public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; string categoryIds = context.Request["category_ids"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(categoryIds)) { resp.errmsg = "category_ids 为必填项,请检查"; resp.errcode = 1; context.Response.Write(ZentCloud.Common.JSONHelper.ObjectToJson(resp)); return; } if (bll.Delete(new ArticleCategory(), string.Format(" WebsiteOwner='{0}' AND CategoryType='article' AND AutoID in ({1})", bll.WebsiteOwner, categoryIds)) == categoryIds.Split(',').Length) { resp.errmsg = "ok"; resp.errcode = 0; resp.isSuccess = true; } else { resp.errcode = 1; resp.errmsg = "删除文章分类出错"; } context.Response.Write(ZentCloud.Common.JSONHelper.ObjectToJson(resp)); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { string expressIds = context.Request["express_company_ids"]; resp.errcode = 1; resp.errmsg = "暂不支持删除"; context.Response.Write(ZentCloud.Common.JSONHelper.ObjectToJson(resp)); return; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(expressIds)) { resp.errcode = 1; resp.errmsg = "express_company_ids 为必填项,请检查"; context.Response.Write(ZentCloud.Common.JSONHelper.ObjectToJson(resp)); return; } if (bll.Delete(new ExpressInfo(), string.Format(" WebsiteOwner='{0}' and AutoID in ({1}) ", bll.WebsiteOwner, expressIds)) == expressIds.Split(',').Length) { resp.errcode = 0; resp.errmsg = "ok"; resp.isSuccess = true; } else { resp.errcode = -1; resp.errmsg = "删除出错"; } context.Response.Write(ZentCloud.Common.JSONHelper.ObjectToJson(resp)); return; }
/// <summary> /// 删除 /// </summary> private static string Delete(HttpContext context) { try { var ids = context.Request["id"].Split(','); int count = 0; foreach (var item in ids) { if (bll.Delete(new ModuleFilterInfo(), string.Format("PagePath ='{0}' ", item)) > 0) { count++; } } UpdateRedis(); if (count == ids.Length) { return("true"); } else { return("false"); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(ex.Message); } }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; string slideIds = context.Request["slide_ids"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(slideIds)) { resp.errcode = 1; resp.errmsg = "slide_ids 为必填项,请检查"; context.Response.Write(ZentCloud.Common.JSONHelper.ObjectToJson(resp)); return; } if (bll.Delete(new ZentCloud.BLLJIMP.Model.Slide(), string.Format(" WebsiteOwner='{0}' AND AutoID in ({1}) ", bll.WebsiteOwner, slideIds)) == slideIds.Split(',').Length) { resp.errmsg = "ok"; resp.errcode = 0; resp.isSuccess = true; } else { resp.errcode = 1; resp.errmsg = "删除广告出错"; } context.Response.Write(ZentCloud.Common.JSONHelper.ObjectToJson(resp)); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; string userlevelIds = context.Request["level_ids"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userlevelIds)) { resp.errmsg = "level_ids为必填项,请检查"; resp.errcode = 1; context.Response.Write(ZentCloud.Common.JSONHelper.ObjectToJson(resp)); return; } if (bll.Delete(new UserLevelConfig(), string.Format(" WebsiteOwner='{0}' AND AutoID in ({1}) ", bll.WebsiteOwner, userlevelIds)) == userlevelIds.Split(',').Length) { resp.errcode = 0; resp.errmsg = "ok"; resp.isSuccess = true; } else { resp.errmsg = "删除出错"; resp.errcode = -1; } context.Response.Write(ZentCloud.Common.JSONHelper.ObjectToJson(resp)); }
/// <summary> /// 删除文章评论 /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> /// <returns></returns> private string DeleteArticleReview(HttpContext context) { if (!bll.IsLogin) { resp1.errcode = (int)errcode.UnLogin; resp1.errmsg = "尚未登录"; goto outoff; } string id = context.Request["id"]; ReplyReviewInfo review = bll.Get <ReplyReviewInfo>(string.Format(" AutoID={0} And UserId='{1}'", id, currentUserInfo.UserID)); if (review == null) { resp1.errcode = 1; resp1.errmsg = "无权删除"; goto outoff; } if (bll.Delete(review) == 0) { resp1.errcode = 2; resp1.errmsg = "删除失败"; goto outoff; } resp1.errmsg = "删除成功"; //bll.Delete(new ReplyReviewInfo(), string.Format(" PraentId={0}", Review.AutoId)); outoff: return(Common.JSONHelper.ObjectToJson(resp1)); }
/// <summary> /// 删除 /// </summary> private static string Delete(HttpContext context) { string ids = context.Request["id"]; var count = 0; count = bll.Delete(new UserRemind(), string.Format("RemindID in({0}) And UserID='{1}'", ids, Comm.DataLoadTool.GetCurrUserID())); if (count == ids.Split(',').Length) { return("true"); } return("false"); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { if (bll.Delete(new PcPage(), string.Format(" PageId in({0})", context.Request["ids"])) > 0) { apiResp.status = true; } else { apiResp.msg = "删除失败"; } bll.ContextResponse(context, apiResp); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; string activityId = context.Request["activity_id"]; string fieldIndex = context.Request["field_index"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(activityId)) { resp.errmsg = "activity_id 为必填,请检查"; resp.errcode = (int)BLLJIMP.Enums.APIErrCode.IsNotFound; context.Response.Write(ZentCloud.Common.JSONHelper.ObjectToJson(resp)); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldIndex)) { resp.errmsg = "field_index 为必填,请检查"; resp.errcode = (int)BLLJIMP.Enums.APIErrCode.IsNotFound; context.Response.Write(ZentCloud.Common.JSONHelper.ObjectToJson(resp)); return; } JuActivityInfo juActivity = bllJuActivity.GetJuActivity(int.Parse(activityId), false); if (juActivity == null) { resp.errcode = (int)BLLJIMP.Enums.APIErrCode.IsNotFound; resp.errmsg = "没有找到该活动"; context.Response.Write(ZentCloud.Common.JSONHelper.ObjectToJson(resp)); return; } ActivityFieldMappingInfo fieldMap = bll.Get <ActivityFieldMappingInfo>(string.Format(" ActivityID={0} AND ExFieldIndex={1}", juActivity.SignUpActivityID, fieldIndex)); if (fieldMap == null) { resp.errcode = (int)BLLJIMP.Enums.APIErrCode.IsNotFound; resp.errmsg = "没有找到该条记录"; context.Response.Write(ZentCloud.Common.JSONHelper.ObjectToJson(resp)); return; } if (bll.Delete(new ActivityFieldMappingInfo(), string.Format(" ActivityID={0} AND ExFieldIndex={1}", juActivity.SignUpActivityID, fieldIndex)) > 0) { resp.isSuccess = true; resp.errmsg = "ok"; } else { resp.errmsg = "删除出错"; resp.errcode = (int)BLLJIMP.Enums.APIErrCode.OperateFail; } context.Response.Write(ZentCloud.Common.JSONHelper.ObjectToJson(resp)); }
/// <summary> /// 删除 /// </summary> private static string Delete(HttpContext context) { //if (!_isedit) //{ // return null; //} string ids = context.Request["id"]; if (bll.Delete(new WeixinMsgSourceInfo(), string.Format("SourceID in({0}) ", ids)) > 0) { return("true"); } return("false"); }
/// <summary> /// 删除 /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> /// <returns></returns> private string Delete(HttpContext context) { var ids = context.Request["ids"]; if (bll.Delete(new BarCodeInfo(), string.Format(" AutoId In({0})", ids)) > 0) { apiResp.status = true; } else { apiResp.msg = "删除失败"; } return(ZentCloud.Common.JSONHelper.ObjectToJson(apiResp)); }
/// <summary> /// 删除 /// </summary> private static string Delete(HttpContext context) { try { string ids = context.Request["id"]; if (bll.Delete(new UserSignHistory(), string.Format("SignID in({0}) And UserID='{1}' ", ids, Comm.DataLoadTool.GetCurrUserID())) > 0) { return("true"); } return("false"); } catch (Exception ex) { return(ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// 删除 /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> /// <returns></returns> private string DeleteCrowdFundInfo(HttpContext context) { string ids = context.Request["ids"]; CrowdFundInfo model; foreach (var item in ids.Split(',')) { model = bllBase.Get <CrowdFundInfo>(string.Format("AutoId={0}", item)); if (model == null || (!model.WebSiteOwner.Equals(bllBase.WebsiteOwner))) { return("无权删除"); } } int count = bllBase.Delete(new CrowdFundInfo(), string.Format("AutoId in ({0})", ids)); return(string.Format("成功删除了 {0} 条数据", count)); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { string componentId = context.Request["component_id"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(componentId)) { apiResp.msg = "component_id 为必填项,请检查"; apiResp.code = (int)BLLJIMP.Enums.APIErrCode.IsNotFound; bll.ContextResponse(context, apiResp); return; } BLLJIMP.Model.Component model = bll.Get <BLLJIMP.Model.Component>(string.Format(" WebsiteOwner='{0}' AND AutoId={1}", bll.WebsiteOwner, componentId)); if (model == null) { apiResp.msg = "没有找到"; apiResp.code = (int)BLLJIMP.Enums.APIErrCode.IsNotFound; bll.ContextResponse(context, apiResp); return; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.ComponentKey)) { apiResp.msg = "禁止删除"; apiResp.code = (int)BLLJIMP.Enums.APIErrCode.OperateFail; bll.ContextResponse(context, apiResp); return; } if (bll.Delete(new BLLJIMP.Model.Component(), string.Format(" WebsiteOwner='{0}' AND AutoId={1}", bll.WebsiteOwner, componentId)) > 0) { apiResp.status = true; apiResp.msg = "ok"; } else { apiResp.code = (int)BLLJIMP.Enums.APIErrCode.OperateFail; apiResp.msg = "删除出错"; } bll.ContextResponse(context, apiResp); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { string typeIds = context.Request["type_ids"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(typeIds)) { apiResp.code = (int)APIErrCode.PrimaryKeyIncomplete; apiResp.msg = "type_ids 为必填项,请检查"; context.Response.Write(ZentCloud.Common.JSONHelper.ObjectToJson(apiResp)); return; } if (bll.Delete(new ZentCloud.BLLJIMP.Model.TypeInfo(), string.Format(" WebsiteOwner='{0}' and TypeId in ({1}) ", bll.WebsiteOwner, typeIds)) == typeIds.Split(',').Length) { apiResp.status = true; apiResp.msg = "ok"; } else { apiResp.msg = "删除失败"; } context.Response.Write(ZentCloud.Common.JSONHelper.ObjectToJson(apiResp)); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { string navigationIds = context.Request["navigation_ids"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(navigationIds)) { resp.errcode = 1; resp.errmsg = "navigation_id 为空,请检查"; context.Response.Write(ZentCloud.Common.JSONHelper.ObjectToJson(resp)); return; } if (bll.Delete(new ZentCloud.BLLJIMP.Model.Navigation(), string.Format(" WebsiteOwner='{0}' AND AutoID in ({1})", bll.WebsiteOwner, navigationIds)) == navigationIds.Split(',').Length) { resp.errcode = 0; resp.errmsg = "ok"; resp.isSuccess = true; } else { resp.errcode = -1; resp.errmsg = "删除导航出错"; } context.Response.Write(ZentCloud.Common.JSONHelper.ObjectToJson(resp)); }
/// <summary> /// 删除 /// </summary> private static string Delete(HttpContext context) { // if (!_isedit) // { // return null; // } string stepids = context.Request["StepID"]; string flowid = context.Request["FlowID"]; try { //删除 if (bll.Delete(new WXFlowStepInfo(), string.Format(" FlowID={0} And StepID in({1}) ", flowid, stepids)) > 0) { //重排序号 var steplist = bll.GetList <WXFlowStepInfo>(string.Format("FlowID={0} Order by StepID ASC", flowid)); int index = 0; foreach (var item in steplist) { //item.StepID=index; index++; // bll.Update(item,); bll.Update(item, string.Format("StepID='{0}'", index), string.Format("FlowID={0} And StepID={1}", flowid, item.StepID)); } //重排序号 return("true"); } return("false"); } catch (Exception ex) { return(ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// 删除基地信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string DeleteBaseInfo(HttpContext context) { string ids = context.Request["ids"]; return(string.Format("成功删除 {0} 个基地信息", bll.Delete(new WBBaseInfo(), string.Format("AutoID in ({0}) And WebsiteOwner='{1}'", ids, bll.WebsiteOwner)))); }