private void SaveContent() { if (!ContentChanged) { return; } String cID = String.Empty; String sQuery = String.Concat("SELECT ContentID FROM [Employers] WHERE EmployerID = ", ddlEmployers.SelectedValue); String uQuery = "UPDATE [EmployerContent] SET "; try { using (BaseCCHData b = new BaseCCHData(sQuery, true)) { b.GetFrontEndData(); if (b.HasErrors) { throw new Exception("Error finding Content in database"); } cID = b.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString(); } List <KeyValuePair <String, object> > l = Changes.Where(kvp => kvp.Value != null).ToList <KeyValuePair <String, object> >(); l.ForEach(delegate(KeyValuePair <String, object> kvp) { uQuery = String.Concat(uQuery, kvp.Key, " = '", kvp.Value, "'"); if (kvp.Key != l.Last().Key) { uQuery = String.Concat(uQuery, ", "); } }); if (cID == String.Empty) { throw new Exception("Could not find content ID in the table"); } uQuery = String.Concat(uQuery, " WHERE CMID = '", cID, "'"); using (BaseCCHData b = new BaseCCHData(uQuery, true)) { b.PostFrontEndData(); if (b.HasErrors) { throw new Exception("Error updating content with changes"); } } = feedback.Append("Changes Saved Successfully"); } catch (Exception ex) { } }
private void DisableCM() { String oldID = String.Empty; String qUpdateEmpEntry = String.Concat( "UPDATE [Employers] SET ContentID = NULL OUTPUT Deleted.ContentID WHERE EmployerID = ", ddlEmployers.SelectedValue); String qRemCMEntry = "DELETE FROM [EmployerContent] WHERE CMID = '{0}'"; try { using (BaseCCHData b = new BaseCCHData(qUpdateEmpEntry, true)) { b.GetFrontEndData(); if (b.HasErrors) { throw new Exception("Error unlinking content from employer"); } oldID = b.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString(); } if (oldID == String.Empty) { throw new Exception("Could not find previous content ID"); } using (BaseCCHData b = new BaseCCHData(String.Format(qRemCMEntry, oldID), true)) { b.PostFrontEndData(); if (b.HasErrors) { throw new Exception("Error removing old content from table"); } } = feedback.Append( String.Concat( "Content Management Removed from ", ddlEmployers.SelectedItem.Text, " Successfully")); } catch (Exception ex) { } }
private void EnableCM() { String newID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); String qAddCMEntry = String.Concat( "INSERT INTO [EmployerContent] (CMID, SSNOnly, HasOtherPeopleSection, HasNotificationSection, TandCVisible, CanSignIn, Canregister, InternalLogo, MemberIDFormat, ContactText, SpecialtyNetworkText, PastCareDisclaimerText, RxResultDisclaimerText, SpecialtyDrugDisclaimerText, OverrideRegisterButton, SCIQInMonth, SCIQUserEarnings, SCIQButtonText, SCIQDashboardName) ", // lam, 20130418, MSF-299 "VALUES ('", newID, "', 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, '','','','','','',0,'','','','')"); String qUpdateEmpEntry = String.Concat( "UPDATE [Employers] SET ContentID = '", newID, "' WHERE EmployerID = ", ddlEmployers.SelectedValue); try { using (BaseCCHData b = new BaseCCHData(qAddCMEntry, true)) { b.PostFrontEndData(); if (b.HasErrors) { throw new Exception("Error adding new entry to content management table"); } } using (BaseCCHData b = new BaseCCHData(qUpdateEmpEntry, true)) { b.PostFrontEndData(); if (b.HasErrors) { throw new Exception("Error updating employers with new content"); } } = feedback.Append( String.Concat("Content Management Added to ", ddlEmployers.SelectedItem.Text, " Successfully")); } catch (Exception ex) { } }
private void SaveContent() { if (!ContentChanged) return; String cID = String.Empty; String sQuery = String.Concat("SELECT ContentID FROM [Employers] WHERE EmployerID = ", ddlEmployers.SelectedValue); String uQuery = "UPDATE [EmployerContent] SET "; try { using (BaseCCHData b = new BaseCCHData(sQuery, true)) { b.GetFrontEndData(); if (b.HasErrors) throw new Exception("Error finding Content in database"); cID = b.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString(); } List<KeyValuePair<String, object>> l = Changes.Where(kvp => kvp.Value != null).ToList<KeyValuePair<String, object>>(); l.ForEach(delegate(KeyValuePair<String, object> kvp) { uQuery = String.Concat(uQuery, kvp.Key, " = '", kvp.Value, "'"); if (kvp.Key != l.Last().Key) uQuery = String.Concat(uQuery, ", "); }); if (cID == String.Empty) throw new Exception("Could not find content ID in the table"); uQuery = String.Concat(uQuery, " WHERE CMID = '", cID, "'"); using (BaseCCHData b = new BaseCCHData(uQuery, true)) { b.PostFrontEndData(); if (b.HasErrors) throw new Exception("Error updating content with changes"); } = feedback.Append("Changes Saved Successfully"); } catch (Exception ex) { } }
private void EnableCM() { String newID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); String qAddCMEntry = String.Concat( "INSERT INTO [EmployerContent] (CMID, SSNOnly, HasOtherPeopleSection, HasNotificationSection, TandCVisible, CanSignIn, Canregister, InternalLogo, MemberIDFormat, ContactText, SpecialtyNetworkText, PastCareDisclaimerText, RxResultDisclaimerText, SpecialtyDrugDisclaimerText, OverrideRegisterButton, SCIQInMonth, SCIQUserEarnings, SCIQButtonText, SCIQDashboardName) ", // lam, 20130418, MSF-299 "VALUES ('", newID, "', 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, '','','','','','',0,'','','','')"); String qUpdateEmpEntry = String.Concat( "UPDATE [Employers] SET ContentID = '", newID, "' WHERE EmployerID = ", ddlEmployers.SelectedValue); try { using (BaseCCHData b = new BaseCCHData(qAddCMEntry, true)) { b.PostFrontEndData(); if (b.HasErrors) throw new Exception("Error adding new entry to content management table"); } using (BaseCCHData b = new BaseCCHData(qUpdateEmpEntry, true)) { b.PostFrontEndData(); if (b.HasErrors) throw new Exception("Error updating employers with new content"); } = feedback.Append( String.Concat("Content Management Added to ", ddlEmployers.SelectedItem.Text, " Successfully")); } catch (Exception ex) { } }
private void DisableCM() { String oldID = String.Empty; String qUpdateEmpEntry = String.Concat( "UPDATE [Employers] SET ContentID = NULL OUTPUT Deleted.ContentID WHERE EmployerID = ", ddlEmployers.SelectedValue); String qRemCMEntry = "DELETE FROM [EmployerContent] WHERE CMID = '{0}'"; try { using (BaseCCHData b = new BaseCCHData(qUpdateEmpEntry, true)) { b.GetFrontEndData(); if (b.HasErrors) throw new Exception("Error unlinking content from employer"); oldID = b.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString(); } if (oldID == String.Empty) throw new Exception("Could not find previous content ID"); using (BaseCCHData b = new BaseCCHData(String.Format(qRemCMEntry, oldID), true)) { b.PostFrontEndData(); if (b.HasErrors) throw new Exception("Error removing old content from table"); } = feedback.Append( String.Concat( "Content Management Removed from ", ddlEmployers.SelectedItem.Text, " Successfully")); } catch (Exception ex) { } }