コード例 #1
        public static async Task MainAsync(string[] args)
            // Parse options and show helptext if insufficient
            g_Options = new Options();
            Parser.Default.ParseArguments(args, g_Options);
            if (!g_Options.IsValid())
                var help = HelpText.AutoBuild(g_Options);

            // Parse server URI
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(g_Options.Environment) || !g_Options.Environment.StartsWith("http"))
                Console.WriteLine($"Invalid URI: {g_Options.Environment}");

            // Set up AvaTax
            g_Client = new AvaTaxClient("AvaTax-Connect", "1.0", Environment.MachineName, new Uri(g_Options.Environment))
                       .WithSecurity(g_Options.Username, g_Options.Password);

            // Attempt to connect
            PingResultModel ping = null;

            try {
                ping = g_Client.Ping();
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                Console.WriteLine("Unable to contact AvaTax:");

            // Fetch the company
            FetchResult <CompanyModel> companies = null;

            try {
                companies = await g_Client.QueryCompaniesAsync(null, $"companyCode eq '{g_Options.CompanyCode}'", null, null, null);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                Console.WriteLine("Exception fetching companies");

            // Check if the company exists
            if (companies == null || companies.count != 1)
                Console.WriteLine($"Company with code '{g_Options.CompanyCode}' not found.\r\nPlease provide a valid companyCode using the '-c' parameter.");

            // Check if the company is flagged as a test
            if ((companies.value[0].isTest != true) && IsPermanent(g_Options.DocType))
                Console.WriteLine($"Company with code '{g_Options.CompanyCode}' is not flagged as a test company.\r\nYour test is configured to use document type '{g_Options.DocType}'.\r\nThis is a permanent document type.\r\nWhen testing with permanent document types, AvaTax-Connect can only be run against a test company.");

            // Did we authenticate?
            if (ping.authenticated != true)
                Console.WriteLine("Authentication did not succeed.  Please check your credentials and try again.");
                Console.WriteLine($"       Username: {g_Options.Username}");
                Console.WriteLine($"       Password: REDACTED - PLEASE CHECK COMMAND LINE");
                Console.WriteLine($"    Environment: {g_Options.Environment}");

            // Print out information about our configuration
            Console.WriteLine($"AvaTax-Connect Performance Testing Tool");
            Console.WriteLine($"         User: {g_Options.Username}");
            Console.WriteLine($"      Account: {ping.authenticatedAccountId}");
            Console.WriteLine($"       UserId: {ping.authenticatedUserId}");
            Console.WriteLine($"  CompanyCode: {g_Options.CompanyCode}");
            Console.WriteLine($"          SDK: {AvaTaxClient.API_VERSION}");
            Console.WriteLine($"  Environment: {g_Options.Environment}");
            Console.WriteLine($"    Tax Lines: {g_Options.Lines}");
            Console.WriteLine($"         Type: {g_Options.DocType}");
            Console.WriteLine($"      Threads: {g_Options.Threads}");
            Console.WriteLine("  Call   Server   DB       Svc      Net      Client    Total");

            // Use transaction builder
            var tb = new TransactionBuilder(g_Client, g_Options.CompanyCode, g_Options.DocType, "ABC");

            // Add lines
            for (int i = 0; i < g_Options.Lines; i++)
                .WithLineAddress(TransactionAddressType.PointOfOrderAcceptance, "123 Main Street", null, null, "Irvine", "CA", "92615", "US")
                .WithLineAddress(TransactionAddressType.PointOfOrderOrigin, "123 Main Street", null, null, "Irvine", "CA", "92615", "US")
                .WithLineAddress(TransactionAddressType.ShipFrom, "123 Main Street", null, null, "Irvine", "CA", "92615", "US")
                .WithLineAddress(TransactionAddressType.ShipTo, "123 Main Street", null, null, "Irvine", "CA", "92615", "US");
            g_Model = tb.GetCreateTransactionModel();

            // Discard the first call?
            try {
                if (g_Options.DiscardFirstCall.HasValue && g_Options.DiscardFirstCall.Value)
                    var t = g_Client.CreateTransaction(null, g_Model);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                Console.WriteLine("Cannot connect to AvaTax.");

            // Connect to AvaTax and print debug information
            g_TotalDuration = new CallDuration();
            g_TotalMs       = 0;
            List <Task> threads = new List <Task>();

            for (int i = 0; i < g_Options.Threads; i++)
                var task = Task.Run(ConnectThread);
            await Task.WhenAll(threads);

            // Compute some averages
            double avg            = g_TotalMs * 1.0 / g_Count;
            double total_overhead = (g_TotalDuration.SetupDuration.TotalMilliseconds + g_TotalDuration.ParseDuration.TotalMilliseconds);
            double total_transit  = g_TotalDuration.TransitDuration.TotalMilliseconds;
            double total_server   = g_TotalDuration.ServerDuration.TotalMilliseconds;
            double avg_overhead   = total_overhead / g_Count;
            double avg_transit    = total_transit / g_Count;
            double avg_server     = total_server / g_Count;
            double pct_overhead   = total_overhead / g_TotalMs;
            double pct_transit    = total_transit / g_TotalMs;
            double pct_server     = total_server / g_TotalMs;

            // Print out the totals
            Console.WriteLine($"Finished {g_Count} calls in {g_TotalMs} milliseconds.");
            Console.WriteLine($"    Average: {avg.ToString("0.00")}ms; {avg_overhead.ToString("0.00")}ms overhead, {avg_transit.ToString("0.00")}ms transit, {avg_server.ToString("0.00")}ms server.");
            Console.WriteLine($"    Percentage: {pct_overhead.ToString("P")} overhead, {pct_transit.ToString("P")} transit, {pct_server.ToString("P")} server.");
            Console.WriteLine($"    Total: {total_overhead} overhead, {total_transit} transit, {total_server} server.");