bool CheckCollisions(Vector3 sourceWorldPos, Vector3 deltaPosition, ref Vector3 oTargetPosition, ref Vector3 oVelocity) { Vector3 velocity = deltaPosition.normalized; Vector3 velForwardComponent = Vector3.Dot(_host.transform.forward, velocity) * _host.transform.forward; Vector3 velRightcomponent = Vector3.Dot(_host.transform.right, velocity) * _host.transform.right; Vector3 velForwardRightComponent = velForwardComponent + velRightcomponent; Vector3 normal = sourceWorldPos - _planet.transform.position; normal.Normalize(); Vector3 positionBias = normal * _collider.bounds.extents.x + velForwardRightComponent.normalized * _collider.bounds.extents.x; Vector3 rayStartWorldPos = sourceWorldPos + positionBias; Ray ray = new Ray(rayStartWorldPos, velForwardRightComponent.normalized); Debug.DrawRay(rayStartWorldPos, velForwardRightComponent.normalized * velForwardRightComponent.magnitude * 1.0f,; BaseBox voxel = null; RaycastHit hitInfo; if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hitInfo, velForwardRightComponent.magnitude * 1.0f, 1 << Layer.Terrain)) { oTargetPosition = hitInfo.point - velForwardRightComponent.normalized * _collider.bounds.extents.x - positionBias; oVelocity = -oVelocity * 0.1f; return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public void OnBoxDestroyed(BaseBox box) { PlanetGenerator.BoxGenerationProperties properties = box.GenerationProperties; properties.Radius--; if (properties.Radius > 1f) { DoGenerateBox(properties.LeftRotation, properties.RightRotation, properties.BoxOrientation, properties.RotationCircleStep, properties.Radius); } }
public void Output() { BaseNode baseNode = MainViweModel.instance.baseNode; BaseBox baseBox = BoxViewModel.instance.baseBox; ConfirmViewModel.instance.ShowWindow(() => { TunagumIO.ExportBaseBox(baseBox); this.HideWiondow(); }, null, "出力しますか?", ""); }
/// <summary> /// 箱に接触した場合の処理 /// </summary> /// <param name="box"></param> protected void CheckColliedingBox(BaseBox box) { if ( == (int)STATENAME.Damage) { box.Crash(); parameter.damage.damageParameter.damage = 1; return; } transform.localPosition = box.PositionFix(transform.localPosition); }
/// <summary> /// 箱が押せる状態なら押す。成功したらtrue /// </summary> /// <param name="power"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected bool CheckPutBox(float power) { BaseBox near = GetNearBox(); if (near != null) { near.Put(frontDirection, power); return(true); } return(false); }
public void test() { //ConfirmViewModel.instance.ShowWindow(() => Debug.Log("OK"), () => Debug.Log("NO"), "タイトルです", "てすとてすとてすと"); //TunagumIO.LoadFromPath(); //BaseBox bb = TunagumIO.LoadBaseBox(); //string optionText = Import.ReadFile(DEFINE.OptionFileName); //var bb = BaseBox.ConvertOptionText(optionText); var bb = BaseBox.ConvertOptionText(input.text); BoxViewModel.instance.SetBaseBox(bb); }
public Vector3 GetSurfaceWorldPosition(Vector3 worldPosition) { BaseBox surface = GetVoxelInPosition(worldPosition); Vector3 surfaceLocalPosition = ConvertToLocalPosition(surface.transform.position); float surfaceRadius = surfaceLocalPosition.magnitude; Vector3 localPosition = ConvertToLocalPosition(worldPosition); localPosition = localPosition.normalized * surfaceRadius; return(ConvertToWorldPosition(localPosition)); }
public void SetBaseBox(BaseBox box) { this.baseBox = box; this.baseBox.boxes .ObserveAdd() .Subscribe(x => AddWindow(x.Value)); this.baseBox.boxes .ObserveRemove() .Subscribe(x => RemoveWindow(x.Value)); OpenNewBaseNode(); BoxPaletteViewModel.instance.LoadPalette(this.baseBox); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { float dist = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, playerTransform.position); if (dist <= triggerDistance) { BaseBox boxComponent = GetComponent <BaseBox>(); boxComponent.OnApproach(); } else { BaseBox boxComponent = GetComponent <BaseBox>(); boxComponent.OnRetire(); } }
GameObject Spawn(Vector3 position) { GameObject gameObject = new GameObject(); MeshRenderer mr = gameObject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>(); mr.material = _material; MeshFilter mf = gameObject.AddComponent <MeshFilter>(); mf.mesh = GenerateMesh(); BaseBox box = gameObject.AddComponent <BaseBox>(); return(gameObject); }
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { if (other.gameObject.tag != "Player") { return; } GlobalOptions.CurrentBox = this.transform.parent.gameObject; BaseBox box = GlobalOptions.CurrentBox.GetComponent <BaseBox>(); if (box != null) { box.UserStay(); Messenger.AddListener("UserAction", box.UserAction); } }
public Vector3 GetSurfaceLocalPosition(Vector3 localPosition) { BaseBox surface = GetVoxelInPosition(ConvertToWorldPosition(localPosition)); if (surface != null) { Vector3 surfaceLocalPosition = ConvertToLocalPosition(surface.transform.position); float surfaceRadius = surfaceLocalPosition.magnitude; return(localPosition.normalized * surfaceRadius); } else { return(localPosition); } }
void OnTriggerExit(Collider other) { if (other.gameObject.tag != "Player") { return; } BaseBox box = !GlobalOptions.CurrentBox ? null : GlobalOptions.CurrentBox.GetComponent <BaseBox>(); if (box != null) { Messenger.RemoveListener("UserAction", box.UserAction); } GlobalOptions.CurrentBox = null; }
void Update() { if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0)) { Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); RaycastHit hitInfo; if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hitInfo)) { BaseBox box = hitInfo.collider.GetComponentInParent <BaseBox>(); if (box != null) { box.OnTouched(); } } } }
// Methods to be refactored into its own Planet public BaseBox GetVoxelInPosition(Vector3 worldPosition) { Vector3 dirToCore = (transform.position - worldPosition).normalized; Ray ray = new Ray(worldPosition, dirToCore); BaseBox voxel = null; RaycastHit hitInfo; if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hitInfo, 999999f, 1 << Layer.Terrain)) { voxel = hitInfo.collider.GetComponentInParent <BaseBox>(); } else { Debug.Log("Voxel Not Found :(, position: " + worldPosition + ", Direction: " + dirToCore); } return(voxel); }
void OnTriggerStay(Collider other) { if (other.gameObject.tag != "Player") { return; } if (!GlobalOptions.Player.GetComponent <PlayerController>().isMoving()) { BaseBox box = this.transform.parent.gameObject.GetComponent <BaseBox>(); if (!box) { return; } box.UserStay(); } }
public void LoadPalette(BaseBox bb) { foreach (BaseBox.Palett p in bb.palette) { var tBox = bb.SearchTemplateBox(p.boxtag); if (p.category.IsBlank()) { AddMaterial(tBox); } else { if (!categoryTable.ContainsKey(p.category)) { AddCategory(p.category); } AddMaterial(tBox, categoryTable[p.category]); } } }
public override void Draw(DrawingContext drawingContext, double scale, double x, double y) { BaseBox.Draw(drawingContext, scale, x, y); if (Over) { // Draw delimeter and script boxes over base box. var centerY = y - BaseBox.Height - DelimeterBox.Width; var translationX = x + DelimeterBox.Width / 2; var translationY = centerY + DelimeterBox.Width / 2; drawingContext.PushTransform(new TranslateTransform(translationX * scale, translationY * scale)); drawingContext.PushTransform(new RotateTransform(90)); DelimeterBox.Draw(drawingContext, scale, -DelimeterBox.Width / 2, -DelimeterBox.Depth + DelimeterBox.Width / 2); drawingContext.Pop(); drawingContext.Pop(); // Draw script box as superscript. ScriptBox?.Draw(drawingContext, scale, x, centerY - Kern - ScriptBox.Depth); } else { // Draw delimeter and script boxes under base box. var centerY = y + BaseBox.Depth + DelimeterBox.Width; var translationX = x + DelimeterBox.Width / 2; var translationY = centerY - DelimeterBox.Width / 2; drawingContext.PushTransform(new TranslateTransform(translationX * scale, translationY * scale)); drawingContext.PushTransform(new RotateTransform(90)); DelimeterBox.Draw(drawingContext, scale, -DelimeterBox.Width / 2, -DelimeterBox.Depth + DelimeterBox.Width / 2); drawingContext.Pop(); drawingContext.Pop(); // Draw script box as subscript. ScriptBox?.Draw(drawingContext, scale, x, centerY + Kern + ScriptBox.Height); } }
public static BaseBox LoadBaseBox() { string optionText = Import.ReadFile(DEFINE.OptionFileName); var bb = BaseBox.ConvertOptionText(optionText); XElement root = TunagumIO.LoadFromPath(); var programs = root.Elements("program"); foreach (XElement prog in programs) { var titles = prog.Descendants("object"); if (titles != null) { Dictionary <string, string> idToNextid = new Dictionary <string, string>(); List <Box> boxlist = new List <Box>(); foreach (var title in titles) { string v = title.Attribute("name").Value; string boxid = title.Attribute("boxID").Value; string nextid = title.Attribute("nextBox").Value; idToNextid[boxid] = nextid; if (v == "Time") { var cbox = bb.AddBoxForTag("@<time>@"); = int.Parse(boxid); boxlist.Add(cbox); } if (v == "screen") { var cbox = bb.AddBoxForTag("@<screen>@"); = int.Parse(boxid); boxlist.Add(cbox); } if (v == "DVD") { var cbox = bb.AddBoxForTag("@<DVD>@"); = int.Parse(boxid); boxlist.Add(cbox); } if (v == "door") { var cbox = bb.AddBoxForTag("@<door>@"); = int.Parse(boxid); boxlist.Add(cbox); } } //nextboxをchildにする処理. foreach (var b in boxlist) { if (idToNextid.ContainsKey( { string[] arr = idToNextid[].Split(','); foreach (var str in arr) { foreach (var b2 in boxlist) { if ( == str) { b.AddChildBox(b2); } } } } if ( == 0) { bb.AddChildBox(b); } } } } bb.RefreshProgramID(); return(bb); }
/// <summary> /// ���ɐڐG�����ꍇ�̏��� /// </summary> /// <param name="box"></param> protected void CheckColliedingBox(BaseBox box) { if ( == (int)STATENAME.Damage) { box.Crash(); parameter.damage.damageParameter.damage = 1; return; } transform.localPosition = box.PositionFix(transform.localPosition); }
public BoxStayState(BaseBox parent) : base(parent) { counter = new FrameCounter(10000); }
GameObject DoGenerateBox(Quaternion rotationLeft, Quaternion rotationRight, Quaternion boxOrientation, Quaternion rotationCircleStep, float radius) { Vector3 startPositionBackLeftBottomWS = transform.position + Vector3.up * (radius * 0.8f); Vector3 startPositionBackLeftTopWS = transform.position + Vector3.up * (radius + _boxThickness); Vector3 backLeftBottomWS = rotationLeft * startPositionBackLeftBottomWS; Vector3 forwardLeftBottomWS = rotationCircleStep * backLeftBottomWS; Vector3 backLeftTopWS = rotationLeft * startPositionBackLeftTopWS; Vector3 forwardLeftTopWS = rotationCircleStep * backLeftTopWS; Vector3 backRightBottomWS = rotationRight * startPositionBackLeftBottomWS; Vector3 forwardRightBottomWS = rotationCircleStep * backRightBottomWS; Vector3 backRightTopWS = rotationRight * startPositionBackLeftTopWS; Vector3 forwardRightTopWS = rotationCircleStep * backRightTopWS; Vector3 boxMiddleTopWS = (backLeftTopWS + forwardLeftTopWS + backRightTopWS + forwardRightTopWS) * 0.25f; Vector3 boxMiddleBottomWS = (backLeftBottomWS + forwardLeftBottomWS + backRightBottomWS + forwardRightBottomWS) * 0.25f; Quaternion inverseBoxOrientation = Quaternion.Inverse(boxOrientation); Vector3 backLeftBottom = inverseBoxOrientation * (backLeftBottomWS - boxMiddleTopWS); Vector3 forwardLeftBottom = inverseBoxOrientation * (forwardLeftBottomWS - boxMiddleTopWS); Vector3 backLeftTop = inverseBoxOrientation * (backLeftTopWS - boxMiddleTopWS); Vector3 forwardLeftTop = inverseBoxOrientation * (forwardLeftTopWS - boxMiddleTopWS); Vector3 backRightBottom = inverseBoxOrientation * (backRightBottomWS - boxMiddleTopWS); Vector3 forwardRightBottom = inverseBoxOrientation * (forwardRightBottomWS - boxMiddleTopWS); Vector3 backRightTop = inverseBoxOrientation * (backRightTopWS - boxMiddleTopWS); Vector3 forwardRightTop = inverseBoxOrientation * (forwardRightTopWS - boxMiddleTopWS); Color lateralColor = mMath.color(1f, 0f, 0f, 0f); Color verticalColor = mMath.color(0f, 1f, 0f, 0f); Mesh mesh = _customBoxGenerator.Generate(new Vector3[] { backLeftBottom, forwardLeftBottom, backRightBottom, forwardRightBottom, backLeftTop, forwardLeftTop, backRightTop, forwardRightTop }, Quaternion.identity, new Color[] { verticalColor, verticalColor, lateralColor, lateralColor, lateralColor, lateralColor }); //_treeGenerator.Genererate(this, boxMiddleTopWS, boxOrientation, GetAverageHalfDistance(backRightTopWS, backLeftTopWS, forwardRightTopWS, forwardLeftTopWS), boxMiddleTopWS - boxMiddleBottomWS, GetAverageHalfDistance(forwardLeftTopWS, backLeftTopWS, forwardRightTopWS, backRightTopWS)); GameObject go = new GameObject(); _boxCount++; = "TerrainBox" + _boxCount.ToString(); MeshFilter mf = go.AddComponent <MeshFilter>(); mf.mesh = mesh; MeshRenderer mr = go.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>(); mr.material = _materialGenerator.Get(radius, boxMiddleTopWS); BoxCollider collider = go.AddComponent <BoxCollider>(); go.layer = Layer.Terrain; go.transform.position = boxMiddleTopWS; go.transform.rotation = boxOrientation; BaseBox box = go.AddComponent <BaseBox>(); box.SetGenerationProperties(new BoxGenerationProperties(rotationLeft, rotationRight, boxOrientation, rotationCircleStep, radius)); box.Init(this); box.transform.SetParent(_boxes, false); return(go); }
private void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BaseBox <bool> box = new BaseBox <bool>(); box.ShowDialog(); }
/// <summary> /// 箱と衝突した場合の処理 /// </summary> /// <param name="box"></param> virtual protected void ColliedBox(BaseBox box) { box.Crash(); SelfDestroy(); }
/// <summary> /// ���ƏՓ˂����ꍇ�̏��� /// </summary> /// <param name="box"></param> protected virtual void ColliedBox(BaseBox box) { box.Crash(); SelfDestroy(); }
public static void ExportBaseBox(BaseBox bb) { Export.Output(bb.value); }