static public byte[] GetIVAsn1(byte[] data) { var asn = BERelement.DecodePacket(data); byte[] iv = asn.Items[1].Value; return(iv); }
static public byte[] GetCertAsn1(byte[] data) { var asn = BERelement.DecodePacket(data); byte[] cert = asn.Items[0].Value; return(cert); }
static public byte[] GetSymAsn1(byte[] data) { var asn = BERelement.DecodePacket(data); byte[] symKey = asn.Items[0].Value; return(symKey); }
private void Cipher_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Cipher.Checked) { var asn1Cmd = Asn1Formatter.SetCommandAsn1((int)Cmd.certs); handler.Send(asn1Cmd); data = handler.Recieve(); BERelement certsNames = BERelement.DecodePacket(data); CerificatesBox.DataSource = null; CerificatesBox.Items.Clear(); foreach (var cert in certsNames.Items) { CerificatesBox.Items.Add(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(cert.Value)); } CerificatesBox.SelectedIndex = 0; } }
private void GetCertsFromServer(object sender, EventArgs e) { var asn1Cmd = Asn1Formatter.SetCommandAsn1((int)Cmd.certs); int.TryParse(textBox3.Text, out int port); handler = new ClientSocket(textBox2.Text, port); handler.Init(); handler.Send(asn1Cmd); data = handler.Recieve(); BERelement certsNames = BERelement.DecodePacket(data); CerificatesBox.DataSource = null; CerificatesBox.Items.Clear(); foreach (var cert in certsNames.Items) { CerificatesBox.Items.Add(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(cert.Value)); } CerificatesBox.SelectedIndex = 0; }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { socket.Init(); while (true) { byte[] data = socket.Recieve(); BERelement asn = BERelement.DecodePacket(data); int operation; if (asn.Items[0].Value.Length > 1) { operation = BitConverter.ToInt32(asn.Items[0].Value, 0); } else { operation = asn.Items[0].Value[0]; } switch (operation) { case (int)Cmd.certs: SendCertificatesList(); break; case (int)Cmd.cipher: SendCertificatesList(); data = socket.Recieve(); asn = BERelement.DecodePacket(data); string certName = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(asn.Items[0].Value); foreach (var cert in crypter.Certificates) { if (cert.FriendlyName == certName) { crypter.currentCertificate = cert; SendPublicKey(cert); break; } } data = socket.Recieve(); crypter.SetSymmetrKey(Asn1Formatter.GetSymAsn1(data)); crypter.IV = Asn1Formatter.GetIVAsn1(data); byte[] asn1Established = Asn1Formatter.SetCertASN1(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("ESTABLISHED")); socket.Send(asn1Established); data = socket.Recieve(); String text = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(crypter.Decrypt(data)); Console.WriteLine("Recieved data from client: " + text); break; case (int)Cmd.sign: asn1Established = Asn1Formatter.SetCertASN1(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("ESTABLISHED")); socket.Send(asn1Established); data = socket.Recieve(); asn = BERelement.DecodePacket(data); try { if (asn.Items[0].Value.Length > 1) { operation = BitConverter.ToInt32(asn.Items[0].Value, 0); } else { operation = asn.Items[0].Value[0]; } if (operation == (int)Cmd.error) { Console.WriteLine("Error!"); continue; } } catch (NotSupportedException) { Console.WriteLine("Signed message came!"); } BERelement mSeq = BERelement.DecodePacket(data); BERelement sSeq = mSeq.Items[0]; BERelement fSeq = mSeq.Items[1]; var signature = sSeq.Items[0].Value; var certS = new X509Certificate2(sSeq.Items[1].Value); var time = DateTime.FromBinary(BitConverter.ToInt64(sSeq.Items[2].Value, 0)); var sData = fSeq.Items[0].Value; Gost3410_2012_256CryptoServiceProvider sGost = (Gost3410_2012_256CryptoServiceProvider)certS.PublicKey.Key; Gost3411CryptoServiceProvider hGost = new Gost3411CryptoServiceProvider(); bool correct = sGost.VerifySignature(hGost.ComputeHash(sData), signature); Console.WriteLine($"Friendly name: {certS.FriendlyName}"); Console.WriteLine(certS + "\n"); Console.WriteLine("Signature time..."); Console.WriteLine(time + "\n"); Console.WriteLine("Correct signature?..."); Console.WriteLine(correct + "\n"); Console.WriteLine("Data:"); Console.WriteLine(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(sData) + "\n"); break; default: break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
private void check_response() { TcpClient client = null; try { TcpListener listener = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Parse(""), 9595); listener.Start(); Byte[] bytes = new Byte[256]; String data = null; while (true) { client = listener.AcceptTcpClient(); NetworkStream ns = client.GetStream(); Byte[] mode_bytes = new Byte[1]; int mode = ns.Read(mode_bytes, 0, mode_bytes.Length); if (mode_bytes[0] == 0x01) { richTextBox1.Text += "Received encrypted msg. Try to decrypt: \n"; int bytes_read = ns.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); byte[] message = new byte[bytes_read]; Array.Copy(buffer, message, bytes_read); BERelement mSeq = BERelement.DecodePacket(message); BERelement sSeq = null; sSeq = mSeq.Items[0]; var cert_name = sSeq.Items[0].Value; var wrapped_key2 = sSeq.Items[1].Value; var iv2 = sSeq.Items[2].Value; var public_key_bytes = sSeq.Items[3].Value; var cipher_text_bytes = sSeq.Items[4].Value; MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(public_key_bytes); BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter(); Gost3410Parameters key_params = (Gost3410Parameters)bf.Deserialize(ms); GostSharedSecretAlgorithm agree_key = csp.CreateAgree(key_params); SymmetricAlgorithm gost = agree_key.Unwrap(wrapped_key2, GostKeyWrapMethod.CryptoProKeyWrap); gost.IV = iv2; MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); CryptoStream cryptoStream = new CryptoStream(memoryStream, gost.CreateDecryptor(), CryptoStreamMode.Write); int bytesRead = cipher_text_bytes.Length; cryptoStream.Write(cipher_text_bytes, 0, bytesRead); cryptoStream.FlushFinalBlock(); byte[] plain_text_bytes = memoryStream.ToArray(); richTextBox1.Text += Encoding.ASCII.GetString(plain_text_bytes, 0, plain_text_bytes.Length) + "\n"; } if (mode_bytes[0] == 0x02) { richTextBox1.Text += "Received sign. Try to check it: \n"; Gost3411CryptoServiceProvider hash = new Gost3411CryptoServiceProvider(); int bytes_read = ns.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); byte[] message = new byte[bytes_read]; Array.Copy(buffer, message, bytes_read); BERelement mSeq = BERelement.DecodePacket(message); BERelement sSeq = null; sSeq = mSeq.Items[0]; var cert_name = sSeq.Items[0].Value; var signed2 = sSeq.Items[1].Value; var msg = sSeq.Items[2].Value; int len = signed2.Length; bool test = csp.VerifyData(msg, hash, signed2); if (test) { richTextBox1.Text += "Подпись корректна.\r\n"; } else { richTextBox1.Text += "Подпись некорректна.\r\n"; } /* * bool test = csp.VerifyData(message, hash, signed); * if (test) richTextBox1.Text += "Подпись корректна.\r\n"; * else richTextBox1.Text += "Подпись некорректна.\r\n"; * */ } if (mode_bytes[0] == 0x03) { richTextBox1.Text += "Received sign and encryption. Making magic: \n"; int bytes_read = ns.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); byte[] message = new byte[bytes_read]; Array.Copy(buffer, message, bytes_read); BERelement mSeq = BERelement.DecodePacket(message); BERelement sSeq = null; sSeq = mSeq.Items[0]; var cert_name = sSeq.Items[0].Value; var wrapped_key2 = sSeq.Items[1].Value; var iv2 = sSeq.Items[2].Value; var public_key_bytes = sSeq.Items[3].Value; var cipher_text_bytes = sSeq.Items[4].Value; MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(public_key_bytes); BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter(); Gost3410Parameters key_params = (Gost3410Parameters)bf.Deserialize(ms); GostSharedSecretAlgorithm agree_key = csp.CreateAgree(key_params); SymmetricAlgorithm gost = agree_key.Unwrap(wrapped_key2, GostKeyWrapMethod.CryptoProKeyWrap); gost.IV = iv2; MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); CryptoStream cryptoStream = new CryptoStream(memoryStream, gost.CreateDecryptor(), CryptoStreamMode.Write); int bytesRead = cipher_text_bytes.Length; cryptoStream.Write(cipher_text_bytes, 0, bytesRead); cryptoStream.FlushFinalBlock(); byte[] plain_text_bytes = memoryStream.ToArray(); //check signature Gost3411CryptoServiceProvider hash = new Gost3411CryptoServiceProvider(); //Array.Copy(buffer, message, bytes_read); BERelement mSeq2 = BERelement.DecodePacket(plain_text_bytes); BERelement sSeq2 = null; sSeq2 = mSeq2.Items[0]; var cert_name2 = sSeq2.Items[0].Value; var signed3 = sSeq2.Items[1].Value; var msg2 = sSeq2.Items[2].Value; int len2 = signed3.Length; bool test = csp.VerifyData(msg2, hash, signed3); richTextBox1.Text += "Полученное сообщение: " + Encoding.ASCII.GetString(msg2, 0, msg2.Length) + "\r\n"; if (test) { richTextBox1.Text += "Подпись корректна.\r\n"; } else { richTextBox1.Text += "Подпись некорректна.\r\n"; } } int i; while ((i = ns.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length)) != 0) { data = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes, 0, i); richTextBox1.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString() + "\n"; richTextBox1.Text += data; } client.Close(); } } catch (SocketException exception) { MessageBox.Show("SocketException: " + exception); } }