x.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork).FirstOrDefault(); var ep = new IPEndPoint(IP, port); try { BaseClient.Connect(ep); } catch { return; } ns = new NetworkStream(BaseClient); Thread thread = new Thread(o => ReceiveData((Socket)o)); thread.Start(BaseClient); }
private void Connect(BaseClient client) { int retry = 10; while (retry-- > 0) { try { client.Connect(); if (verboseMode) { ConsoleOutput($"- {client.GetType().Name} connected"); } return; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Error.WriteLine($"Error connecting to server (retrying): {ex.Message}"); Thread.Sleep(2000); } } throw new AppException("Giving up connecting to server."); }
/// <exception cref="NodeConnectionFailedException"></exception> private async Task CreateConnectionInner(BaseClient client, NodeCredentials conn, CancellationToken ct) { try { logger.LogDebug("Resolving host"); await Dns.GetHostEntryAsync(; logger.LogDebug("Resolved"); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.LogDebug("Host resolution failed"); client.Dispose(); throw new NodeConnectionFailedException(ex.Message, ex) { Kind = NodeConnectionFailedException.ConnectionErrorKind.DNS }; } try { logger.LogDebug("Connecting"); client.Connect(); logger.LogDebug("Connected"); } catch (SshAuthenticationException ex) { logger.LogDebug("Connection failed because to authenticate {error}", ex.Message); client.Dispose(); throw new NodeConnectionFailedException(ex.Message, ex) { Kind = NodeConnectionFailedException.ConnectionErrorKind.Authentication }; } catch (SshConnectionException ex) { logger.LogDebug("Connection failed due to SSH connection error {error}", ex.Message); client.Dispose(); throw new NodeConnectionFailedException(ex.Message, ex) { Kind = NodeConnectionFailedException.ConnectionErrorKind.Connection }; } catch (SocketException ex) { logger.LogDebug("Connection failed due to socket exception {error}", ex.Message); client.Dispose(); throw new NodeConnectionFailedException(ex.Message, ex) { Kind = NodeConnectionFailedException.ConnectionErrorKind.Connection }; } catch (TaskCanceledException) { logger.LogDebug("Connection cancelled"); client.Dispose(); throw; } catch (Exception ex) { logger.LogDebug("Connection failed for unknown reason {error}", ex.Message); client.Dispose(); throw new NodeConnectionFailedException(ex.Message, ex) { Kind = NodeConnectionFailedException.ConnectionErrorKind.Unknown }; } }
public void Connect(string ip, ushort tcpPort) => BaseClient.Connect(ip, tcpPort);
/// <summary> /// 利用特定的本地端口与TCP服务端连接 /// </summary> /// <param name="server">TCP服务端IP</param> /// <param name="port">端口号</param> /// <param name="localIp">本地IP</param> /// <param name="localPort">指定的本地端口(假如小于等于0则随机)</param> /// <returns>假如建立连接成功,返回1,否则返回0</returns> public int Connect(string server, int port, string localIp, int localPort) { //尝试建立连接 int result = 1; try { ServerIp = server; ServerPort = port; //BaseClient = new TcpClient(ServerIp, ServerPort); BaseClient = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(localIp) && localPort > 0 ? new TcpClient(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(localIp), localPort)) : new TcpClient(); BaseClient.Connect(ServerIp, ServerPort); SetName(); //修改连接名称 //重置重连次数,同时调用事件委托 ReconnTimer = 0; if (ReconnTimerChanged != null) { ReconnTimerChanged.BeginInvoke(Name, ReconnTimer, null, null); } BaseClient.ReceiveBufferSize = ReceiveBufferSize; //接收缓冲区的大小 NetStream = BaseClient.GetStream(); //发送与接收数据的数据流对象 raiser.Run(); } catch (Exception e) { LastErrorMessage = string.Format("无法建立TCP连接,IP{0},端口号{1}:{2}", ServerIp, ServerPort, e.Message); if (logging) { FileClient.WriteExceptionInfo(e, LastErrorMessage, false); } Close(); result = 0; throw; //假如不需要抛出异常,注释此行 } IsConnected = BaseClient.Connected; IsSocketConnected(); if (IsConnected) { //调用Tcp连接事件委托 if (Connected != null) { Connected.BeginInvoke(Name, (new EventArgs()), null, null); } if (Thread_TcpReconnect == null) { Auto_TcpReconnect = new AutoResetEvent(true); Thread_TcpReconnect = new Thread(new ThreadStart(TcpAutoReconnect)) { IsBackground = true }; //Thread_TcpReconnect.IsBackground = true; Thread_TcpReconnect.Start(); } else { Auto_TcpReconnect.Set(); } if (AutoReceive) { NetStream.BeginRead(Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length, new AsyncCallback(TcpCallBack), this); } } return(result); }