protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.category_id = Utils.StrToInt(MXRequest.GetQueryString("aid"), 0); int id = MyCommFun.RequestInt("id"); wid = MyCommFun.RequestWid(); if (!IsPostBack) { IList <Model.wx_qp_img> imglist = imgBLL.GetModelList("bId=" + category_id + "and iType=2 order by id desc "); for (int i = 0; i < imglist.Count; i++) { if (imglist[i].id == id) { actNum = i; break; } } int test = actNum; this.rptImgshow.DataSource = imglist; this.rptImgshow.DataBind(); Model.wx_qp_base baseMod = baseBll.GetModel(this.category_id); this.Page.Title = baseMod.bName; } }
/// <summary> /// 电影院抢票 /// </summary> /// <param name="id"></param> /// <param name="apiid"></param> /// <param name="openid"></param> /// <returns></returns> private IList <Model.ResponseContentEntity> DDYQPReponse(int id, int apiid, string openid) { IList <Model.ResponseContentEntity> responselist = new List <Model.ResponseContentEntity>(); Model.ResponseContentEntity responseEntity = new Model.ResponseContentEntity(); = id; responseEntity.wid = apiid; BLL.wx_qp_base ggkActBll = new BLL.wx_qp_base(); Model.wx_qp_base actModel = ggkActBll.GetModel(id); if (actModel.actBegin > DateTime.Now) { //活动尚未开始 responseEntity.rcType = Model.ReponseContentType.text; responseEntity.rContent = "活动【" + actModel.bName + "】将于" + actModel.actBegin + "开始。"; } else if (actModel.actEnd <= DateTime.Now) { //活动结束 responseEntity.rcType = Model.ReponseContentType.text; responseEntity.rContent = "活动已经结束了。"; } else { //活动正在进行中 responseEntity.rcType = Model.ReponseContentType.txtpic; responseEntity.rContent = actModel.bName; responseEntity.rContent2 = ""; responseEntity.detailUrl = MyCommFun.getWebSite() + "/weixin/qiangpiao/index.aspx?wid=" + apiid + "&aid=" + id; responseEntity.picUrl = actModel.beginPic; } responselist.Add(responseEntity); return(responselist); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.keywords = MXRequest.GetQueryString("keywords"); this.category_id = Utils.StrToInt(MXRequest.GetQueryString("id"), 0); this.pageSize = GetPageSize(10); //每页数量 if (!Page.IsPostBack) { actName = bbll.GetModel(category_id).bName; RptBind(category_id, "id>0" + CombSqlTxt(keywords), "sort_id asc,id desc"); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { wid = MyCommFun.RequestWid(); aid = MyCommFun.RequestInt("aid", 0); if (!IsPostBack) { this.rptImglist.DataSource = imgBLL.GetList("bId=" + this.aid + " and iType=2 order by id desc"); this.rptImglist.DataBind(); this.openid = MyCommFun.RequestOpenid(); Model.wx_qp_base baseMod = baseBll.GetModel(this.aid); actName = baseMod.bName; } }
private void ckState() { BLL.wx_qp_base actBll = new BLL.wx_qp_base(); BLL.wx_qp_users userBll = new BLL.wx_qp_users(); Model.wx_qp_base baseModel = actBll.GetModel(aid); IList <Model.wx_qp_users> userList = userBll.GetModelList(" openid='" + openid + "' and bId=" + aid); Model.wx_qp_users userModel = null; string gpTime = DateTime.Parse(baseModel.yyGouPiaoBeginDate.ToString()).ToString("MM月dd日-HH:mm") + "~" + DateTime.Parse(baseModel.yyGouPiaoEndDate.ToString()).ToString("MM月dd日-HH:mm"); if (userList != null && userList.Count > 0) { userModel = userList[0]; } string Fulltext = "<h1><i class=\"text-icon\">✔</i>已有" + baseModel.maxPersonNum + "人抢到票啦!</h1>" + "<dl class=\"list\">" + "<dd class=\"dd-padding\">特价票已售完即止!</dd>" + "<dd class=\"dd-padding\">请抓紧时间购票把!</dd>" + "<dd class=\"dd-padding\">购票时间:" + gpTime + "</dd></dl><br />"; //活动人数已满 if (baseModel.cyPersonNum > baseModel.maxPersonNum) { this.litFull.Text = Fulltext; return; } //非法用户 if (userModel == null) { if (baseModel.cyPersonNum == baseModel.maxPersonNum)//最后一个用户 { this.litFull.Text = Fulltext; } else { Response.Redirect(string.Format("index.aspx?wid={0}&aid={1}&openid={2}", wid, aid, openid)); } return; } //第一次参与活动 if (joined == "true") { string snNum =; this.litShow.Text = "<h1><i class=\"text-icon\">✔</i>您是第" + baseModel.cyPersonNum + "位参加本次抢票!</h1>" + "<dl class=\"list\">" + "<dd class=\"dd-padding\">您的sn码:" + snNum + " </dd>" + "<dd class=\"dd-padding\">购票时间:" + gpTime + "</dd></dl><br />"; return; }//已参与过本次活动,不可以再参加 else if (joined == "false") { string snNum =; this.litJoined.Text = "<h1><i class=\"text-icon\">✔</i>您已成功参加本次抢票!</h1>" + "<dl class=\"list\">" + "<dd class=\"dd-padding\">您的sn码:" + snNum + " </dd>" + "<dd class=\"dd-padding\">购票时间:" + gpTime + "</dd></dl><br />"; return; } }