コード例 #1
ファイル: UFD1.cs プロジェクト: szarblewskiout/SapFramework
        internal static List <UFD1> RetornaValores(string nomeTabela, string nomeCampo)
            List <UFD1> lista = new List <UFD1>();

            Recordset oRs = B1AppDomain.RSQuery(string.Format(@"SELECT [TableID]
  FROM [UFD1] where tableid = '{0}' and fieldid = (select FieldID from CUFD where TableID = '{0}' and AliasID = '{1}')", nomeTabela, nomeCampo));

            while (!oRs.EoF)
                lista.Add(new UFD1()
                    TableID  = oRs.Fields.Item("TableID").Value.ToString(),
                    FieldID  = Convert.ToInt32(oRs.Fields.Item("FieldID").Value.ToString()),
                    IndexID  = Convert.ToInt32(oRs.Fields.Item("IndexID").Value.ToString()),
                    FldValue = oRs.Fields.Item("FldValue").Value.ToString(),
                    Descr    = oRs.Fields.Item("Descr").Value.ToString(),
                    FldDate  = Convert.ToDateTime(oRs.Fields.Item("FldDate").Value.ToString())



コード例 #2
        public void Delete(TEntity obj)
            string          code        = "";
            TablesAttribute tbAttribute = null;

            foreach (PropertyInfo info in obj.GetType().GetProperties())
                if (info.Name == "Code")
                    code = info.GetValue(obj).ToString();

            string nomeTabela = "";

            foreach (object customAttribute in obj.GetType().GetCustomAttributes(true))
                if (customAttribute is TablesAttribute)
                    tbAttribute = customAttribute as TablesAttribute;
                    nomeTabela  = tbAttribute.Nome;

            B1AppDomain.RSQuery(string.Format("delete from [@{0}] where Code = '{1}'", nomeTabela, code));
コード例 #3
ファイル: UFD1.cs プロジェクト: szarblewskiout/SapFramework
        internal static List <UFD1> RetornaValores()
            List <UFD1> lista = new List <UFD1>();

            Recordset oRs = B1AppDomain.RSQuery(@"SELECT [TableID]
  FROM [UFD1]");

            while (!oRs.EoF)
                lista.Add(new UFD1()
                    TableID  = oRs.Fields.Item("TableID").Value.ToString(),
                    FieldID  = oRs.Fields.Item("FieldID").Value.ToString(),
                    IndexID  = oRs.Fields.Item("IndexID").Value.ToString(),
                    FldValue = oRs.Fields.Item("FldValue").Value.ToString(),
                    Descr    = oRs.Fields.Item("Descr").Value.ToString(),
                    FldDate  = oRs.Fields.Item("FldDate").Value.ToString()



コード例 #4
        protected MenuBase()
            this.menuUid = new List <string>();
            MenuAttribute attribute = null;
            int           index     = 0;

            foreach (object obj2 in base.GetType().GetCustomAttributes(false))
                if (obj2 is MenuAttribute)
                    attribute = obj2 as MenuAttribute;


                    B1AppDomain.RegisterMenuByType(this.menuUid.SingleOrDefault(e => e == attribute.menuUid), this);

            if (attribute == null)
                B1Exception.writeLog("Falha ao indexar Form. Por favor checar os atributos informados");

コード例 #5
        protected FormBase()
            formUid = new List <string>();
            FormAttribute attribute = null;
            int           index     = 0;

            foreach (object obj2 in base.GetType().GetCustomAttributes(false))
                if (obj2 is FormAttribute)
                    attribute = obj2 as FormAttribute;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attribute.formUid))
                        string form = attribute.formUid;
                        this.formUid.Add(form.Substring(0, 1) == "@" ? form.Replace("@", "UDO_FT_") : form);

                    string formulario = this.formUid.SingleOrDefault(e => e == attribute.formUid);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(formulario))
                        B1AppDomain.RegisterFormByType(formulario, this);

            if (attribute == null)
                B1Exception.writeLog("Falha ao indexar Form. Por favor checar os atributos informados");

コード例 #6
        protected TableBase()
            TableId = new List <string>();
            TablesAttribute      attribute         = null;
            FieldsAttribute      flAttribute       = null;
            UdoAttribute         udoAttribute      = null;
            UdoChildAttribute    udoChildAttribute = null;
            ValidValuesAttribute valoresValidos    = null;

            foreach (object obj2 in base.GetType().GetCustomAttributes(false))
                #region Atributo Tabelas

                if (obj2 is TablesAttribute)
                    attribute = obj2 as TablesAttribute;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attribute.Nome))
                        Tabelas tb = new Tabelas();
                        tb.NomeTabela      = attribute.Nome;
                        tb.DescricaoTabela = attribute.Descricao;
                        tb.TipoTabelaSap   = attribute.Tipo;
                        tb.Campos          = new List <Campos>();
                        tb.Ttabela         = attribute.TabelaSistema ? Tipos.TipoTabela.Sap : Tipos.TipoTabela.Usuario;

                        foreach (PropertyInfo info in this.GetType().GetProperties())
                            List <ValoresValidos> vlrs = new List <ValoresValidos>();
                            Campos cp = new Campos();
                            foreach (object field in info.GetCustomAttributes(true))
                                if (field is FieldsAttribute)
                                    flAttribute = field as FieldsAttribute;

                                    RelationalReader.verificaTipos(cp, info, flAttribute, tb.NomeTabela);

                                if (field is ValidValuesAttribute)
                                    valoresValidos = field as ValidValuesAttribute;
                                    vlrs.Add(new ValoresValidos()
                                        Descricao = valoresValidos.Descricao, Valor = valoresValidos.Valor

                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cp.NomeCampo))
                                if (vlrs.Count > 0)
                                    cp.ValoresValidos = vlrs;

                        B1AppDomain.RegisterTable(this, tb);


                #region Atributo Udo

                if (obj2 is UdoAttribute)
                    udoAttribute = obj2 as UdoAttribute;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(udoAttribute.Code))
                        Udo ud = new Udo();
                        ud.TableName           = udoAttribute.TableName;
                        ud.Name                = udoAttribute.Name;
                        ud.Code                = udoAttribute.Code;
                        ud.Cancel              = udoAttribute.Cancel;
                        ud.Close               = udoAttribute.Close;
                        ud.CreateDefaultForm   = udoAttribute.CreateDefaultForm;
                        ud.Delete              = udoAttribute.Delete;
                        ud.Find                = udoAttribute.Find;
                        ud.YearTransfer        = udoAttribute.YearTransfer;
                        ud.ManageSeries        = udoAttribute.ManageSeries;
                        ud.ObjectType          = udoAttribute.ObjectType;
                        ud.Formulario          = udoAttribute.Formulario;
                        ud.EnableEnhancedform  = udoAttribute.EnableEnhancedform;
                        ud.RebuildEnhancedForm = udoAttribute.RebuildEnhancedForm;

                        B1AppDomain.RegisterUdo(this, ud);


                #region Atributo UdoFilhos

                if (obj2 is UdoChildAttribute)
                    udoChildAttribute = obj2 as UdoChildAttribute;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(udoChildAttribute.TableName))
                        UdoFilhos udf = new UdoFilhos();
                        udf.TableName = udoChildAttribute.TableName;
                        udf.TabelaPai = udoChildAttribute.TabelaPai;

                        B1AppDomain.RegisterUdoChild(this, udf);

            if (attribute == null)
                B1Exception.writeLog("Falha ao indexar Tabela. Por favor checar os atributos informados");
コード例 #7
        public void Add(TEntity obj)
            Dictionary <string, object> lista       = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            FieldsAttribute             flAttribute = null;
            TablesAttribute             tbAttribute = null;

            foreach (PropertyInfo info in obj.GetType().GetProperties())
                foreach (object field in info.GetCustomAttributes(true))
                    if (field is FieldsAttribute)
                        flAttribute = field as FieldsAttribute;
                        if (info.GetValue(obj) != null)
                            if (info.GetValue(obj).GetType() == typeof(DateTime))
                                lista.Add("U_" + flAttribute.Nome, ((DateTime)info.GetValue(obj)).ToString("yyyyMMdd"));
                                lista.Add("U_" + flAttribute.Nome, info.GetValue(obj));

            string campos  = "";
            string valores = "";

            int controle = 1;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> objetos in lista)
                if (controle == 1)
                    campos  = objetos.Key;
                    valores = "'" + objetos.Value + "'";
                    campos  = campos + "," + objetos.Key;
                    valores = valores + "," + "'" + objetos.Value + "'";

            string nomeTabela = "";

            foreach (object customAttribute in obj.GetType().GetCustomAttributes(true))
                if (customAttribute is TablesAttribute)
                    tbAttribute = customAttribute as TablesAttribute;
                    nomeTabela  = tbAttribute.Nome;

            string key   = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Substring(0, 30);
            string query = string.Format(@"insert into [@{0}] (Code, Name, {1}) values ('{3}','{3}',{2})", nomeTabela,
                                         campos, valores, key);

コード例 #8
        public void Update(TEntity obj)
            Dictionary <string, object> lista       = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            FieldsAttribute             flAttribute = null;
            TablesAttribute             tbAttribute = null;
            string key = "";

            foreach (PropertyInfo info in obj.GetType().GetProperties())
                if (info.Name == "Code")
                    key = info.GetValue(obj).ToString();
                foreach (object field in info.GetCustomAttributes(true))
                    if (field is FieldsAttribute)
                        flAttribute = field as FieldsAttribute;
                        if (info.GetValue(obj) != null)
                            if (info.GetValue(obj).GetType() == typeof(DateTime))
                                lista.Add("U_" + flAttribute.Nome, ((DateTime)info.GetValue(obj)).ToString("yyyyMMdd"));
                                lista.Add("U_" + flAttribute.Nome, info.GetValue(obj));

            string campos = "";

            int controle = 1;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> objetos in lista)
                if (controle == 1)
                    campos = objetos.Key + " = '" + objetos.Value + "'";
                    campos = campos + ", " + objetos.Key + " = '" + objetos.Value + "'";

            string nomeTabela = "";

            foreach (object customAttribute in obj.GetType().GetCustomAttributes(true))
                if (customAttribute is TablesAttribute)
                    tbAttribute = customAttribute as TablesAttribute;
                    nomeTabela  = tbAttribute.Nome;

            string query = string.Format(@"update [@{0}] set {1} where Code = '{2}'", nomeTabela, campos, key);

コード例 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// busca todos usando filtros and
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filtros">campo, valor </param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <TEntity> GetAll(Dictionary <string, object> filtros)
            if (filtros == null)

            TEntity obj = new TEntity();

            Dictionary <string, object> lista       = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            FieldsAttribute             flAttribute = null;
            TablesAttribute             tbAttribute = null;

            foreach (PropertyInfo info in obj.GetType().GetProperties())
                foreach (object field in info.GetCustomAttributes(true))
                    if (field is FieldsAttribute)
                        flAttribute = field as FieldsAttribute;
                        lista.Add("U_" + flAttribute.Nome, info.GetValue(obj));

            string campos = "";

            int controle = 1;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> objetos in lista)
                if (controle == 1)
                    campos = objetos.Key;
                    campos = campos + "," + objetos.Key;


            string nomeTabela = "";

            foreach (object customAttribute in obj.GetType().GetCustomAttributes(true))
                if (customAttribute is TablesAttribute)
                    tbAttribute = customAttribute as TablesAttribute;
                    nomeTabela  = tbAttribute.Nome;

            string where = "";
            controle     = 1;
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> filtro in filtros)
                if (controle == 1)
                    where = filtro.Key + " = '" + filtro.Value + "'";
                    where = where + " and " + filtro.Key + " = '" + filtro.Value + "'";

            string query = string.Format("select Code, Name, {0} from [@{1}] where {2}", campos, nomeTabela, where);

            var oRs = B1AppDomain.RSQuery(query);

            List <TEntity> resultado = new List <TEntity>();

            while (!oRs.EoF)
                TEntity obj2 = new TEntity();
                foreach (PropertyInfo info in obj2.GetType().GetProperties())
                    foreach (object field in info.GetCustomAttributes(true))
                        if (field is FieldsAttribute)
                            flAttribute = field as FieldsAttribute;

                            info.SetValue(obj2, oRs.Fields.Item("U_" + flAttribute.Nome).Value);



コード例 #10
        public TEntity GetByEntity(TEntity obj)
            Dictionary <string, object> lista       = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            FieldsAttribute             flAttribute = null;
            TablesAttribute             tbAttribute = null;

            foreach (PropertyInfo info in obj.GetType().GetProperties())
                foreach (object field in info.GetCustomAttributes(true))
                    if (field is FieldsAttribute)
                        flAttribute = field as FieldsAttribute;
                        lista.Add("U_" + flAttribute.Nome, info.GetValue(obj));

            string campos = "";

            string where = "";

            int controle = 1;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> objetos in lista)
                if (controle == 1)
                    campos = objetos.Key;
                    where  = objetos.Key + " = '" + objetos.Value.ToString() + "'";
                    campos = campos + "," + objetos.Key;
                    if (objetos.Value != null)
                        if (objetos.Value.ToString().Length < 254)
                            if (objetos.Value.GetType() == typeof(DateTime))
                                DateTime datavalor = Convert.ToDateTime(objetos.Value);
                                DateTime datavazia = Convert.ToDateTime("01/01/0001 00:00:00");
                                if (datavalor > datavazia)
                                    where = where + " and " + objetos.Key + " = '" + Convert.ToDateTime(objetos.Value).ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "'";
                            else if (objetos.Value.GetType() == typeof(int))
                                if (Convert.ToInt32(objetos.Value) != 0)
                                    where = where + " and " + objetos.Key + " = '" + objetos.Value.ToString() + "'";
                                where = where + " and " + objetos.Key + " = '" + objetos.Value.ToString() + "'";


            string nomeTabela = "";

            foreach (object customAttribute in obj.GetType().GetCustomAttributes(true))
                if (customAttribute is TablesAttribute)
                    tbAttribute = customAttribute as TablesAttribute;
                    nomeTabela  = tbAttribute.Nome;

            string query = string.Format("select Code, Name, {0} from [@{1}] where {2}", campos, nomeTabela, where);

            var oRs = B1AppDomain.RSQuery(query);

            foreach (PropertyInfo info in obj.GetType().GetProperties())
                if (info.Name == "Code")
                    info.SetValue(obj, oRs.Fields.Item("Code").Value);
                else if (info.Name == "Name")
                    info.SetValue(obj, oRs.Fields.Item("Name").Value);
                foreach (object field in info.GetCustomAttributes(true))
                    if (field is FieldsAttribute)
                        flAttribute = field as FieldsAttribute;

                        info.SetValue(obj, oRs.Fields.Item("U_" + flAttribute.Nome).Value);
