コード例 #1
        public int Send(byte[] buffer, int offset, int data_length, BacnetAddress address, bool wait_for_transmission, int timeout)
            if (m_TS == -1)
                throw new Exception("Source address must be set up before sending messages");

            //add to queue
            BacnetNpduControls   function   = NPDU.DecodeFunction(buffer, offset);
            BacnetMstpFrameTypes frame_type = (function & BacnetNpduControls.ExpectingReply) == BacnetNpduControls.ExpectingReply ? BacnetMstpFrameTypes.FRAME_TYPE_BACNET_DATA_EXPECTING_REPLY : BacnetMstpFrameTypes.FRAME_TYPE_BACNET_DATA_NOT_EXPECTING_REPLY;

            byte[] copy = new byte[data_length + MSTP.MSTP_HEADER_LENGTH + 2];
            Array.Copy(buffer, offset, copy, MSTP.MSTP_HEADER_LENGTH, data_length);
            MessageFrame f = new MessageFrame(frame_type, address.adr[0], copy, data_length);

            lock (m_send_queue)
            if (m_reply == null)
                m_reply = f;

            //wait for message to be sent
            if (wait_for_transmission)
                if (!f.send_mutex.WaitOne(timeout))

コード例 #2
        public static void Encode(EncodeBuffer buffer, BacnetNpduControls function, BacnetAddress destination,
                                  BacnetAddress source = null, byte hopCount = 0xFF)
            // Modif FC
            var hasDestination = destination != null && destination.net > 0; // && destination.net != 0xFFFF;
            var hasSource      = source != null && source.net > 0 && source.net != 0xFFFF;

            buffer.buffer[buffer.offset++] = BACNET_PROTOCOL_VERSION;
            buffer.buffer[buffer.offset++] = (byte)(function | (hasDestination ? BacnetNpduControls.DestinationSpecified : 0) | (hasSource ? BacnetNpduControls.SourceSpecified : 0));

            if (hasDestination)
                buffer.buffer[buffer.offset++] = (byte)((destination.net & 0xFF00) >> 8);
                buffer.buffer[buffer.offset++] = (byte)((destination.net & 0x00FF) >> 0);

                if (destination.net == 0xFFFF)                  //patch by F. Chaxel
                    buffer.buffer[buffer.offset++] = 0;
                    buffer.buffer[buffer.offset++] = (byte)destination.adr.Length;
                    if (destination.adr.Length > 0)
                        foreach (var t in destination.adr)
                            buffer.buffer[buffer.offset++] = t;

            if (hasSource)
                buffer.buffer[buffer.offset++] = (byte)((source.net & 0xFF00) >> 8);
                buffer.buffer[buffer.offset++] = (byte)((source.net & 0x00FF) >> 0);
                // Modif FC
                if (destination.net == 0xFFFF)
                    buffer.buffer[buffer.offset++] = 0;
                    buffer.buffer[buffer.offset++] = (byte)destination.adr.Length;
                    if (destination.adr.Length > 0)
                        foreach (var t in destination.adr)
                            buffer.buffer[buffer.offset++] = t;

            if (hasDestination)
                buffer.buffer[buffer.offset++] = hopCount;
コード例 #3
        public static void Encode(EncodeBuffer buffer, BacnetNpduControls function, BacnetAddress destination,
                                  BacnetAddress source, byte hopCount, BacnetNetworkMessageTypes networkMsgType, ushort vendorId)
            Encode(buffer, function, destination, source, hopCount);

            if (function.HasFlag(BacnetNpduControls.NetworkLayerMessage)) // sure it is, otherwise the other Encode is used
                buffer.buffer[buffer.offset++] = (byte)networkMsgType;
                if ((byte)networkMsgType >= 0x80) // who used this ??? sure nobody !
                    buffer.buffer[buffer.offset++] = (byte)((vendorId & 0xFF00) >> 8);
                    buffer.buffer[buffer.offset++] = (byte)((vendorId & 0x00FF) >> 0);
コード例 #4
        public static int Decode(byte[] buffer, int offset, out BacnetNpduControls function, out BacnetAddress destination,
                                 out BacnetAddress source, out byte hopCount, out BacnetNetworkMessageTypes networkMsgType, out ushort vendorId)
            var orgOffset = offset;

            function = (BacnetNpduControls)buffer[offset++];

            destination = null;
            if ((function & BacnetNpduControls.DestinationSpecified) == BacnetNpduControls.DestinationSpecified)
                destination = new BacnetAddress(BacnetAddressTypes.None, (ushort)((buffer[offset++] << 8) | (buffer[offset++] << 0)), null);
                int adrLen = buffer[offset++];
                if (adrLen > 0)
                    destination.adr = new byte[adrLen];
                    for (var i = 0; i < destination.adr.Length; i++)
                        destination.adr[i] = buffer[offset++];

            source = null;
            if ((function & BacnetNpduControls.SourceSpecified) == BacnetNpduControls.SourceSpecified)
                source = new BacnetAddress(BacnetAddressTypes.None, (ushort)((buffer[offset++] << 8) | (buffer[offset++] << 0)), null);
                int adrLen = buffer[offset++];
                if (adrLen > 0)
                    source.adr = new byte[adrLen];
                    for (var i = 0; i < source.adr.Length; i++)
                        source.adr[i] = buffer[offset++];

            hopCount = 0;
            if ((function & BacnetNpduControls.DestinationSpecified) == BacnetNpduControls.DestinationSpecified)
                hopCount = buffer[offset++];

            networkMsgType = BacnetNetworkMessageTypes.NETWORK_MESSAGE_WHO_IS_ROUTER_TO_NETWORK;
            vendorId       = 0;
            if (function.HasFlag(BacnetNpduControls.NetworkLayerMessage))
                networkMsgType = (BacnetNetworkMessageTypes)buffer[offset++];
                if ((byte)networkMsgType >= 0x80)
                    vendorId = (ushort)((buffer[offset++] << 8) | (buffer[offset++] << 0));
                else if (networkMsgType == BacnetNetworkMessageTypes.NETWORK_MESSAGE_WHO_IS_ROUTER_TO_NETWORK)
                    offset += 2;  // Don't care about destination network adress

            if (buffer[orgOffset + 0] != BACNET_PROTOCOL_VERSION)

            return(offset - orgOffset);
コード例 #5
        public static void Encode(EncodeBuffer buffer, BacnetNpduControls function, BacnetAddress destination, BacnetAddress source, byte hop_count, BacnetNetworkMessageTypes network_msg_type, ushort vendor_id)
            // Modif FC
            bool has_destination = destination != null && destination.net > 0; // && destination.net != 0xFFFF;
            bool has_source      = source != null && source.net > 0 && source.net != 0xFFFF;

            buffer.buffer[buffer.offset++] = BACNET_PROTOCOL_VERSION;
            buffer.buffer[buffer.offset++] = (byte)(function | (has_destination ? BacnetNpduControls.DestinationSpecified : 0) | (has_source ? BacnetNpduControls.SourceSpecified : 0));

            if (has_destination)
                buffer.buffer[buffer.offset++] = (byte)((destination.net & 0xFF00) >> 8);
                buffer.buffer[buffer.offset++] = (byte)((destination.net & 0x00FF) >> 0);

                if (destination.net == 0xFFFF)                  //patch by F. Chaxel
                    buffer.buffer[buffer.offset++] = 0;
                    buffer.buffer[buffer.offset++] = (byte)destination.adr.Length;
                    if (destination.adr.Length > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < destination.adr.Length; i++)
                            buffer.buffer[buffer.offset++] = destination.adr[i];

            if (has_source)
                buffer.buffer[buffer.offset++] = (byte)((source.net & 0xFF00) >> 8);
                buffer.buffer[buffer.offset++] = (byte)((source.net & 0x00FF) >> 0);
                // Modif FC
                if (destination.net == 0xFFFF)
                    buffer.buffer[buffer.offset++] = 0;
                    buffer.buffer[buffer.offset++] = (byte)destination.adr.Length;
                    if (destination.adr.Length > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < destination.adr.Length; i++)
                            buffer.buffer[buffer.offset++] = destination.adr[i];

            if (has_destination)
                buffer.buffer[buffer.offset++] = hop_count;

             * //display warning
             * if (has_destination || has_source)
             * {
             *  System.Diagnostics.Trace.TraceWarning("NPDU size is more than 4. This will give an error in the current max_apdu calculation");
             * }

            if ((function & BacnetNpduControls.NetworkLayerMessage) > 0)
                buffer.buffer[buffer.offset++] = (byte)network_msg_type;
                if (((byte)network_msg_type) >= 0x80)
                    buffer.buffer[buffer.offset++] = (byte)((vendor_id & 0xFF00) >> 8);
                    buffer.buffer[buffer.offset++] = (byte)((vendor_id & 0x00FF) >> 0);