コード例 #1
        public static BandItem ParseBandString(string str)
            BandItem bi = new BandItem();

            bi.Name   = "";
            bi.Freq1  = double.NaN;
            bi.Units1 = "";
            bi.Freq2  = double.NaN;
            bi.Units2 = "";
            if (str.Split(':').Count() < 4)

            if (str.Split(':').Count() == 5)
                bi.Name = str.Split(':')[4];
            bi.Freq1  = double.Parse(str.Split(':')[0].Replace('.', ','));
            bi.Units1 = str.Split(':')[1];
            bi.Freq2  = double.Parse(str.Split(':')[2].Replace('.', ','));
            bi.Units2 = str.Split(':')[3];

コード例 #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine($"Welcome to my record label's interactive client catalogue. Please select one of the following options:");

            var userHasChosenToQuit = false;

            while (userHasChosenToQuit == false)
                Console.WriteLine("(A)dd a new band");
                Console.WriteLine("(V)iew all the bands");
                Console.WriteLine("A(d)d an album for a band");
                Console.WriteLine("(L)et a band go");
                Console.WriteLine("(R)esign a band");
                Console.WriteLine("(E)nter a band's name to view all its albums");
                Console.WriteLine("V(i)ew all albums ordered by release date");
                Console.WriteLine("Vie(w) all bands that are signed");
                Console.WriteLine("View all (b)ands that are not signed");

                var choice = PromptForString("Choice: ");

                if (choice == "Q")
                    userHasChosenToQuit = true;

                if (choice == "A")
                    var context = new BandDatabaseContext();

                    var newName            = PromptForString("Name: ");
                    var newCountryofOrigin = PromptForString("Country of Origin: ");
                    var newNumberOfMembers = PromptForInteger("Number of Members: ");
                    var newWeb             = PromptForString("Email Address: ");
                    var newStyle           = PromptForString("Musical Style: ");
                    var newIsSigned        = PromptForBool("Is the band signed? (Answer as true or false): ");
                    var newContactName     = PromptForString("Name of Band Contact: ");
                    var newContactPhone    = PromptForString("Band Contact Phone Number: ");

                    var newBandItem = new BandItem
                        Name            = newName,
                        CountryOfOrigin = newCountryofOrigin,
                        NumberOfMembers = newNumberOfMembers,
                        Web             = newWeb,
                        Style           = newStyle,
                        IsSigned        = newIsSigned,
                        ContactName     = newContactName,
                        ContactPhone    = newContactPhone,


                if (choice == "V")
                    var context     = new BandDatabaseContext();
                    var allTheBands = context.Band;

                    foreach (var band in allTheBands)

                        Console.WriteLine($"Band ID Number: {band.Id}, Name: {band.Name}, Country of Origin: {band.CountryOfOrigin}, Number of Members: {band.NumberOfMembers}, Email: {band.Web}, Signed?: {band.IsSigned}, Contact Name: {band.ContactName}, Contact Phone Number: {band.ContactPhone}");

                if (choice == "d")
                    var context = new AlbumDatabaseContext();

                    var newTitle       = PromptForString("Title: ");
                    var newIsExplicit  = PromptForBool("Is the album explicit? (Answer as true or false): ");
                    var newReleaseDate = PromptForDateTime("What is the Album's release date in the format of MM/DD/YYYY?: ");
                    var newBandId      = PromptForInteger("What is the ID number for the band that recorded this album: ");

                    var newAlbumItem = new AlbumItem
                        Title       = newTitle,
                        IsExplicit  = newIsExplicit,
                        ReleaseDate = newReleaseDate,
                        BandId      = newBandId


                if (choice == "L")
                    var context = new BandDatabaseContext();
                    var bandWithNewSignedStatus = PromptForString("Which band would you like to select? ");
                    var retrieveBandItem        = context.Band.FirstOrDefault(entry => entry.Name == $"{bandWithNewSignedStatus}");

                    if (retrieveBandItem == null)
                        Console.WriteLine("Sorry, that band does not exist in this database.");
                        retrieveBandItem.IsSigned = false;


                if (choice == "R")
                    var context = new BandDatabaseContext();
                    var bandWithNewSignedStatus = PromptForString("Which band would you like to select? ");
                    var retrieveBandItem        = context.Band.FirstOrDefault(entry => entry.Name == $"{bandWithNewSignedStatus}");

                    if (retrieveBandItem == null)
                        Console.WriteLine("Sorry, that band does not exist in this database.");
                        retrieveBandItem.IsSigned = true;


                if (choice == "E")
                    var bandContext      = new BandDatabaseContext();
                    var albumContext     = new AlbumDatabaseContext();
                    var bandToSearchFor  = PromptForString("Enter the name of the band you'd like to search for? ");
                    var retrieveBandItem = bandContext.Band.FirstOrDefault(entry => entry.Name == $"{bandToSearchFor}");

                    if (retrieveBandItem == null)
                        Console.WriteLine("Sorry, that band does not exist in this database.");
                        var findAlbums = albumContext.Album.Where(entry => entry.BandId == retrieveBandItem.Id);

                        foreach (var album in findAlbums)
                            Console.WriteLine($"Title: {album.Title}, Is Explicit?: {album.IsExplicit}, Release Date: {album.ReleaseDate}");
                if (choice == "i")
                    var context      = new AlbumDatabaseContext();
                    var allTheAlbums = context.Album.OrderBy(entry => entry.ReleaseDate);

                    foreach (var album in allTheAlbums)

                        Console.WriteLine($"Album Title: {album.Title}, Release Date: {album.ReleaseDate}");
                if (choice == "w")
                    var context     = new BandDatabaseContext();
                    var allTheBands = context.Band.Where(band => band.IsSigned == true);

                    foreach (var band in allTheBands)


                if (choice == "b")
                    var context     = new BandDatabaseContext();
                    var allTheBands = context.Band.Where(band => band.IsSigned == false);

                    foreach (var band in allTheBands)
