コード例 #1
 /*!This is an medthod that will be called from the animator controller object
  * It changes the possesion state of the player when it is call*/
 public void BallThrown()
     TheBall.BallWasThrown();          //make sure the ball knows it was thrown
     TheBall.InitializeBallPosition(); //initialize the postion of the ball before it is thrown
     PlayerBallPossessionState = BallPossessionState.DoseNotHaveBall;
     PlayerBallThrowState      = BallThrowingState.NotBeingThrown;
コード例 #2
        public X8Timer ShootTimer = new X8Timer(.5f);          //this will time how longer the player faces the recticle
        void Start()
            innerShield = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <RaydraShield>(); //!search for the sheild in the children of the parent object

            _myCamera = this.GetComponentInChildren <Camera>();               //get the camera that is connected to this game object
            bool ScoreMode = false;                                           //initally we are not in score mode

            //!the player info that unity will keep tract of
            p_fCameraAngleTheta        = 43f;                              //!initialize the angle that player if facing
            p_fCameraAnglePhi          = 45f;                              //!The camera is initially yyyyin this state
            p_fPlayerToFocusAngleTheta = 43f;                              //!initialize the angle that player if facing
            p_fPlayerToFocusAnglePhi   = 45f;                              //!//!initialize the angle that player if facing in the upward direction
            p_fJumpVelocity            = .40f;                             //!initialize the upward jump force
            ForceOfGravity             = 1f / 60f;                         //!this will have a unit per second force of gravity, in the downward direction
            p_fOrientationAngle        = 90f;                              //!Angle that the player is facing in degrees
            p_v3OrientationVect        = new Vector3(0, 0, 1f);            //!Direction player is facing represented as an angle
            p_v3PlayerToFocusVect      = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);             //!The vector the represents the direction the camera if facing
            p_v3PlayerToCameraVect     = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);             //!The Vector Data the represent the player to camera direction
            PlayerMovementState        = MovingState.IsStandingStill;      //!Intially the player is not moving
            PlayerJumpState            = JumpingState.NotJumping;          //!initlialize the the player is not jumping
            PlayerTackleHitState       = TackeHitState.NoContact;          //!Initial the tackle state of the player
            PlayerTackleState          = TackleState.IsNotTackling;        //!Initial the tackle state of the player
            PlayerAttackState          = AttackMode.NotFiringAbility;      //!Initial the shoot state of the player
            PlayerRaydraState          = RaydraState.NotInRaydraMode;      //!initailly the player is not in Raydra Mode
            PlayerCameraState          = CameraPerspective.Normal;         //!initially the camera to do nothing
            PlayerPhaseState           = PhaseState.IsNotPhasing;
            PlayerBallThrowState       = BallThrowingState.NotBeingThrown; //!Initial the vertical state of the player
            PlayerBallPossessionState  = BallPossessionState.HasBall;      //!Initial the Possession State of the player                                                         //	PlayerMotionVector = new Vector3 (this.transform.position.x,.transform.position.y,playerData.transform.position.z);
            p_v3PlayerVectorDirection  = Vector3.zero;                     //! This is direction that te player is headed as a vector
            _armWeapon    = this.GetComponentInChildren <RaydraWeapon>();  //!reference to the arm weapon on the player which is null to begin with
            p_bFacePlayer = false;                                         //! variable that determines weather or not to face the player, this variable determine weather or not this medthod is recursive
            p_fMass       = 0f;                                            //!initialize the mass of the player
            p_StateTime   = 0f;                                            // Time elasped in current state
            p_Collider    = null;                                          //initialize the first collider connect to this body
            pRidgidBody   = null;

            Controls = GetComponent <RaydraControls>();
            if (CameraFocusOverHead != null)
                p_v3PlayerToCameraVect = CameraFocusOverHead.transform.position - _myCamera.transform.position;
            p_fCameraAnglePhi          = Vector3.Angle(new Vector3(0, 1, 0), p_v3PlayerToCameraVect);
            p_fCameraAngleTheta        = Vector3.Angle(new Vector3(1, 0, 0), p_v3PlayerToCameraVect);
            p_fPlayerToFocusAnglePhi   = Vector3.Angle(new Vector3(0, 1, 0), p_v3PlayerToFocusVect);
            p_fPlayerToFocusAngleTheta = Vector3.Angle(new Vector3(1, 0, 0), p_v3PlayerToFocusVect);
            X8Animator = GetComponent <Animator>();
            isGrounded = false;
            if (p_v3PlayerToFocusVect.z < 0)
                p_fPlayerToFocusAngleTheta = 360 - p_fPlayerToFocusAngleTheta; //make sure that the angle is at the correct corridinate
            if (p_v3PlayerToCameraVect.z < 0)
                p_fCameraAngleTheta = 360 - p_fCameraAngleTheta; //make sure that the angle is at the correct corridinate
            TheBall    = FindObjectOfType <RaydraCellz>();
            X8Animator = GetComponent <Animator>(); //get the reference to the animator

            PlayerMovementState = MovingState.IsStandingStill;

            EnemyAI = GetComponent <Ai>(); //get the ai script attached to the player (if there is one)

            if (EnemyAI != null)
                Debug.Log("enemy AI" + EnemyAI.ToString());
コード例 #3
 /*!This is an medthod that will be called from the animator controller object
  * It changes the possesion state of the player when it is call*/
 public void IsThrowingBall()
     PlayerBallThrowState      = BallThrowingState.IsBeingThrown; //make sure the ball knows it was thrown
     PlayerBallPossessionState = BallPossessionState.DoseNotHaveBall;