public void CmdCopyLocal() { var acct = _getAcct(); var cont = acct.service.fileCache.getContainers(; BUCommon.FreezeFile rmt = null; if (cont.files.Count > 0) { rmt = cont.files[0]; } Assert.IsNotNull(rmt); Assert.IsNotNull(rmt.fileID); var cl = new BackupLib.commands.CopyLocal { account = acct , key = privateKey , destPath = testDest , cont = cont , maxTasks = 1 , noAction = true , filterre = rmt.path }; System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(cl.destPath);; }
public override int run(BUCommon.AccountList accounts) { var src = _parseLoc(accounts, _opts.source); var dest = _parseLoc(accounts, _opts.dest); if (src.cont == null) { return _err("ERROR - source is unknown: {0}", _opts.source); } if (dest.cont == null) { return _err("ERROR - dest is unknown: {0}", _opts.dest); } if (src.acct == null && dest.acct == null) { return _err("ERROR - use copy instead of this program (both are local)."); } if (src.acct != null && dest.acct != null) { return _err("ERROR - remote to remote copying is not yet supported."); } /* these options should be mutually exclusive. */ if (dest.acct != null) { var crm = new BackupLib.commands.CopyRemote { cache=accounts.filecache , account=dest.acct , container=dest.cont , , progress= _printDiff , fileRE=_opts.filterRE , key=_opts.key , noAction=_opts.dryrun };; } if (src.acct != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_opts.filterRE)) { var cl = new BackupLib.commands.CopyLocal { account=src.acct , , filterre = _opts.filterRE , key=_opts.key , noAction=_opts.dryrun , progress= _printDiff , errors = _printExcept };; } return 0; }
public void CopyLocal() { var accts = _makeSvc(); var acct = accts.accounts[0]; var conts = new BackupLib.commands.Containers { account = acct, cache = accts.filecache };; BUCommon.FreezeFile rmt = null; var cont = accts.filecache.containers[0]; if (cont.files.Count > 0) { rmt = cont.files[0]; } Assert.That(rmt, Is.Not.Null); Assert.That(rmt.fileID, Is.Not.Null); var cl = new BackupLib.commands.CopyLocal { account = acct , cont = cont , noAction = true , filterre = rmt.path , key = @"c:\tmp\id_rsa_1" , destPath = @"c:\tmp\photos1" }; System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(cl.destPath);; }