コード例 #1
        public AxisAlignedBox3f GetPrintMeshesBounds(bool bPrecise)
            AxisAlignedBox3f b = AxisAlignedBox3f.Empty;

            foreach (PrintMeshSO so in PrintMeshes)
                if (SceneUtil.IsVisible(so) == false)

                if (bPrecise)
                    var xform = SceneTransforms.ObjectToSceneXForm(so);
                    foreach (Vector3d v in so.Mesh.Vertices())
                    Box3f sobox = so.GetBoundingBox(CoordSpace.SceneCoords);
                    if (sobox.Volume > 0)
                        foreach (Vector3d v in sobox.VerticesItr())
コード例 #2
ファイル: BoxSO.cs プロジェクト: xiaodelea/frame3Sharp
        public virtual bool FindNearest(Vector3d point, double maxDist, out SORayHit nearest, CoordSpace eInCoords)
            nearest = null;

            // convert to local
            Vector3f local_pt = SceneTransforms.TransformTo((Vector3f)point, this, eInCoords, CoordSpace.ObjectCoords);

            AxisAlignedBox3f bounds        = GetLocalBoundingBox();
            float            local_dist    = bounds.Distance(local_pt);
            float            dist_incoords = SceneTransforms.TransformTo(local_dist, this, CoordSpace.ObjectCoords, eInCoords);

            if (dist_incoords > maxDist)

            nearest          = new SORayHit();
            nearest.fHitDist = dist_incoords;
            Vector3f nearPt = bounds.NearestPoint(local_pt);

            nearest.hitPos    = SceneTransforms.TransformTo(nearPt, this, CoordSpace.ObjectCoords, eInCoords);
            nearest.hitNormal = Vector3f.Zero;
            nearest.hitGO     = RootGameObject;
            nearest.hitSO     = this;
コード例 #3
        //new Bounds(Vector3.zero, new Vector3(-1.31337f, -1.31337f, -1.31337f));

        public static AxisAlignedBox3f GetBoundingBox(GameObject go)
            Renderer r = go.GetComponent <Renderer>();

            if (r != null)
            else if (go.HasChildren())
                AxisAlignedBox3f b = InvalidBounds; int i = 0;
                foreach (GameObject child_go in go.Children())
                    if (i++ == 0)
                        b = GetBoundingBox(child_go);
                return(new AxisAlignedBox3f(go.transform.position, new Vector3(0.001f, 0.001f, 0.001f)));
コード例 #4
ファイル: RadialMeasureTool.cs プロジェクト: tomleetv/gsCore
        void update_measurement()
            Frame3f  localFrame = meshTarget.GetLocalFrame(CoordSpace.ObjectCoords);
            Vector3f localP     = localFrame.ToFrameP(scene.ToSceneP(measureHitPos));

            AxisAlignedBox3f bounds = meshTarget.GetLocalBoundingBox();
            Vector3f         dv     = localP - bounds.Center;

            dv.y = 0;

            Line3f   line    = new Line3f(Vector3f.Zero, Vector3f.AxisY);
            Vector3f linePos = line.ClosestPoint(localP);

            Frame3f mFrame = new Frame3f(linePos, Vector3f.AxisY);

            MeshSO.SectionInfo info = meshTarget.MeasureSection(mFrame);
            curDimension = info.maxDiameter;
            Vector3f center = 0.5f * (info.maxDiamPos1 + info.maxDiamPos2);

            //measureAxisPos = scene.ToWorldP(localFrame.FromFrameP(linePos));

            displayPosS   = localFrame.FromFrameP(linePos);
            circleCenterS = localFrame.FromFrameP(center);

            maxStart = localFrame.FromFrameP(info.maxDiamPos1);
            maxEnd   = localFrame.FromFrameP(info.maxDiamPos2);
コード例 #5
 public BoundingBox(Vector3 min, Vector3 max)
     Minimum = min;
     Maximum = max;
     boxf    = new AxisAlignedBox3f(Minimum.X, Minimum.Y, Minimum.Z, Maximum.X, Maximum.Y, Maximum.Z);
     boxd    = new AxisAlignedBox3d(Minimum.X, Minimum.Y, Minimum.Z, Maximum.X, Maximum.Y, Maximum.Z);
     corners = null;
コード例 #6
ファイル: MeshSO.cs プロジェクト: ly774508966/frame3Sharp
        override public AxisAlignedBox3f GetLocalBoundingBox()
            AxisAlignedBox3f b     = (AxisAlignedBox3f)meshGO.GetSharedMesh().bounds;
            Vector3f         scale = parentGO.GetLocalScale();

            b.Scale(scale.x, scale.y, scale.z);
コード例 #7
 internal BoundingBox(AxisAlignedBox3d box3d)
     Minimum = box3d.Min.ToVector3();
     Maximum = box3d.Max.ToVector3();
     boxf    = new AxisAlignedBox3f(Minimum.X, Minimum.Y, Minimum.Z, Maximum.X, Maximum.Y, Maximum.Z);
     boxd    = box3d;
     corners = null;
コード例 #8
 BoundingBox(Vector3 min, Vector3 max, AxisAlignedBox3f box3F)
     Minimum = min;
     Maximum = max;
     boxf    = box3F;
     boxd    = boxf;
     corners = null;
コード例 #9
ファイル: Numerics.cs プロジェクト: GreyArmor/d3dlab
 internal AxisAlignedBox(AxisAlignedBox3d box3d)
     Minimum    = box3d.Min.ToVector3();
     Maximum    = box3d.Max.ToVector3();
     boxf       = new AxisAlignedBox3f(Minimum.X, Minimum.Y, Minimum.Z, Maximum.X, Maximum.Y, Maximum.Z);
     boxd       = box3d;
     Center     = box3d.Center.ToVector3();
     Dimensions = Maximum - Minimum;
     Diagonal   = Dimensions.Length();
コード例 #10
ファイル: Numerics.cs プロジェクト: GreyArmor/d3dlab
 public AxisAlignedBox(Vector3 minimum, Vector3 maximum)
     Minimum    = minimum;
     Maximum    = maximum;
     Center     = (Maximum + Minimum) / 2f;
     Dimensions = Maximum - Minimum;
     Diagonal   = Dimensions.Length();
     boxf       = new AxisAlignedBox3f(Minimum.X, Minimum.Y, Minimum.Z, Maximum.X, Maximum.Y, Maximum.Z);
     boxd       = boxf;
コード例 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// get combined MeshFilter bounding box of objects
        /// </summary>
        public static AxisAlignedBox3f GetGeometryBoundingBox(List <fGameObject> objects, bool bIncludeChildren = false)
            AxisAlignedBox3f b = AxisAlignedBox3f.Empty;

            foreach (fGameObject go in objects)
                b.Contain(GetGeometryBoundingBox(go, bIncludeChildren));
コード例 #12
        public static AxisAlignedBox3f BoundsInFrame(Mesh m, Frame3f f)
            AxisAlignedBox3f box = AxisAlignedBox3f.Empty;
            int N = m.vertexCount;

            for (int k = 0; k < N; ++k)
コード例 #13
ファイル: Actions_View.cs プロジェクト: tomleetv/Cotangent
        /// <summary>
        /// recomputes clipping bounds for scene. Still probably needs some work...
        /// </summary>
        public static void UpdateViewClippingBounds()
            AxisAlignedBox3f worldBounds = CC.Objects.GetPrintMeshesBounds(false);
            float            bed_dim     = (float)MathUtil.Max(CC.Settings.BedSizeXMM, CC.Settings.BedSizeYMM, CC.Settings.BedSizeZMM);
            float            maxdim      = Math.Max(worldBounds.MaxDim, bed_dim);
            float            fVertFOV    = FPlatform.MainCamera.VertFieldOfViewDeg;
            float            dist        = maxdim / (float)Math.Tan(0.5f * fVertFOV * MathUtil.Deg2Radf);

            dist *= 10;
コード例 #14
        public void SelectionBoundingBox(ref AxisAlignedBox3f box)
            StoredCommands sc  = new StoredCommands();
            uint           key = sc.AppendQueryCommand_GetBoundingBox();

            floatArray min = new floatArray(3), max = new floatArray(3);

            sc.GetQueryResult_GetBoundingBox(key, min.cast(), max.cast());
            box.Min.Set(min); box.Max.Set(max);
コード例 #15
        public static AxisAlignedBox3f GetBoundingBox(List <GameObject> objects)
            if (objects.Count == 0)
            AxisAlignedBox3f b = GetBoundingBox(objects[0]);

            for (int i = 1; i < objects.Count; ++i)
コード例 #16
        // will return InvalidBounds if any element in list doesn't have a mesh
        public static AxisAlignedBox3f GetGeometryBoundingBox(List <GameObject> objects)
            if (objects.Count == 0)
            AxisAlignedBox3f b = GetGeometryBoundingBox(objects[0]);

            foreach (GameObject go in objects)
コード例 #17
ファイル: Form1.cs プロジェクト: dmalpica/meshmixer-api
        private void queriesButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            mm.RemoteControl rc = new mm.RemoteControl();

            AxisAlignedBox3f bounds = new AxisAlignedBox3f();

            rc.SelectionBoundingBox(ref bounds);
            Vector3f Min = bounds.Min, Max = bounds.Max;

            outputTextBox.Text = String.Format("Bounding Box [{0},{1},{2}]  [{3},{4},{5}]",
                                               Min[0], Min[1], Min[2], Max[0], Max[1], Max[2]);

コード例 #18
        // knows about our magic invalid value
        public static AxisAlignedBox3f Combine(AxisAlignedBox3f b1, AxisAlignedBox3f b2)
            if (b1 == InvalidBounds)
            else if (b2 == InvalidBounds)
            AxisAlignedBox3f r = b1;

コード例 #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Get MeshFilter bounding box of GO. If bIncludeChildren = true, descend
        /// into children and return union of boxes
        /// </summary>
        public static AxisAlignedBox3f GetGeometryBoundingBox(GameObject go, bool bIncludeChildren = false)
            MeshFilter       f = go.GetComponent <MeshFilter>();
            AxisAlignedBox3f b = (f != null) ? (AxisAlignedBox3f)f.mesh.bounds : AxisAlignedBox3f.Empty;

            if (bIncludeChildren && go.HasChildren())
                foreach (GameObject child_go in go.Children())
                    AxisAlignedBox3f child_b = GetGeometryBoundingBox(child_go, true);

コード例 #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute AABB of scene in given space. Note that this will *not* be the same box
        /// in world space as in scene space.
        /// This computation ignores SOs with zero volume.
        /// </summary>
        public AxisAlignedBox3f GetBoundingBox(CoordSpace eSpace, bool bIncludeBoundsObjects)
            if (eSpace == CoordSpace.ObjectCoords)
                eSpace = CoordSpace.SceneCoords;

            AxisAlignedBox3f b = AxisAlignedBox3f.Empty;

            foreach (SceneObject so in SceneObjects)
                Box3f sobox = so.GetBoundingBox(eSpace);
                if (sobox.Volume > 0)
                    foreach (Vector3d v in sobox.VerticesItr())
            if (bIncludeBoundsObjects)
                AxisAlignedBox3f sceneBounds =
                    UnityUtil.GetGeometryBoundingBox(BoundsObjects, true);
                if (sceneBounds.Volume > 0)
                    if (eSpace == CoordSpace.WorldCoords)
                        for (int k = 0; k < 8; ++k)
            if (b.Volume == 0)
                b = new AxisAlignedBox3f(1.0f);
コード例 #21
ファイル: SceneUtil.cs プロジェクト: ly774508966/frame3Sharp
        public static Bounds GetLocalBoundingBox(IEnumerable <SceneObject> vObjects)
            int i = 0;
            AxisAlignedBox3f b = AxisAlignedBox3f.Infinite;

            foreach (SceneObject so in vObjects)
                if (i == 0)
                    b = so.GetLocalBoundingBox();
コード例 #22
        public AxisAlignedBox3f GetBoundingBox(bool bIncludeBoundsObjects)
            AxisAlignedBox3f b = UnityUtil.InvalidBounds;

            foreach (SceneObject so in SceneObjects)
            if (b == UnityUtil.InvalidBounds || bIncludeBoundsObjects)
                UnityUtil.Combine(b, UnityUtil.GetBoundingBox(BoundsObjects));
            if (b == UnityUtil.InvalidBounds)
コード例 #23
        public DMeshSO BuildSO(FScene scene, SOMaterial material)
            DMesh3 revolveMesh = UnityUtil.UnityMeshToDMesh(meshObject.GetSharedMesh(), false);

            // move axis frame to center of bbox of mesh, measured in axis frame
            Frame3f          useF          = OutputFrame;
            AxisAlignedBox3f boundsInFrame = (AxisAlignedBox3f)BoundsUtil.BoundsInFrame(revolveMesh.Vertices(), useF);

            useF.Origin = useF.FromFrameP(boundsInFrame.Center);

            // transform mesh into this frame
            MeshTransforms.ToFrame(revolveMesh, useF);

            // create new so
            DMeshSO meshSO = new DMeshSO();

            meshSO.Create(revolveMesh, material);
            meshSO.SetLocalFrame(useF, CoordSpace.ObjectCoords);

コード例 #24
        public static void RecenterAboveOrigin(FScene scene, SceneObject so, bool bInteractive)
            Frame3f          curFrameO = so.GetLocalFrame(CoordSpace.ObjectCoords);
            AxisAlignedBox3f bounds    = so.GetLocalBoundingBox();
            Box3f            box       = new Box3f(bounds);

            box = curFrameO.FromFrame(ref box);
            AxisAlignedBox3f boundsS = box.ToAABB();

            Vector3f c  = boundsS.Center - 0.5f * boundsS.Height * Vector3f.AxisY;
            Vector3f dt = -c;

            if (dt.MaxAbs > MathUtil.ZeroTolerancef)
                Frame3f           newFrameO = curFrameO.Translated(dt);
                TransformSOChange change    = new TransformSOChange(so, curFrameO, newFrameO, CoordSpace.ObjectCoords);
                scene.History.PushChange(change, false);
                if (bInteractive)
コード例 #25
        private void update_slice_height_gizmo()
            if (CurrentToolpaths == null)
                if (SliceHeightGizmo != null && SceneUtil.IsVisible(SliceHeightGizmo))
                    SceneUtil.SetVisible(SliceHeightGizmo, false);
                slice_gizmo_valid = false;

            if (slice_gizmo_valid)

            AxisAlignedBox3f bounds = GetPrintMeshesBounds(true);

            if (bounds == AxisAlignedBox3f.Empty)
                return;   // will be rectified next frame?
            int nSlices             = CurrentToolpaths.GetSlices().Count;
            PlanarSliceStack slices = CurrentToolpaths.GetSlices();

            // line is floating
            //bounds.Min.y = (float)slices[0].Z;
            //bounds.Max.y = (float)slices[slices.Count - 1].Z;
            // line at ground
            bounds.Min.y = 0;
            bounds.Max.y = (float)(slices[slices.Count - 1].Z - slices[0].Z);

            Vector3f basePos = new Vector3f(bounds.Max.x, bounds.Min.y, bounds.Max.z);

            basePos.x += 10; basePos.z += 10;
            Vector3f topPos = basePos + bounds.Height * Vector3f.AxisY;

            if (SliceHeightGizmo == null)
                SliceHeightGizmo = new SlicePlaneHeightSO()
                    LineAlwaysVisible = false
                SliceHeightGizmo.Create(CC.ActiveScene.PivotSOMaterial, null);

                SliceHeightGizmo.Name = "Slice_Height";

                SliceHeightGizmo.ConstraintFrameS = new Frame3f(basePos);
                SliceHeightGizmo.SetLocalFrame(SliceHeightGizmo.ConstraintFrameS, CoordSpace.SceneCoords);

                SliceHeightGizmo.MinPosS    = basePos;
                SliceHeightGizmo.MaxPosS    = topPos;
                SliceHeightGizmo.CenterPosS = bounds.Point(0, -1, 0);
                SliceHeightGizmo.BoundsDim  = (float)Math.Max(bounds.Width, bounds.Depth) + 10.0f;

                SliceHeightGizmo.OnTransformModified += SliceHeightGizmo_OnTransformModified;


            if (SceneUtil.IsVisible(SliceHeightGizmo) == false)
                SceneUtil.SetVisible(SliceHeightGizmo, true);

            SliceHeightGizmo.ConstraintFrameS = new Frame3f(basePos);
            ignore_xform_event = true;
            SliceHeightGizmo.SetLocalFrame(SliceHeightGizmo.ConstraintFrameS, CoordSpace.SceneCoords);
            ignore_xform_event          = false;
            SliceHeightGizmo.MinPosS    = basePos;
            SliceHeightGizmo.MaxPosS    = topPos;
            SliceHeightGizmo.CenterPosS = bounds.Point(0, -1, 0);
            SliceHeightGizmo.BoundsDim  = (float)Math.Max(bounds.Width, bounds.Depth) + 10.0f;


            slice_gizmo_valid = true;
コード例 #26
        public static fTextAreaGameObject CreateTextAreaGO(
            string sName, string sText,
            Colorf textColor, float fTextHeight,
            Vector2f areaDimensions,
            HorizontalAlignment alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left,
            BoxPosition textOrigin        = BoxPosition.Center,
            float fOffsetZ = -0.01f)
            GameObject  textGO = new GameObject(sName);
            TextMeshPro tm     = textGO.AddComponent <TextMeshPro>();

            //tm.isOrthographic = false;
            switch (alignment)
            case HorizontalAlignment.Left:
                tm.alignment = TextAlignmentOptions.TopLeft; break;

            case HorizontalAlignment.Center:
                tm.alignment = TextAlignmentOptions.Center; break;

            case HorizontalAlignment.Right:
                tm.alignment = TextAlignmentOptions.TopRight; break;
            tm.enableWordWrapping    = true;
            tm.autoSizeTextContainer = false;
            tm.fontSize = 16;
            tm.text     = sText;
            tm.color    = textColor;
            // ignore material changes when we add to GameObjectSet
            textGO.AddComponent <IgnoreMaterialChanges>();
            textGO.AddComponent <TextMeshProAlphaMultiply>();
            // use our textmesh material instead

            TextContainer container = textGO.GetComponent <TextContainer>();

            container.isAutoFitting  = false;
            container.anchorPosition = TextContainerAnchors.TopLeft;

            if (alignment != HorizontalAlignment.Left)
                throw new NotSupportedException("CreateTextAreaGO: currently only Left-aligned text is supported");
            //switch ( alignment ) {
            //    case HorizontalAlignment.Left:
            //        container.anchorPosition = TextContainerAnchors.TopLeft; break;
            //    case HorizontalAlignment.Center:
            //        container.anchorPosition = TextContainerAnchors.Middle; break;
            //    case HorizontalAlignment.Right:
            //        container.anchorPosition = TextContainerAnchors.TopRight; break;


            // set container width and height to just contain text
            AxisAlignedBox3f bounds = tm.bounds;
            Vector2f         size   = new Vector2f(bounds.Width, bounds.Height);

            // Now we want to scale text to hit our target height, but if we scale by size.y
            // then the scaling will vary by text height (eg "m" will get same height as "My").
            // However: 1) size.y varies with tm.fontSize, but it's not clear how.
            //          2) fontInfo.LineHeight tells us the height we want but doesn't change w/ tm.fontSize
            // I tried a few values and the relationship is linear. It is in the ballpark
            // of just being 10x...actually closer to 11x. No other values in fontInfo have a nice
            // round-number relationship. But this value is probably font-dependent!!
            float t           = tm.fontSize / tm.font.fontInfo.LineHeight;
            float magic_k     = 10.929f;    // [RMS] solve-for-x given a few different fontSize values
            float font_size_y = magic_k * t;
            float fScaleH     = fTextHeight / font_size_y;

            tm.transform.localScale = new Vector3(fScaleH, fScaleH, fScaleH);
            float fTextWidth = fScaleH * size.x;

            // set container size now that we know text scaling factor
            container.width  = areaDimensions.x / fScaleH;
            container.height = areaDimensions.y / fScaleH;

            // by default text origin is top-left
            if (textOrigin == BoxPosition.Center)
                tm.transform.Translate(-fTextWidth / 2.0f, fTextHeight / 2.0f, fOffsetZ);
            else if (textOrigin == BoxPosition.BottomLeft)
                tm.transform.Translate(0, fTextHeight, fOffsetZ);
            else if (textOrigin == BoxPosition.TopRight)
                tm.transform.Translate(-fTextWidth, 0, fOffsetZ);
            else if (textOrigin == BoxPosition.BottomRight)
                tm.transform.Translate(-fTextWidth, fTextHeight, fOffsetZ);
            else if (textOrigin == BoxPosition.CenterLeft)
                tm.transform.Translate(0, fTextHeight / 2.0f, fOffsetZ);
            else if (textOrigin == BoxPosition.CenterRight)
                tm.transform.Translate(-fTextWidth, fTextHeight / 2.0f, fOffsetZ);
            else if (textOrigin == BoxPosition.CenterTop)
                tm.transform.Translate(-fTextWidth / 2.0f, 0, fOffsetZ);
            else if (textOrigin == BoxPosition.CenterBottom)
                tm.transform.Translate(-fTextWidth / 2.0f, fTextHeight, fOffsetZ);

            textGO.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.renderQueue = SceneGraphConfig.TextRendererQueue;

            return(new fTextAreaGameObject(textGO, new fText(tm, TextType.TextMeshPro), areaDimensions));
            //new Vector2f(fTextWidth, fTextHeight) );
コード例 #27
        // [TODO] currently only allows for left-justified text.
        // Can support center/right, but the translate block needs to be rewritten
        // (can we generalize as target-center of 2D bbox??
        public static fTextGameObject CreateTextMeshProGO(
            string sName, string sText,
            Colorf textColor, float fTextHeight,
            BoxPosition textOrigin = BoxPosition.Center,
            float fOffsetZ         = -0.01f)
            GameObject     textGO = new GameObject(sName);
            TextMeshProExt tm     = textGO.AddComponent <TextMeshProExt>();

            //tm.isOrthographic = false;
            tm.alignment             = TextAlignmentOptions.TopLeft;
            tm.enableWordWrapping    = false;
            tm.autoSizeTextContainer = true;
            tm.fontSize = 16;
            tm.text     = sText;
            tm.color    = textColor;
            // ignore material changes when we add to GameObjectSet
            textGO.AddComponent <IgnoreMaterialChanges>();
            textGO.AddComponent <TextMeshProAlphaMultiply>();
            // use our textmesh material instead

            TextContainer container = textGO.GetComponent <TextContainer>();

            container.isAutoFitting = true;

            container.anchorPosition = TextContainerAnchors.TopLeft;
            if (textOrigin == BoxPosition.Center)
                container.anchorPosition = TextContainerAnchors.Middle;
                tm.alignment             = TextAlignmentOptions.Center;
            else if (textOrigin == BoxPosition.BottomLeft)
                container.anchorPosition = TextContainerAnchors.BottomLeft;
                tm.alignment             = TextAlignmentOptions.BottomLeft;
            else if (textOrigin == BoxPosition.TopRight)
                container.anchorPosition = TextContainerAnchors.TopRight;
                tm.alignment             = TextAlignmentOptions.TopRight;
            else if (textOrigin == BoxPosition.BottomRight)
                container.anchorPosition = TextContainerAnchors.BottomRight;
                tm.alignment             = TextAlignmentOptions.BottomRight;
            else if (textOrigin == BoxPosition.CenterLeft)
                container.anchorPosition = TextContainerAnchors.Left;
                tm.alignment             = TextAlignmentOptions.Left;
            else if (textOrigin == BoxPosition.CenterRight)
                container.anchorPosition = TextContainerAnchors.Right;
                tm.alignment             = TextAlignmentOptions.Right;
            else if (textOrigin == BoxPosition.CenterTop)
                container.anchorPosition = TextContainerAnchors.Top;
                tm.alignment             = TextAlignmentOptions.Top;
            else if (textOrigin == BoxPosition.CenterBottom)
                container.anchorPosition = TextContainerAnchors.Bottom;
                tm.alignment             = TextAlignmentOptions.Bottom;


            // set container width and height to just contain text
            AxisAlignedBox3f bounds = tm.bounds;
            Vector2f         size   = new Vector2f(bounds.Width, bounds.Height);

            container.width  = size.x + 1;
            container.height = size.y + 1;

            // Now we want to scale text to hit our target height, but if we scale by size.y
            // then the scaling will vary by text height (eg "m" will get same height as "My").
            // However: 1) size.y varies with tm.fontSize, but it's not clear how.
            //          2) fontInfo.LineHeight tells us the height we want but doesn't change w/ tm.fontSize
            // I tried a few values and the relationship is linear. It is in the ballpark
            // of just being 10x...actually closer to 11x. No other values in fontInfo have a nice
            // round-number relationship. But this value is probably font-dependent!!
            float t           = tm.fontSize / tm.font.fontInfo.LineHeight;
            float magic_k     = 10.929f;    // [RMS] solve-for-x given a few different fontSize values
            float font_size_y = magic_k * t;

            tm.fontSizeYScale = 1 / font_size_y;
            //float fScaleH = fTextHeight / font_size_y;
            //tm.transform.localScale = new Vector3f(fScaleH, fScaleH, fScaleH);
            float fTextWidth = tm.GetTextScaleForHeight(fTextHeight) * size.x;

            textGO.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.renderQueue = SceneGraphConfig.TextRendererQueue;

            return(new fTextGameObject(textGO, new fText(tm, TextType.TextMeshPro),
                                       new Vector2f(fTextWidth, fTextHeight)));
コード例 #28
        // extracts MeshFilter object from input GameObject and passes it to a custom constructor
        // function MakeSOFunc (if null, creates basic MeshSO). Then optionally adds to Scene,
        // preserving existing 3D position if desired (default true)
        public static SceneObject ImportExistingUnityMesh(GameObject go, FScene scene,
                                                          bool bAddToScene = true, bool bKeepWorldPosition = true, bool bRecenterFrame = true,
                                                          Func <Mesh, SOMaterial, SceneObject> MakeSOFunc = null)
            MeshFilter meshF = go.GetComponent <MeshFilter>();

            if (meshF == null)
                throw new Exception("SceneUtil.ImportExistingUnityMesh: gameObject is not a mesh!!");

            Vector3f scale = go.GetLocalScale();

            // [RMS] why don't we bake transform into mesh ??! then we could handle non-uniform scaling...
            if (SceneTransforms.IsUniformScale(scale) == false)
                throw new Exception("UnitySceneUtil.ImportExistingUnityMesh: nonuniform scaling is not supported...");

            Mesh             useMesh = meshF.mesh;     // makes a copy
            AxisAlignedBox3f bounds  = useMesh.bounds; // bounds.Center is wrt local frame of input go

            // ie offset from origin in local coordinates

            // if we want to move frame to center of mesh, we have to re-center it at origin
            // in local coordinates
            if (bRecenterFrame)
                UnityUtil.TranslateMesh(useMesh, -bounds.Center.x, -bounds.Center.y, -bounds.Center.z);

            SceneObject newSO = (MakeSOFunc != null) ?
                                MakeSOFunc(useMesh, scene.DefaultMeshSOMaterial)
                : new MeshSO().Create(useMesh, scene.DefaultMeshSOMaterial);

            if (bAddToScene)
                scene.AddSceneObject(newSO, false);

            if (bKeepWorldPosition)
                // compute world rotation/location. If we re-centered the mesh, we need
                // to offset by the transform we applied above in local coordinates
                // (hence we have to rotate & scale)
                if (go.transform.parent != null)
                    throw new Exception("UnitySceneUtil.ImportExistingUnityMesh: Not handling case where GO has a parent transform");
                Frame3f  goFrameW = UnityUtil.GetGameObjectFrame(go, CoordSpace.WorldCoords);
                Vector3f originW  = goFrameW.Origin;
                if (bRecenterFrame)
                    originW += goFrameW.Rotation * (scale * bounds.Center);   // offset initial frame to be at center of mesh
                // convert world frame and offset to scene coordinates
                Frame3f  goFrameS      = scene.ToSceneFrame(goFrameW);
                Vector3f boundsCenterS = scene.ToSceneP(originW);

                // translate new object to position in scene
                Frame3f curF = newSO.GetLocalFrame(CoordSpace.SceneCoords);
                curF.Origin += boundsCenterS;
                newSO.SetLocalFrame(curF, CoordSpace.SceneCoords);

                // apply rotation (around current origin)
                curF = newSO.GetLocalFrame(CoordSpace.SceneCoords);
                curF.RotateAround(curF.Origin, goFrameS.Rotation);
                newSO.SetLocalFrame(curF, CoordSpace.SceneCoords);

                // apply local scale

コード例 #29
        public virtual void Create(FScene parentScene, List <SceneObject> targets)
            this.parentScene = parentScene;
            this.targets     = targets;

            root = GameObjectFactory.CreateParentGO("TransformGizmo");

            var xMaterial      = Factory.MakeMaterial(AxisGizmoFlags.AxisTranslateX);
            var xHoverMaterial = Factory.MakeHoverMaterial(AxisGizmoFlags.AxisTranslateX);
            var yMaterial      = Factory.MakeMaterial(AxisGizmoFlags.AxisTranslateY);
            var yHoverMaterial = Factory.MakeHoverMaterial(AxisGizmoFlags.AxisTranslateY);
            var zMaterial      = Factory.MakeMaterial(AxisGizmoFlags.AxisTranslateZ);
            var zHoverMaterial = Factory.MakeHoverMaterial(AxisGizmoFlags.AxisTranslateZ);

            if (Factory.Supports(AxisGizmoFlags.AxisTranslateX))
                translate_x = append_widget(AxisGizmoFlags.AxisTranslateX, 0, "x_translate", xMaterial, xHoverMaterial);
            if (Factory.Supports(AxisGizmoFlags.AxisTranslateY))
                translate_y = append_widget(AxisGizmoFlags.AxisTranslateY, 1, "y_translate", yMaterial, yHoverMaterial);
            if (Factory.Supports(AxisGizmoFlags.AxisTranslateZ))
                translate_z = append_widget(AxisGizmoFlags.AxisTranslateZ, 2, "z_translate", zMaterial, zHoverMaterial);

            if (Factory.Supports(AxisGizmoFlags.AxisRotateX))
                rotate_x = append_widget(AxisGizmoFlags.AxisRotateX, 0, "x_rotate", xMaterial, xHoverMaterial);
            if (Factory.Supports(AxisGizmoFlags.AxisRotateY))
                rotate_y = append_widget(AxisGizmoFlags.AxisRotateY, 1, "y_rotate", yMaterial, yHoverMaterial);
            if (Factory.Supports(AxisGizmoFlags.AxisRotateZ))
                rotate_z = append_widget(AxisGizmoFlags.AxisRotateZ, 2, "z_rotate", zMaterial, zHoverMaterial);

            if (Factory.Supports(AxisGizmoFlags.PlaneTranslateX))
                translate_yz = append_widget(AxisGizmoFlags.PlaneTranslateX, 0, "yz_translate", xMaterial, xHoverMaterial);
            if (Factory.Supports(AxisGizmoFlags.PlaneTranslateY))
                translate_xz = append_widget(AxisGizmoFlags.PlaneTranslateY, 1, "xz_translate", yMaterial, yHoverMaterial);
            if (Factory.Supports(AxisGizmoFlags.PlaneTranslateZ))
                translate_xy = append_widget(AxisGizmoFlags.PlaneTranslateZ, 2, "xy_translate", zMaterial, zHoverMaterial);

            if (Factory.Supports(AxisGizmoFlags.UniformScale))
                uniform_scale = append_widget(AxisGizmoFlags.UniformScale, 0, "uniform_scale", null, null);

            gizmoGeomBounds = UnityUtil.GetGeometryBoundingBox(root, true);
            initialGizmoRadius = gizmoGeomBounds.MaxDim;
            foreach (var widget in Widgets)

            // disable shadows on widget components
            foreach (var go in GameObjects)


            eCurrentFrameMode = FrameType.LocalFrame;

            SetLayer((GizmoLayer == -1) ? FPlatform.WidgetOverlayLayer : GizmoLayer);

            // seems like possibly this geometry will be shown this frame, before PreRender()
            // is called, which means that on next frame the geometry will pop.
            // So we hide here and show in PreRender
コード例 #30
ファイル: fText.cs プロジェクト: xiaodelea/frame3Sharp
        // [TODO] currently only allows for left-justified text.
        // Can support center/right, but the translate block needs to be rewritten
        // (can we generalize as target-center of 2D bbox??
        public static fTextGameObject CreateTextMeshProGO(
            string sName, string sText,
            Colorf textColor, float fTextHeight,
            BoxPosition textOrigin = BoxPosition.Center,
            float fOffsetZ         = -0.01f)
            GameObject     textGO = new GameObject(sName);
            TextMeshProExt tm     = textGO.AddComponent <TextMeshProExt>();

            //tm.isOrthographic = false;
            tm.alignment             = TextAlignmentOptions.TopLeft;
            tm.enableWordWrapping    = false;
            tm.autoSizeTextContainer = true;
            tm.fontSize = 16;
            tm.text     = sText;
            tm.color    = textColor;
            // ignore material changes when we add to GameObjectSet
            textGO.AddComponent <IgnoreMaterialChanges>();
            textGO.AddComponent <TextMeshProAlphaMultiply>();

            // use our textmesh material instead

            // convert TextContainerAnchor (which refers to TextContainer, that was deprecated) to
            // pivot point, which we will set on rectTransform
            Vector2f pivot = GetTextMeshProPivot(TextContainerAnchors.TopLeft);

            if (textOrigin == BoxPosition.Center)
                pivot        = GetTextMeshProPivot(TextContainerAnchors.Middle);
                tm.alignment = TextAlignmentOptions.Center;
            else if (textOrigin == BoxPosition.BottomLeft)
                pivot        = GetTextMeshProPivot(TextContainerAnchors.BottomLeft);
                tm.alignment = TextAlignmentOptions.BottomLeft;
            else if (textOrigin == BoxPosition.TopRight)
                pivot        = GetTextMeshProPivot(TextContainerAnchors.TopRight);
                tm.alignment = TextAlignmentOptions.TopRight;
            else if (textOrigin == BoxPosition.BottomRight)
                pivot        = GetTextMeshProPivot(TextContainerAnchors.BottomRight);
                tm.alignment = TextAlignmentOptions.BottomRight;
            else if (textOrigin == BoxPosition.CenterLeft)
                pivot        = GetTextMeshProPivot(TextContainerAnchors.Left);
                tm.alignment = TextAlignmentOptions.Left;
            else if (textOrigin == BoxPosition.CenterRight)
                pivot        = GetTextMeshProPivot(TextContainerAnchors.Right);
                tm.alignment = TextAlignmentOptions.Right;
            else if (textOrigin == BoxPosition.CenterTop)
                pivot        = GetTextMeshProPivot(TextContainerAnchors.Top);
                tm.alignment = TextAlignmentOptions.Top;
            else if (textOrigin == BoxPosition.CenterBottom)
                pivot        = GetTextMeshProPivot(TextContainerAnchors.Bottom);
                tm.alignment = TextAlignmentOptions.Bottom;
            tm.rectTransform.pivot = pivot;


            // read out bounds so we can know size (does this matter? why does fTextGO have size field?)
            AxisAlignedBox3f bounds = tm.bounds;
            Vector2f         size   = new Vector2f(bounds.Width, bounds.Height);

            tm.fontSizeYScale = GetYScale(tm);
            float fScale     = tm.GetTextScaleForHeight(fTextHeight);
            float fTextWidth = fScale * size.x;

            // set rendering queue (?)
            textGO.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.renderQueue = SceneGraphConfig.TextRendererQueue;

            fTextGameObject go = new fTextGameObject(textGO, new fText(tm, TextType.TextMeshPro),
                                                     new Vector2f(fTextWidth, fTextHeight));

            if (fOffsetZ != 0)
                Vector3f pos = go.GetLocalPosition();
                pos.z += fOffsetZ;