private async Task CreateAuthorizationAsync( [NotNull] AuthenticationTicket ticket, [NotNull] OpenIddictOptions options, [NotNull] HttpContext context, [NotNull] OpenIdConnectRequest request) { var descriptor = new OpenIddictAuthorizationDescriptor { Principal = ticket.Principal, Status = OpenIddictConstants.Statuses.Valid, Subject = ticket.Principal.GetClaim(OpenIdConnectConstants.Claims.Subject), Type = OpenIddictConstants.AuthorizationTypes.AdHoc }; foreach (var property in ticket.Properties.Items) { descriptor.Properties.Add(property); } foreach (var scope in ticket.GetScopes()) { descriptor.Scopes.Add(scope); } // If the client application is known, bind it to the authorization. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.ClientId)) { var application = await Applications.FindByClientIdAsync(request.ClientId, context.RequestAborted); if (application == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("The client application cannot be retrieved from the database."); } descriptor.ApplicationId = await Applications.GetIdAsync(application, context.RequestAborted); } var authorization = await Authorizations.CreateAsync(descriptor, context.RequestAborted); if (authorization != null) { var identifier = await Authorizations.GetIdAsync(authorization, context.RequestAborted); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.ClientId)) { Logger.LogInformation("An ad hoc authorization was automatically created and " + "associated with an unknown application: {Identifier}.", identifier); } else { Logger.LogInformation("An ad hoc authorization was automatically created and " + "associated with the '{ClientId}' application: {Identifier}.", request.ClientId, identifier); } // Attach the unique identifier of the ad hoc authorization to the authentication ticket // so that it is attached to all the derived tokens, allowing batched revocations support. ticket.SetProperty(OpenIddictConstants.Properties.AuthorizationId, identifier); } }