public void GetResultForQueuedBuild() { //Arrange var api = new BambooApi("base url", "username", "password"); var queueResult = api.GetService <QueueService>().QueuePlan("TP-TEST"); //Act var sut = api.GetService <QueueService>().GetResultForQueuedPlan(queueResult); //Assert Assert.IsNotNull(sut); }
public void QueuePlanReturnsQueueResult() { //Arrange var api = new BambooApi("base url", "username", "password"); //Act var sut = api.GetService <QueueService>().QueuePlan("TP-TEST"); //Assert Assert.IsNotNull(sut); }
public void ShouldThrowUnauthorizedException() { var api = new BambooApi( "", "xxx", "xxx"); var endpoint = api.GetService<CurrentUserService>(); Action action = () => endpoint.GetUser(); action.ShouldThrow<UnauthorizedAccessException>(); }
public void ShouldThrowUnauthorizedException() { var api = new BambooApi( "", "xxx", "xxx"); var endpoint = api.GetService <CurrentUserService>(); Action action = () => endpoint.GetUser(); action.ShouldThrow <UnauthorizedAccessException>(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //Console.WriteLine("Processing..."); const string apiBaseUrl = @""; #region MyRegion const string userName = ""; const string password = ""; #endregion BambooApi api = new BambooApi(apiBaseUrl, userName, password); new PlanSample(api, "JHT", "AIRI"); wa = new WebApi(userName, password); wa.SimpleHttp.Verbose = true; var projectsService = api.GetService<ProjectService>(); planService = api.GetService<PlanService>(); queueService = api.GetService<QueueService>(); //projectsService.Clone("JHT", "AH", "JHT", "AIR11"); ////projectsService.TestChangeConfig(); var templateProjKey = "JHT"; var projKey = "AIIIDATA"; var templatebuildKey = "TEM"; //var tetest = projectsService.GetProjectWithAllPlans(templateProjKey); //foreach (var plan in tetest.Plans.All) //{ // if (plan.ShortKey == "RRRDEN") // { // //wa.ShareAllArtifactsToAnotherJob(plan.ProjectKey, plan.ShortKey, "JOB1", "RRRR"); // //wa.DeleteStage(plan.ProjectKey, plan.ShortKey, "GetSvnConfiguration"); // wa.AddPlanVariable(plan.ProjectKey, plan.ShortKey, "aaaa", "cc"); // } //} //var arma3DataPlansWitVars = projectsService.GetProjectWithAllPlansAndVariables(templateProjKey); //foreach (var plan in arma3DataPlansWitVars.Plans.All) //{ // if (plan.ShortName.ToLower().Contains("exp")) // { // var currentPlan = planService.GetPlan(projKey, plan.ShortKey); // foreach (var variable in currentPlan.VariableContext.All) // { // if (variable.Key == "a3_useOldBuildingPipeline" && variable.Value == "true") // { // Console.WriteLine(plan.ShortName + Environment.NewLine); // } // } // } //} wa.ClonePlan("JHT", templatebuildKey, "JHT", "LALALA"); var arma3DataPlans = projectsService.GetProjectWithAllPlans(templateProjKey); var buildingPlans = new List<Bamboo.Sharp.Api.Model.Plan>(); var processed = true; foreach (var plan in arma3DataPlans.Plans.All) { var buildKey = plan.ShortKey; Console.WriteLine(plan.ProjectKey + " " + plan.ShortKey + " " + plan.ShortName); if (plan.ShortKey == "RNDROOT") { } //else if (plan.ShortKey == "MAPSDT") //{ // processed = false; //} else if (plan.IsBuilding) { //buildingPlans.Add(plan); } //STRUCTURES_F_EXP || MAP_TANOABUKA else if (plan.ShortKey == "STRUCEX")// if (plan.BuildName.ToLower().Contains("exp")) { //wa.DeletePlan(plan.ProjectKey, plan.ShortKey); wa.ClonePlan("JHT", templatebuildKey, plan.ProjectKey, plan.ShortKey); //DeleteStage(plan.ProjectKey, buildKey, "Build package"); //CreateStage(plan.ProjectKey, plan.ShortKey, "Build+package"); //CreateStage(plan.ProjectKey, plan.ShortKey, "Synchronize+data"); //wa.JobCleanWorkingDirectory(plan.ProjectKey, buildKey, "JOB1"); //wa.DeleteJob(plan.ProjectKey, buildKey, "DTF"); //CloneJob(templateProjKey, templatebuildKey, "JOB1", "Build+Package", plan.ProjectKey, buildKey, "Build+package"); //CloneJob(templateProjKey, templatebuildKey, "RRRR", "Copy+data+and+packlogs", plan.ProjectKey, buildKey, "Synchronize+data"); //CloneJob(templateProjKey, templatebuildKey, "DTF", "Delete+temp+files", plan.ProjectKey, buildKey, "Synchronize+data"); //ShareAllArtifactsToAnotherJob(plan.ProjectKey, buildKey, "JOB1", "RRRR"); //AddPlanVariable(plan.ProjectKey, buildKey, "a3_useOldBuildingPipeline", "false"); //AddPlanVariable(plan.ProjectKey, buildKey, "svnSubdirectory"); } } /* for plan cloning, load all plans for arma3data project to array and than foreach it, */ //api.GetService<QueueService>().Show(); //var projectsService = api.GetService<ProjectService>(); //var projects = projectsService.GetProjects(); //Console.WriteLine("Alive!"); //var project = projectsService.GetProject("JHT"); //var queue = api.GetService<QueueService>(); // var user = api.GetService<CurrentUserService>(); }
public void Test() { var api = new BambooApi("base url", "username", "password"); var projects = api.GetService <ProjectService>().GetProjects(); var user = api.GetService <CurrentUserService>().GetUser(); }