コード例 #1
        protected override void ProcessRecord()
            // create storage helper
            var subscription = new AzureSubscription()
                SubscriptionId        = _azureParameters.parameters.SubscriptionID,
                ManagementCertificate = new System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2(
                StorageAccount    = _azureParameters.parameters.StorageAccountName,
                StorageAccountKey = _azureParameters.parameters.StorageAccountKey

            AzureStorageHelper   storage    = new AzureStorageHelper(subscription, _clusterName);
            AzureCloudController controller = new AzureCloudController(subscription, _azureParameters.parameters.AffinityGroupName);

            AzureDynamicCluster cluster = new AzureDynamicCluster(storage, controller);

            bool downloaded = cluster.DownloadJobResults(_jobID);

            // return true if results were downloaded
コード例 #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            ////////////////////////////////////////////////// CONFIGURATION /////////////////////////////////////////
            //Subscription CONFIGURATION
            const string subscriptionId = @"";
            const string pathToManagementCertificate = @"";
            const string mgmtCertificatePassword     = @"";
            const string storageAccountName          = @"";
            const string affinityGroupName           = @"";
            const string storageAccountKey           = @"";

            //Cluster Configuration
            Console.WriteLine("Please enter a name for the cluster (only alphanumeric characters):");
            var clusterName = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.WriteLine("Please specify the size of the nodes (e.g. Small):");
            var nodeSize = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.WriteLine("Please enter the number of nodes to create:");
            var nodeNumber = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            Console.WriteLine("Please enter the path to a deployment template");
            var pathToTempl = Console.ReadLine();

            ////////////////////////////////////////////////// CREATION /////////////////////////////////////////
            // prepare objects
            var subscription = new AzureSubscription()
                SubscriptionId        = subscriptionId,
                ManagementCertificate = new System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2(pathToManagementCertificate, mgmtCertificatePassword),
                StorageAccount        = storageAccountName,
                StorageAccountKey     = storageAccountKey
            var controller = new AzureCloudController(subscription, affinityGroupName);
            var storage    = new AzureStorageHelper(subscription, clusterName);
            var template   = new AzureDeploymentTemplate(pathToTempl);

            var cluster = new AzureDynamicCluster(storage, controller);

            cluster.Initialize(clusterName, storageAccountName, storageAccountKey, new AzureInstanceType()
                Name = nodeSize
            }, nodeNumber, template);

            //create Cluster
            Console.WriteLine("Creating cluster..");
            Console.WriteLine("Creating cluster finished.. Please wait until it is ready (may take about 10 min)");

            bool clusterReady = false;

            while (!clusterReady)
                var state = cluster.GetState();
                if (!state.ClusterReady)
                    Console.WriteLine("Cluster not ready:");
                    foreach (var instanceState in state.InstanceStates)
                        Console.WriteLine("Instance State = " + instanceState.AzureStateName);
                        Console.WriteLine("Instance State Details = " + instanceState.AzureStateDetails ?? "N/A");
                    clusterReady = true;
                    Console.WriteLine("Cluster ready!!");

            ////////////////////////////////////////////////// Run Jobs /////////////////////////////////////////
            bool exit = false;

            while (!exit)
                Console.WriteLine("If you want to set up a new job, enter \"job\", to delete the cluster enter \"delete\", to see all job states enter \"print\"");
                var answer = Console.ReadLine();

                if (answer == "delete")
                    exit = true;

                if (answer == "print")
                    foreach (JobItem job in cluster.GetJobs())
                        Console.WriteLine("job " + job.RowKey + " " + (job.Finished ? "finished" : "not finished") + " result path = " + (job.Finished ? job.ResultFileName : "N/A"));


                if (answer == "job")
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter the path to the ZIP File containing all job data");
                    string pathToZip = Console.ReadLine();

                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter the name of the Executable (eg. petsc.exe)");
                    string exec = Console.ReadLine();

                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter all command line arguments");
                    string arguments = Console.ReadLine();

                    var jobId = cluster.SubmitJob(new JobItem()
                        CorePerNode = 1,    //needs to be adjusted in the future
                        Executable  = exec,
                        Parameters  = arguments,
                        NumNodes    = nodeNumber,
                        InfoTag     = "test",
                        JobType     = (int)JobItem.Type.MPI

                    //get job results
                    Console.WriteLine(@"Assigned job " + jobId);

                    while (!cluster.HasJobFinished(jobId))
                        Console.WriteLine("Job " + jobId + " running/waiting to run...");

                    Console.WriteLine("Downloading job results");
                    bool downloaded = cluster.DownloadJobResults(jobId);

                    if (downloaded)
                        Console.WriteLine("Job results stored in file " + cluster.GetJobs().Where(x => x.RowKey == jobId).First().ResultFileName);
                        Console.Error.WriteLine("Error! Job result was not created");

            ////////////////////////////////////////////////// CLEAN UP /////////////////////////////////////////
            Console.WriteLine("Finished, press enter to delete all deployments");