コード例 #1
        // TODO:
        // Given a dictionary of oldText Keys, fill in the corresponding newText Values using user input
        public static void AddNewTextInput(AutoFillDocument.Form1 form)
            // TODO: Should this go here or in Form1.AddForm?
            // clear the table layout before adding in new forms

コード例 #2
        // TODO:
        // Find all fields to replace in the document and populate dictionary with oldText as the Keys and newText as the Values
        public static void ParseDocument(AutoFillDocument.Form1 form, Word._Document oDoc)
            // get a set of fields to replace in the document
            HashSet <String> words = GetTextFields(oDoc.Content.Text, '{', '}');

            // use ToDictionary(), not ToDictionary<String, String>() to overload 2 lambda functions.
            // create dictionary from hashset where the keys are the hashset's elements.
            // use dictionary in String.Replace.
            textTransformMap = words.ToDictionary(Key => Key, Value => "");

            // Populate the table with oldText fields and newText textbox inputs
コード例 #3
        // TODO:
        // given a dictionary, replace all occurences of Keys i.e. oldText with corresponding Values i.e. newText
        // return the modified text after replacements are done
        public static String ReplaceText(AutoFillDocument.Form1 form, String text)
            String bodyText = text;

            // TODO: Reduce time complexity of string replacement
            // String.replace complexity is O(n) where n is size of the String
            // calling String.replace on each field in the Dictionary will take O(n*m) where m is size of the Dictionary
            foreach (KeyValuePair <String, String> textMap in textTransformMap)
                bodyText = bodyText.Replace(textMap.Key, textMap.Value);

コード例 #4
        // find children newTextInput forms in form1
        public static void FindNewTextInput(AutoFillDocument.Form1 form)
            System.Windows.Forms.Control[] controls;
            for (int i = 0; i < textTransformMap.Count; ++i)
                // TODO: use alternative with better time complexity
                // Assuming Controls.Find takes linear time O(c) where c is the number of children in form
                // this function takes O(c*k) where k is the number of dictionary elements
                // Controls.Find searches by name
                controls = form.Controls.Find("newTextInput" + i, true);

                if (controls.Length > 0)
                    Console.Out.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}: {1}", controls[0].Tag.ToString(), controls[0].Text));
                    textTransformMap[controls[0].Tag.ToString()] = controls[0].Text;
コード例 #5
 // find table layout form within form1
 // use the table layout to get its children forms
 public static void FindTableLayout(AutoFillDocument.Form1 form)
     System.Windows.Forms.Control[] controls = form.Controls.Find("tableLayoutPanel1", true);
コード例 #6
 public static void FillNewTextInput(AutoFillDocument.Form1 form)