protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { BLClient client = null; try { client = new BLClient(); Streams.DataSource = client.GetChannelsByUserID(((User)Session["User"]).UserID); } finally { client.Dispose(); } Streams.DataBind(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Request.Params["channelID"] == null) { Response.Redirect("~AllChannels.aspx"); } int userID = -1; int channelID; if (!int.TryParse(Request.Params["channelID"], out channelID)) { Response.Redirect("~AllChannels.aspx"); } if (Session["User"] != null) { userID = ((User)Session["User"]).UserID; } BLClient client = null; try { client = new BLClient(); _channel = client.GetChannelToDownload(userID, channelID); } finally { client.Dispose(); } if (Request.QueryString["a"] != "v") { var installerSetup = new InstallerSetup(); installerSetup.Add(channelID, _channel.ChannelGUID, _channel.ChannelName, 10); Response.RedirectPermanent(Url.For(installerSetup), true); return; } StreamName.Text = _channel.ChannelName; URL.Text = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["streamDetailsURL"] + channelID; }
internal override string Execute(string[] parameters) { int userID; int folderID; if (!Helper.TryGetUserID(_session, out userID)) { return(String.Empty); } if (parameters.Length < 2) { return(ErrorWrapper.SendError("Command parameters missing.")); } if (!int.TryParse(parameters[1], out folderID)) { return(ErrorWrapper.SendError("Cannot parse folder ID.")); } BLClient client = null; bool bCanRemove = false; try { client = new BLClient(); bCanRemove = client.RemoveSlideFolder(userID, folderID); } catch (Exception ex) { return(ErrorWrapper.SendError(ex.Message)); } finally { client.Dispose(); } if (!bCanRemove) { return("-1"); } return("1"); }
internal override string Execute(string[] parameters) { int userID; int channelID; if (!Helper.TryGetUserID(_session, out userID)) { return(String.Empty); } if (parameters.Length < 3) { return(ErrorWrapper.SendError("Command parameters missing.")); } if (!int.TryParse(parameters[1], out channelID)) { return(ErrorWrapper.SendError("Cannot parse channel ID.")); } string thumbnailSlideRelativePath = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["thumbnailSlideRelativePath"]; int thumbnailSlideRelativePathLength = thumbnailSlideRelativePath.Length; string imagePath = parameters[2].Substring(thumbnailSlideRelativePathLength, parameters[2].Length - thumbnailSlideRelativePathLength); BLClient client = null; try { client = new BLClient(); client.EditChannelThumbnail(userID, channelID, imagePath); } catch (Exception ex) { return(ErrorWrapper.SendError(ex.Message)); } finally { client.Dispose(); } return("1"); }
internal override string Execute(string[] parameters) { int userID; int streamID; int categoryID; if (!Helper.TryGetUserID(_session, out userID)) { return(String.Empty); } if (!int.TryParse(parameters[1], out streamID)) { return(ErrorWrapper.SendError("Parsing Stream ID")); } if (!int.TryParse(parameters[2], out categoryID)) { return(ErrorWrapper.SendError("Parsing Category ID")); } BLClient client = null; try { client = new BLClient(); client.SetCategory(userID, streamID, categoryID); } catch (Exception exception) { return(ErrorWrapper.SendError(exception.Message)); } finally { if (client != null) { client.Dispose(); } } return("1"); }
internal override string Execute(NameValueCollection commandParameters) { int userID = -1; string pcProfileToken = null; Helper.TryGetUserID(_session, out userID); if (userID == -1 && _session["PcProfileToken"] == null) { pcProfileToken = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); _session.Add("PcProfileToken", pcProfileToken); } else { pcProfileToken = (string)_session["PcProfileToken"]; } List <PC> endUserMachineList; BLClient client = null; try { client = new BLClient(); endUserMachineList = client.GetPcList(userID, pcProfileToken); } catch (Exception exception) { return(ErrorWrapper.SendError(exception.Message)); } finally { if (client != null) { client.Dispose(); } } return(Flatten(endUserMachineList)); }
internal override string Execute(string[] parameters) { int userID; int folderID; if (!Helper.TryGetUserID(_session, out userID)) { return(String.Empty); } if (parameters.Length < 2) { return(ErrorWrapper.SendError("Command parameters missing.")); } if (!int.TryParse(parameters[1], out folderID)) { return(ErrorWrapper.SendError("Cannot parse folder ID.")); } BLClient client = null; int filesLength = -1; try { client = new BLClient(); filesLength = client.RemoveAssetContentFolder(userID, folderID); } catch (Exception ex) { return(ErrorWrapper.SendError(ex.Message)); } finally { client.Dispose(); } ((User)_session["User"]).UsedBytes -= filesLength; return("1"); }
internal override string Execute(NameValueCollection commandParameters) { string keyword; int userID; if (!Helper.TryGetUserID(_session, out userID)) { userID = -1; } string error = ValidateStringParameter(commandParameters, "keyword", out keyword); if (error != String.Empty) { return(error); } List <ChannelListChannel> channelList; BLClient client = null; // call WCF BLL Method try { client = new BLClient(); channelList = client.Search(userID, keyword); } catch (Exception exception) { return(ErrorWrapper.SendError(exception.Message)); } finally { if (client != null) { client.Dispose(); } } return(Flatten(channelList)); }
internal override string Execute(System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection commandParameters) { int userID; int folderID; if (!Helper.TryGetUserID(_session, out userID)) { return(String.Empty); } string error = ValidateIntParameter(commandParameters, "folderID", out folderID); if (error != String.Empty) { return(error); } PageAssetContentData contentList; BLClient client = null; // call WCF BLL Method try { client = new BLClient(); contentList = client.GetRawContent(userID, folderID); } catch (Exception exception) { return(ErrorWrapper.SendError(exception.Message)); } finally { if (client != null) { client.Dispose(); } } return(Flatten(contentList)); }
internal override string Execute(NameValueCollection commandParameters) { int folderID; int userID; if (!Helper.TryGetUserID(_session, out userID)) { return(String.Empty); } string error = ValidateIntParameter(commandParameters, "folderID", out folderID); if (error != String.Empty) { return(error); } PageSlideData pageSlideData; BLClient client = null; // call WCF BLL Method try { client = new BLClient(); pageSlideData = client.GetUserStreams(userID, folderID); } catch (Exception exception) { return(ErrorWrapper.SendError(exception.Message)); } finally { if (client != null) { client.Dispose(); } } return(Flatten(pageSlideData)); }
internal override string Execute(System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection commandParameters) { int channelsSlideID; int userID; if (!Helper.TryGetUserID(_session, out userID)) { return(String.Empty); } string error = ValidateIntParameter(commandParameters, "slideID", out channelsSlideID); if (error != String.Empty) { return(error); } ChannelSlideProperties channelSlideProperties = null; BLClient client = null; // call WCF BLL Method try { client = new BLClient(); channelSlideProperties = client.GetChannelSlideProperties(userID, channelsSlideID); } catch (Exception exception) { return(ErrorWrapper.SendError(exception.Message)); } finally { if (client != null) { client.Dispose(); } } return(Flatten(channelSlideProperties)); }
protected void Next_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BLClient client = null; try { client = new BLClient(); client.SendPasswordReminder(txtEmail.Text); } finally { if (client != null) { client.Dispose(); } } Response.Redirect("PasswordSent.aspx"); }
internal override string Execute(string[] parameters) { int pcID; int userID = -1; List <int> contentIDList; string error = null; if (_session["User"] != null) { error = Helper.GetIDs(_session, parameters, out userID, out pcID, out contentIDList); } else { error = GetIDs(parameters, out pcID, out contentIDList); } if (error != "1") { return(error); } BLClient client = null; try { client = new BLClient(); client.RemovePCStream(userID, pcID, contentIDList); } catch (Exception ex) { return(ErrorWrapper.SendError(ex.Message)); } finally { client.Dispose(); } return("1"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { int categoryID = -1; List <Channel> channels = null; BLClient client = null; string categoryName; if (Request.Params["categoryID"] == null) { Response.Redirect("~/Home.aspx"); } if (!int.TryParse(Request.Params["categoryID"], out categoryID)) { Response.Redirect("~/Home.aspx"); } if (!IsPostBack) { try { client = new BLClient(); channels = client.GetTop5MostPopular(categoryID); categoryName = client.GetCategoryName(categoryID); } finally { client.Dispose(); } CategoryName1.Text = categoryName; CategoryName2.Text = categoryName; Channels.DataSource = channels; Channels.DataBind(); } }
internal override string Execute(string[] parameters) { int userID; int channelID; if (!Helper.TryGetUserID(_session, out userID)) { return(String.Empty); } if (parameters.Length < 3) { return(ErrorWrapper.SendError("Command parameters missing.")); } if (!int.TryParse(parameters[1], out channelID)) { return(ErrorWrapper.SendError("Cannot parse channel ID.")); } BLClient client = null; bool bUnlocked = false; try { client = new BLClient(); bUnlocked = client.UnlockStream(userID, channelID, parameters[2]); } catch (Exception ex) { return(ErrorWrapper.SendError(ex.Message)); } finally { client.Dispose(); } return(bUnlocked ? "1" : "0"); }
internal override string Execute(string[] parameters) { int userID; int pcID; if (!Helper.TryGetUserID(_session, out userID)) { return(String.Empty); } if (parameters.Length < 3) { return(ErrorWrapper.SendError("Command parameters missing.")); } if (!int.TryParse(parameters[1], out pcID)) { return(ErrorWrapper.SendError("Cannot parse PC ID")); } BLClient client = null; try { client = new BLClient(); client.RenamePC(userID, pcID, parameters[2]); } catch (Exception ex) { return(ErrorWrapper.SendError(ex.Message)); } finally { client.Dispose(); } return("1"); }
internal override string Execute(System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection commandParameters) { int pcID; int userID; Helper.TryGetUserID(_session, out userID); string error = ValidateIntParameter(commandParameters, "pcID", out pcID); if (error != String.Empty) { return(error); } PageChannelData pageChannelData; BLClient client = null; // call WCF BLL Method try { client = new BLClient(); pageChannelData = client.GetPcStreams(userID, pcID); } catch (Exception exception) { return(ErrorWrapper.SendError(exception.Message)); } finally { if (client != null) { client.Dispose(); } } return(Flatten(pageChannelData)); }
internal override string Execute(string[] parameters) { int userID; if (!Helper.TryGetUserID(_session, out userID)) { return(String.Empty); } int folderID; List <string[]> rawContentInfo; if (error != "1") { return(error); } BLClient client = null; List <int> addedIDs; try { client = new BLClient(); addedIDs = client.AddAssetContent(userID, folderID, contentIDList); } catch (Exception ex) { return(ErrorWrapper.SendError(ex.Message)); } finally { client.Dispose(); } return(Flatten(addedIDs)); }
public void States_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { BLClient client = null; List <LocationNameValue> townCities = null; try { client = new BLClient(); townCities = Helper.AddToFrontOfDropDown <LocationNameValue>(client.GetChildGeoTTNodes(int.Parse(((DropDownList)sender).SelectedValue)), new LocationNameValue("Please select one ¬", -1, true)); } finally { if (client != null) { client.Dispose(); } } ddlTownCities.DataSource = townCities; ddlTownCities.DataTextField = "Name"; ddlTownCities.DataValueField = "Value"; ddlTownCities.DataBind(); }
internal override string Execute(NameValueCollection commandParameters) { int categoryID; string error = ValidateIntParameter(commandParameters, "categoryId", out categoryID); if (error != string.Empty) { return(error); } List <Category> categoryList; BLClient client = null; // call WCF BLL Method try { client = new BLClient(); categoryList = client.GetCategoryList(categoryID); } catch (Exception exception) { return(ErrorWrapper.SendError(exception.Message)); } finally { if (client != null) { client.Dispose(); } } return(Flatten(categoryList)); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Request.Params["channelID"] == null) { Response.Redirect("~AllChannels.aspx"); } int userID = -1; int channelID; if (!int.TryParse(Request.Params["channelID"], out channelID)) { Response.Redirect("~AllChannels.aspx"); } if (Session["User"] != null) { userID = ((User)Session["User"]).UserID; } BLClient client = null; try { client = new BLClient(); _channel = client.GetChannelToDownload(userID, channelID); } finally { client.Dispose(); } StreamName.Text = _channel.ChannelName; URL.Text = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["streamDetailsURL"] + channelID; }
internal override string Execute(System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection commandParameters) { int mediaID; int userID = -1; string subDir; string[] files; PreviewType previewType; string error = ValidateIntParameter(commandParameters, "ID", out mediaID); if (error != String.Empty) { return(error); } if (!MediaTypeValid(commandParameters["type"])) { return(ErrorWrapper.SendError("Invalid Type")); } string mediaType = commandParameters["type"]; log.WriteMessage("1"); // for raw content and slide content, also check if the user is logged in. if (mediaType != "C") { if (!Helper.TryGetUserID(_session, out userID)) { return(String.Empty); } } BLClient client = null; try { client = new BLClient(); client.GetPreviewFrames(userID, mediaType, mediaID, out subDir, out files, out previewType); } catch (Exception exception) { log.WriteMessage(exception.ToString()); return(ErrorWrapper.SendError(exception.Message)); } finally { if (client != null) { client.Dispose(); } } if (files == null) { log.WriteMessage("files is null"); return("A,,/ViewMedia.aspx?noPreview=true"); } log.WriteMessage(Flatten(subDir, files, mediaType, previewType)); return(Flatten(subDir, files, mediaType, previewType)); }
internal override string Execute(string[] parameters) { int userID; int?categoryID = null; if (!Helper.TryGetUserID(_session, out userID)) { return(String.Empty); } if (parameters.Length < 9) { return(ErrorWrapper.SendError("Command parameters missing.")); } bool bPrivate; bool bAcceptPasswordRequests; string channelName = parameters[2].Trim(); string description = parameters[3].Trim(); string longDescription = parameters[4].Trim(); string keywords = parameters[5].Trim(); string password = parameters[7].Trim(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(channelName)) { return("-1"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(description)) { description = null; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(longDescription)) { longDescription = null; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(keywords)) { keywords = null; } else { keywords = keywords.Replace("|", ","); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(password)) { password = null; } if (!Helper.NullableIntTryParse(parameters[1], out categoryID)) { return(ErrorWrapper.SendError("Cannot parse category.")); } if (categoryID == -1) { categoryID = null; } if (!bool.TryParse(parameters[6], out bPrivate)) { return(ErrorWrapper.SendError("Cannot parse channel privacy.")); } if (!bool.TryParse(parameters[8], out bAcceptPasswordRequests)) { return(ErrorWrapper.SendError("Cannot parse channel acceptance of password requests.")); } if (bPrivate && string.IsNullOrEmpty(password)) { return("-2"); } BLClient client = null; try { client = new BLClient(); client.AddChannel(userID, categoryID, channelName, description, longDescription, keywords, bPrivate, password, bAcceptPasswordRequests); } catch (Exception ex) { return(ErrorWrapper.SendError(ex.Message)); } finally { client.Dispose(); } return("1"); }
internal override string Execute(string[] parameters) { int userID; if (!Helper.TryGetUserID(_session, out userID)) { return(String.Empty); } if (parameters.Length < 8) { return(ErrorWrapper.SendError("Command parameters missing.")); } int slideID; DateTime?date = null; float displayDuration; string trimmedTitle = parameters[2].Trim(); string trimmedCreator = parameters[3].Trim(); string trimmedCaption = parameters[4].Trim(); string trimmedDate = parameters[5].Trim(); string trimmedURL = parameters[6].Trim().Replace("{a001}", ",,"); string trimmedDisplayDuration = parameters[7].Trim(); if (!int.TryParse(parameters[1], out slideID)) { return(ErrorWrapper.SendError("Invalid slide ID")); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(trimmedTitle)) { return("-4"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(trimmedDate) && !Helper.NullableDateTryParse(trimmedDate, out date)) { return("-1"); // invalid date } if (date != null && !Helper.DateWithinLimits(date)) { return("-1"); // invalid date } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(trimmedDate)) { date = null; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(trimmedDisplayDuration) && trimmedDisplayDuration != Resource.UserDefinedDisplayDuration) { if (!float.TryParse(trimmedDisplayDuration, out displayDuration)) { return("-2"); // invalid display duration } if (displayDuration < _minDisplayDuration || displayDuration > _maxDisplayDuration) { return("-3"); // display duration out of bounds } } else { displayDuration = -1F; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(trimmedCaption)) { trimmedCaption = null; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(trimmedCreator)) { trimmedCreator = null; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(trimmedURL)) { trimmedURL = null; } BLClient client = null; try { client = new BLClient(); client.EditSlideContentProperties(userID, slideID, trimmedTitle, trimmedCreator, trimmedCaption, date, trimmedURL, displayDuration); } catch (Exception ex) { return(ErrorWrapper.SendError(ex.Message)); } finally { client.Dispose(); } return("1"); }
internal override string Execute(NameValueCollection commandParameters) { int categoryID; int startPageNo; int endPageNo; string sortBy; string sortByEnumString; int userID; if (!Helper.TryGetUserID(_session, out userID)) { userID = -1; } string error = ValidateIntParameter(commandParameters, "categoryId", out categoryID); if (error != String.Empty) { return(error); } error = ValidateIntParameter(commandParameters, "startPageNo", out startPageNo); if (error != String.Empty) { return(error); } error = ValidateIntParameter(commandParameters, "endPageNo", out endPageNo); if (error != String.Empty) { return(error); } error = ValidateStringParameter(commandParameters, "sortBy", out sortBy); if (error != String.Empty) { return(error); } error = GetSortChannelsByFromConfig(sortBy, out sortByEnumString); if (error != String.Empty) { return(error); } // validate Sort By enum SortChannelsBy sortChannelsBy; error = TryParseSortChannelsBy(typeof(SortChannelsBy), sortByEnumString, out sortChannelsBy); if (error != String.Empty) { return(error); } PageChannelData pageChannelData; BLClient client = null; // call WCF BLL Method try { client = new BLClient(); pageChannelData = client.GetChannelListByCategoryID(userID, categoryID, startPageNo, endPageNo, sortChannelsBy); } catch (Exception exception) { return(ErrorWrapper.SendError(exception.Message)); } finally { if (client != null) { client.Dispose(); } } return(Flatten(pageChannelData)); }
private void UploadAndSaveToDB(out long totalUploadSize) { int userID; totalUploadSize = 0; if (!Helper.TryGetUserID(Session, out userID)) { return; } List <AssetContent> assetContents = new List <AssetContent>(); int fileCount = Int32.Parse(Request.Form["FileCount"]); UploadForm uploadForm = new UploadForm(_inviteToOverrideFieldText) { Title = Request.Form["TitleOvr"].Trim(), Creator = Request.Form["CreatorOvr"].Trim(), Description = Request.Form["DescriptionOvr"].Trim(), Url = Request.Form["URLOvr"].Trim() }; uploadForm.SetDateIfNotEmpty(Request.Form["DateOvr"].Trim()); uploadForm.SetDisplayDuration(Request.Form["DisplayDurationOvr"].Trim(), _minDisplayDuration, _maxDisplayDuration); //Iterate through uploaded data and save the original file and thumbnail for (int i = 1; i <= fileCount; i++) { HttpPostedFile postedFile = Request.Files["SourceFile_" + i]; UploadedFile uploadedFile = _uploadedFileFactory.CreateUploadedFile(uploadForm, _fileDurationDetectorFactory, Path.GetExtension(postedFile.FileName).ToLower()); uploadedFile.RawContentPath = _rawContentPath; uploadedFile.ThumbnailAssetContentPath = _thumbnailAssetContentPath; uploadedFile.UploadedStream = postedFile.InputStream; uploadedFile.OriginalFileName = postedFile.FileName; uploadedFile.SetDateIfUserHasNotProvidedOne(Request.Params["SourceFileCreatedDateTime_" + i]); uploadedFile.Thumbnail1Stream = Request.Files["Thumbnail1_" + i].InputStream; uploadedFile.Thumbnail2Stream = Request.Files["Thumbnail2_" + i].InputStream; uploadedFile.SaveThumbnail(); uploadedFile.SaveContent(); uploadedFile.SetDisplayDuration(); totalUploadSize += uploadedFile.ContentLength; assetContents.Add(new AssetContent(uploadedFile.Title, uploadedFile.Folder + "\\" + uploadedFile.GuidFilenameWithExtension, uploadedFile.GuidFilenameWithoutExtension, uploadedFile.Extension, uploadedFile.Folder + "/" + uploadedFile.GuidFilenameWithoutExtension + ".jpg", uploadedFile.Folder + "\\" + uploadedFile.GuidFilenameWithoutExtension + ".jpg", uploadedFile.Folder, uploadedFile.GuidFilenameWithoutExtension + ".jpg", uploadForm.Description, uploadForm.Creator, uploadedFile.Date, uploadForm.Url, uploadedFile.DisplayDuration, uploadedFile.ContentLength, uploadedFile.PreviewType)); } BLClient client = null; bool bDurationsAmended; try { client = new BLClient(); bDurationsAmended = client.AddAssetContent(userID, int.Parse(Request.Form["AssetContentFolderID"]), assetContents); } finally { client.Dispose(); } Session.Add("DurationsAmended", bDurationsAmended); }
internal override string Execute(string[] parameters) { int userID; int slideID; string url; string trimmedDisplayDuration; float displayDuration; if (!Helper.TryGetUserID(_session, out userID)) { return(String.Empty); } int parametersLength = parameters.Length; if (parametersLength < 5) { return(ErrorWrapper.SendError("Command parameters missing.")); } if (!int.TryParse(parameters[1], out slideID)) { return(ErrorWrapper.SendError("Invalid Slide ID")); } url = parameters[2].Trim().Replace("{a001}", ",,"); trimmedDisplayDuration = parameters[3].Trim(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(url)) { url = null; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(trimmedDisplayDuration) && trimmedDisplayDuration != Resource.UserDefinedDisplayDuration) { if (!float.TryParse(trimmedDisplayDuration, out displayDuration)) { return("-1"); } if (displayDuration < _minDisplayDuration || displayDuration > _maxDisplayDuration) { return("-3"); // display duration out of bounds } } else { displayDuration = -1F; } string[] startEndDateTimes = null; if (!Validate(parametersLength, parameters, ref startEndDateTimes)) { return("-2"); } BLClient client = null; try { client = new BLClient(); client.EditChannelSlideProperties(userID, slideID, url, displayDuration, parameters[4], startEndDateTimes); } catch (Exception ex) { return(ErrorWrapper.SendError(ex.ToString())); } finally { client.Dispose(); } return("1"); }
public void Next_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string password1 = txtPassword1.Text.Trim(); string password2 = txtPassword2.Text.Trim(); int townCityID = -1; int occupationSectorID = -1; int employmentLevelID = -1; int annualHouseholdIncomeID = -1; string gender = null; DateTime dob; if (!_emailRegex.IsMatch(txtEmail.Text)) { ValidationMessage.Text = "Please enter a valid e-mail address."; return; } else { ValidationMessage.Text = ""; } if (password1 != password2) { ValidationMessage.Text = "Passwords do not match"; return; } else { ValidationMessage.Text = ""; } if (!rbGenderFemale.Checked && !rbGenderMale.Checked) { ValidationMessage.Text = "Please select your gender"; return; } else { gender = rbGenderFemale.Checked ? "female" : "male"; ValidationMessage.Text = ""; } try { dob = new DateTime(int.Parse(dobYear.SelectedValue), int.Parse(dobMonth.SelectedValue), int.Parse(dobDay.SelectedValue)); ValidationMessage.Text = ""; } catch { ValidationMessage.Text = "Please enter a valid Date of Birth"; return; } if (ddlCountry.SelectedValue == "-1") { ValidationMessage.Text = "Please select your country"; return; } else { ValidationMessage.Text = ""; } if (ddlState.Visible && ddlState.SelectedValue == "-1") { ValidationMessage.Text = "Please select your state"; return; } else { ValidationMessage.Text = ""; } if (!int.TryParse(ddlTownCities.SelectedValue, out townCityID) || ddlTownCities.SelectedValue == "-1") { ValidationMessage.Text = "Please select your town or city"; return; } else { ValidationMessage.Text = ""; } if (!int.TryParse(ddlSector.SelectedValue, out occupationSectorID) || ddlSector.SelectedValue == "-1") { ValidationMessage.Text = "Please select your occupation sector"; return; } else { ValidationMessage.Text = ""; } if (!int.TryParse(ddlLevel.SelectedValue, out employmentLevelID) || ddlLevel.SelectedValue == "-1") { ValidationMessage.Text = "Please select your employment level"; return; } else { ValidationMessage.Text = ""; } if (!int.TryParse(ddlIncome.SelectedValue, out annualHouseholdIncomeID) || ddlIncome.SelectedValue == "-1") { ValidationMessage.Text = "Please select your Annual Household Income"; return; } else { ValidationMessage.Text = ""; } // all inputs are ok bool bEmailExists = false; BLClient client = null; try { client = new BLClient(); bEmailExists = client.EditUserDetails(((User)Session["User"]).UserID, txtEmail.Text, password1, txtFirstName.Text, txtLastName.Text, gender, dob, townCityID, occupationSectorID, employmentLevelID, annualHouseholdIncomeID); } finally { if (client != null) { client.Dispose(); } } if (bEmailExists) { ValidationMessage.Text = "This e-mail address already exists on our system."; return; } else { ValidationMessage.Text = ""; } Response.Redirect("Home.aspx"); }
internal override string Execute(string[] parameters) { int channelID; string name = parameters[2]; string emailAddress = parameters[3]; string message = parameters[4]; string captchaString = parameters[5]; BLClient client = null; logger.WriteTimestampedMessage("no of parameters: " + parameters.Length); int counter = 0; foreach (string param in parameters) { logger.WriteTimestampedMessage("Parameter " + counter + " = " + param); counter++; } if (!int.TryParse(parameters[1], out channelID)) { logger.WriteMessage(parameters[1] + " is not a number."); throw new FormatException("Parameter must be a number"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(emailAddress) || !_emailRegex.IsMatch(emailAddress)) { logger.WriteTimestampedMessage("0"); return("0"); } if (captchaString != (string)_session["CaptchaImageText"]) { logger.WriteTimestampedMessage("-1"); return("-1"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { logger.WriteTimestampedMessage("-2"); return("-2"); } try { client = new BLClient(); client.SendPasswordRequest(channelID, name, emailAddress, message); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.WriteTimestampedMessage(ex.ToString()); throw ex; } finally { if (client != null) { client.Dispose(); } } return("1"); }
private void UploadAndSaveToDB(out long totalUploadSize) { string rawContentPath = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["assetContentPath"]; string thumbnailAssetContentRelativePath = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["thumbnailAssetContentRelativePath"]; string thumbnailAssetContentPath = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["thumbnailAssetContentPath"]; int userID; totalUploadSize = 0; if (!Helper.TryGetUserID(Session, out userID)) { return; } List <AssetContent> assetContents = new List <AssetContent>(); int fileCount = Int32.Parse(Request.Form["FileCount"]); string title = Request.Form["TitleOvr"].Trim(); string creator = Request.Form["CreatorOvr"].Trim(); string description = Request.Form["DescriptionOvr"].Trim(); string date = Request.Form["DateOvr"].Trim(); string url = Request.Form["URLOvr"].Trim(); string displayDuration = Request.Form["DisplayDurationOvr"].Trim(); bool bUseTitleOvr = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(title) && title != _inviteToOverrideValues; bool bUseCreatorOvr = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(creator) && creator != _inviteToOverrideValues; bool bUseDescriptionOvr = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(description) && description != _inviteToOverrideValues; bool bUseDateOvr = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(date) && date != _inviteToOverrideValues; bool bUseURLOvr = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(url) && url != _inviteToOverrideValues; bool bUseDisplayDurationOvr = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(displayDuration) && displayDuration != _inviteToOverrideValues; title = bUseTitleOvr ? title : null; creator = bUseCreatorOvr ? creator : null; description = bUseDescriptionOvr ? description : null; date = bUseDateOvr ? date : null; url = bUseURLOvr ? url : null; displayDuration = bUseDisplayDurationOvr ? displayDuration : null; DateTime?userGivenDate = null; float fDisplayDuration = -1F; if (bUseDateOvr) { Helper.NullableDateTryParse(date, out userGivenDate); } // TODO: pending future development to accept videos, always try to parse user's given display duration if (!float.TryParse(displayDuration, out fDisplayDuration) || fDisplayDuration < _minDisplayDuration || fDisplayDuration > _maxDisplayDuration) { fDisplayDuration = -1F; } //Iterate through uploaded data and save the original file and thumbnail for (int i = 1; i <= fileCount; i++) { string newFilename; string newFilenameWithoutExtension; string newFolder; PreviewType previewType; if (!bUseDateOvr) { userGivenDate = ToDotNetFormat(Request.Params["SourceFileCreatedDateTime_" + i]); } int contentLength = -1; //Get source file and save it to disk. HttpPostedFile sourceFile = Request.Files["SourceFile_" + i]; string fileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(sourceFile.FileName); string extension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(sourceFile.FileName).ToLower(); bool bIsImage = GetIsFileImage(extension); bool bIsVideo = GetIsFileVideo(extension); if (!bUseTitleOvr) { title = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName); } FilenameMakerLib.FilenameFromGUID.MakeFilenameAndFolder(fileName, out newFilename, out newFilenameWithoutExtension, out newFolder); string pathWithoutFilename = rawContentPath + newFolder; if (!Directory.Exists(pathWithoutFilename)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(pathWithoutFilename); } //Get first thumbnail and save it to disk. HttpPostedFile thumbnail1File = Request.Files["Thumbnail1_" + i]; string thumbnailFullPhysicalPathWithoutFilename = thumbnailAssetContentPath + newFolder; if (!Directory.Exists(thumbnailFullPhysicalPathWithoutFilename)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(thumbnailFullPhysicalPathWithoutFilename); } string thumbnailFullPath = thumbnailFullPhysicalPathWithoutFilename + "\\" + newFilenameWithoutExtension + ".jpg"; if (bIsImage) { thumbnail1File.SaveAs(thumbnailFullPath); } else if (bIsVideo) { CopyDefaultThumbnailForType(extension, thumbnailAssetContentPath, thumbnailFullPath); } else { File.Copy(thumbnailAssetContentPath + "flash-swf.jpg", thumbnailFullPath); } // get resized file and save HttpPostedFile thumbnail2File = Request.Files["Thumbnail2_" + i]; if (bIsImage) { thumbnail2File.SaveAs(pathWithoutFilename + "\\" + newFilename); contentLength = thumbnail2File.ContentLength; } else { sourceFile.SaveAs(pathWithoutFilename + "\\" + newFilename); contentLength = sourceFile.ContentLength; } totalUploadSize += contentLength; previewType = GetPreviewType(bIsImage, bIsVideo); assetContents.Add(new AssetContent(title, newFolder + "\\" + newFilename, newFilenameWithoutExtension, extension, newFolder + "/" + newFilenameWithoutExtension + ".jpg", newFolder + "\\" + newFilenameWithoutExtension + ".jpg", newFolder, newFilenameWithoutExtension + ".jpg", description, creator, userGivenDate, url, fDisplayDuration, contentLength, previewType)); } BLClient client = null; bool bDurationsAmended = false; try { client = new BLClient(); bDurationsAmended = client.AddAssetContent(userID, int.Parse(Request.Form["AssetContentFolderID"]), assetContents); } finally { client.Dispose(); } Session.Add("DurationsAmended", bDurationsAmended); }