コード例 #1
ファイル: BoxMove.cs プロジェクト: GrimwadeN/COG
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        boxState      = BOXSTATE.IDLE;
        gridManager   = GameObject.FindWithTag("Game Overseer").GetComponent <GridManager>();
        startPosition = this.transform.position;

        boxSource = this.transform.GetComponent <AudioSource>();
コード例 #2
ファイル: BoxMove.cs プロジェクト: GrimwadeN/COG
    void BoxReset()
        string[] tags = { "Box", "AgileRobot", "ShieldRobot" };
        // if the box's starting position has something there, swap its position slightly
        if (gridManager.GameObjectOnTileAtIndex(tags, gridManager.PosToIndex(startPosition)))
            var gridForward = new Vector3(startPosition.x, startPosition.y, startPosition.z + gridSize);
            var gridBack    = new Vector3(startPosition.x, startPosition.y, startPosition.z - gridSize);
            var gridLeft    = new Vector3(startPosition.x - gridSize, startPosition.y, startPosition.z);
            var gridRight   = new Vector3(startPosition.x + gridSize, startPosition.y, startPosition.z);

            var gridPositions = new List <Vector3>();

            // choose which position it will be at if something is at its start pos
            foreach (Vector3 pos in gridPositions)
                if (gridManager.GameObjectOnTileAtIndex(tags, pos) == false)
                    this.transform.position = pos;
                    foreach (Transform child in this.transform)
                        if (child.CompareTag("Box"))
                            child.transform.position = new Vector3(pos.x, pos.y + gridSize, pos.z);
                            child.GetComponent <BoxMove>().fallingCount = 0;
                            child.GetComponent <BoxMove>().boxState     = BOXSTATE.IDLE;
                            fallingCount = 0;
            this.transform.position = startPosition;

        fallingCount = 0;
        boxState     = BOXSTATE.IDLE;
コード例 #3
ファイル: BoxMove.cs プロジェクト: GrimwadeN/COG
    void IsFalling()
        // check if its falling or not
        var boxGrid   = gridManager.PosToIndex(this.transform.position);
        var gridBelow = gridManager.PosToIndex(new Vector3(this.transform.position.x, this.transform.position.y - gridSize, this.transform.position.z));

        if (gridManager.TileHasObjectWithTag(new string[] { "Floor", "Elevator", "Switch", "Bridge", "MovingPlatformX", "MovingPlatformZ" }, boxGrid) == false &&
            gridManager.TileHasObjectWithTag("Box", gridBelow) == false)
            startLerpPos = transform.position;
            target       = startLerpPos + (-transform.up * gridSize);

            boxState = BOXSTATE.FALLING;
            boxState = BOXSTATE.IDLE;
コード例 #4
ファイル: BoxMove.cs プロジェクト: GrimwadeN/COG
    public void MoveBox(Vector3 index)
        var gridAhead = gridManager.PosToIndex(index);

        // check if it has a parent so it doesn't stay still if the parent moves and set the target
        if (this.transform.parent != null &&
            (this.transform.parent.CompareTag("Elevator") || this.transform.parent.CompareTag("MovingPlatformX") || this.transform.parent.CompareTag("MovingPlatformZ")))
            target       = index;
            startLerpPos = this.transform.position;
            canBoxMove   = true;
            boxState     = BOXSTATE.MOVING;
        // set target position to move to
        else if (gridManager.TileHasObjectWithTag(new string[] { "AgileRobot", "Box", "Wall", "Turret" }, gridAhead) == false)
            target       = index;
            startLerpPos = this.transform.position;
            canBoxMove   = true;
            boxState     = BOXSTATE.MOVING;
コード例 #5
ファイル: BoxMove.cs プロジェクト: GrimwadeN/COG
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (boxState == BOXSTATE.MOVING)
            if (hasBeenPushed == false)
                boxSource.PlayOneShot(boxSound, boxVolume);
                hasBeenPushed = true;
            // set childs target position
            foreach (Transform child in this.transform)
                if (child.CompareTag("Box"))
                    Vector3 currentPos = this.transform.position;
                    child.GetComponent <BoxMove>().startLerpPos   = new Vector3(currentPos.x, currentPos.y + gridSize, currentPos.z);
                    child.GetComponent <BoxMove>().childTargetPos = new Vector3(target.x, target.y + gridSize, target.z);
            // set the target position if the box has a parent box
            if (this.transform.parent != null && this.transform.parent.CompareTag("Box"))
                target = childTargetPos;
            else if (this.transform.parent != null && this.transform.parent.CompareTag("Elevator"))
                Vector3 parentPos = this.transform.parent.position;
                if (this.transform.parent.GetComponent <MoveAllPlatformsGridBased>().platformState == MoveAllPlatformsGridBased.PLATFORMSTATE.MOVING)
                    target = new Vector3(this.transform.parent.GetComponent <MoveAllPlatformsGridBased>().target.x, this.transform.parent.GetComponent <MoveAllPlatformsGridBased>().target.y, this.transform.parent.GetComponent <MoveAllPlatformsGridBased>().target.z);

            // move
            lerpMoveTime      += Time.deltaTime * moveSpeed;
            transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(startLerpPos, target, lerpMoveTime);
            if (lerpMoveTime >= 1.0f)
                lerpMoveTime  = 0.0f;
                hasBeenPushed = false;
                boxState      = BOXSTATE.IDLE;
        else if (boxState == BOXSTATE.FALLING)
            fallingCount      += Time.deltaTime;
            lerpMoveTime      += Time.deltaTime * moveSpeed;
            transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(startLerpPos, target, lerpMoveTime);

            // if falling forever reset
            if (fallingCount >= 2)
                if (this.transform.parent != null)
                if (this.transform.FindChild("Mandy"))
                    GameObject.FindWithTag("AgileRobot").GetComponent <PlayerGridMovement>().MandyReset();

            // Fall
            if (lerpMoveTime >= 1.0f)
                lerpMoveTime = 0.0f;
        else if (boxState == BOXSTATE.IDLE)
            // if box is on an elevator make sure it moves with  it
            if (this.transform.parent != null && (this.transform.parent.CompareTag("Elevator")))
                transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, this.transform.parent.position.y, transform.position.z);
                if (transform.parent.GetComponent <MoveAllPlatformsGridBased>().platformState == MoveAllPlatformsGridBased.PLATFORMSTATE.MOVING)
                    MoveBox(transform.parent.GetComponent <MoveAllPlatformsGridBased>().target);
            else if (this.transform.parent != null && this.transform.parent.CompareTag("Box"))
                if (this.transform.parent.GetComponent <BoxMove>().boxState == BOXSTATE.MOVING)
                    boxState = BOXSTATE.MOVING;
                else if (this.transform.parent.GetComponent <BoxMove>().boxState == BOXSTATE.FALLING)
                    boxState = BOXSTATE.FALLING;

                // Once moved forward make sure floor is under the box
                if (this.transform.parent != null && this.transform.parent.CompareTag("Box"))