コード例 #1
        private void AuthClient_GetActiveUserCompleted(object sender, GetActiveUserCompletedEventArgs e)
            // The authentication client has delivered what we need and so we can close it
            AuthenticationServiceClient authClient = e.UserState as AuthenticationServiceClient;


            if (null == e.Error)
                m_userID = e.Result.ID;
コード例 #2
        private void AuthForSaveCompleted(object sender, ValidateUserCompletedEventArgs e)
            object[] args = e.UserState as object[];
            AuthenticationServiceClient authClient = args[0] as AuthenticationServiceClient;
            EventHandler onSaveComplete            = args[1] as EventHandler;

            byte[] zippedData       = args[2] as byte[];
            int    originalAuthorID = (int)args[3];

            // If we failed then there's not much we can do
            if (null != e.Error || e.Cancelled)
                // Invoke the completion delegate and return
                onSaveComplete(this, new SaveEventArgs(false));

            string authToken = e.Result;

            m_lastAuthToken = authToken;

            // Build the OSBLE service client
            m_osbleClient = new OsbleServiceClient();
            m_osbleClient.OpenCompleted += delegate(object sender2, System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs e2)
                // How we save depends on the assignment type
                if (AssignmentTypes.CriticalReview == m_a.Type)
                    // For critical reviews we use SubmitReviewAsync. According to the OSBLE team, when you call this
                    // you give it a zip file that contains a single file that is the review document. Recall that when
                    // we retrieve the files for a review assignment it's a zip of zips, and each file to review is
                    // within its own "child" zip under the main "parent" zip. This is NOT something we have to deal
                    // with here. We just submit the review file and we're done.
                    m_osbleClient.SubmitReviewCompleted += new EventHandler <SubmitReviewCompletedEventArgs>(OSBLESubmitReviewCompleted);
                    m_osbleClient.SubmitReviewAsync(originalAuthorID, m_a.ID, zippedData, authToken,
                                                    new object[] { m_osbleClient, onSaveComplete });
                    // It's assumed that the assignment type is "Basic" if we come here
                    // For basic assignments we just use the SubmitAssignmentAsync method
                    m_osbleClient.SubmitAssignmentCompleted += this.OSBLESubmitAssignmentCompleted;
                    m_osbleClient.SubmitAssignmentAsync(m_a.ID, zippedData, authToken, new object[] { m_osbleClient, onSaveComplete });

            // We're done with the authentication client
コード例 #3
        private void ValidateForSaveCompleted(object sender, ValidateUserCompletedEventArgs e)
            // Error check
            if (e.Cancelled)
            if (null != e.Error)
                OnError(this, new OSBLEStateEventArgs(false, e.Error.Message));

            // The authentication token is stored in the result
            m_authToken = e.Result;

            // Build the OSBLE client
            //m_osbleClient = new OsbleServiceClient(m_bind,
            //    new System.ServiceModel.EndpointAddress(OSBLEServiceLink));
            m_osbleClient = new OsbleServiceClient();
            m_osbleClient.SubmitAssignmentCompleted += this.OsbleClient_SubmitAssignmentCompleted;

            // We built an object array for the user state to keep track of the authentication client
            // (which we have to close at the end) and the save data
            object[] objs = e.UserState as object[];

            // The authentication client is the first object in the array
            AuthenticationServiceClient auth = objs[0] as AuthenticationServiceClient;

            // The assignment data is the second object in the array. Note that this is the uncompressed data
            // and we need to put it in a zip before submitting.
            byte[] assignmentData = objs[1] as byte[];

            // Create a memory stream to save the zip file to
            MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();

            // Create the zip output stream with the maximum level of compression
            ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(ms);


            // Create the entry for this file
            ZipEntry newEntry = new ZipEntry(ZipEntry.CleanName(GetDeliverableFileName(m_currentAssignment)));

            newEntry.DateTime = DateTime.Now;
            zos.Write(assignmentData, 0, assignmentData.Length);

            // Flush the zip file

            // Get a reference to the compressed data
            byte[] compressed = ms.ToArray();

            // Close the zip file

            // We will reuse the array for our next async call, this time with the OSBLE client as the
            // first object
            objs[0] = m_osbleClient;

            // Submit
            m_osbleClient.SubmitAssignmentAsync(m_currentAssignment.ID, ms.ToArray(), m_authToken);

            // Free memory

            // "Always close the client" says the documentation