コード例 #1
        private void RenderToBitmapButton_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var renderedBitmap = _selectedCamera.RenderToBitmap(customWidth: 400, customHeight: 300, antialiasingLevel: 4, backgroundBrush: Brushes.White, dpi: 96);

            var window = new Window()
                Title         = "Bitmap created with RenderToBitmap method",
                SizeToContent = SizeToContent.WidthAndHeight

            var image = new Image()
                Source = renderedBitmap,
                Width  = renderedBitmap.Width,
                Height = renderedBitmap.Height

            window.Content = image;

コード例 #2
        private BitmapSource RenderToBitmap(BaseCamera cameraToRender)
            var selectedAntialiasingLevel = GetSelectedAntialiasingLevel();
            var selectedDpi = GetSelectedDpi();

            int customWidth, customHeight;

            GetCustomBitmapSize(out customWidth, out customHeight);

            Brush backgroundBrush;

            if (BackgroundBrushCheckBox.IsChecked ?? false)
                backgroundBrush = ViewportBorder.Background; // Use current background gradient, but we could also specify any other brush that will be used as background on the bitmap
                backgroundBrush = null; // Transparent background
            BitmapSource bitmap;

                Mouse.OverrideCursor = Cursors.Wait; // This can take some time

                // For demonstration purposes we use call two different overloads of RenderToBitmap method
                // The the simple RenderToBitmap method is called when no custom size or antialiasing is required (this method uses a simpler and faster rendering methods)
                // We could call only the second method (internally that method checks for custom size or antialiasing and if they are not required calls the first method).
                // But for this demonstration I wanted to show you that you have two options

                if (customWidth == 0 && customHeight == 0 && selectedAntialiasingLevel < 1)
                    // Note that backgroundBrush and dpi parameters are optional (backgroundBrush = null, dpi = 96)
                    // so if you want to get a bitmap of the current Viewport3D, you can simply call RenderToBitmap without any parameters
                    bitmap = cameraToRender.RenderToBitmap(backgroundBrush, selectedDpi);
                    // When using customWidth and customHeight and the aspect ratio (= width / height) of the Viewport3D is not the same as
                    // the aspect ratio of the target bitmap, the Viewport3D is uniformly scaled to fill the target bitmap.
                    bitmap = cameraToRender.RenderToBitmap(customWidth, customHeight, selectedAntialiasingLevel, backgroundBrush, selectedDpi);

                // RenderToBitmap is internally using Ab3d.Utilities.BitmapRendering.RenderToBitmap method.
                // You can use it to render any other FrameworkElement (instead of Viewport3D) to bitmap.
                // You can also use it to set the scaleToFill to false.

                // IMPORTANT:
                // If you will be calling RenderToBitmap ofter, then please note that there can be some problems when RenderTargetBitmap is used very ofter in WPF.
                // You can get "Out of memory" exceptions because garbage collector is not aware of the native bitmaps behind the RenderTargetBitmap.
                // A common workaround for that is to manually trigger garbage collection after some created RenderTargetBitmap objects - this can be done with the following 3 lines:
                // GC.Collect();
                // GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers();
                // GC.Collect();
                // This is also used after saving the bitmap a few lines below.
                // Another workaround is to reuse the RenderTargetBitmap instances.
                // To do this you will need to change the source code for the RenderToBitmap method.
                // In this case please buy a Ab3d.PowerToys source code. You can also send me an email and I will provide you the original source code for the method.
                // If RenderToBitmap is used very ofter, then please check the internet for more information about that.
            catch (Exception ex)
                Mouse.OverrideCursor = null;

                // This can happen when to big image is rendered (with combination of big antialiasing and DPI)
                MessageBox.Show("Error rendering bitmap:\r\n" + ex.Message);

                bitmap = null;
                Mouse.OverrideCursor = null;
