public void CmdCheckPassword(string admin_password) { if (base.GetComponent <ServerRoles>().GetAccessToRemoteAdmin()) { this.CallTargetReturnValue(base.GetComponent <NetworkIdentity>().connectionToClient, new string[] { "_PasswordCheck_True" }); } else { string @string = ConfigFile.GetString("administrator_password", "none"); if (admin_password == @string && admin_password != string.Empty && @string != "none") { base.GetComponent <ServerRoles>().SetRole(5); this.CallTargetReturnValue(base.GetComponent <NetworkIdentity>().connectionToClient, new string[] { "_PasswordCheck_True" }); } else if (this.passwordTries >= 3) { BanPlayer.BanConnection(base.GetComponent <NetworkIdentity>().connectionToClient, 1); } else { this.CallTargetReturnValue(base.GetComponent <NetworkIdentity>().connectionToClient, new string[] { "_PasswordCheck_False" }); this.passwordTries++; } } }
private void ProcessQuery(NetworkConnection target, string q) { if (q == "GetPlayers") { List <QueryProcessor.PlayerInfo> list = new List <QueryProcessor.PlayerInfo>(); foreach (NetworkConnection networkConnection in NetworkServer.connections) { string sesTime = "#UNCONNECTED#"; GameObject gameObject = GameConsole.Console.FindConnectedRoot(networkConnection); if (gameObject != null) { try { float num = gameObject.GetComponent <QueryProcessor>().session_time; int num2 = 0; while (num >= 60f) { num -= 60f; num2++; } sesTime = string.Concat(new object[] { num2, "m ", Mathf.Floor(num), "s" }); } catch { } } try { list.Add(new QueryProcessor.PlayerInfo(networkConnection.address, gameObject, sesTime)); } catch { } } this.CallTargetReturnPlayerInfo(target, list.ToArray()); } else if (q.StartsWith("BAN")) { while (q.Contains(" ")) { q = q.Replace(" ", string.Empty); } string text = q.Remove(0, 4); text = text.Remove(text.IndexOf(";)")); string text2 = q.Remove(0, q.IndexOf('{') + 1); text2 = text2.Remove(text2.IndexOf('}')); int duration = int.Parse(text2); this.CallTargetReturnValue(target, new string[] { "BAN SUCCESS" }); foreach (NetworkConnection networkConnection2 in NetworkServer.connections) { foreach (string a in text.Split(new char[] { ';' })) { if (a == networkConnection2.address) { BanPlayer.BanConnection(networkConnection2, duration); } } } } else if (q.StartsWith("FORCECLASS")) { while (q.Contains(" ")) { q = q.Replace(" ", string.Empty); } string text3 = q.Remove(0, 11); text3 = text3.Remove(text3.IndexOf(";)")); string text4 = q.Remove(0, q.IndexOf('{') + 1); text4 = text4.Remove(text4.IndexOf('}')); int classid = int.Parse(text4); this.CallTargetReturnValue(target, new string[] { "FC SUCCESS" }); foreach (NetworkConnection networkConnection3 in NetworkServer.connections) { foreach (string a2 in text3.Split(new char[] { ';' })) { if (a2 == networkConnection3.address) { GameObject gameObject2 = GameConsole.Console.FindConnectedRoot(networkConnection3); if (gameObject2 != null) { base.GetComponent <CharacterClassManager>().SetPlayersClass(classid, gameObject2); } } } } } else if (q.StartsWith("GIVE")) { while (q.Contains(" ")) { q = q.Replace(" ", string.Empty); } string text5 = q.Remove(0, 5); text5 = text5.Remove(text5.IndexOf(";)")); string text6 = q.Remove(0, q.IndexOf('{') + 1); text6 = text6.Remove(text6.IndexOf('}')); int id = int.Parse(text6); this.CallTargetReturnValue(target, new string[] { "GIVE SUCCESS" }); MonoBehaviour.print(q); foreach (NetworkConnection networkConnection4 in NetworkServer.connections) { foreach (string text7 in text5.Split(new char[] { ';' })) { MonoBehaviour.print(string.Concat(new string[] { "[", networkConnection4.address, "] = [", text7, "]" })); if (text7 == networkConnection4.address) { GameObject gameObject3 = GameConsole.Console.FindConnectedRoot(networkConnection4); if (gameObject3 != null) { MonoBehaviour.print("Added"); gameObject3.GetComponent <Inventory>().AddNewItem(id, -4.65664672E+11f); } else { MonoBehaviour.print("NotFound"); } } } } } }
public string TypeCommand(string cmd) { try { if (!GameObject.Find("Host").GetComponent <NetworkIdentity>().isLocalPlayer) { this.AddLog("Console commands are disabled for the clients.", new Color32(byte.MaxValue, 0, 0, byte.MaxValue), false); return("not owner"); } } catch { return("not owner"); } this.response = string.Empty; string[] array = cmd.ToUpper().Split(new char[] { ' ' }); cmd = array[0]; if (cmd == "HELLO") { this.AddLog("Hello World!", new Color32(0, byte.MaxValue, 0, byte.MaxValue), false); } else if (cmd == "LENNY") { this.AddLog("<size=450>( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)</size>\n\n", new Color32(byte.MaxValue, 180, 180, byte.MaxValue), false); } else if (cmd == "GIVE") { int num = 0; if (array.Length >= 2 && int.TryParse(array[1], out num)) { string a = "offline"; GameObject[] array2 = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Player"); foreach (GameObject gameObject in array2) { if (gameObject.GetComponent <NetworkIdentity>().isLocalPlayer) { a = "online"; Inventory component = gameObject.GetComponent <Inventory>(); if (component != null) { if (component.availableItems.Length > num) { component.AddNewItem(num, -4.65664672E+11f); a = "none"; } else { this.AddLog("Failed to add ITEM#" + num.ToString("000") + " - item does not exist!", new Color32(byte.MaxValue, 180, 0, byte.MaxValue), false); } } } } if (a == "offline" || a == "online") { this.AddLog((!(a == "offline")) ? "Player inventory script couldn't be find!" : "You cannot use that command if you are not playing on any server!", new Color32(byte.MaxValue, 180, 0, byte.MaxValue), false); } else { this.AddLog("ITEM#" + num.ToString("000") + " has been added!", new Color32(0, byte.MaxValue, 0, byte.MaxValue), false); } } else { this.AddLog("Second argument has to be a number!", new Color32(byte.MaxValue, 180, 0, byte.MaxValue), false); } } else if (cmd == "ITEMLIST") { string a2 = "offline"; GameObject[] array4 = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Player"); foreach (GameObject gameObject2 in array4) { int num2 = 1; if (array.Length >= 2 && !int.TryParse(array[1], out num2)) { this.AddLog("Please enter correct page number!", new Color32(byte.MaxValue, 180, 0, byte.MaxValue), false); return(this.response); } if (gameObject2.GetComponent <NetworkIdentity>().isLocalPlayer) { a2 = "online"; Inventory component2 = gameObject2.GetComponent <Inventory>(); if (component2 != null) { a2 = "none"; if (num2 < 1) { this.AddLog("Page '" + num2 + "' does not exist!", new Color32(byte.MaxValue, 180, 0, byte.MaxValue), false); this.RefreshConsoleScreen(); return(this.response); } Item[] availableItems = component2.availableItems; for (int k = 10 * (num2 - 1); k < 10 * num2; k++) { if (10 * (num2 - 1) > availableItems.Length) { this.AddLog("Page '" + num2 + "' does not exist!", new Color32(byte.MaxValue, 180, 0, byte.MaxValue), false); break; } if (k >= availableItems.Length) { break; } this.AddLog("ITEM#" + k.ToString("000") + " : " + availableItems[k].label, new Color32(byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue), false); } } } } if (a2 != "none") { this.AddLog((!(a2 == "offline")) ? "Player inventory script couldn't be find!" : "You cannot use that command if you are not playing on any server!", new Color32(byte.MaxValue, 180, 0, byte.MaxValue), false); } } else if (cmd == "CLS" || cmd == "CLEAR") { this.logs.Clear(); this.RefreshConsoleScreen(); } else if (cmd == "QUIT" || cmd == "EXIT") { this.logs.Clear(); this.RefreshConsoleScreen(); this.AddLog("<size=50>GOODBYE!</size>", new Color32(byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue), false); this.RefreshConsoleScreen(); base.Invoke("QuitGame", 1f); } else if (cmd == "HELP") { if (array.Length > 1) { string b = array[1]; foreach (Console.CommandHint commandHint in this.hints) { if ( == b) { this.AddLog( + " - " + commandHint.fullDesc, new Color32(byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue), false); this.RefreshConsoleScreen(); return(this.response); } } this.AddLog("Help for command '" + array[1] + "' does not exist!", new Color32(byte.MaxValue, 180, 0, byte.MaxValue), false); this.RefreshConsoleScreen(); return(this.response); } this.AddLog("List of available commands:\n", new Color32(byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue), false); foreach (Console.CommandHint commandHint2 in this.hints) { this.AddLog( + " - " + commandHint2.shortDesc, new Color32(byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue), true); } this.AddLog("Type 'HELP [COMMAND]' to print a full description of the chosen command.", new Color32(byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue), false); this.RefreshConsoleScreen(); } else if (cmd == "REFRESHFIX") { this.allwaysRefreshing = !this.allwaysRefreshing; this.AddLog("Console log refresh mode: " + ((!this.allwaysRefreshing) ? "OPTIMIZED" : "FIXED"), new Color32(0, byte.MaxValue, 0, byte.MaxValue), false); } else if (cmd == "VALUE") { if (array.Length < 2) { this.AddLog("The second argument cannot be <i>null</i>!", new Color32(byte.MaxValue, 180, 0, byte.MaxValue), false); } else { bool flag = false; string text = array[1]; foreach (Console.Value value in this.values) { if (value.key == text) { flag = true; this.AddLog(string.Concat(new string[] { "The value of ", text, " is: @#{[", text, "}]#@" }), new Color32(50, 70, 100, byte.MaxValue), false); } } if (!flag) { this.AddLog("Key " + text + " not found!", new Color32(byte.MaxValue, 180, 0, byte.MaxValue), false); } } } else if (cmd == "SEED") { GameObject gameObject3 = GameObject.Find("Host"); int num3 = -1; if (gameObject3 != null) { num3 = gameObject3.GetComponent <RandomSeedSync>().seed; } this.AddLog("Map seed is: <b>" + ((num3 != -1) ? num3.ToString() : "NONE") + "</b>", new Color32(0, byte.MaxValue, 0, byte.MaxValue), false); } else if (cmd == "SHOWRIDS") { GameObject[] array8 = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("RoomID"); foreach (GameObject gameObject4 in array8) { gameObject4.GetComponentsInChildren <MeshRenderer>()[0].enabled = !gameObject4.GetComponentsInChildren <MeshRenderer>()[0].enabled; gameObject4.GetComponentsInChildren <MeshRenderer>()[1].enabled = !gameObject4.GetComponentsInChildren <MeshRenderer>()[1].enabled; } if (array8.Length > 0) { this.AddLog("Show RIDS: " + array8[0].GetComponentInChildren <MeshRenderer>().enabled, new Color32(0, byte.MaxValue, 0, byte.MaxValue), false); } else { this.AddLog("There are no RIDS!", new Color32(byte.MaxValue, 180, 0, byte.MaxValue), false); } } else if (cmd == "CLASSLIST") { string a3 = "offline"; GameObject[] array10 = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Player"); foreach (GameObject gameObject5 in array10) { int num5 = 1; if (array.Length >= 2 && !int.TryParse(array[1], out num5)) { this.AddLog("Please enter correct page number!", new Color32(byte.MaxValue, 180, 0, byte.MaxValue), false); return(this.response); } if (gameObject5.GetComponent <NetworkIdentity>().isLocalPlayer) { a3 = "online"; CharacterClassManager component3 = gameObject5.GetComponent <CharacterClassManager>(); if (component3 != null) { a3 = "none"; if (num5 < 1) { this.AddLog("Page '" + num5 + "' does not exist!", new Color32(byte.MaxValue, 180, 0, byte.MaxValue), false); this.RefreshConsoleScreen(); return(this.response); } Class[] klasy = component3.klasy; for (int num6 = 10 * (num5 - 1); num6 < 10 * num5; num6++) { if (10 * (num5 - 1) > klasy.Length) { this.AddLog("Page '" + num5 + "' does not exist!", new Color32(byte.MaxValue, 180, 0, byte.MaxValue), false); break; } if (num6 >= klasy.Length) { break; } this.AddLog("CLASS#" + num6.ToString("000") + " : " + klasy[num6].fullName, new Color32(byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue), false); } } } } if (a3 != "none") { this.AddLog((!(a3 == "offline")) ? "Player inventory script couldn't be find!" : "You cannot use that command if you are not playing on any server!", new Color32(byte.MaxValue, 180, 0, byte.MaxValue), false); } } else if (cmd == "GOTO") { if (array.Length >= 2) { GameObject gameObject6 = null; GameObject[] array12 = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("RoomID"); foreach (GameObject gameObject7 in array12) { if (gameObject7.GetComponent <Rid>().id.ToUpper() == array[1].ToUpper()) { gameObject6 = gameObject7; } } string a4 = "offline"; if (gameObject6 != null) { GameObject[] array14 = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Player"); foreach (GameObject gameObject8 in array14) { if (gameObject8.GetComponent <NetworkIdentity>().isLocalPlayer) { if (array[1].ToUpper() == "RANGE" && !gameObject8.GetComponent <ShootingRange>().isOnRange) { a4 = "range"; } else { a4 = "none"; gameObject8.transform.position = gameObject6.transform.position; } } } if (a4 == "range") { this.AddLog("<b>Shooting range is disabled!</b>", new Color32(byte.MaxValue, 180, 0, byte.MaxValue), false); } else if (a4 == "offline") { this.AddLog("You cannot use that command if you are not playing on any server!", new Color32(byte.MaxValue, 180, 0, byte.MaxValue), false); } else { this.AddLog("Teleported!", new Color32(0, byte.MaxValue, 0, byte.MaxValue), false); } } else { this.AddLog("Room: <i>" + array[1].ToUpper() + "</i> not found!", new Color32(byte.MaxValue, 180, 0, byte.MaxValue), false); } } else { this.AddLog("Second argument is missing!", new Color32(byte.MaxValue, 180, 0, byte.MaxValue), false); } this.RefreshConsoleScreen(); } else if (cmd == "RANGE") { string a5 = "offline"; GameObject[] array16 = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Player"); foreach (GameObject gameObject9 in array16) { if (gameObject9.GetComponent <NetworkIdentity>().isLocalPlayer) { a5 = "online"; ShootingRange component4 = gameObject9.GetComponent <ShootingRange>(); if (component4 != null) { a5 = "none"; component4.isOnRange = true; } } } if (a5 == "offline" || a5 == "online") { this.AddLog((!(a5 == "offline")) ? "Player range script couldn't be find!" : "You cannot use that command if you are not playing on any server!", new Color32(byte.MaxValue, 180, 0, byte.MaxValue), false); } else { this.AddLog("<b>Shooting range</b> is now available!", new Color32(0, byte.MaxValue, 0, byte.MaxValue), false); } } else if (cmd == "ROUNDRESTART") { bool flag2 = false; foreach (GameObject gameObject10 in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Player")) { PlayerStats component5 = gameObject10.GetComponent <PlayerStats>(); if (component5.isLocalPlayer && component5.isServer) { flag2 = true; this.AddLog("The round is about to restart! Please wait..", new Color32(0, byte.MaxValue, 0, byte.MaxValue), false); component5.Roundrestart(); } } if (!flag2) { this.AddLog("You're not owner of this server!", new Color32(byte.MaxValue, 180, 0, byte.MaxValue), false); } } else if (cmd == "CONFIG") { if (array.Length < 2) { this.TypeCommand("HELP CONFIG"); } else { string text2 = array[1]; if (text2 != null) { if (!(text2 == "RELOAD") && !(text2 == "R") && !(text2 == "RLD")) { if (!(text2 == "PATH")) { if (text2 == "VALUE") { if (array.Length < 3) { this.AddLog("Please enter key name in the third argument. (CONFIG VALUE <i>KEYNAME</i>)", new Color32(byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, 0, byte.MaxValue), false); } else { this.AddLog("The value of <i>'" + array[2] + "'</i> is: " + ConfigFile.GetString(array[2], "<color=ff0>DENIED: Entered key does not exists</color>"), new Color32(byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue), false); } } } else { this.AddLog("Configuration file path: <i>" + ConfigFile.path + "</i>", new Color32(byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue), false); this.AddLog("<i>No visible drive letter means the root game directory.</i>", new Color32(byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue), false); } } else if (ConfigFile.singleton.ReloadConfig()) { this.AddLog("Configuration file <b>successfully reloaded</b>. New settings will be applied on <b>your</b> server in <b>next</b> round.", new Color32(0, byte.MaxValue, 0, byte.MaxValue), false); } else { this.AddLog("Configuration file reload <b>failed</b> - no such file - '<i>" + ConfigFile.path + "</i>'. Loading defult settings..", new Color32(byte.MaxValue, 0, 0, byte.MaxValue), false); this.AddLog("Default settings have been loaded.", new Color32(byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, 0, byte.MaxValue), false); } } } } else if (cmd == "BAN") { if (GameObject.Find("Host").GetComponent <NetworkIdentity>().isLocalPlayer) { if (array.Length < 3) { this.AddLog("Syntax: BAN [player kick / ip] [minutes]", new Color32(byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, 0, byte.MaxValue), false); foreach (NetworkConnection networkConnection in NetworkServer.connections) { string text3 = string.Empty; GameObject gameObject11 = Console.FindConnectedRoot(networkConnection); if (gameObject11 != null) { text3 = gameObject11.GetComponent <NicknameSync>().myNick; } if (text3 == string.Empty) { this.AddLog("Player :: " + networkConnection.address, new Color32(160, 128, 128, byte.MaxValue), true); } else { this.AddLog("Player :: " + text3 + " :: " + networkConnection.address, new Color32(128, 160, 128, byte.MaxValue), true); } } } else { int duration = 0; if (int.TryParse(array[2], out duration)) { bool flag3 = false; foreach (NetworkConnection networkConnection2 in NetworkServer.connections) { GameObject gameObject12 = Console.FindConnectedRoot(networkConnection2); if (networkConnection2.address.ToUpper().Contains(array[1]) || (gameObject12 != null && gameObject12.GetComponent <NicknameSync>().myNick.ToUpper().Contains(array[1]))) { flag3 = true; BanPlayer.BanConnection(networkConnection2, duration); this.AddLog("Player banned.", new Color32(0, byte.MaxValue, 0, byte.MaxValue), false); } } if (!flag3) { this.AddLog("Player not found.", new Color32(byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, 0, byte.MaxValue), false); } } else { this.AddLog("Parse error: [minutes] - has to be an integer.", new Color32(byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, 0, byte.MaxValue), false); } } } else { this.AddLog("You are not the owner!.", new Color32(byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, 0, byte.MaxValue), false); } } else if (cmd == "BANREFRESH") { if (GameObject.Find("Host").GetComponent <NetworkIdentity>().isLocalPlayer) { BanPlayer.ReloadBans(); } else { this.AddLog("You are not the owner!.", new Color32(byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, 0, byte.MaxValue), false); } } else { this.AddLog("Command " + cmd + " does not exist!", new Color32(byte.MaxValue, 180, 0, byte.MaxValue), false); } return(this.response); }