コード例 #1
        protected void ButtonSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // create new author object if this is a new user, retrieve existing author object if one is being edited
            Author author = null;

            if (Request.QueryString["user"] == null)
                // new user
                author = new Author();
                // edit user
                author = AuthorManager.GetItem(long.Parse(Request.QueryString["user"].ToString()));

            TextBox tbName = (TextBox)FormViewAuthor.FindControl("AuthorUserName");

            author.username = tbName.Text;

            TextBox tbPassword = (TextBox)FormViewAuthor.FindControl("AuthorPassword");

            author.password = tbPassword.Text;

コード例 #2
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                if (Request.QueryString["page"] == null)
                    // new user form
                    FormViewBlog.DefaultMode = FormViewMode.Insert;
                    // set current user as author
                    DropDownList ddlAuthor  = (DropDownList)FormViewBlog.FindControl("BlogAuthor");
                    Author       tempAuthor = AuthorManager.GetItem(User.Identity.Name);
                    if (tempAuthor != null)
                        ddlAuthor.SelectedValue = tempAuthor.id.ToString();
                    // edit user form
                    FormViewBlog.DefaultMode = FormViewMode.Edit;

                    // pre-select author and tags
                    Blogo.NET.Business.BlogEntry blogentry = BlogEntryManager.GetItem(long.Parse(Request.QueryString["page"].ToString()));

                    DropDownList ddlAuthor = (DropDownList)FormViewBlog.FindControl("BlogAuthor");
                    if (blogentry.author != null)
                        ddlAuthor.SelectedValue = blogentry.author.id.ToString();

                    CheckBoxList cblTags = (CheckBoxList)FormViewBlog.FindControl("BlogTags");
                    foreach (Tag t in blogentry.tags)
                        ListItem currentTag = cblTags.Items.FindByValue(t.id.ToString());
                        if (currentTag != null)
                            currentTag.Selected = true;
コード例 #3
        public override bool ValidateUser(string username, string password)
            // this is custom authentication logic against Blogo's user store
            // steps involved:
            // 0. if no users are yet defined, accept user admin, password admin
            // 1. get Author object based on "username"
            // 2. get salt of author object
            // 3. hash "password" using the salt
            // 4. check if the result is the same as the stored hashed password

            bool result = false;

                if (AuthorManager.Count(0, 10) < 1 && username == "admin" && password == "admin")
                    result = true;
                    string salt           = null;
                    string hashedPassword = null;
                    Author currentUser    = AuthorManager.GetItem(username);
                    if (currentUser != null)
                        salt           = currentUser.salt;
                        hashedPassword = Hash.HashPassword(password, salt);
                        if (hashedPassword.Equals(currentUser.password))
                            // successfully authenticated!
                            result = true;
            catch (Exception)
コード例 #4
        protected void SaveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // create new blog object if this is a new user, retrieve existing blog object if one is being edited
            Blogo.NET.Business.BlogEntry blogentry = null;
            if (Request.QueryString["page"] == null)
                // new user
                blogentry               = new Blogo.NET.Business.BlogEntry();
                blogentry.datecreated   = System.DateTime.Now;
                blogentry.datepublished = System.DateTime.Now;
                // edit user
                blogentry = BlogEntryManager.GetItem(long.Parse(Request.QueryString["page"].ToString()));

            // build up blog entry object
            DropDownList ddlAuthor = (DropDownList)FormViewBlog.FindControl("BlogAuthor");
            ListItem     liAuthor  = ddlAuthor.SelectedItem;

            blogentry.author = AuthorManager.GetItem(long.Parse(liAuthor.Value));

            TextBox tbTitle = (TextBox)FormViewBlog.FindControl("BlogTitle");

            blogentry.title = tbTitle.Text;

            TextBox tbDescription = (TextBox)FormViewBlog.FindControl("BlogDescription");

            blogentry.description = tbDescription.Text;

            CheckBoxList       cblTags = (CheckBoxList)FormViewBlog.FindControl("BlogTags");
            ListItemCollection licTags = cblTags.Items;

            foreach (ListItem liTag in licTags)
                if (liTag.Selected)
                    Tag t = new Tag();
                    t.id      = long.Parse(liTag.Value);
                    t.tagname = liTag.Text;

            RadioButtonList rblTyp = (RadioButtonList)FormViewBlog.FindControl("BlogType");
            ListItem        liType = rblTyp.SelectedItem;

            blogentry.type = (liType.Text.Equals(Types.article.ToString(), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) ? Types.article : Types.blogentry);

            CheckBox cbAllowComments = (CheckBox)FormViewBlog.FindControl("BlogAllowComments");

            blogentry.allowcomments = cbAllowComments.Checked;

            CheckBox cbMarkPrivate = (CheckBox)FormViewBlog.FindControl("BlogMarkPrivate");

            blogentry.markprivate = cbMarkPrivate.Checked;

            TextBox tbBody = (TextBox)FormViewBlog.FindControl("BlogBody");

            blogentry.body = tbBody.Text;

            blogentry.datemodified = System.DateTime.Now;

            // save blog entry to the database