コード例 #1
        protected void OrderB_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //get input values
            int shopId     = int.Parse(Request.QueryString.Get("shopId"));
            int numOfFloor = 0;

                numOfFloor = int.Parse(NumOfFloor.Text);//try to get num of floor
                MSG.Text = "Please enter num Of Floor";//massage
            string latLng          = this.LatLng.Value.ToString();
            double lat             = GetLat(latLng);
            double lng             = GetLng(latLng);
            BlUser user            = (BlUser)Session["user"];
            bool   IsNotNewAddress = lat == 1.0 && lng == 1.0 /*&& address == ""*/;

            if (IsNotNewAddress)//if IsNotNewAddress the address is the user address from DB
                Point UserLocation = user.Location;
                lat = UserLocation.Lat;
                lng = UserLocation.Lng;

            if (numOfFloor != 0 && Page.IsValid)//if the validator is valid and numOfFloor is valid add order
                    //need to get order from session
                    BlOrder order = new BlOrder(user.UserId, "111111111", shopId, new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), 1, lat, lng, numOfFloor, (List <BLOrderDetailsDB>)Session["OrderDetails"]);//add order
                    //update order details
                    bool success = order.OrderId != -1;
                    List <BLOrderDetailsDB> orderDetails = (List <BLOrderDetailsDB>)Session["orderDetails"];

                    //if (success)
                    //    success = BLOrderDetailsDB.UpdateOrderDetails(orderDetails);
                    MSG.Text = success ? "order successes!!" : "order failed :(";//fail/success massage
                    BlOrderUser customer = new BlOrderUser(order.CustomerId);
                    //get  description of the product list to send in email
                    string prodactsString = BLProduct.GetProductString(orderDetails);

                    bool isEmailSent = Register.sendEmail(customer.Email, " Fly pack order summery ",
                                                          $"Hi,{customer} your order received and we take care your order.here a summery of your  order- <br/>{prodactsString}<br/>Have a nice day,The Fly Pack Team");
                    if (!isEmailSent)
                        //take care if email dont send
                    BlOrderUser shopManager    = new BlOrderUser(order.CustomerId);
                    bool        isEmailSentToM = Register.sendEmail(shopManager.Email, " Fly pack a customer order from your shop!!",
                                                                    $"Hi,{shopManager} please update when your products will be ready to be delivered.here a summery of your  order- <br/>{prodactsString}<br/ Have a nice day,The Fly Pack Team");
                    if (!isEmailSentToM)
                        //take care if email dont send
                catch (Exception exception)
                    MSG.Text = "fail to add order because-" + exception.Message;//fail massage
                NumOfFloor.CssClass = NumOfFloorValidator.IsValid ? "TextBox" : "TextBoxUnValidValue";//convert the the bob style by the validator