コード例 #1
        private void MapStateToProps(AppState state, WorldByCountryChartProps props)

            props.ChartConfig = _barChartConfig;

            var stats = state?.CountriesData;

            if (stats == null)

            var data = stats.ByCountry.OrderByDescending(c => c.Cases).Take(20).ToArray();

            _barChartConfig.Data.Labels.AddRange(data.Select(c => c.Country));

            var activeDataSet = new BarDataset <Int32Wrapper>
                Label           = "Active",
                BackgroundColor = "#3f51b5",
                BorderColor     = ColorUtil.ColorString(0, 0, 0),
                BorderWidth     = 1

            activeDataSet.AddRange(data.Select(c => c.Active).Wrap());

            var recoveredDataSet = new BarDataset <Int32Wrapper>
                Label           = "Recovered",
                BackgroundColor = "#008C00",
                BorderColor     = ColorUtil.ColorString(0, 0, 0),
                BorderWidth     = 1

            recoveredDataSet.AddRange(data.Select(c => c.Recovered).Wrap());

            var deathDataSet = new BarDataset <Int32Wrapper>
                Label           = "Deaths",
                BackgroundColor = "#e53935",
                BorderColor     = ColorUtil.ColorString(0, 0, 0),
                BorderWidth     = 1

            deathDataSet.AddRange(data.Select(c => c.Deaths).Wrap());
コード例 #2
        protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
            barConfig = new BarConfig(ChartType.HorizontalBar)
                Options = new BarOptions
                    Title = new OptionsTitle
                        Display = false,
                    Responsive = false,
                    Scales     = new BarScales
                        XAxes = new List <CartesianAxis>
                            new LinearCartesianAxis
                                Ticks = new LinearCartesianTicks
                                    AutoSkip = false,
                                    Min      = 0,
                                    StepSize = 1
                    Legend = new Legend
                        Display = false,

            var report = await Progress.ExecuteInProgressAsync(() => ReportWebApiClient.GetReportOsobAsync());

            barConfig.Data.Labels.AddRange(report.UcastHracu.Select(item => item.PrijmeniJmeno).ToArray());

            BarDataset <Int32Wrapper> barDataSet = new BarDataset <Int32Wrapper>(ChartType.HorizontalBar)
                BackgroundColor = Enumerable.Range(0, report.UcastHracu.Count).Select(i => ColorUtil.ColorHexString(0, 0, (byte)(255 - (i * 15) % 200))).ToArray()

            barDataSet.AddRange(report.UcastHracu.Select(item => item.PocetTerminu).ToArray().Wrap());

            reportHeight = report.UcastHracu.Count * 40 + 60; // prostě naházeno vidlemi
            isLoaded     = true;
コード例 #3
        protected Task GenerateBarChart(string question, string[] answers, double[] votes)
            // Note the constructor argument
            _q1Config = new BarConfig(ChartType.HorizontalBar)
                Options = new BarOptions
                    Title = new OptionsTitle
                        Display = true,
                        Text    = question
                    Responsive = true,
                    Scales     = new BarScales
                        XAxes = new List <CartesianAxis>
                            new LinearCartesianAxis
                                Ticks = new LinearCartesianTicks
                                    AutoSkip = false,
                                    Min      = 0 // Otherwise the lowest value in the dataset won't be visible


            //Note the constructor argument
            _q1DataSet = new BarDataset <DoubleWrapper>(ChartType.HorizontalBar)
                Label           = question,
                BackgroundColor = Enumerable.Range(0, answers.Length).Select(i => ColorUtil.FromDrawingColor(System.Drawing.Color.BlueViolet)).ToArray(),
                BorderColor     = ColorUtil.FromDrawingColor(System.Drawing.Color.Black),
                BorderWidth     = 1


コード例 #4
        private void AddBalance()
            var barBalanceSet = new BarDataset <Int32Wrapper>
                Label                = LabelBalances,
                BackgroundColor      = new[] { "#242968", "#218ba5", "#11af66", "#af9d11" },
                BorderWidth          = 0,
                HoverBackgroundColor = "#f06384",
                HoverBorderColor     = "#f06384",
                HoverBorderWidth     = 1,
                BorderColor          = "#ffffff",

            barBalanceSet.AddRange(Enumerable.Range(1, DateTime.DaysInMonth(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month)).Select(i => rnd.Next(30)).Wrap());

コード例 #5
        protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
            _barChartConfig = new BarConfig
                Options = new BarOptions
                    Legend =
                        Display = false
                    Title = new OptionsTitle
                        Display = true,
                        Text    = "지난 1년동안의 공지사항 글 수"
                    Scales = new BarScales
                        XAxes = new List <CartesianAxis>
                            new BarCategoryAxis
                                BarPercentage = 0.5,
                                BarThickness  = BarThickness.Flex
                        YAxes = new List <CartesianAxis>
                            new BarLinearCartesianAxis
                                Ticks = new LinearCartesianTicks
                                    BeginAtZero = true
                    Responsive = true

            List <string> backgroundColors = new List <string>(); // 배경색: 랜덤
            List <string> labels           = new List <string>(); // 1월부터 12월까지
            List <double> values           = new List <double>(); // 1월부터 12월까지의 데이터

            for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++)

            var sortedList = await NoticeRepositoryReference.GetMonthlyCreateCountAsync();

            for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++)


            _barDataSet = new BarDataset <DoubleWrapper>
                BackgroundColor      = backgroundColors.ToArray(),
                BorderWidth          = 0,
                HoverBackgroundColor = ColorUtil.RandomColorString(),
                HoverBorderColor     = ColorUtil.RandomColorString(),
                HoverBorderWidth     = 1,
                BorderColor          = "#ffffff"

コード例 #6
        protected override void OnInitialized()
            _config = new BarConfig
                Options = new BarOptions
                    Legend = new Legend
                        Display = false

                    Responsive = true,

                    MaintainAspectRatio = false,

                    Tooltips = new Tooltips
                        Enabled = true,

                        Mode = InteractionMode.Index,

                        Intersect = false,

                        BorderWidth = 1,

                        BorderColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12)",

                        BackgroundColor = "#ffffff",

                        TitleFontColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)",

                        BodyFontColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.54)",

                        FooterFontColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.54)"

                    Scales = new BarScales
                        XAxes = new List <CartesianAxis>
                            new BarCategoryAxis
                                BarThickness = 12,

                                MaxBarThickness = 10,

                                BarPercentage = 0.5,

                                CategoryPercentage = 0.5,

                                // Ticks = new CategoryTicks
                                // {
                                //     FontColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.54)"
                                // },

                                GridLines = new GridLines
                                    Display = false,

                                    DrawBorder = false,

                                    OffsetGridLines = true

                                Offset = true,

                                OffsetGridLines = true

                        YAxes = new List <CartesianAxis>
                            new BarLinearCartesianAxis
                                BarThickness = 12,

                                MaxBarThickness = 10,

                                BarPercentage = 0.5,

                                CategoryPercentage = 0.5,

                                Ticks = new LinearCartesianTicks
                                    BeginAtZero = true,

                                    Min = 0

                                          // FontColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.54)"

                                GridLines = new GridLines
                                    BorderDash = new double [] { 2 },

                                    DrawBorder = false,

                                    Color = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12)",

                                    ZeroLineBorderDash = new int [] { 2 },

                                    ZeroLineBorderDashOffset = 2,

                                    ZeroLineColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12)"

            _config.Data.Labels.AddRange(new[] { "1 Aug", "2 Aug", "3 Aug", "4 Aug", "5 Aug", "6 Aug" });

            var barSet1 = new BarDataset <DoubleWrapper>
                Label = "This year",

                BackgroundColor = "#3f51b5"

            barSet1.AddRange(new DoubleWrapper[] { 18, 5, 19, 27, 29, 19 });

            var barSet2 = new BarDataset <DoubleWrapper>
                Label = "Last year",

                BackgroundColor = "#e5e5e5"

            barSet2.AddRange(new DoubleWrapper[] { 11, 20, 12, 29, 30, 25 });

            _config.Data.Datasets.AddRange(new[] { barSet1, barSet2 });