private void Search() { string strWhere = GetConduction(); DataTable dt = bProductionPlanSearch.GetProductionPlan(strWhere).Tables[0]; if (dt.Rows.Count < 1) { txtSlipNumber.Clear(); txtOrder.Clear(); dgvData.DataSource = dt; MessageBox.Show("查询的信息不存在!", this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } else { dgvData.DataSource = dt; } decimal weight = 0; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { weight += CConvert.ToDecimal(row["WEIGHT"].ToString()); } txtTotal.Text = weight.ToString(); }
private void dgvData_CellPainting(object sender, DataGridViewCellPaintingEventArgs e) { DataGridView dgv = (DataGridView)(sender); if (e.RowIndex != -1) { if (e.ColumnIndex == 0) { DataGridViewRow row = dgv.Rows[e.RowIndex]; // row.Cells["NO"].Value = e.RowIndex + 1; } //dgvProduction绑定数据 DataGridViewRow rowline = dgvData.CurrentRow; label4.Text = rowline.Cells["TYPE_NAME"].Value.ToString(); DataSet ds = bProductionPlanSearch.GetProductionPlan(" SLIP_NUMBER = '" + rowline.Cells["SLIP_NUMBER"].Value.ToString() + "'" + " AND LINE_NUMBER = '" + rowline.Cells["LINE_NUMBER"].Value.ToString() + "'"); dgvProduction.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; foreach (DataGridViewRow dr in dgvProduction.Rows) { if (dr.Cells["PSPP_ACTUAL_END_DATE"].Value.ToString() != "") { if (CConvert.ToDateTime(dr.Cells["PSPP_PLAN_END_DATE"].Value.ToString()) == CConvert.ToDateTime(dr.Cells["PSPP_ACTUAL_END_DATE"].Value.ToString())) { dr.Cells["DelayTimeProduction"].Value = "0天"; } else if (CConvert.ToDateTime(dr.Cells["PSPP_PLAN_END_DATE"].Value.ToString()) > CConvert.ToDateTime(dr.Cells["PSPP_ACTUAL_END_DATE"].Value.ToString())) { dr.Cells["DelayTimeProduction"].Value = "0天"; } else if (CConvert.ToDateTime(dr.Cells["PSPP_PLAN_END_DATE"].Value.ToString()) < CConvert.ToDateTime(dr.Cells["PSPP_ACTUAL_END_DATE"].Value.ToString())) { string dateDiff = null; TimeSpan ts1 = new TimeSpan(CConvert.ToDateTime(dr.Cells["PSPP_PLAN_END_DATE"].Value.ToString()).Ticks); TimeSpan ts2 = new TimeSpan(CConvert.ToDateTime(dr.Cells["PSPP_ACTUAL_END_DATE"].Value.ToString()).Ticks); TimeSpan ts = ts1.Subtract(ts2).Duration(); dateDiff = ts.Days.ToString() + "天"; //+ ts.Hours.ToString() + "小时" // + ts.Minutes.ToString() + "分钟" // + ts.Seconds.ToString() + "秒"; dr.Cells["DelayTimeProduction"].Value = dateDiff; } } else { if (CConvert.ToDateTime(dr.Cells["PSPP_PLAN_END_DATE"].Value.ToString()) == CConvert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Now.ToString())) { dr.Cells["DelayTimeProduction"].Value = "0天"; } else if (CConvert.ToDateTime(dr.Cells["PSPP_PLAN_END_DATE"].Value.ToString()) > CConvert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Now.ToString())) { dr.Cells["DelayTimeProduction"].Value = "0天"; } else if (CConvert.ToDateTime(dr.Cells["PSPP_PLAN_END_DATE"].Value.ToString()) < CConvert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Now.ToString())) { string dateDiff = null; TimeSpan ts1 = new TimeSpan(CConvert.ToDateTime(dr.Cells["PSPP_PLAN_END_DATE"].Value.ToString()).Ticks); TimeSpan ts2 = new TimeSpan(CConvert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Now.ToString()).Ticks); TimeSpan ts = ts1.Subtract(ts2).Duration(); dateDiff = ts.Days.ToString() + "天"; dr.Cells["DelayTimeProduction"].Value = dateDiff; } } } } }
private void Search() { string strWhere = GetConduction(); dt = bProductionPlanSearch.GetProductionPlan(strWhere).Tables[0]; dt.Columns.Add("TECHNOLOGY_STATUS", Type.GetType("System.String")); dt.Columns.Add("BTN_DOWN_LOAD", Type.GetType("System.String")); if (dt.Rows.Count < 1) { txtSlipNumber.Clear(); txtSlipType.Clear(); txtSlipTypeName.Clear(); cboStatus.SelectedIndex = 0; txtSlipDateFrom.Checked = false; txtSlipDateTo.Checked = false; dateTimePicker1.Checked = false; dateTimePicker2.Checked = false; //dgvData.DataSource = dt; dgvData.Rows.Clear(); MessageBox.Show("查询的信息不存在!", this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } else { Hashtable dwHt = new Hashtable(); Hashtable technologyHt = new Hashtable(); DataTable dtTechnology = bProductionPlanSearch.GetProductionTechnologyStatus(GetConductionTechnology()).Tables[0]; DataTable dtDw = bProductionPlanSearch.GetProductionDw(GetConductionDw()).Tables[0]; //技术判断是否结束 foreach (DataRow dr in dtTechnology.Rows) { string key = CConvert.ToString(dr["SLIP_NUMBER"]) + CConvert.ToString(dr["SCHEDULE_LINE_NUNBER"]) + CConvert.ToString(dr["LINE_NUMBER"]); int count = CConvert.ToInt32(dr["COUNT"]); int number = CConvert.ToInt32(dr["NUMBER"]); if (count == number) { technologyHt.Add(key, "结束"); } else if (number == 0) { technologyHt.Add(key, "未开始"); } else if (count > number) { technologyHt.Add(key, "已开始"); } } //图纸判断有无 foreach (DataRow dr in dtDw.Rows) { string key = CConvert.ToString(dr["SLIP_NUMBER"]) + CConvert.ToString(dr["SCHEDULE_LINE_NUNBER"]) + CConvert.ToString(dr["LINE_NUMBER"]); int count = CConvert.ToInt32(dr["COUNT"]); int number = CConvert.ToInt32(dr["NUMBER"]); if (count >= number && number != 0) { dwHt.Add(key, "有"); } else if (number == 0) { dwHt.Add(key, "无"); } } // foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { if (dr["PSPP_STATUS_FLAG"].ToString() == CConvert.ToString(CConstant.STATUS)) { dr["PSPP_ACTUAL_START_TIME"] = DateTime.Now; } else if (dr["PSPP_STATUS_FLAG"].ToString() == CConvert.ToString(CConstant.STATUS_START)) { dr["PSPP_ACTUAL_END_TIME"] = DateTime.Now; } if (dr["PSPP_STATUS_FLAG"].ToString() == CConvert.ToString(CConstant.STATUS_END)) { dr["TECHNOLOGY_STATUS"] = "结束"; //dr["BTN_DOWN_LOAD"] = "结束"; } //else //{ // string key = CConvert.ToString(dr["SLIP_NUMBER"]) + CConvert.ToString(dr["SCHEDULE_LINE_NUNBER"]) + CConvert.ToString(dr["PSPP_LINE_NUMBER"]); if (technologyHt.Contains(key)) { dr["TECHNOLOGY_STATUS"] = technologyHt[key]; } else { dr["TECHNOLOGY_STATUS"] = "N/A"; } if (dwHt.Contains(key)) { dr["BTN_DOWN_LOAD"] = dwHt[key]; } else { dr["BTN_DOWN_LOAD"] = "N/A"; } // //} } //dgvData.DataSource = dt; try { if (dgvData.Rows.Count > 0) { dgvData.Rows.Clear(); } foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { int currentRowIndex = dgvData.Rows.Add(1); DataGridViewRow row = dgvData.Rows[currentRowIndex]; row.Cells["SLIP_NUMBER"].Value = dr["SLIP_NUMBER"]; row.Cells["TYPE_NAME"].Value = dr["SLIP_TYPE_NAME"]; row.Cells["PARTS_NAME"].Value = dr["PARTS_NAME"]; row.Cells["PRODUCTION_PROCESS_NAME"].Value = dr["PRODUCTION_PROCESS_NAME"]; row.Cells["BTN_DOWN_LOAD"].Value = dr["BTN_DOWN_LOAD"]; row.Cells["TECHNOLOGY_STATUS"].Value = dr["TECHNOLOGY_STATUS"]; row.Cells["START_PLAN_DATE"].Value = dr["PSPP_PLAN_START_DATE"]; row.Cells["END_PLAN_DATE"].Value = dr["PSPP_PLAN_END_DATE"]; row.Cells["PSPP_ACTUAL_START_TIME"].Value = dr["PSPP_ACTUAL_START_TIME"]; row.Cells["PSPP_ACTUAL_END_TIME"].Value = dr["PSPP_ACTUAL_END_TIME"]; row.Cells["WEIGHT"].Value = dr["WEIGHT"]; row.Cells["PRODUCTION_PROCESS_CODE"].Value = dr["PRODUCTION_PROCESS_CODE"]; row.Cells["SCHEDULE_LINE_NUNBER"].Value = dr["SCHEDULE_LINE_NUNBER"]; row.Cells["PSPP_LINE_NUMBER"].Value = dr["PSPP_LINE_NUMBER"]; row.Cells["PSPP_STATUS_FLAG"].Value = dr["PSPP_STATUS_FLAG"]; row.Cells["PARTS_CODE"].Value = dr["PARTS_CODE"]; row.Cells["PROCESS_STATUS"].Value = dr["PROCESS_STATUS"]; } } catch (Exception ex) { } foreach (DataGridViewRow dgvr in dgvData.Rows) { if (dgvr.Cells["PROCESS_STATUS"].Value.ToString().Equals("0")) { dgvr.Cells["WEIGHT"].ReadOnly = true; } if (dgvr.Cells["PSPP_STATUS_FLAG"].Value.ToString() == CConvert.ToString(CConstant.STATUS)) { dgvr.Cells["PSPP_ACTUAL_END_TIME"].ReadOnly = true; } if (dgvr.Cells["PSPP_STATUS_FLAG"].Value.ToString() == CConvert.ToString(CConstant.STATUS_START)) { dgvr.Cells["PSPP_ACTUAL_START_TIME"].ReadOnly = true; } if ("2".Equals(CConvert.ToString(dgvr.Cells["PSPP_STATUS_FLAG"].Value))) { dgvr.Cells["CHK"].ReadOnly = true; dgvr.Cells["PSPP_ACTUAL_START_TIME"].ReadOnly = true; dgvr.Cells["PSPP_ACTUAL_END_TIME"].ReadOnly = true; dgvr.Cells["WEIGHT"].ReadOnly = true; } #region delete //string _oldSlipNumber = dgvData.Rows[i].Cells["SLIP_NUMBER"].Value.ToString(); //string productionProcessCode = dgvData.Rows[i].Cells["PRODUCTION_PROCESS_CODE"].Value.ToString(); //Hashtable dwHt = new Hashtable(); //DataTable productionProcessDt = bProductionProcess.GetList(" CODE = '" + productionProcessCode + "'").Tables[0]; //foreach (DataRow dr in productionProcessDt.Rows) //{ // for (int l = 1; l <= 6; l++) // { // string dwCode = CConvert.ToString(dr["DRAWING_TYPE_CODE" + l]); // if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dwCode)) // { // continue; // } // if (dwHt.ContainsKey(dwCode)) // { // } // else // { // dwHt.Add(dwCode, ""); // } // } //} //foreach (DictionaryEntry de in dwHt) //{ // DataTable drawingDt = new DataTable(); // string drawingcode = de.Key.ToString(); // drawingDt = bproductionDrawing.GetProductionDrawingUpload(" SLIP_NUMBER = '" + _oldSlipNumber + "'" + " AND DRAWING_CODE = '" + drawingcode + "'").Tables[0]; // if (drawingDt.Rows.Count > 0) // { // dgvData.Rows[i].Cells["BTN_DOWN_LOAD"].Value = "有"; // break; // } // else // { // dgvData.Rows[i].Cells["BTN_DOWN_LOAD"].Value = "无"; // } //} #endregion } } }
private void FrmMain_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { foreach (Control ctl in this.Controls) { try { // Attempt to cast the control to type MdiClient. MdiClient ctlMDI = (MdiClient)ctl; // Set the BackColor of the MdiClient control. ctlMDI.BackColor = this.BackColor; } catch (InvalidCastException exc) { // Catch and ignore the error if casting failed. } } lblUserName.Text = _userInfo.NAME; lblDepartmentName.Text = _userInfo.DEPARTMENT_NAME; lblCompanyName.Text = _userInfo.COMPANY_NAME; try { CCacheData.SetRolesFunction(_userInfo.ROLES_CODE); } catch { } //我的桌面的重新整理 try { bCommon.ReSetMyDesk(_userInfo.COMPANY_CODE, _userInfo.CODE, _userInfo.ROLES_CODE); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error("我的桌面的重新整理异常!", ex); } menuManage_Click(this.menuDesk, null); #region 通知 BProductionPlanSearch bProductionPlanSearch = new BProductionPlanSearch(); BProductionDrawing bProductionDrawing = new BProductionDrawing(); try { int a = bProductionPlanSearch.GetProductionPlan(" DEPARTMENT_CODE = '" + _userInfo.DEPARTMENT_CODE + "'" + " AND PSPP_STATUS_FLAG <> 2" + " AND STATUS_FLAG <> 5").Tables[0].Rows.Count; int b = bProductionPlanSearch.GetProductionTechnology(" DEPARTMENT_CODE = '" + _userInfo.DEPARTMENT_CODE + "'" + " AND PST_STATUS_FLAG <> 1" + " AND STATUS_FLAG <> 5").Tables[0].Rows.Count; if (CConvert.ToInt32(a + b) > 0) { menuProduceManage.Image = Resources.warning; menuProduceManage.BackgroundImage = null; menuProduceManage.Top = menuProduceManage.Top - 1; menuProduceManage.Left = menuProduceManage.Left - 1; } else if (_userInfo.DEPARTMENT_CODE.Equals("D05")) { int c = bProductionDrawing.GetProductionDrawing("PSDL_STATUS_FLAG <> 1" + " AND PS_STATUS_FLAG <> 5").Tables[0].Rows.Count; if (c > 0) { menuProduceManage.Image = Resources.warning; menuProduceManage.BackgroundImage = null; menuProduceManage.Top = menuProduceManage.Top - 1; menuProduceManage.Left = menuProduceManage.Left - 1; } } else { menuProduceManage.Image = null; menuProduceManage.BackgroundImage = Resources.buttonup; } } catch (Exception ex) { } ////入库预定 //int receivingCount = 0; //try //{ // receivingCount = (new BReceipt()).GetRecordCount(" STATUS_FLAG =" + CConstant.INIT + " and DUE_DATE<= '" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' "); //} //catch { } //if (receivingCount > 0) //{ // notifyMessage += "您有未处理的入库预定!\r\n"; //} ////安全库存 //int stockCount = 0; //try //{ // stockCount = (new BStock()).GetStockNotifyRecordCount(" STATUS_FLAG <> " + CConstant.DELETE + "and QUANTITY < SAFETY_STOCK "); //} //catch { } //if (stockCount > 0) //{ // notifyMessage += "商品库存不足,请尽快采购!\r\n"; //} ////通知提示 //if (notifyMessage != "") //{ // Thread notifyThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ShowNotify)); // notifyThread.Start(); //} #endregion this.FormClosing += new System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventHandler(this.FrmMain_FormClosing); this.FormClosed += new System.Windows.Forms.FormClosedEventHandler(this.FrmMain_FormClosed); }