public static void InsertTags() { IEnumerable <BackstorySettings> settings = DefDatabase <BackstorySettings> .AllDefs; IEnumerable <BackstoryTagItem> items = settings.SelectMany((BackstorySettings bs) => bs.backstoryTagInsertion); // Log.Message("Checking " + items.Count() + " Backstroy Tags from " + settings.Count() + " BackstorySettings"); foreach (BackstoryTagItem backstoryTagItem in items) { // Log.Message("BackstorySettings for " + backstoryTagItem); using (List <string> .Enumerator enumerator2 = backstoryTagItem.backstories.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator2.MoveNext()) { Backstory backstory; if (BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier(enumerator2.Current, out backstory, false)) { backstory.spawnCategories.AddRange(backstoryTagItem.spawnCategories); if (backstoryTagItem.debug) { Log.Message("Found Backstory with Identifer: " + enumerator2.Current + " Backstory: " + backstory.identifier + " spawnCategories: " + backstory.spawnCategories.ToCommaList()); } } } } } }
public static List <string> MissingBackstoryTranslations(LoadedLanguage lang) { List <KeyValuePair <string, Backstory> > list = BackstoryDatabase.allBackstories.ToList(); List <string> list2 = new List <string>(); string modifiedIdentifier; KeyValuePair <string, Backstory> backstory; foreach (XElement item in BackstoryTranslationElements(lang.AllDirectories, null)) { try { string text = item.Name.ToString(); modifiedIdentifier = BackstoryDatabase.GetIdentifierClosestMatch(text, closestMatchWarning: false); bool flag = list.Any((KeyValuePair <string, Backstory> x) => x.Key == modifiedIdentifier); backstory = list.Find((KeyValuePair <string, Backstory> x) => x.Key == modifiedIdentifier); if (flag) { list.RemoveAt(list.FindIndex((KeyValuePair <string, Backstory> x) => x.Key == backstory.Key)); string text2 = GetText(item, "title"); string text3 = GetText(item, "titleFemale"); string text4 = GetText(item, "titleShort"); string text5 = GetText(item, "titleShortFemale"); string text6 = GetText(item, "desc"); if (text2.NullOrEmpty()) { list2.Add(text + ".title missing"); } if (flag && !backstory.Value.titleFemale.NullOrEmpty() && text3.NullOrEmpty()) { list2.Add(text + ".titleFemale missing"); } if (text4.NullOrEmpty()) { list2.Add(text + ".titleShort missing"); } if (flag && !backstory.Value.titleShortFemale.NullOrEmpty() && text5.NullOrEmpty()) { list2.Add(text + ".titleShortFemale missing"); } if (text6.NullOrEmpty()) { list2.Add(text + ".desc missing"); } } else { list2.Add("Translation doesn't correspond to any backstory: " + text); } } catch (Exception ex) { list2.Add(string.Concat("Exception reading ", item.Name, ": ", ex.Message)); } } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Backstory> item2 in list) { list2.Add("Missing backstory: " + item2.Key); } return(list2); }
private static void SetBackstoryAndSkills(Pawn p) { if (BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier("ChildSpy47", out Backstory bs)) { p.story.childhood = bs; } else { Log.Error("Tried to assign child backstory ChildSpy47, but not found"); } if (BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier("ColonySettler53", out Backstory bstory)) { p.story.adulthood = bstory; } else { Log.Error("Tried to assign child backstory ColonySettler53, but not found"); } //Clear traits p.story.traits.allTraits = new List <Trait>(); //Reset cache //ReflectionUtility.cachedDisabledWorkTypes.SetValue(p.story, null); //Reset cache for each skill for (int i = 0; i < p.skills.skills.Count; i++) { ReflectionUtility.cachedTotallyDisabled.SetValue(p.skills.skills[i], BoolUnknown.Unknown); } }
static ConstructBackstories() { LongEventHandler.ExecuteWhenFinished(() => { childhood = new Backstory() { title = "Artificial Construct", titleShort = "Construct", identifier = "ConstructBackstoryC", workDisables = WorkTags.Social, slot = BackstorySlot.Childhood, baseDesc = "" }; BackstoryDatabase.AddBackstory(childhood); adulthood = new Backstory() { title = "Artificial Construct", titleShort = "Construct", identifier = "ConstructBackstoryA", workDisables = WorkTags.Social, slot = BackstorySlot.Adulthood, baseDesc = "" }; BackstoryDatabase.AddBackstory(adulthood); }); }
static DroneBackstories() { LongEventHandler.ExecuteWhenFinished(() => { childhood = new Backstory() { title = "PRFDroneName".Translate(), titleShort = "PRFDroneName".Translate(), identifier = "PRFNoneBracketsC", workDisables = WorkTags.Social, slot = BackstorySlot.Childhood, baseDesc = "NoneBrackets".Translate() }; BackstoryDatabase.AddBackstory(childhood); adulthood = new Backstory() { title = "PRFDroneName".Translate(), titleShort = "PRFDroneName".Translate(), identifier = "PRFNoneBracketsA", workDisables = WorkTags.Social, slot = BackstorySlot.Adulthood, baseDesc = "NoneBrackets".Translate() }; BackstoryDatabase.AddBackstory(adulthood); }); }
public override void ResolveReferences() { base.ResolveReferences(); if (BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier(this.backstoryName, out Backstory bs)) { bs.baseDesc = this.backstoryDescription; } }
public Backstory GetFromDatabase() { Backstory bs = null; BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier(identifier, out bs, false); return(bs); }
private static void CheckAllInjected() { // Thanks to all modders out there for providing help and support. // This is just for me. Backstory childMe = new Backstory { bodyTypeMale = BodyType.Male, bodyTypeFemale = BodyType.Female, slot = BackstorySlot.Childhood, baseDesc = "NAME never believed what was common sense and always doubted other people. HECAP later went on inflating toads with HIS sushi stick. It was there HE earned HIS nickname.", requiredWorkTags = WorkTags.Violent, shuffleable = false }; childMe.SetTitle("Lost child"); childMe.SetTitleShort("Seeker"); childMe.skillGains.Add("Shooting", 4); childMe.skillGains.Add("Medicine", 2); childMe.skillGains.Add("Social", 1); childMe.PostLoad(); childMe.ResolveReferences(); Backstory adultMale = new Backstory { bodyTypeMale = BodyType.Male, bodyTypeFemale = BodyType.Female, slot = BackstorySlot.Adulthood, baseDesc = "HECAP tells no one about his past. HECAP doesn't like doctors, thus HECAP prefers to tend his wounds himself.", shuffleable = false, spawnCategories = new List <string>() }; adultMale.spawnCategories.AddRange(new[] { "Civil", "Raider", "Slave", "Trader", "Traveler" }); adultMale.SetTitle("Lone gunman"); adultMale.SetTitleShort("Gunman"); adultMale.skillGains.Add("Shooting", 4); adultMale.skillGains.Add("Medicine", 3); adultMale.skillGains.Add("Cooking", 2); adultMale.skillGains.Add("Social", 1); adultMale.PostLoad(); adultMale.ResolveReferences(); PawnBio me = new PawnBio { childhood = childMe, adulthood = adultMale, gender = GenderPossibility.Male, name = NameTriple.FromString("Gator 'Killface' Stinkwater") }; me.PostLoad(); SolidBioDatabase.allBios.Add(me); BackstoryDatabase.AddBackstory(childMe); BackstoryDatabase.AddBackstory(adultMale); }
public Pawn GetNewPawn(Gender gender) { maleBodyTypeIndex = 0; femaleBodyTypeIndex = 0; hairTypeIndex = 0; femaleHeadTypeIndex = 0; maleHeadTypeIndex = 0; Pawn pawn = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(new PawnGenerationRequest(currentPawnKindDef, Faction.OfAncients, PawnGenerationContext.NonPlayer, -1, true, false, false, false, false, false, 0f, false, true, true, false, false, false, true, fixedGender: gender, fixedBiologicalAge: 20, fixedChronologicalAge: 20)); pawn.story.childhood = null; pawn.story.adulthood = null; pawn.Name = new NameSingle("AlteredCarbon.EmptySleeve".Translate()); pawn?.equipment.DestroyAllEquipment(); pawn?.inventory.DestroyAll(); pawn.apparel.DestroyAll(); RemoveAllTraits(pawn); if (pawn.playerSettings == null) { pawn.playerSettings = new Pawn_PlayerSettings(pawn); } pawn.playerSettings.medCare = MedicalCareCategory.Best; pawn.skills = new Pawn_SkillTracker(pawn); pawn.needs = new Pawn_NeedsTracker(pawn); pawn.needs.mood.thoughts = new ThoughtHandler(pawn); pawn.timetable = new Pawn_TimetableTracker(pawn); if (BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier("AC_VatGrown45", out Backstory bs)) { pawn.story.childhood = bs; } if (pawn.needs?.mood?.thoughts?.memories?.Memories != null) { for (int num = pawn.needs.mood.thoughts.memories.Memories.Count - 1; num >= 0; num--) { pawn.needs.mood.thoughts.memories.RemoveMemory(pawn.needs.mood.thoughts.memories.Memories[num]); } } RemoveAllHediffs(pawn); if (pawn.workSettings != null) { pawn.workSettings.EnableAndInitialize(); } if (pawn.skills != null) { pawn.skills.Notify_SkillDisablesChanged(); } if (!pawn.Dead && pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike) { pawn.needs.mood.thoughts.situational.Notify_SituationalThoughtsDirty(); } return(pawn); }
public static void LoadAndInjectBackstoryData(IEnumerable <string> folderPaths, List <string> loadErrors) { foreach (XElement xelement in BackstoryTranslationUtility.BackstoryTranslationElements(folderPaths, loadErrors)) { string text = "[unknown]"; try { text = xelement.Name.ToString(); string value = xelement.Element("title").Value; string text2 = (xelement.Element("titleFemale") == null) ? null : xelement.Element("titleFemale").Value; string value2 = xelement.Element("titleShort").Value; string text3 = (xelement.Element("titleShortFemale") == null) ? null : xelement.Element("titleShortFemale").Value; string value3 = xelement.Element("desc").Value; Backstory backstory; if (!BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier(text, out backstory, false)) { throw new Exception("Backstory not found matching identifier " + text); } if (value == backstory.title && text2 == backstory.titleFemale && value2 == backstory.titleShort && text3 == backstory.titleShortFemale && value3 == backstory.baseDesc) { throw new Exception("Backstory translation exactly matches default data: " + text); } if (value != null) { backstory.SetTitle(value, backstory.titleFemale); } if (text2 != null) { backstory.SetTitle(backstory.title, text2); } if (value2 != null) { backstory.SetTitleShort(value2, backstory.titleShortFemale); } if (text3 != null) { backstory.SetTitleShort(backstory.titleShort, text3); } if (value3 != null) { backstory.baseDesc = value3; } } catch (Exception ex) { loadErrors.Add(string.Concat(new object[] { "Couldn't load backstory ", text, ": ", ex, "\nFull XML text:\n\n", xelement.ToString() })); } } }
public bool AddBackstory(string identifier) { if (BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier(identifier, out Backstory b, false)) { backstories[b.identifier] = b; return(true); } return(false); }
public static bool RemoveBackstory(string identifier) { if (BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier(identifier, out Backstory b, false)) { Remove(b); return(true); } return(false); }
private void BackCompatibleBackstory(XmlNode node) { string childValue = node?.FirstChild?.Value; if (childValue == null) { return; } foreach (var def in compatibilityDefs) { XmlNode destinationNode; string prefix; string newBackstory; if (def.TryGetBackstoryReplacement(childValue, out newBackstory)) { destinationNode = node; prefix = ""; } else if (def.TryGetBackstoryOpposingReplacement(childValue, out newBackstory)) { var parentNode = node.ParentNode; destinationNode = node.Name == "adulthood" ? parentNode["childhood"] : parentNode["adulthood"]; prefix = "opposing"; } else { continue; } if (!BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier(newBackstory, out Backstory backstory)) { Log.Error($"Couldn't replace {prefix} backstory '{destinationNode.FirstChild.Value}' with identifier '{newBackstory}' - not found."); continue; } Log.Message($"Replacing backstory {prefix} '{destinationNode.FirstChild.Value}' with '{newBackstory}'"); destinationNode.FirstChild.Value = backstory.identifier; var thingNode = node.ParentNode.ParentNode; string pawnID = thingNode["id"]?.FirstChild?.Value; if (pawnID != null) { pawnBackstoryToRefresh.Add($"Thing_{pawnID}"); } else { Log.Warning("pawnID is null"); } } }
public static void Inject() { Log.Message("Injecting backstories..."); if (toSave == null || toSave.Count == 0) { Log.Message("No custom stories found..."); return; } foreach (var story in toSave) { Backstory bStory = new Backstory() { identifier = story.identifier, title = story.title, titleShort = story.titleShort, titleFemale = story.titleFemale, titleShortFemale = story.titleShortFemale, skillGainsResolved = story.skillGainsResolved, baseDesc = story.baseDesc, workDisables = story.workDisables, requiredWorkTags = story.requiredWorkTags, forcedTraits = new List <TraitEntry>(), disallowedTraits = new List <TraitEntry>() }; if (story.traitData != null) { foreach (var t in story.traitData) { if (t.status == 1) { bStory.forcedTraits.Add(new TraitEntry(t.traitDef, t.degreeInt)); } if (t.status == 2) { bStory.disallowedTraits.Add(new TraitEntry(t.traitDef, t.degreeInt)); } } } bStory.PostLoad(); if (BackstoryDatabase.allBackstories.Keys.Contains(bStory.identifier)) { BackstoryDatabase.allBackstories.Remove(bStory.identifier); } BackstoryDatabase.AddBackstory(bStory); } Log.Message($"Loaded {toSave.Count} custom stories"); }
private static void <DoPlayLoad> m__0() { DeepProfiler.Start("Load backstories."); try { BackstoryDatabase.ReloadAllBackstories(); } finally { DeepProfiler.End(); } }
public static void LoadAndInjectBackstoryData(IEnumerable <Tuple <VirtualDirectory, ModContentPack, string> > folderPaths, List <string> loadErrors) { foreach (XElement item in BackstoryTranslationElements(folderPaths, loadErrors)) { string text = "[unknown]"; try { text = item.Name.ToString(); string text2 = GetText(item, "title"); string text3 = GetText(item, "titleFemale"); string text4 = GetText(item, "titleShort"); string text5 = GetText(item, "titleShortFemale"); string text6 = GetText(item, "desc"); if (!BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier(text, out var bs, closestMatchWarning: false)) { throw new Exception("Backstory not found matching identifier " + text); } if (text2 == bs.title && text3 == bs.titleFemale && text4 == bs.titleShort && text5 == bs.titleShortFemale && text6 == bs.baseDesc) { throw new Exception("Backstory translation exactly matches default data: " + text); } if (text2 != null) { bs.SetTitle(text2, bs.titleFemale); bs.titleTranslated = true; } if (text3 != null) { bs.SetTitle(bs.title, text3); bs.titleFemaleTranslated = true; } if (text4 != null) { bs.SetTitleShort(text4, bs.titleShortFemale); bs.titleShortTranslated = true; } if (text5 != null) { bs.SetTitleShort(bs.titleShort, text5); bs.titleShortFemaleTranslated = true; } if (text6 != null) { bs.baseDesc = text6; bs.descTranslated = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { loadErrors.Add("Couldn't load backstory " + text + ": " + ex.Message + "\nFull XML text:\n\n" + item.ToString()); } } }
public static List <string> BackstoryTranslationsMatchingEnglish(LoadedLanguage lang) { List <string> list = new List <string>(); foreach (XElement current in BackstoryTranslationUtility.BackstoryTranslationElements(lang.FolderPaths, null)) { try { string text = current.Name.ToString(); Backstory backstory; if (BackstoryDatabase.allBackstories.TryGetValue(BackstoryDatabase.GetIdentifierClosestMatch(text, true), out backstory)) { string text2 = BackstoryTranslationUtility.GetText(current, "title"); string text3 = BackstoryTranslationUtility.GetText(current, "titleFemale"); string text4 = BackstoryTranslationUtility.GetText(current, "titleShort"); string text5 = BackstoryTranslationUtility.GetText(current, "titleShortFemale"); string text6 = BackstoryTranslationUtility.GetText(current, "desc"); if (!text2.NullOrEmpty() && text2 == backstory.untranslatedTitle) { list.Add(text + ".title '" + text2.Replace("\n", "\\n") + "'"); } if (!text3.NullOrEmpty() && text3 == backstory.untranslatedTitleFemale) { list.Add(text + ".titleFemale '" + text3.Replace("\n", "\\n") + "'"); } if (!text4.NullOrEmpty() && text4 == backstory.untranslatedTitleShort) { list.Add(text + ".titleShort '" + text4.Replace("\n", "\\n") + "'"); } if (!text5.NullOrEmpty() && text5 == backstory.untranslatedTitleShortFemale) { list.Add(text + ".titleShortFemale '" + text5.Replace("\n", "\\n") + "'"); } if (!text6.NullOrEmpty() && text6 == backstory.untranslatedDesc) { list.Add(text + ".desc '" + text6.Replace("\n", "\\n") + "'"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { list.Add(string.Concat(new object[] { "Exception reading ", current.Name, ": ", ex.Message })); } } return(list); }
private static void ClearAllPlayData() { LanguageDatabase.Clear(); LoadedModManager.ClearDestroy(); foreach (Type genericParam in GenTypes.AllSubclasses(typeof(Def))) { GenGeneric.InvokeStaticMethodOnGenericType(typeof(DefDatabase <>), genericParam, "Clear"); } ThingCategoryNodeDatabase.Clear(); BackstoryDatabase.Clear(); SolidBioDatabase.Clear(); PlayDataLoader.loaded = false; }
static RaceSettings() { foreach (BackstoryTagItem bt in DefDatabase <RaceSettings> .AllDefs.SelectMany(selector: rs => rs.backstoryTagInsertion)) { foreach (string backstory in bt.backstories) { if (BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier(backstory, out Backstory bs)) { bs.spawnCategories.AddRange(bt.spawnCategories); } } } }
private static bool AddBackstoryToDatabase(Backstory backstory) { bool keyFound = BackstoryDatabase.allBackstories.ContainsKey(backstory.identifier); //Log.Error("Adding Key:" + backstory.identifier + "// keyFound:" + keyFound.ToString()); if (!keyFound) { BackstoryDatabase.AddBackstory(backstory); } return(!keyFound); }
public override void Initialize(CompProperties props) { base.Initialize(props); this.childhoodStory = BackstoryDatabase.RandomBackstory(BackstorySlot.Childhood); this.adulthoodStory = BackstoryDatabase.RandomBackstory(BackstorySlot.Adulthood); if (Rand.Chance(0.5f)) { memResetMode = MemResetMode.childhood; } else { memResetMode = MemResetMode.adulthood; } }
public static void ClearAllPlayData() { LanguageDatabase.Clear(); LoadedModManager.ClearDestroy(); foreach (Type item in typeof(Def).AllSubclasses()) { GenGeneric.InvokeStaticMethodOnGenericType(typeof(DefDatabase <>), item, "Clear"); } ThingCategoryNodeDatabase.Clear(); BackstoryDatabase.Clear(); SolidBioDatabase.Clear(); Current.Game = null; PlayDataLoader.loadedInt = false; }
public static void LoadAndInjectBackstoryData(LoadedLanguage lang) { foreach (XElement current in BackstoryTranslationUtility.BackstoryTranslationElements(lang)) { string text = "[unknown]"; try { text = current.Name.ToString(); string value = current.Element("title").Value; string value2 = current.Element("titleShort").Value; string value3 = current.Element("desc").Value; Backstory backstory; if (!BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier(text, out backstory)) { throw new Exception("Backstory not found matching identifier " + text); } if (value == backstory.Title && value2 == backstory.TitleShort && value3 == backstory.baseDesc) { Log.Error("Backstory translation exactly matches default data: " + text); } else { if (value != null) { backstory.SetTitle(value); } if (value2 != null) { backstory.SetTitleShort(value2); } if (value3 != null) { backstory.baseDesc = value3; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Warning(string.Concat(new object[] { "Couldn't load backstory ", text, ": ", ex, "\nFull XML text:\n\n", current.ToString() })); } } }
private static void ClearAllPlayData() { LanguageDatabase.Clear(); // A14 - ModContentPackManager was removed? LoadedModManager.ClearDestroy(); foreach (Type genericParam in GenTypes.AllSubclasses(typeof(Def))) { GenGeneric.InvokeStaticMethodOnGenericType(typeof(DefDatabase <>), genericParam, "Clear"); } ThingCategoryNodeDatabase.Clear(); BackstoryDatabase.Clear(); SolidBioDatabase.Clear(); PlayDataLoader_loaded.SetValue(null, false); }
private static void FixBackstory(Pawn pawn) { int tries = 100; while (pawn.story.BodyType != BodyType.Female && pawn.story.BodyType != BodyType.Thin) { //pawn.story.childhood = BackstoryDatabase.RandomBackstory(BackstorySlot.Childhood); pawn.story.adulthood = BackstoryDatabase.RandomBackstory(BackstorySlot.Adulthood); tries--; if (tries <= 0) { Log.Error("Couldn't get backstory."); break; } } }
public override void ExposeData() { base.ExposeData(); Scribe_Values.Look(ref sourceName, "sourceName"); Scribe_Defs.Look(ref kindDef, "kindDef"); string childhoodIdentifier = (backStoryChild == null) ? null : backStoryChild.identifier; Scribe_Values.Look(ref childhoodIdentifier, "backStoryChild"); if (Scribe.mode == LoadSaveMode.LoadingVars && !childhoodIdentifier.NullOrEmpty()) { if (!BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier(childhoodIdentifier, out backStoryChild, true)) { Log.Error("Couldn't load child backstory with identifier " + childhoodIdentifier + ". Giving random.", false); backStoryChild = BackstoryDatabase.RandomBackstory(BackstorySlot.Childhood); } } string adulthoodIdentifier = (backStoryAdult == null) ? null : backStoryAdult.identifier; Scribe_Values.Look(ref adulthoodIdentifier, "backStoryAdult"); if (Scribe.mode == LoadSaveMode.LoadingVars && !adulthoodIdentifier.NullOrEmpty()) { if (!BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier(adulthoodIdentifier, out backStoryAdult, true)) { Log.Error("Couldn't load adult backstory with identifier " + adulthoodIdentifier + ". Giving random.", false); backStoryAdult = BackstoryDatabase.RandomBackstory(BackstorySlot.Adulthood); } } Scribe_Collections.Look(ref skills, "skills", LookMode.Deep); Scribe_Values.Look(ref isAnimal, "isAnimal"); Scribe_Deep.Look(ref trainingLearned, "trainingLearned"); Scribe_Deep.Look(ref trainingSteps, "trainingSteps"); Scribe_Collections.Look(ref hediffInfos, "hediffInfos", LookMode.Deep); if (Scribe.mode == LoadSaveMode.LoadingVars && hediffInfos != null) { //remove any hediffs where the def is missing. Most commonly occurs when a mod is removed from a save. int removed = hediffInfos.RemoveAll(h => h.def == null); if (removed > 0) { QEEMod.TryLog("Removed " + removed + " null hediffs from hediffInfo list for " + sourceName + "'s brain template "); } } }
public override void ResolveReferences() { Dictionary <SkillDef, int> skills = new Dictionary <SkillDef, int>(); base.ResolveReferences(); foreach (skillGains skillGains in this.skillGains) { if (!skills.ContainsKey(skillGains.skill)) { skills.Add(skillGains.skill, skillGains.amount); } } foreach (traitList traitItem in forcedTraits) { traitsToForce.Add(new TraitEntry(traitItem.def,; } this.story = new Backstory { slot = this.backstorySlot, title = this.title, titleFemale = this.femaleTitle, titleShort = this.shortTitle, titleShortFemale = this.shortFemaleTitle, identifier = this.defName, baseDesc = this.storyDesc, spawnCategories = this.spawnInCategories, skillGainsResolved = skills, forcedTraits = this.traitsToForce, disallowedTraits = this.traitsToDisable, workDisables = ((Func <WorkTags>) delegate { WorkTags work = WorkTags.None; Enum.GetValues(typeof(WorkTags)).Cast <WorkTags>().Where(tag => ((!enabledWorkTypes.NullOrEmpty() && !enabledWorkTypes.Contains(tag)) || disabledWorkTypes.Contains(tag)) && (!(disabledWorkTypes.Contains(WorkTags.AllWork)) && !(tag == WorkTags.AllWork)) ).ToList().ForEach(tag => work |= tag); return(work); })(), shuffleable = this.shuffable }; BackstoryDatabase.AddBackstory(story); //Log.Message("created story: " + this.defName); }
public bool Initialize() { if (!BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier(this.identifier, out this.backstory, false)) { Log.Warning("Unable to load backstory " + this.identifier); return(false); } Util.InitializeDefStat(this.bodyTypeGlobal); Util.InitializeDefStat(this.bodyTypeFemale); Util.InitializeDefStat(this.bodyTypeMale); this.skillGains?.ForEach(v => v.Initialize()); this.forcedTraits?.ForEach(v => v.Initialize()); this.disallowedTraits?.ForEach(v => v.Initialize()); return(true); }
public static bool FillBackstorySlotShuffled(Pawn pawn, BackstorySlot slot, ref Backstory backstory, Backstory backstoryOtherSlot, List <BackstoryCategoryFilter> backstoryCategories, FactionDef factionType) { if (pawn.def.defName.StartsWith("OG_")) { // Log.Message(pawn.NameShortColored + " is " +pawn.def + " in " + pawn.Faction); BackstoryCategoryFilter backstoryCategoryFilter = backstoryCategories.RandomElementByWeight((BackstoryCategoryFilter c) => c.commonality); if (backstoryCategoryFilter == null) { // Log.Message(pawn.def + " in " + pawn.Faction + " backstoryCategoryFilter == null"); backstoryCategoryFilter = FallbackCategoryGroup; // Log.Message(pawn.def + " in " + pawn.Faction + " backstoryCategoryFilter == " + backstoryCategoryFilter); } List <string> lista = new List <string>(); foreach (BackstoryCategoryFilter filter in backstoryCategories) { foreach (string str in filter.categories) { if (!lista.Contains(str)) { lista.Add(str); } } } if (!(from bs in BackstoryDatabase.ShuffleableBackstoryList(slot, backstoryCategoryFilter).TakeRandom(20) where slot != BackstorySlot.Adulthood || !bs.requiredWorkTags.OverlapsWithOnAnyWorkType(pawn.story.childhood.workDisables) select bs).TryRandomElementByWeight(new Func <Backstory, float>(BackstorySelectionWeight), out backstory)) { // Log.Message(string.Format("backstoryCategories: {0}, used backstoryCategoryFilter: {1}", lista.ToCommaList(), backstoryCategoryFilter.categories.ToCommaList())); Log.Error(string.Concat(new object[] { "No shuffled ", slot, " found for ", pawn.ToStringSafe <Pawn>(), " of ", factionType.ToStringSafe <FactionDef>(), ". Choosing random." }), false); backstory = (from kvp in BackstoryDatabase.allBackstories where kvp.Value.slot == slot select kvp).RandomElement <KeyValuePair <string, Backstory> >().Value; } return(false); } return(true); }
Pawn GenerateGordon(Pawn animal) { PawnKindDef kind = PawnKindDefOf.Colonist; //TODO get these randomly ; Faction faction = Faction.OfPlayer; bool useFirst = Rand.Bool; string firstName, lastName; firstName = lastName = null; if (useFirst) { firstName = "Gordon"; } else { lastName = "Ramsey"; } float convertedAge = Mathf.Max(TransformerUtility.ConvertAge(animal, ThingDefOf.Human.race), 17); float chronoAge = animal.ageTracker.AgeChronologicalYears * convertedAge / animal.ageTracker.AgeBiologicalYears; var local = new PawnGenerationRequest(kind, faction, PawnGenerationContext.NonPlayer, -1, fixedChronologicalAge: chronoAge, fixedBiologicalAge: convertedAge, fixedBirthName: firstName, fixedLastName: lastName, fixedGender: Gender.Male, forcedTraits: ForcedTraits) { ForcedTraits = ForcedTraits, ValidatorPreGear = GordenValidator }; Pawn lPawn = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(local); if (!BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier("chef", out Backstory back)) { } else { lPawn.story.adulthood = back; } AssignMutations(lPawn); return(lPawn); }