static private byte getVerbosityFilter(BaconArgs ArgBag) { byte slug = 0; int verbosity = ArgBag.getFlag(BMyArgParams.LOG_VERBOSITY); if (verbosity >= 1) { slug |= BMyLog4PB.E_FATAL; } if (verbosity >= 2) { slug |= BMyLog4PB.E_ERROR; } if (verbosity >= 3) { slug |= BMyLog4PB.E_WARN; } if (verbosity >= 4) { slug |= BMyLog4PB.E_INFO; } if (verbosity >= 5 && ArgBag.hasOption(BMyArgParams.LOG_ENABLEDEBUG)) { slug |= BMyLog4PB.E_DEBUG; } if (verbosity >= 6 && ArgBag.hasOption(BMyArgParams.LOG_ENABLEDEBUG)) { slug |= BMyLog4PB.E_TRACE; } return(slug); }
private void init() { #region initialization oldPBName = Me.CustomName; unique_id = (new Random()).Next(); all_blocks_found = true; autopilot_en = true; location_name = "UNKNOWN"; // For spinner counter = 0; string parse = Me.CustomName.Replace(BLOCK_PREFIX, ""); int id1 = Me.CustomName.IndexOf('['); int id2 = Me.CustomName.IndexOf(']'); if (id1 >= 0 && id2 >= 0) { parse = parse.Substring(id1 + 1, id2 - id1 - 1); } else { parse = ""; } BaconArgs Args = BaconArgs.parse(parse); IS_BASE = (Args.getFlag('b') > 0); DOCK_LEFT = (Args.getFlag('l') > 0); IS_PLANET = (Args.getFlag('p') > 0); if (IS_PLANET) { IS_BASE = true; } List <string> nameArg = Args.getOption("name"); if (nameArg.Count > 0 && nameArg[0] != null) { location_name = nameArg[0]; } // Set all known blocks to null or clear lists lcdPanel = null; messageReceiver = null; WANProgram = null; connector = null; remoteControl = null; door = null; timer = null; landLight = null; mainGear = 0; gyros.Clear(); destinations.Clear(); gears.Clear(); // Get all blocks List <IMyTerminalBlock> blks = new List <IMyTerminalBlock>(); GridTerminalSystem.SearchBlocksOfName(BLOCK_PREFIX, blks, hasPrefix); num_blocks_found = blks.Count; // Assign blocks to variables as appropriate foreach (var blk in blks) { // LCD panel for printing if (blk is IMyTextPanel) { lcdPanel = blk as IMyTextPanel; lcdPanel.ShowPublicTextOnScreen(); lcdPanel.SetValueFloat("FontSize", 1.2f); } // Wico Area Network programmable block else if (blk is IMyProgrammableBlock && !blk.Equals(Me)) { WANProgram = blk as IMyProgrammableBlock; } // Autopilot else if (!IS_BASE && blk is IMyRemoteControl) { remoteControl = blk as IMyRemoteControl; } /* Ship or station connector for docking * Used to connect to station and for orientation info */ else if (!IS_PLANET && blk is IMyShipConnector) { connector = blk as IMyShipConnector; } /* Door used for docking; used for orientation information * since it's more obvious which way a door faces than a connector */ else if (!IS_PLANET && blk is IMyDoor) { door = blk as IMyDoor; } // Gyros for ship orientation else if (!IS_BASE && blk is IMyGyro) { IMyGyro g = blk as IMyGyro; gyros.Add(g); } // Timer block so that we can orient ship properly - requires multiple calls/sec else if (!IS_BASE && blk is IMyTimerBlock) { timer = blk as IMyTimerBlock; timer.SetValueFloat("TriggerDelay", 1.0f); } // Light (interior or spotlight) determines where we will land else if (IS_BASE && IS_PLANET && blk is IMyInteriorLight) { landLight = blk as IMyInteriorLight; } // Landing gear.... else if (!IS_BASE && blk is IMyLandingGear) { IMyLandingGear gear = blk as IMyLandingGear; gears.Add(gear); if (gear.CustomName.ToLower().Contains("main")) { mainGear = gears.Count - 1; } } } // Make sure all gyros reset resetGyros(); // Clear block list blks.Clear(); // Get text panel blocks used by Wico Area Network for communication GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType <IMyTextPanel>(blks, hasWANRPrefix); if (blks.Count == 0) { Echo("Error: Can't find message received text panel for Wico Area Network"); all_blocks_found = false; } else { messageReceiver = blks[0] as IMyTextPanel; messageReceiver.WritePublicTitle(""); messageReceiver.WritePrivateTitle("NAV"); } if (WANProgram == null) { Echo("Error: Can't find programming block for Wico Area Network"); all_blocks_found = false; } if (lcdPanel == null) { Echo("Error: Expect 1 LCD"); all_blocks_found = false; } if (!IS_PLANET && connector == null) { Echo("Error: Can't find any connectors to use for docking"); all_blocks_found = false; } if (!IS_BASE && remoteControl == null) { Echo("Error: Can't find any remote control blocks"); all_blocks_found = false; } if (!IS_PLANET && door == null) { Echo("Error: Can't find door"); all_blocks_found = false; } if (!IS_BASE && gyros.Count == 0) { Echo("Error: No gyros detected"); all_blocks_found = false; } if (!IS_BASE && timer == null) { Echo("Error: No timer found"); all_blocks_found = false; } if (IS_PLANET && landLight == null) { Echo("Error: No light for landing ship destination found"); all_blocks_found = false; } if (!IS_BASE && gears.Count == 0) { Echo("Warning: no landing gear found. You will not be able to land on planets"); } // Init communicator state machine comm = communicate().GetEnumerator(); // Clear autopilot state machine fly = null; #endregion }