コード例 #1
        // In the status dictionary:
        // "FoundBarcodes" key is a NSSet of all discovered barcodes this scan session
        // "NewFoundBarcodes" is a NSSet of barcodes discovered in the most recent pass.
        // When a barcode is found, it is added to both sets. The NewFoundBarcodes
        // set is cleaned out each pass.
        // "Guidance" can be used to help guide the user through the process of discovering
        // a long barcode in sections. Currently only works for Code 39.
        // "Valid" is TRUE once there are valid barcode results.
        // "InRange" is TRUE if there's currently a barcode detected the viewfinder. The barcode
        //        may not have been decoded yet.
        public override void StatusUpdated(BarcodePickerController picker, NSDictionary status)
            NSNumber isValid = (NSNumber) status.ObjectForKey (new NSString ("Valid"));
            NSNumber inRange = (NSNumber) status.ObjectForKey (new NSString ("InRange"));

            SetArrows (inRange.BoolValue, true);

            if (isValid.BoolValue)
                BeepOrVibrate ();
                ParentPicker.DoneScanning ();

            NSNumber guidanceLevel = (NSNumber) status.ObjectForKey (new NSString ("Guidance"));
            if (guidanceLevel != null)
                if (guidanceLevel.IntValue == 1)
                    textCue.Text = "Try moving the camera close to each part of the barcode";
                else if (guidanceLevel.IntValue == 2)
                    textCue.Text = (NSString) status.ObjectForKey (new NSString ("PartialBarcode"));
                    textCue.Text = "";
コード例 #2
partial         void scanPressed(MonoTouch.UIKit.UIBarButtonItem sender)
            if (overlayController.ParentPicker == null)
                BarcodePickerController picker = new BarcodePickerController ();

                // setup picker
                picker.Overlay = overlayController;
                picker.Delegate = new BarcodePickerDelegate (this);

                // Initialize with portrait mode as default
                picker.Orientation = UIImageOrientation.Up;

                // The active scanning region size is set in OverlayController.m

            // Update barcode on/off settings
            overlayController.ParentPicker.ScanUPCE = enableUPCESwitch.On;
            overlayController.ParentPicker.ScanEAN8 = enableEAN8Switch.On;
            overlayController.ParentPicker.ScanEAN13 = enableEAN13Switch.On;
            overlayController.ParentPicker.ScanQRCODE = enableQRCodeSwitch.On;
            overlayController.ParentPicker.ScanCODE128 = enableCode128Switch.On;
            overlayController.ParentPicker.ScanCODE39 = enableCode39Switch.On;
            //overlayController.parentPicker.ScanDataMatrix = enableDataMatrixSwitch.On;
            overlayController.ParentPicker.ScanITF = enableITFSwitch.On;

            // Data matrix decoding does not work very well so it is disabled for now
            overlayController.ParentPicker.ScanDATAMATRIX = false;

            // hide the status bar
            UIApplication.SharedApplication.StatusBarHidden = true;

            // Show the scanner overlay
            this.PresentModalViewController (overlayController.ParentPicker, true);
コード例 #3
        // In the status dictionary:

        // "FoundBarcodes" key is a NSSet of all discovered barcodes this scan session
        // "NewFoundBarcodes" is a NSSet of barcodes discovered in the most recent pass.
        // When a barcode is found, it is added to both sets. The NewFoundBarcodes
        // set is cleaned out each pass.

        // "Guidance" can be used to help guide the user through the process of discovering
        // a long barcode in sections. Currently only works for Code 39.

        // "Valid" is TRUE once there are valid barcode results.
        // "InRange" is TRUE if there's currently a barcode detected the viewfinder. The barcode
        //		may not have been decoded yet.
        public override void StatusUpdated(BarcodePickerController picker, NSDictionary status)
            NSNumber isValid = (NSNumber)status.ObjectForKey(new NSString("Valid"));
            NSNumber inRange = (NSNumber)status.ObjectForKey(new NSString("InRange"));

            SetArrows(inRange.BoolValue, true);

            if (isValid.BoolValue)

            NSNumber guidanceLevel = (NSNumber)status.ObjectForKey(new NSString("Guidance"));

            if (guidanceLevel != null)
                if (guidanceLevel.IntValue == 1)
                    textCue.Text = "Try moving the camera close to each part of the barcode";
                else if (guidanceLevel.IntValue == 2)
                    textCue.Text = (NSString)status.ObjectForKey(new NSString("PartialBarcode"));
                    textCue.Text = "";
コード例 #4
        partial void scanPressed(MonoTouch.UIKit.UIBarButtonItem sender)
            if (overlayController.ParentPicker == null)
                BarcodePickerController picker = new BarcodePickerController();

                // setup picker
                picker.Overlay  = overlayController;
                picker.Delegate = new BarcodePickerDelegate(this);

                // Initialize with portrait mode as default
                picker.Orientation = UIImageOrientation.Up;

                // The active scanning region size is set in OverlayController.m

            // Update barcode on/off settings
            overlayController.ParentPicker.ScanUPCE    = enableUPCESwitch.On;
            overlayController.ParentPicker.ScanEAN8    = enableEAN8Switch.On;
            overlayController.ParentPicker.ScanEAN13   = enableEAN13Switch.On;
            overlayController.ParentPicker.ScanQRCODE  = enableQRCodeSwitch.On;
            overlayController.ParentPicker.ScanCODE128 = enableCode128Switch.On;
            overlayController.ParentPicker.ScanCODE39  = enableCode39Switch.On;
            //overlayController.parentPicker.ScanDataMatrix = enableDataMatrixSwitch.On;
            overlayController.ParentPicker.ScanITF = enableITFSwitch.On;

            // Data matrix decoding does not work very well so it is disabled for now
            overlayController.ParentPicker.ScanDATAMATRIX = false;

            // hide the status bar
            UIApplication.SharedApplication.StatusBarHidden = true;

            // Show the scanner overlay
            this.PresentModalViewController(overlayController.ParentPicker, true);
コード例 #5
            // New method (as 3.0.0), returns multiple barcode scan results
            public override void ReturnResults(BarcodePickerController picker, NSSet results)
                UIApplication.SharedApplication.StatusBarHidden = false;

                // Restore main screen (and restore title bar for 3.0)

                // Note that it is possible to get multiple results discovered at the same time.
                // Even if you return as soon as you see result barcodes, there could be more than one.
                var foundCode = (results.AnyObject as BarcodeResult);

                if (foundCode != null)
コード例 #6
            // New method (as 3.0.0), returns multiple barcode scan results
            public override void ReturnResults(BarcodePickerController picker, NSSet results)
                UIApplication.SharedApplication.StatusBarHidden = false;

                // Restore main screen (and restore title bar for 3.0)
                controller.DismissModalViewControllerAnimated (true);

                // Note that it is possible to get multiple results discovered at the same time.
                // Even if you return as soon as you see result barcodes, there could be more than one.
                var foundCode = (results.AnyObject as BarcodeResult);
                if (foundCode != null)
                    controller.BarcodeScannedResult (foundCode);