コード例 #1
ファイル: AwdbClient.cs プロジェクト: Fooway/GHCN-Transducer
        public string[] ListUniqueElements()
            var uniqueElements = new HashSet <string>();

            // using auto-generated class from AWDB SOAP service reference
            var wsc = new Awdb.AwdbWebServiceClient();

            // download a list of all SCAN station triplets
            string[] stationTriplets = LoadStationTriplets(wsc);

            foreach (string stationTriplet in stationTriplets)
                var elements = wsc.getStationElements(stationTriplet, null, null);

                // ignore stations with no elements
                if (elements is null)

                // add elements at this station to unique list
                foreach (var element in elements)
                    string elementName = element.elementCd;
                    if (!uniqueElements.Contains(elementName))
コード例 #2
ファイル: AwdbClient.cs プロジェクト: Fooway/GHCN-Transducer
        public string[] ListUniqueVariables()
            var uniqueElements = new HashSet <string>();

            // using auto-generated class from AWDB SOAP service reference
            var wsc = new Awdb.AwdbWebServiceClient();

            // download a list of all SCAN station triplets
            string[] stationTriplets = LoadStationTriplets(wsc);

            foreach (string stationTriplet in stationTriplets)
                var elements = wsc.getStationElements(stationTriplet, null, null);

                // ignore stations with no elements
                if (elements is null)

                // unique variable code is a combination of code, duration and heightDepth
                foreach (var element in elements)
                    string  elementCd        = element.elementCd;
                    string  duration         = element.duration.ToString();
                    var     hd               = element.heightDepth;
                    decimal heightDepthValue = 0.0M;
                    string  heightDepthUnits = null;
                    if (hd != null)
                        heightDepthValue = hd.value;
                        heightDepthUnits = hd.unitCd;
                    string uniqueCode = GetCuahsiVariableCode(elementCd, duration, heightDepthValue, heightDepthUnits);

                    if (!uniqueElements.Contains(uniqueCode))

            // saving outputs to a .csv file
            using (var file = File.CreateText("variables.csv"))
                foreach (var arr in uniqueElements)
                    //file.WriteLine(string.Join(",", arr));
コード例 #3
ファイル: AwdbClient.cs プロジェクト: Fooway/GHCN-Transducer
        public List <Site> GetStations()
            // !!! necessary to prevent the "Bad Gateway" error (moved to class constructor)
            //System.Net.ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = false;
            List <Site> siteList = new List <Site>();

            // using auto-generated class from AWDB SOAP service reference
            var wsc = new Awdb.AwdbWebServiceClient();

            // download a list of all SNOTEL station triplets
            string[] stationTriplets = LoadStationTriplets(wsc, "SNTL");
            var      stationCount    = stationTriplets.Length;

            _logger.LogWrite("Retrieved SNOTEL Station codes from AWDB service: found " + stationTriplets.Length.ToString() + " stations.");

            _logger.LogWrite("Downloading metadata for " + stationTriplets.Length.ToString() + " stations...");

            foreach (string stationTriplet in stationTriplets)
                // call method "getStationMetadata"
                var metadata = wsc.getStationMetadata(stationTriplet);

                var site = new Site
                    SiteCode       = metadata.stationTriplet.Replace(":", "_"),
                    SiteName       = metadata.name,
                    Latitude       = metadata.latitude,
                    Longitude      = metadata.longitude,
                    Elevation      = ft2m(metadata.elevation),
                    State          = fips2stateName(metadata.fipsStateNumber),
                    County         = metadata.countyName,
                    HUC            = metadata.huc,
                    HUD            = metadata.hud,
                    ActonId        = metadata.actonId,
                    ShefId         = metadata.shefId,
                    BeginDate      = Convert.ToDateTime(metadata.beginDate),
                    EndDate        = Convert.ToDateTime(metadata.endDate),
                    TimeZone       = metadata.stationDataTimeZone,
                    StationTriplet = metadata.stationTriplet

コード例 #4
ファイル: AwdbClient.cs プロジェクト: Fooway/GHCN-Transducer
        private string[] LoadStationTriplets(Awdb.AwdbWebServiceClient wsc)
            var stationIds   = new string[] { };
            var stateCds     = new string[] { };
            var networkCds   = new string[] { "SCAN" };
            var hucs         = new string[] { };
            var countyNames  = new string[] { };
            var minLatitude  = -90;
            var maxLatitude  = 90;
            var minLongitude = -180;
            var maxLongitude = 180;
            var minElevation = -100000;
            var maxElevation = 100000;
            var elementCds   = new string[] { };
            var ordinals     = new int[] { };
            var heightDepths = new Awdb.heightDepth[] { };
            var logicalAnd   = true;

            var result = wsc.getStations(stationIds, stateCds, networkCds, hucs, countyNames,
                                         minLatitude, maxLatitude, minLongitude, maxLongitude, minElevation, maxElevation,
                                         elementCds, ordinals, heightDepths, logicalAnd);

コード例 #5
ファイル: AwdbClient.cs プロジェクト: Fooway/GHCN-Transducer
        public List <Series> GetAllSeries()
            List <Series> seriesList = new List <Series>();

            var wsc = new Awdb.AwdbWebServiceClient();

            string[] stationTriplets = LoadStationTriplets(wsc);
            var      stationCount    = stationTriplets.Length;

            _logger.LogWrite("Retrieving series catalog for " + stationTriplets.Length.ToString() + " stations.");

            foreach (string stationTriplet in stationTriplets)
                var elements = wsc.getStationElements(stationTriplet, null, null);

                // ignore stations with no elements
                if (elements is null)

                // element to series
                foreach (var element in elements)
                    Series series = new Series();

                    string  elementCd        = element.elementCd;
                    string  duration         = element.duration.ToString();
                    var     hd               = element.heightDepth;
                    decimal heightDepthValue = 0.0M;
                    string  heightDepthUnits = null;
                    if (hd != null)
                        heightDepthValue = hd.value;
                    // get the variable code
                    string variableCode = GetCuahsiVariableCode(elementCd, duration, heightDepthValue, heightDepthUnits);

                    // get the method code ---> from variable code ...
                    // extract the method code from the name
                    string[] codeSplit  = variableCode.Split('_');
                    string   methodCode = "NOTSPECIFIED";
                    if (codeSplit.Length > 2)
                        methodCode = codeSplit[2];
                        methodCode = "NOTSPECIFIED";
                    series.MethodCode       = methodCode;
                    series.SiteCode         = stationTriplet.Replace(":", "_");
                    series.VariableCode     = variableCode;
                    series.BeginDateTime    = Convert.ToDateTime(element.beginDate);
                    series.EndDateTime      = Convert.ToDateTime(element.endDate);
                    series.BeginDateTimeUTC = series.BeginDateTime;
                    series.EndDateTimeUTC   = series.EndDateTime;

                    // estimate the value count
                    DateTime realEndTime = series.EndDateTime;
                    if (series.EndDateTime > DateTime.Now.AddDays(1))
                        realEndTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);
                    double estValueCount = (realEndTime - series.BeginDateTime).TotalHours;
                    switch (element.duration)
                    case Awdb.duration.ANNUAL:
                    case Awdb.duration.CALENDAR_YEAR:
                    case Awdb.duration.WATER_YEAR:
                        estValueCount = ((realEndTime - series.BeginDateTime).TotalDays) / 365.0;

                    case Awdb.duration.SEASONAL:
                        estValueCount = ((realEndTime - series.BeginDateTime).TotalDays) / 90.0;

                    case Awdb.duration.MONTHLY:
                        estValueCount = ((realEndTime - series.BeginDateTime).TotalDays) / 30.5;

                    case Awdb.duration.SEMIMONTHLY:
                        estValueCount = ((realEndTime - series.BeginDateTime).TotalDays) / 15.0;

                    case Awdb.duration.DAILY:
                        estValueCount = (realEndTime - series.BeginDateTime).TotalDays;

                    case Awdb.duration.HOURLY:
                        estValueCount = (realEndTime - series.BeginDateTime).TotalHours;
                    series.ValueCount = (int)(Math.Ceiling(estValueCount));
