コード例 #1
        public void S3_File_UploadDownload_WithS3Ref()

            using (var tempUploadFile = new TempFile())
                using (var tempDownloadFile = new TempFile())
                    using (var writer = new StreamWriter(tempUploadFile.Path))
                        for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
                            writer.WriteLine($"LINE #{i}");

                    // Upload the file

                    AwsCli.S3Upload(tempUploadFile.Path, $"{TestBucketS3Ref}/upload.txt");

                    // Download the file

                    AwsCli.S3Download($"{TestBucketS3Ref}/upload.txt", tempDownloadFile.Path);

                    // Ensure that downloaded file matches the upload

                    Assert.Equal(File.ReadAllText(tempUploadFile.Path), File.ReadAllText(tempDownloadFile.Path));
コード例 #2
        public Test_Aws(EnvironmentFixture fixture)
            // $todo(jefflill):
            // We should be clearing the S3 bucket here so it'll be in a known
            // state before running the tests.  We should probably do this via
            // the AWS REST SDK.

            this.fixture = fixture;

            if (fixture.Start() == TestFixtureStatus.AlreadyRunning)

コード例 #3
        public void S3_Bytes_UploadDownload_WithHttpsRef()

            var bytes = new byte[10000];

            for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i++)
                bytes[i] = (byte)i;

            // Upload the file

            AwsCli.S3UploadBytes(bytes, $"{TestBucketHttpsRef}/upload.txt");

            // Download the file

            var download = AwsCli.S3DownloadBytes($"{TestBucketHttpsRef}/upload.txt");

            // Ensure that downloaded file matches the upload

            Assert.Equal(bytes, download);
コード例 #4
        public void S3_Text_UploadDownload_WithHttpsRef()

            var sb = new StringBuilder();

            for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
                sb.AppendLine($"LINE #{i}");

            // Upload the file

            AwsCli.S3UploadText(sb.ToString(), $"{TestBucketHttpsRef}/upload.txt");

            // Download the file

            var download = AwsCli.S3DownloadText($"{TestBucketHttpsRef}/upload.txt");

            // Ensure that downloaded file matches the upload

            Assert.Equal(sb.ToString(), download);
コード例 #5
        public async Task S3_MultiPart(bool publicReadAccess)

            // Verify that uploading a multi-part file to S3 works.

            using (var tempFolder = new TempFolder())
                // We're going to upload a 9900 byte file with maximum
                // part size of 1000 bytes.  This should result in nine
                // 1000 byte parts and one 900 byte part being uploaded
                // (the last part).

                var tempPath    = Path.Combine(tempFolder.Path, "multi-part.test");
                var tempName    = Path.GetFileName(tempPath);
                var uploadBytes = NeonHelper.GetCryptoRandomBytes(9900);

                File.WriteAllBytes(tempPath, uploadBytes);

                var upload = AwsCli.S3UploadMultiPart(tempPath, TestBucketHttpsRef, "1.0", maxPartSize: 1000, publicReadAccess: publicReadAccess);

                // Validate the Download information.

                var manifest = upload.manifest;

                Assert.Equal(tempName, manifest.Name);
                Assert.Equal("1.0", manifest.Version);
                Assert.Equal(tempName, manifest.Filename);
                Assert.Equal(9900, manifest.Size);
                Assert.Equal(10, manifest.Parts.Count);
                Assert.Equal(CryptoHelper.ComputeMD5String(uploadBytes), manifest.Md5);

                // Verify that the download information matches our expections.

                using (var uploadStream = new MemoryStream(uploadBytes))
                    var partOffset = 0L;

                    for (int partNumber = 0; partNumber < manifest.Parts.Count; partNumber++)
                        var part = manifest.Parts[partNumber];

                        Assert.Equal(partNumber, part.Number);
                        Assert.Equal($"{TestBucketHttpsRef}/{tempName}.parts/part-{partNumber:000#}", part.Uri);

                        if (partNumber < 9)
                            Assert.Equal(1000, part.Size);
                            Assert.Equal(900, part.Size);

                        using (var substream = new SubStream(uploadStream, partOffset, part.Size))
                            Assert.Equal(part.Md5, CryptoHelper.ComputeMD5String(substream));

                        partOffset += part.Size;

                using (var uploadStream = new MemoryStream(uploadBytes))
                    using (var httpClient = new HttpClient())
                        // Verify that the actual download file on S3 matches the download information returned.

                        var response = await httpClient.GetSafeAsync(upload.manifestUri);

                        Assert.Equal(DeploymentHelper.DownloadManifestContentType, response.Content.Headers.ContentType.MediaType);

                        var remoteDownload = NeonHelper.JsonDeserialize <DownloadManifest>(await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());

                        Assert.Equal(NeonHelper.JsonSerialize(upload.manifest, Formatting.Indented), NeonHelper.JsonSerialize(remoteDownload, Formatting.Indented));

                        // Verify that the uploaded parts match what we sent.

                        var partOffset = 0L;

                        for (int partNumber = 0; partNumber < manifest.Parts.Count; partNumber++)
                            var part = manifest.Parts[partNumber];

                            response = await httpClient.GetSafeAsync(part.Uri);

                            Assert.Equal(part.Md5, CryptoHelper.ComputeMD5String(await response.Content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync()));

                            partOffset += part.Size;

                using (var tempFile = new TempFile())
                    // Verify that [DownloadMultiPartAsync()] checks the [Content-Type] header.

                    await Assert.ThrowsAsync <FormatException>(async() => await DeploymentHelper.DownloadMultiPartAsync("https://www.google.com", Path.Combine(tempFolder.Path, "test1.dat")));

                    // Verify that [DownloadMultiPartAsync()] actually works.

                    var targetPath = Path.Combine(tempFolder.Path, "test2.dat");

                    await DeploymentHelper.DownloadMultiPartAsync($"{TestBucketHttpsRef}/{tempName}.manifest", targetPath);

                    Assert.Equal(9900L, new FileInfo(targetPath).Length);