private void LoadStuff() { if (stock.Length > 0 && File.Exists(stock)) { try { log.PushActivity("Loading stock"); StockDoc = StockDocument.Load(stock); if (StockDoc == null) { StockDoc = new StockDocument(); } } catch (Exception) { StockDoc = new StockDocument(); } log.PopActivity(); } else { StockDoc = new StockDocument(); } log.PushActivity("Loading document"); B = new BOM(); if (bom.Length > 0 && pnp.Length > 0) { String DirBaseName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(pnp); log.PushActivity("Processing " + DirBaseName); log.PushActivity("Loading BOM"); log.AddString(String.Format("Loading BOM! {0},{1}", Path.GetFileName(bom), Path.GetFileName(pnp))); B.LoadJLC(bom, pnp); log.PopActivity(); if (gerberzip != null && File.Exists(gerberzip)) { Set = LoadGerberZip(gerberzip, log); } else { Set = new GerberImageCreator(); } Box = Set.BoundingBox; BuildPostBom(); log.PopActivity(); } else { log.AddString(String.Format("pnp and bom need to be valid! bom:{0} pnp:{1}", bom, pnp)); } loaded = true; log.AddString("Done!"); log.PopActivity(); }
private void LoadStuff() { log.PushActivity("Loading document"); B = new BOM(); if (bom.Length > 0 && pnp.Length > 0) { String DirBaseName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(pnp); log.PushActivity("Processing " + DirBaseName); log.PushActivity("Loading BOM"); log.AddString(String.Format("Loading BOM! {0},{1}", Path.GetFileName(bom), Path.GetFileName(pnp))); B.LoadJLC(bom, pnp); BuildPostBom(); log.PopActivity(); if (gerberzip != null && File.Exists(gerberzip)) { Set = LoadGerberZip(gerberzip, log); } else { Set = new GerberImageCreator(); Set.AddBoardToSet(silk, log); Set.AddBoardToSet(outline, log); } Box = Set.BoundingBox; // string OutputGerberName = fixedoutputfolder + "\\" + Path.GetFileName(boardfile); //B.WriteRefDesGerber(OutputGerberName+"ORIGPLACEMENT"); FixOffset = new PointD(-Set.BoundingBox.TopLeft.X, -Set.BoundingBox.BottomRight.Y); // B.WriteRefDesGerber(OutputGerberName); // B.WriteJLCCSV(fixedoutputfolder, Path.GetFileName(filebase), true); log.PopActivity(); } else { log.AddString(String.Format("pnp and bom need to be valid! bom:{0} pnp:{1}", bom, pnp)); } loaded = true; log.AddString("Done!"); log.PopActivity(); }
internal void Load(string basefile) { Text = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(basefile); string fn = Path.GetFileName(basefile); string basefolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(basefile); string name = fn.Split('_')[0]; string BOMFile = ""; string PnPFile = ""; string gerberFile = ""; var L = Directory.GetFiles(basefolder, name + "_*.*"); SolderFile = ""; foreach (var file in L) { if (file.EndsWith("_BOM.csv")) { BOMFile = file; } if (file.EndsWith("")) { gerberFile = file; } if (file.EndsWith("_PNP.csv")) { PnPFile = file; } if (file.EndsWith("_soldered.txt")) { SolderFile = file; } } LayerSets.Add(new LayerSet() { Side = BoardSide.Both, Layer = BoardLayer.Outline }); LayerSets.Add(new LayerSet() { Side = BoardSide.Top, Layer = BoardLayer.SolderMask }); LayerSets.Add(new LayerSet() { Side = BoardSide.Top, Layer = BoardLayer.Silk }); LayerSets.Add(new LayerSet() { Side = BoardSide.Bottom, Layer = BoardLayer.SolderMask }); LayerSets.Add(new LayerSet() { Side = BoardSide.Bottom, Layer = BoardLayer.Silk }); if (BOMFile.Length > 0 && PnPFile.Length > 0 && gerberFile.Length > 0) { BOM B = new BOM(); B.LoadJLC(BOMFile, PnPFile); TheBOM = B; if (SolderFile.Length > 0) { solderedlist = File.ReadAllLines(SolderFile).ToList(); foreach (var a in B.DeviceTree) { foreach (var v in a.Value.Values) { if (solderedlist.Contains(v.Combined())) { v.Soldered = true; } } } } else { SolderFile = Path.Combine(basefolder, name + "_soldered.txt"); SaveSolderedList(); } GerberLibrary.GerberImageCreator GIC = new GerberLibrary.GerberImageCreator(); List <string> res = new List <string>(); Dictionary <string, MemoryStream> Files = new Dictionary <string, MemoryStream>(); using (Ionic.Zip.ZipFile zip1 = Ionic.Zip.ZipFile.Read(gerberFile)) { foreach (ZipEntry e in zip1) { MemoryStream MS = new MemoryStream(); if (e.IsDirectory == false) { e.Extract(MS); MS.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); Files[e.FileName] = MS; } } } string[] FileNames = Files.Keys.ToArray(); List <string> outlinefiles = new List <string>(); List <string> topsilkfiles = new List <string>(); List <string> bottomsilkfiles = new List <string>(); foreach (var F in FileNames) { BoardSide BS = BoardSide.Unknown; BoardLayer BL = BoardLayer.Unknown; Files[F].Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); if (Gerber.FindFileTypeFromStream(new StreamReader(Files[F]), F) == BoardFileType.Gerber) { Gerber.DetermineBoardSideAndLayer(F, out BS, out BL); foreach (var l in LayerSets) { if (l.Side == BS && l.Layer == BL) { l.Files.Add(F); Files[F].Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); var pls = PolyLineSet.LoadGerberFileFromStream(new StandardConsoleLog(), new StreamReader(Files[F]), F, true, false, new GerberParserState() { PreCombinePolygons = false }); l.Gerbs.Add(pls); } } } } TheBox.Reset(); foreach (var a in LayerSets[0].Gerbs) { TheBox.AddBox(a.BoundingBox); } } }