private void CheckForceBinary() { var intHands = manager.interactionControllers .Query() .Select(controller => controller.intHand) .Where(intHand => intHand != null); //.Select(intHand => intHand.leapHand); foreach (var intHand in intHands) { var hand = intHand.leapHand; if (intHand.isTracked) // If hand is tracked, check for overlaping colliders { foreach (var finger in hand.Fingers) { var fingertipPosition = finger.TipPosition.ToVector3(); var buffer = Physics.OverlapSphere(fingertipPosition, CONTACT_POINT_SIZE); //Debug.DrawLine(fingertipPosition, Vector3.forward,, 1.0f); var colliders = new List <Collider>(); foreach (var col in buffer) { if (col.gameObject.layer != controllerLayer) { colliders.Add(col); } if (col.gameObject.layer == groundLayer) { AutoHeight.OnHandContact(); } } float force = 0; if (colliders.Count > 0) { force = 100; } UpdateFinger(finger.Type, hand.IsLeft, force); } } else // If hand is not tracked, set all forces to 0 { if (hand.Fingers[3].Type == Finger.FingerType.TYPE_RING) // If hand was at least once on the scene and fingers are properly initialized { foreach (var finger in hand.Fingers) { UpdateFinger(finger.Type, hand.IsLeft, 0); } } } } }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private void CheckForce() { var intHands = manager.interactionControllers .Query() .Select(controller => controller.intHand) .Where(intHand => intHand != null); foreach (var intHand in intHands) { var hand = intHand.leapHand; if (intHand.isTracked) { foreach (var finger in hand.Fingers) { var fingertipPosition = finger.TipPosition.ToVector3(); var buffer = Physics.OverlapSphere(fingertipPosition, CONTACT_POINT_SIZE); //Debug.DrawLine(fingertipPosition, Vector3.forward,, 1.0f); var colliders = new List <Collider>(); foreach (var col in buffer) { if (col.gameObject.layer != controllerLayer) { colliders.Add(col); } if (col.gameObject.layer == groundLayer) { AutoHeight.OnHandContact(); } } foreach (var col in colliders) { RaycastHit[] hits; Vector3 origin = fingertipPosition; Vector3 destination =; hits = Physics.RaycastAll(origin, destination - origin, Mathf.Infinity); int numHits = 0; foreach (RaycastHit hitInfo in hits) { if (hitInfo.collider == col) { numHits++; } } if (numHits == 0) // If object's collider wasn't hit (which means finger is inside of the object) { float distance = 0; if (col is MeshCollider) { distance = (Physics.ClosestPoint(fingertipPosition, col, col.attachedRigidbody.position, col.attachedRigidbody.rotation) - fingertipPosition).magnitude; } else { distance = (col.transform.TransformPoint( col.ClosestPointOnSurface( col.transform.InverseTransformPoint(fingertipPosition))) - fingertipPosition).magnitude; } UpdateFinger(finger.Type, hand.IsLeft, distance * 1500);//(600 / Vector3.Magnitude(transform.lossyScale))); } } } } else // If hand is not tracked, set all forces to 0 { if (hand.Fingers[3].Type == Finger.FingerType.TYPE_RING) // If hand was at least once on the scene and fingers are properly initialized { foreach (var finger in hand.Fingers) { UpdateFinger(finger.Type, hand.IsLeft, 0); } } } } }