private static void OldWay() { //Create the auth object auth = new AutorizationCodeAuth() { //Your client Id ClientId = "4ba8934628a54571b57ed84de51d1825", //Set this to localhost if you want to use the built-in HTTP Server RedirectUri = "http://localhost:8000", //How many permissions we need? Scope = Scope.UserReadPrivate | Scope.PlaylistModifyPublic | Scope.PlaylistModifyPrivate, ShowDialog = true }; //This will be called, if the user cancled/accept the auth-request auth.OnResponseReceivedEvent += auth_OnResponseReceivedEvent; //a local HTTP Server will be started (Needed for the response) auth.StartHttpServer(8000); //This will open the spotify auth-page. The user can decline/accept the request try { auth.DoAuth(); Thread.Sleep(60000); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } auth.StopHttpServer(); Console.WriteLine("Too long, didnt respond, exiting now..."); }
public bool Authorise() { if (config.Comms.AuthToken == null) { auth.StartHttpServer(8888); auth.DoAuth(); return(false); } RefreshToken(); return(true); }
private void OnLoginClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { //Create the auth object auth = new AutorizationCodeAuth { ClientId = Configuration.Comms.ClientId, RedirectUri = "http://localhost:8888", Scope = (Scope)0x1FFFF, }; auth.OnResponseReceivedEvent += OnAuthResponseReceived; auth.StartHttpServer(8888); auth.DoAuth(); }
public void Authenticate() { AutorizationCodeAuth authentication = new AutorizationCodeAuth { RedirectUri = new UriBuilder("") { Port = 7476 }.Uri.OriginalString.TrimEnd('/'), ClientId = _clientId, Scope = _scope, State = "XSS" }; // Try refreshing var token = authentication.RefreshToken(Properties.Settings.Default.RefreshToken, _clientSecret); if (token.Error == null) { WebAPI = ApiFromToken(token); return; } AutoResetEvent authenticationWaitFlag = new AutoResetEvent(false); WebAPI = null; authentication.OnResponseReceivedEvent += (response) => { WebAPI = HandleSpotifyResponse(response, authentication); authenticationWaitFlag.Set(); }; try { authentication.StartHttpServer(7476); authentication.DoAuth(); authenticationWaitFlag.WaitOne(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(_timeout)); if (WebAPI == null) { throw new TimeoutException($"No valid response received for the last {_timeout} seconds"); } } finally { authentication.StopHttpServer(); } }
public void RequestAuth(AutorizationCodeAuth.OnResponseReceived codeReceiveCallback) { if (AuthRequesting) { return; } AuthRequesting = true; AutorizationCodeAuth auth = new AutorizationCodeAuth(); auth.ClientId = ClientId; auth.RedirectUri = RedirUri; auth.Scope = Scope; auth.OnResponseReceivedEvent += response => { AuthRequesting = false; auth.StopHttpServer(); codeReceiveCallback.Invoke(response); }; auth.StartHttpServer(RedirPort); auth.DoAuth(); int ms = 0; while (ms < 30000) { if (!AuthRequesting) { break; } Thread.Sleep(100); ms += 100; } if (AuthRequesting) { auth.StopHttpServer(); AuthRequesting = false; } }
private static void Main() { using (var sr = new StreamReader("data/clientData.txt")) { _auth = new AutorizationCodeAuth() { ClientId = sr.ReadLine(), RedirectUri = "http://localhost", Scope = Scope.UserReadPrivate, }; _auth.StartHttpServer(); _clientSecret = sr.ReadLine(); _auth.OnResponseReceivedEvent += _callback; _auth.DoAuth(); } Console.ReadLine(); }
private void Autorization() { auth.StartHttpServer(); auth.DoAuth(); Thread.Sleep(1500); Token a = auth.ExchangeAuthCode(SpotifyLogin.GrantCode, SpotifyLogin.GetClient_Secret); headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + a.AccessToken); if (a != null) { SpotifyLogin.AccessToken = a.AccessToken; SpotifyLogin.RefreshToken = a.RefreshToken; SpotifyWindow main = new SpotifyWindow(); main.Show(); Close(); } }
public void Run() { _auth = new AutorizationCodeAuth() { //Your client Id ClientId = "29876bdcb6384fc287e37ae01873058c", //Set this to localhost if you want to use the built-in HTTP Server RedirectUri = "http://localhost:7777/", //How many permissions we need? Scope = Scope.UserReadPrivate, }; //This will be called, if the user cancled/accept the auth-request _auth.OnResponseReceivedEvent += Auth_OnResponseReceivedEvent; //a local HTTP Server will be started (Needed for the response) _auth.StartHttpServer(7777); //This will open the spotify auth-page. The user can decline/accept the request _auth.DoAuth(); }
public Task <SpotifyWebAPI> GetWebApi() { var authentication = new AutorizationCodeAuth { RedirectUri = $"{_redirectUrl}:{_listeningPort}", ClientId = _clientId, Scope = _scope, State = _xss }; AutoResetEvent authenticationWaitFlag = new AutoResetEvent(false); SpotifyWebAPI spotifyWebApi = null; authentication.OnResponseReceivedEvent += (response) => { var state = response.State; var token = authentication.ExchangeAuthCode(response.Code, _clientSecret); spotifyWebApi = HandleSpotifyResponse(state, token); authenticationWaitFlag.Set(); }; try { authentication.StartHttpServer(_listeningPort); authentication.DoAuth(); authenticationWaitFlag.WaitOne(_timeout); if (spotifyWebApi == null) { throw new TimeoutException($"No valid response received for the last {_timeout.TotalSeconds} seconds"); } } finally { authentication.StopHttpServer(); } return(Task.FromResult(spotifyWebApi)); }
public static SpotifyWebAPI GetInstanceAuth() { auth = new AutorizationCodeAuth() { //Your client Id spotifyClientID = MYSPOTIFY_CLIENTID, //Set this to localhost if you want to use the built-in HTTP Server RedirectUri = "http://localhost:8888", //How many permissions we need? Scope = Scope.UserReadPrivate | Scope.UserReadEmail | Scope.PlaylistReadPrivate | Scope.PlaylistModifyPrivate | Scope.PlaylistModifyPublic | Scope.UserLibraryRead | Scope.UserReadPrivate | Scope.UserFollowRead | Scope.UserReadBirthdate | Scope.UserTopRead | Scope.PlaylistReadCollaborative | Scope.UserReadRecentlyPlayed | Scope.UserReadPlaybackState | Scope.UserModifyPlaybackState, }; //This will be called, if the user cancled/accept the auth-request auth.OnResponseReceivedEvent += auth_OnResponseReceivedEvent; //a local HTTP Server will be started (Needed for the response) auth.StartHttpServer(); //This will open the spotify auth-page. The user can decline/accept the request auth.DoAuth(); Thread.Sleep(10000); return(SPOTIFY_INST); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> private void DoAuth() { //Create the auth object auth = new AutorizationCodeAuth() { //Your client Id ClientId = "ce833ef1272046489c5cb86af277d9c0", //Set this to localhost if you want to use the built-in HTTP Server RedirectUri = "http://localhost", //RedirectUri = "", //How many permissions we need? Scope = Scope.All }; //This will be called, if the user cancled/accept the auth-request auth.OnResponseReceivedEvent += auth_OnResponseReceivedEvent; //a local HTTP Server will be started (Needed for the response) auth.StartHttpServer(); //This will open the spotify auth-page. The user can decline/accept the request auth.DoAuth(); Thread.Sleep(5000); //auth.StopHttpServer(); Console.WriteLine("Too long, didnt respond, exiting now..."); }
private static void Authorize(CommandLineApplication command) { var clientIdOption = command.Option("-c|--clientId <clientId>", "The application client id", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var clientSecretOption = command.Option("-k|--clientSecret <clientSecret>", "The application client secret", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var scopeOption = command.Option("-s|--scope <scope>", "The application client secret", CommandOptionType.MultipleValue); var outputOption = command.Option("-o|--output <path>", "Path to output token as json", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var browserPathOption = command.Option("-b|--browser <path>", "Path to the browser to start", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); command.OnExecute( () => { TaskCompletionSource <string> tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <string>(); Scope scope = scopeOption.Values .Select(v => Enum.Parse <Scope>(v)) .Aggregate(new Scope(), (a, s) => a | s); var auth = new AutorizationCodeAuth() { ClientId = clientIdOption.Value(), RedirectUri = "http://localhost", Scope = scope, ShowDialog = true, OpenUriAction = uri => Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = browserPathOption.Value(), Arguments = uri }) }; auth.OnResponseReceivedEvent += response => { Token token = auth.ExchangeAuthCode(response.Code, clientSecretOption.Value()); string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(token); tcs.SetResult(json); }; try { try { auth.StartHttpServer(); auth.DoAuth(); Task.WaitAll(new[] { tcs.Task }, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)); using (var stream = File.OpenWrite(outputOption.Value())) { using (var writer = new StreamWriter(stream)) { writer.Write(tcs.Task.Result); } } Console.WriteLine($"Successfully wrote token to '{outputOption.Value()}'"); return(0); } finally { auth.StopHttpServer(); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"Failed to retrieve token: '{e.Message}'"); return(-1); } } ); }