コード例 #1
        private void UserCalculateEvent()
            string FQN             = base.GetStringProperty(Constants.SOProperties.WorkingHoursConfiguration.FQN, true);
            string Start           = base.GetStringProperty(Constants.SOProperties.WorkingHoursConfiguration.StartDateTime, true);
            int    DurationHours   = base.GetIntProperty(Constants.SOProperties.WorkingHoursConfiguration.DurationHours);
            int    DurationMinutes = base.GetIntProperty(Constants.SOProperties.WorkingHoursConfiguration.DurationMinutes);
            int    DurationSeconds = base.GetIntProperty(Constants.SOProperties.WorkingHoursConfiguration.DurationSeconds);

            DataTable results = base.ServiceBroker.ServicePackage.ResultTable;

            WorkflowManagementServer mngServer = this.ServiceBroker.K2Connection.GetConnection <WorkflowManagementServer>();

            using (mngServer.Connection)
                TimeSpan Duration = new TimeSpan(DurationHours, DurationMinutes, DurationSeconds);

                DateTime dt;
                if (!DateTime.TryParse(Start, out dt))
                    throw new ApplicationException(Resources.DateNotValid);

                AvailabilityZone zone = mngServer.ZoneLoad(mngServer.UserGetZone(FQN));
                if (zone.AvailabilityHoursList == null || zone.AvailabilityHoursList.Count == 0)
                    throw new ApplicationException(Resources.WorkingHoursNotSet);

                DataRow dRow = results.NewRow();
                dRow[Constants.SOProperties.WorkingHoursConfiguration.FinishDateTime] = mngServer.UserCalculateEvent(FQN, dt, Duration);
コード例 #2
 public Subnet(Vpc vpc, string cidr, AvailabilityZone availabilityZone, bool addInternetGatewayRoute) : base(ResourceType.AwsEc2Subnet)
     _addInternetGatewayRoute = addInternetGatewayRoute;
     Vpc              = vpc;
     CidrBlock        = cidr;
     AvailabilityZone = availabilityZone;
コード例 #3
        private void LoadZone()
            string ZoneName = base.GetStringProperty(Constants.SOProperties.WorkingHoursConfiguration.ZoneName, true);

            DataTable results = base.ServiceBroker.ServicePackage.ResultTable;

            WorkflowManagementServer mngServer = this.ServiceBroker.K2Connection.GetConnection <WorkflowManagementServer>();

            using (mngServer.Connection)
                if (!mngServer.ZoneExists(ZoneName))
                    throw new ApplicationException(Resources.ZoneDoesNotExist + ZoneName + ".");
                    AvailabilityZone aZone = mngServer.ZoneLoad(ZoneName);
                    DataRow          dRow  = results.NewRow();
                    dRow[Constants.SOProperties.WorkingHoursConfiguration.ZoneName]    = aZone.ZoneName;
                    dRow[Constants.SOProperties.WorkingHoursConfiguration.DefaultZone] = aZone.DefaultZone;
                    dRow[Constants.SOProperties.WorkingHoursConfiguration.GMTOffset]   = aZone.ZoneGMTOffset;
                    dRow[Constants.SOProperties.WorkingHoursConfiguration.Description] = aZone.ZoneDescription;
コード例 #4
        public void AddAvailabilityZone(AvailabilityZone zone)
            MemberInfo[] memberInfos = typeof(AvailabilityZone).GetMembers(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);
            var          theMember   = memberInfos.Single(r => r.Name.ToString() == zone.ToString());

            var theEnumMemberAttribute = theMember.GetCustomAttributes <EnumMemberAttribute>().First();

            ((List <string>) this.Properties["AvailabilityZones"]).Add(theEnumMemberAttribute.Value);
コード例 #5
        private void SaveZone()
            string   CurrentZoneName     = base.GetStringProperty(Constants.SOProperties.WorkingHoursConfiguration.ZoneName, true);
            string   NewZoneName         = base.GetStringProperty(Constants.SOProperties.WorkingHoursConfiguration.NewZoneName);
            Property DescriptionProperty = ServiceBroker.Service.ServiceObjects[0].Properties[Constants.SOProperties.WorkingHoursConfiguration.Description];
            Property GMTOffsetProperty   = ServiceBroker.Service.ServiceObjects[0].Properties[Constants.SOProperties.WorkingHoursConfiguration.GMTOffset];
            int      GmtOffSet           = base.GetIntProperty(Constants.SOProperties.WorkingHoursConfiguration.GMTOffset);
            bool     DefaultZone         = base.GetBoolProperty(Constants.SOProperties.WorkingHoursConfiguration.DefaultZone);

            WorkflowManagementServer mngServer = new WorkflowManagementServer();

            using (mngServer.CreateConnection())

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(NewZoneName) && !Helper.SpecialCharactersExist(NewZoneName))
                    throw new ApplicationException(Constants.ErrorMessages.SpecialCharactersAreNotAllowed);
                else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(NewZoneName) && mngServer.ZoneExists(NewZoneName))
                    throw new ApplicationException(Constants.ErrorMessages.ZoneExists + NewZoneName + ".");
                else if (!mngServer.ZoneExists(CurrentZoneName))
                    throw new ApplicationException(Constants.ErrorMessages.ZoneDoesNotExist + CurrentZoneName + ".");
                else if (GmtOffSet > 13 || GmtOffSet < -13)
                    throw new ApplicationException(Constants.ErrorMessages.GMTOffSetValidationFailed);
                    AvailabilityZone aZone = mngServer.ZoneLoad(CurrentZoneName);
                    aZone.ZoneName = String.IsNullOrEmpty(NewZoneName) ? CurrentZoneName : NewZoneName;
                    if ((DescriptionProperty.Value != null) || (DescriptionProperty.IsClear))
                        aZone.ZoneDescription = DescriptionProperty.Value == null ? String.Empty : DescriptionProperty.Value as string;
                    if ((GmtOffSet != 0) || (GMTOffsetProperty.IsClear))
                        aZone.ZoneGMTOffset = GmtOffSet;
                    aZone.DefaultZone = DefaultZone; //even if the value is false, you cannot make a zone nonDefault without setting other zone to default
                    mngServer.ZoneSave(CurrentZoneName, aZone);
コード例 #6
        private void ZoneCalculateEvent()
            string ZoneName        = base.GetStringProperty(Constants.SOProperties.WorkingHoursConfiguration.ZoneName, true);
            string Start           = base.GetStringProperty(Constants.SOProperties.WorkingHoursConfiguration.StartDateTime, true);
            int    DurationHours   = base.GetIntProperty(Constants.SOProperties.WorkingHoursConfiguration.DurationHours);
            int    DurationMinutes = base.GetIntProperty(Constants.SOProperties.WorkingHoursConfiguration.DurationMinutes);
            int    DurationSeconds = base.GetIntProperty(Constants.SOProperties.WorkingHoursConfiguration.DurationSeconds);

            DataTable results = base.ServiceBroker.ServicePackage.ResultTable;

            WorkflowManagementServer mngServer = new WorkflowManagementServer();

            using (mngServer.CreateConnection())
                if (!mngServer.ZoneExists(ZoneName))
                    throw new ApplicationException(Constants.ErrorMessages.ZoneDoesNotExist + ZoneName + ".");
                    TimeSpan Duration = new TimeSpan(DurationHours, DurationMinutes, DurationSeconds);

                    DateTime dt;
                    if (!DateTime.TryParse(Start, out dt))
                        throw new ApplicationException(Constants.ErrorMessages.DateNotValid);

                    AvailabilityZone zone = mngServer.ZoneLoad(ZoneName);
                    if (zone.AvailabilityHoursList == null || zone.AvailabilityHoursList.Count == 0)
                        throw new ApplicationException(Constants.ErrorMessages.WorkingHoursNotSet);

                    DataRow dRow = results.NewRow();
                    dRow[Constants.SOProperties.WorkingHoursConfiguration.FinishDateTime] = mngServer.ZoneCalculateEvent(ZoneName, dt, Duration);
コード例 #7
        private void CreateZone()
            string ZoneName    = base.GetStringProperty(Constants.SOProperties.WorkingHoursConfiguration.ZoneName, true);
            string Description = base.GetStringProperty(Constants.SOProperties.WorkingHoursConfiguration.Description);
            int    GmtOffSet   = base.GetIntProperty(Constants.SOProperties.WorkingHoursConfiguration.GMTOffset, true);
            bool   DefaultZone = base.GetBoolProperty(Constants.SOProperties.WorkingHoursConfiguration.DefaultZone);

            WorkflowManagementServer mngServer = new WorkflowManagementServer();

            using (mngServer.CreateConnection())

                if (!Helper.SpecialCharactersExist(ZoneName))
                    throw new ApplicationException(Constants.ErrorMessages.SpecialCharactersAreNotAllowed);
                else if (mngServer.ZoneExists(ZoneName))
                    throw new ApplicationException(Constants.ErrorMessages.ZoneExists + ZoneName + ".");
                else if (GmtOffSet > 13 || GmtOffSet < -13)
                    throw new ApplicationException(Constants.ErrorMessages.GMTOffSetValidationFailed);
                    AvailabilityZone aZone = new AvailabilityZone();
                    aZone.ZoneName        = ZoneName;
                    aZone.ID              = Guid.NewGuid();
                    aZone.ZoneDescription = Description;
                    aZone.ZoneGMTOffset   = GmtOffSet;
                    aZone.DefaultZone     = DefaultZone;

コード例 #8
        private void CreateZone()
            string ZoneName = base.GetStringProperty(Constants.SOProperties.WorkingHoursConfiguration.ZoneName, true);
            string Description = base.GetStringProperty(Constants.SOProperties.WorkingHoursConfiguration.Description);
            int GmtOffSet = base.GetIntProperty(Constants.SOProperties.WorkingHoursConfiguration.GMTOffset, true);
            bool DefaultZone = base.GetBoolProperty(Constants.SOProperties.WorkingHoursConfiguration.DefaultZone);

            WorkflowManagementServer mngServer = new WorkflowManagementServer();
            using (mngServer.CreateConnection())

                if (!Helper.SpecialCharactersExist(ZoneName))
                    throw new ApplicationException(Constants.ErrorMessages.SpecialCharactersAreNotAllowed);
                else if (mngServer.ZoneExists(ZoneName))
                    throw new ApplicationException(Constants.ErrorMessages.ZoneExists + ZoneName + ".");
                else if (GmtOffSet > 13 || GmtOffSet < -13)
                    throw new ApplicationException(Constants.ErrorMessages.GMTOffSetValidationFailed);
                    AvailabilityZone aZone = new AvailabilityZone();
                    aZone.ZoneName = ZoneName;
                    aZone.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
                    aZone.ZoneDescription = Description;
                    aZone.ZoneGMTOffset = GmtOffSet;
                    aZone.DefaultZone = DefaultZone;

コード例 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Check that the local K2 Server has a valid set of working hours for this test.
        /// </summary>
        private void ValidateWorkingHours()
            WorkflowManagementServer mngServer = new WorkflowManagementServer("localhost", 5555);

            AvailabilityZone zone = mngServer.ZoneLoad(workingHoursZoneName);

            List <AvailabilityDate> specialDates = zone.AvailabilityDateList.Where(x => x.IsNonWorkDate == false).ToList();

            if (specialDates.Count > 2)
                Assert.Fail("Too many special dates");

            List <AvailabilityDate> exceptionDates = zone.AvailabilityDateList.Where(x => x.IsNonWorkDate == true).ToList();

            if (exceptionDates.Count > 2)
                Assert.Fail("Too many exception dates");

            if (specialDates.Where(x => x.WorkDate == new DateTime(2011, 06, 30, 09, 00, 00) && x.Duration == new TimeSpan(3, 0, 0)).ToList().Count != 1)
                Assert.Fail("Problem finding special date June 30th 2011 09:00 - 12:00");

            if (specialDates.Where(x => x.WorkDate == new DateTime(2011, 03, 11, 09, 00, 00) && x.Duration == new TimeSpan(3, 0, 0)).ToList().Count != 1)
                Assert.Fail("Problem finding special date March 11th 2011 09:00 - 12:00");

            if (exceptionDates.Where(x => x.WorkDate == new DateTime(2011, 12, 26)).ToList().Count != 1)
                Assert.Fail("Problem finding exception date December 26th 2011");

            if (exceptionDates.Where(x => x.WorkDate == new DateTime(2012, 1, 2)).ToList().Count != 1)
                Assert.Fail("Problem finding exception date Jan 2nd 2012");

            if (zone.AvailabilityHoursList.Where(x => x.WorkDay == DayOfWeek.Monday && x.Duration == new TimeSpan(3, 0, 0) && x.TimeOfDay == new TimeSpan(9, 0, 0)).ToList().Count != 1)
                Assert.Fail("Problem with Monday 9am - 12pm working hours");

            if (zone.AvailabilityHoursList.Where(x => x.WorkDay == DayOfWeek.Tuesday && x.Duration == new TimeSpan(3, 0, 0) && x.TimeOfDay == new TimeSpan(9, 0, 0)).ToList().Count != 1)
                Assert.Fail("Problem with Tuesday 9am - 12pm working hours");

            if (zone.AvailabilityHoursList.Where(x => x.WorkDay == DayOfWeek.Wednesday && x.Duration == new TimeSpan(3, 0, 0) && x.TimeOfDay == new TimeSpan(9, 0, 0)).ToList().Count != 1)
                Assert.Fail("Problem with Wednesday 9am - 12pm working hours");

            if (zone.AvailabilityHoursList.Where(x => x.WorkDay == DayOfWeek.Thursday && x.Duration == new TimeSpan(3, 0, 0) && x.TimeOfDay == new TimeSpan(9, 0, 0)).ToList().Count != 1)
                Assert.Fail("Problem with Thursday 9am - 12pm working hours");

            if (zone.AvailabilityHoursList.Where(x => x.WorkDay == DayOfWeek.Friday && x.Duration == new TimeSpan(3, 0, 0) && x.TimeOfDay == new TimeSpan(9, 0, 0)).ToList().Count != 1)
                Assert.Fail("Problem with Friday 9am - 12pm working hours");

            if (zone.AvailabilityHoursList.Where(x => x.WorkDay == DayOfWeek.Monday && x.Duration == new TimeSpan(4, 0, 0) && x.TimeOfDay == new TimeSpan(13, 0, 0)).ToList().Count != 1)
                Assert.Fail("Problem with Monday 1pm - 5pm working hours");

            if (zone.AvailabilityHoursList.Where(x => x.WorkDay == DayOfWeek.Tuesday && x.Duration == new TimeSpan(4, 0, 0) && x.TimeOfDay == new TimeSpan(13, 0, 0)).ToList().Count != 1)
                Assert.Fail("Problem with Tuesday 1pm - 5pm working hours");

            if (zone.AvailabilityHoursList.Where(x => x.WorkDay == DayOfWeek.Wednesday && x.Duration == new TimeSpan(4, 0, 0) && x.TimeOfDay == new TimeSpan(13, 0, 0)).ToList().Count != 1)
                Assert.Fail("Problem with Wednesday 1pm - 5pm working hours");

            if (zone.AvailabilityHoursList.Where(x => x.WorkDay == DayOfWeek.Thursday && x.Duration == new TimeSpan(4, 0, 0) && x.TimeOfDay == new TimeSpan(13, 0, 0)).ToList().Count != 1)
                Assert.Fail("Problem with Thursday 1pm - 5pm working hours");

            if (zone.AvailabilityHoursList.Where(x => x.WorkDay == DayOfWeek.Friday && x.Duration == new TimeSpan(4, 0, 0) && x.TimeOfDay == new TimeSpan(13, 0, 0)).ToList().Count != 1)
                Assert.Fail("Problem with Friday 1pm - 5pm working hours");

            if (zone.AvailabilityHoursList.Where(x => x.WorkDay == DayOfWeek.Saturday).ToList().Count > 0)
                Assert.Fail("Found working hours on Saturday where there should be none");

            if (zone.AvailabilityHoursList.Where(x => x.WorkDay == DayOfWeek.Sunday).ToList().Count > 0)
                Assert.Fail("Found working hours on Sunday wherer there should be none");

        private static TimeSpan WorkingHoursDateDiff(string zoneName, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
            TimeSpan workedHours = new TimeSpan(0);

            WorkflowManagementServer mngServer = new WorkflowManagementServer("localhost", 5555); //safe to do this as inline function runs on K2 Server.
            mngServer.Open(); //let K2 catch errors here.

            AvailabilityZone zone = new AvailabilityZone();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(zoneName)) //use default working hours if not specified.
                    zoneName = mngServer.ZoneGetDefault();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new Exception("Couldn't get default working hours because: " + ex.Message, ex);

                zone = mngServer.ZoneLoad(zoneName);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("Couldn't get working hours named: '" + zoneName + "' Because: " + ex.Message, ex);

            DateTime currentZoneDate = startDate.Date;
            bool carryOn = true;
            while (carryOn)

                List<AvailabilityHours> singleDayListOfHours = zone.AvailabilityHoursList.Where(x => x.WorkDay == currentZoneDate.DayOfWeek).ToList();

                foreach (AvailabilityHours hours in singleDayListOfHours)
                    //quickly filter out exception dates :)
                    if (zone.AvailabilityDateList.Count(x => x.IsNonWorkDate == true && x.WorkDate.Date == currentZoneDate.Date) > 0)
                    DateTime endOfSection = new DateTime(currentZoneDate.Year, currentZoneDate.Month, currentZoneDate.Day);
                    DateTime startOfSection = new DateTime(currentZoneDate.Year, currentZoneDate.Month, currentZoneDate.Day);
                    startOfSection = startOfSection.Add(hours.TimeOfDay);
                    endOfSection = startOfSection.Add(hours.Duration);

                    if ((startDate >= startOfSection && startDate <= endOfSection) && (endDate <= endOfSection && endDate >= startOfSection)) //starts inside, ends inside
                        workedHours += endDate - startDate;

                    if (startDate < startOfSection && endDate > endOfSection) // starts outside, ends outside
                        workedHours += endOfSection - startOfSection;

                    if (startDate < startOfSection && (endDate <= endOfSection && endDate >= startOfSection)) //starts outside, ends inside
                        workedHours += endDate - startOfSection;

                    if ((startDate >= startOfSection && startDate <= endOfSection) && endDate > endOfSection) //starts inside, ends outside
                        workedHours += endOfSection - startDate;

                //special dates require more work - basically duplicate the logic above but decrement worked hours for every special day
                foreach (AvailabilityDate specialDate in zone.AvailabilityDateList.Where(x => x.WorkDate.Date == currentZoneDate.Date && x.IsNonWorkDate == false))

                    DateTime specialDateStart = specialDate.WorkDate;
                    DateTime specialDateEnd = specialDate.WorkDate + specialDate.Duration;

                    if ((startDate >= specialDateStart && startDate <= specialDateEnd) && (endDate <= specialDateEnd && endDate >= specialDateStart)) //starts inside, ends inside
                        workedHours -= endDate - startDate;

                    if (startDate < specialDateStart && endDate > specialDateEnd) // starts outside, ends outside
                        workedHours -= specialDateEnd - specialDateStart;

                    if (startDate < specialDateStart && (endDate <= specialDateEnd && endDate >= specialDateStart)) //starts outside, ends inside
                        workedHours -= endDate - specialDateStart;

                    if ((startDate >= specialDateStart && startDate <= specialDateEnd) && endDate > specialDateEnd) //starts inside, ends outside
                        workedHours -= specialDateEnd - startDate;

                if (currentZoneDate > endDate)
                    carryOn = false;

                currentZoneDate = currentZoneDate.AddDays(1);



            return workedHours;
コード例 #11
        private static TimeSpan WorkingHoursDateDiff(string zoneName, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
            TimeSpan workedHours = new TimeSpan(0);

            WorkflowManagementServer mngServer = new WorkflowManagementServer("localhost", 5555); //safe to do this as inline function runs on K2 Server.

            mngServer.Open();                                                                     //let K2 catch errors here.

            AvailabilityZone zone = new AvailabilityZone();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(zoneName)) //use default working hours if not specified.
                    zoneName = mngServer.ZoneGetDefault();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new Exception("Couldn't get default working hours because: " + ex.Message, ex);

                zone = mngServer.ZoneLoad(zoneName);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("Couldn't get working hours named: '" + zoneName + "' Because: " + ex.Message, ex);

            DateTime currentZoneDate = startDate.Date;
            bool     carryOn         = true;

            while (carryOn)
                List <AvailabilityHours> singleDayListOfHours = zone.AvailabilityHoursList.Where(x => x.WorkDay == currentZoneDate.DayOfWeek).ToList();

                foreach (AvailabilityHours hours in singleDayListOfHours)
                    //quickly filter out exception dates :)
                    if (zone.AvailabilityDateList.Count(x => x.IsNonWorkDate == true && x.WorkDate.Date == currentZoneDate.Date) > 0)
                    DateTime endOfSection   = new DateTime(currentZoneDate.Year, currentZoneDate.Month, currentZoneDate.Day);
                    DateTime startOfSection = new DateTime(currentZoneDate.Year, currentZoneDate.Month, currentZoneDate.Day);
                    startOfSection = startOfSection.Add(hours.TimeOfDay);
                    endOfSection   = startOfSection.Add(hours.Duration);

                    if ((startDate >= startOfSection && startDate <= endOfSection) && (endDate <= endOfSection && endDate >= startOfSection)) //starts inside, ends inside
                        workedHours += endDate - startDate;

                    if (startDate < startOfSection && endDate > endOfSection) // starts outside, ends outside
                        workedHours += endOfSection - startOfSection;

                    if (startDate < startOfSection && (endDate <= endOfSection && endDate >= startOfSection)) //starts outside, ends inside
                        workedHours += endDate - startOfSection;

                    if ((startDate >= startOfSection && startDate <= endOfSection) && endDate > endOfSection) //starts inside, ends outside
                        workedHours += endOfSection - startDate;

                //special dates require more work - basically duplicate the logic above but decrement worked hours for every special day
                foreach (AvailabilityDate specialDate in zone.AvailabilityDateList.Where(x => x.WorkDate.Date == currentZoneDate.Date && x.IsNonWorkDate == false))
                    DateTime specialDateStart = specialDate.WorkDate;
                    DateTime specialDateEnd   = specialDate.WorkDate + specialDate.Duration;

                    if ((startDate >= specialDateStart && startDate <= specialDateEnd) && (endDate <= specialDateEnd && endDate >= specialDateStart)) //starts inside, ends inside
                        workedHours -= endDate - startDate;

                    if (startDate < specialDateStart && endDate > specialDateEnd) // starts outside, ends outside
                        workedHours -= specialDateEnd - specialDateStart;

                    if (startDate < specialDateStart && (endDate <= specialDateEnd && endDate >= specialDateStart)) //starts outside, ends inside
                        workedHours -= endDate - specialDateStart;

                    if ((startDate >= specialDateStart && startDate <= specialDateEnd) && endDate > specialDateEnd) //starts inside, ends outside
                        workedHours -= specialDateEnd - startDate;

                if (currentZoneDate > endDate)
                    carryOn = false;

                currentZoneDate = currentZoneDate.AddDays(1);


コード例 #12
 public Subnet(Vpc vpc, string cidr, AvailabilityZone availabilityZone, RouteTable routeTableForGateway, SecurityGroup natSecurityGroup) : this(vpc, cidr, availabilityZone, false)
     this.RouteTableForGateway = routeTableForGateway;
     this.NatSecurityGroup     = natSecurityGroup;