public void Colour(Color colour) { if (State != BackgroundState.Coloured) { Restore(); try { Image image; image = ImageProcessing.ImportImage(Path); Image blackImage = new Bitmap(image); Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(blackImage); graphics.Clear(colour); File.Move(Path, Path + "clr"); blackImage.Save(Path); State = BackgroundState.Coloured; } catch (IOException ex) { if (File.Exists(Path + "clr") && !File.Exists(Path)) { File.Move(Path + "clr", Path); } throw new IOException($"Failed to colour background: {Name}. Restored to normal.", ex); } } }
public void Blur(int BlurRadius) { if (State != BackgroundState.Blurred) { Restore(); if (BlurRadius > 0) { try { Image image; image = ImageProcessing.ImportImage(Path); Image blurredImage = ImageProcessing.Blur((Bitmap)image, BlurRadius); File.Move(Path, Path + "blr"); blurredImage.Save(Path); State = BackgroundState.Blurred; } catch (IOException ex) { if (File.Exists(Path + "blr") && !File.Exists(Path)) { File.Move(Path + "blr", Path); } throw new IOException($"Failed to blur background: {Name}. Restored to normal.", ex); } } } }
public Background(string path) { if (File.Exists(path)) { Path = path; State = BackgroundState.Normal; if (File.Exists(path + "blr")) { State = BackgroundState.Blurred; } else if (File.Exists(path + "clr")) { State = BackgroundState.Coloured; } } else if (File.Exists(path + "dbl")) { Path = path; State = BackgroundState.Disabled; } else { State = BackgroundState.Missing; } }
public async Task ParseAsync(XmlReader reader, IParsingContext parsingContext, IParentParsingContext parentParsingContext) { var context = new BackgroundContext(); await elementParser.ParseAsync(reader, parsingContext, context, Settings); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(context.ParsedText)) { var state = new BackgroundState(context.ParsedText, BackgroundType.Image, BackgroundPosition.Left); var block = parsingContext.BlockFactory.Create( new BackgroundNode(state, null), new ScrollNode(null) ); parentParsingContext.AddNode(new BlockNode(block, context.When)); parsingContext.RegisterDismissNode(DismissNode); return; } if (context.Nodes.Count == 0) { parsingContext.LogError(reader, "Nome de imagem ou elemento filho era esperado."); return; } { var block = parsingContext.BlockFactory.Create(context.Nodes); parentParsingContext.AddNode(new BlockNode(block, context.When)); parsingContext.RegisterDismissNode(DismissNode); } }
public Background(float x, float y, float x2, float y2, Color color, BackgroundState state) { this._x = x; this._y = y; this._x2 = x2; this._y2 = y2; this._color = color; this._state = state; }
public void Disable() { if (State != BackgroundState.Disabled) { Restore(); try { File.Move(Path, Path + "dbl"); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new IOException($"Failed to disable background: {Name}. Restored to normal.", ex); } State = BackgroundState.Disabled; } }
public async Task IgnoreOnInvalidState(BackgroundType type, BackgroundPosition position) { var oldState = new BackgroundState("alpha", type, position); var context = A.Dummy <INavigationContext>(); context.State.Background = oldState; var invoker = new TestInvoker(context); var sut = new ScrollNode(null); var ret = await sut.EnterAsync(context); ret.Should().BeNull(); context.State.Background.Should().BeSameAs(oldState); invoker.Count.Should().Be(0); }
private static void CreateStateInstancees(IApplicationController applicationController, out IBackgroundState backgroundState, out IGridState gridState, out IScaleState scaleState, out IDataDrawState graphState, out IGraphControlFormState graphControlFormState) { backgroundState = new BackgroundState(); applicationController.RegisterInstance <IBackgroundState>(backgroundState); gridState = new GridState(); applicationController.RegisterInstance <IGridState>(gridState); scaleState = new ScaleState(); applicationController.RegisterInstance <IScaleState>(scaleState); graphState = new DataDrawState(); applicationController.RegisterInstance <IDataDrawState>(graphState); graphControlFormState = new GraphControlFormState(); applicationController.RegisterInstance <IGraphControlFormState>(graphControlFormState); }
public void Restore() { if (!(State == BackgroundState.Normal || State == BackgroundState.Missing)) { if (State == BackgroundState.Disabled) { try { File.Move(Path + "dbl", Path); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new IOException($"Failed to restore background: {Name}", ex); } } else { string ext = ""; switch (State) { case BackgroundState.Coloured: ext = "clr"; break; case BackgroundState.Blurred: ext = "blr"; break; } try { File.Move(Path, Path + "temp"); File.Move(Path + ext, Path); } catch (IOException ex) { if (File.Exists(Path + "temp")) { File.Move(Path + "temp", Path); } throw new IOException(ex.Message, ex); } finally { if (File.Exists(Path + "temp")) { File.Delete(Path + "temp"); } } } State = BackgroundState.Normal; } }
public async Task EnterAsync(BackgroundPosition oldPosition, BackgroundPosition newPosition) { var oldState = new BackgroundState("alpha", BackgroundType.Image, oldPosition); var newState = new BackgroundState("alpha", BackgroundType.Image, newPosition); var when = A.Dummy <ICondition>(); var context = A.Dummy <INavigationContext>(); context.State.Background = oldState; var invoker = new TestInvoker(context); var sut = new ScrollNode(when); var ret = await sut.EnterAsync(context); ret.Should().BeNull(); invoker.ShouldContainSingle <IBackgroundScrollEvent>( i => i.Should().BeEquivalentTo(new { Position = newPosition }) ); context.State.Background.Should().Be(newState); }
public UIManagerImpl(GameTablePanel gameTablePanel) { myGameTablePanel = gameTablePanel; Application.Current.RootVisual.Effect = myBackgroundBlur = new BlurEffect {Radius = 0}; myCurrentBackgroundState = new BackgroundState(0, 1); Application.Current.RootVisual.MouseLeftButtonDown += delegate(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { if (myPopupData.Popup.IsOpen) { ClosePopup(myPopupData, myPopupData.Element, false); e.Handled = true; } }; Application.Current.RootVisual.KeyDown += delegate(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.Key == Key.Escape && myPopupData.Popup.IsOpen) { ClosePopup(myPopupData, myPopupData.Element, false); e.Handled = true; } }; }
private void AnimatePopup( UIElement element, double duration, double targetElementOpacity, double targetBackgroundOpacity, double targetBackgroundBlur, IEnumerable<AnimationInfo> additionalAnimations = null, Action onCompleted = null) { if (myStoryboard != null) { myStoryboard.Pause(); if (myOnAnimationCompleted != null) { myOnAnimationCompleted(); myOnAnimationCompleted = null; } } UIElement rootVisual = Application.Current.RootVisual; IEnumerable<AnimationInfo> animations = new[] { new AnimationInfo(element, new PropertyPath(UIElement.OpacityProperty), element.Opacity, targetElementOpacity), new AnimationInfo(rootVisual, new PropertyPath(UIElement.OpacityProperty), rootVisual.Opacity, targetBackgroundOpacity), new AnimationInfo(myBackgroundBlur, new PropertyPath(BlurEffect.RadiusProperty), myBackgroundBlur.Radius, targetBackgroundBlur) }; if (additionalAnimations != null) animations = animations.Concat(additionalAnimations); myCurrentBackgroundState = new BackgroundState(targetBackgroundBlur, targetBackgroundOpacity); myStoryboard = UIUtil.StartAnimation(duration, animations); if (onCompleted != null) { myOnAnimationCompleted = onCompleted; myStoryboard.Completed += delegate { onCompleted(); myOnAnimationCompleted = null; }; } }
public BckSpiral(float x, float y, float x2, float y2, Color color, BackgroundState state) : base(x, y, x2, y2, color, state) { }
string SetBackground(BackgroundState state) { gameObject.transform.localScale = * state.scale; backgroundImage.color = state.color; return(state.status); }
public void ToStringTest(string name, BackgroundType type, BackgroundPosition position, string expected) { var sut = new BackgroundState(name, type, position); sut.ToString().Should().Be(expected); }
private void Start() { State = BackgroundState.Inactive; }