public void AuthorTest() { // arrange AuthorDAL dal = new AuthorDAL(MagicSetup.Connection); // act create int rv1 = dal.AuthorCreate("Test1", null, "testlocation1"); Assert.IsTrue(rv1 > 0, $"AuthorCreate failed rv = {rv1}"); Author a = dal.AuthorFindByID(rv1); Assert.IsNotNull(a, $"AuthorFindByID for ID {rv1} (just created) returned null"); Assert.IsTrue(a.AuthorName == "Test1", $"AuthorName was expected to be 'Test1' but found {a.AuthorName}"); Assert.IsFalse(a.AuthorDOB.HasValue, $"AuthorDOB was expected to be null, but had a value"); Assert.IsTrue(a.AuthorLocation == "testlocation1", $"authorlocation was expected to be 'testlocation1' but was actually '{a.AuthorLocation}'"); int countofauthors = dal.AuthorsObtainCount(); Assert.IsTrue(countofauthors > 0, $"AuthorsObtainCount should be greater than 0 it is {countofauthors}"); List <Author> authors = dal.AuthorsGetAll(); Assert.IsTrue(authors.Count == countofauthors, $"AuthorsGetAll should have brought back {countofauthors} records, but it only found {authors.Count}"); DateTime now = DateTime.Now; int number = dal.AuthorUpdateJust(rv1, "Test1New", now, "newLocation1"); Assert.IsTrue(number == 1, $"authorUpdateJust was expected to return 1, but actually returned {number}"); a = dal.AuthorFindByID(rv1); Assert.IsNotNull(a, $"AuthorFindByID for ID {rv1} (just updated) returned null"); Assert.IsTrue(a.AuthorName == "Test1New", $"AuthorName after update was expected to be 'Test1New' but was actually '{a.AuthorName}'"); Assert.IsTrue(a.AuthorDOB.HasValue, "authorDOB was expected to have a value, but was null"); Assert.IsTrue(a.AuthorLocation == "newLocation1", $"authorlocation was expected to be 'newLocation1' but was actually '{a.AuthorLocation}'"); number = dal.AuthorUpdateSafe(rv1, "Test1New", now, "newLocation1", "1", null, "2"); Assert.IsTrue(number == 1, $"authorUpdateSafe was expected to return 1 but actually returned {number}"); a = dal.AuthorFindByID(rv1); Assert.IsNotNull(a, $"AuthorFindByID for ID {rv1} (just safe updated) returned null"); Assert.IsTrue(a.AuthorName == "1", $"authorname after safeupdate was expected to be '1', but was '{a.AuthorName}"); Assert.IsFalse(a.AuthorDOB.HasValue, $"authorDOB after safeupdate was expected to be null, but was not"); Assert.IsTrue(a.AuthorLocation == "2", $"authorlocation after saftupdate was expected to be '2' but was actually '{a.AuthorLocation}'"); number = dal.AuthorUpdateSafe(rv1, "1", now, "2", "3", null, "4"); Assert.IsTrue(number == 0, $"authorupdatesafe was expected to return 0, but it actually returned {number}"); dal.AuthorDelete(rv1); }