コード例 #1
        public async Task <Auth0TicketResponse> getPasswordChangeTicketByAuthClientEmail(string authClientEmail)
            RestClient      roleRestClient = new RestClient(endpoint + "tickets/password-change");
            RestRequest     roleRequest    = new RestRequest(Method.POST);
            Auth0TokenModel token          = await getTokenModel();

            roleRequest.AddHeader("authorization", "Bearer " + token.access_token);
            roleRequest.AddJsonBody(new Auth0ChangePasswordModel()
                email                  = authClientEmail,
                connection_id          = ConfigRoot["Auth0API:ConnectionID"],
                mark_email_as_verified = true,
                includeEmailInRedirect = true
            IRestResponse response = await roleRestClient.ExecuteAsync(roleRequest);

            Auth0TicketResponse ticket = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Auth0TicketResponse>(response.Content);

コード例 #2
        public async Task sendPasswordResetEmail(string recipientEmail, string recipientNickname, Auth0TicketResponse ticket, bool isNewUser)
            SendGridClient client           = new SendGridClient(getKey().key);
            EmailAddress   from             = new EmailAddress(appEmail, "SantaPone Central");
            string         subject          = "SantaPone Central Login Information";
            EmailAddress   to               = new EmailAddress(recipientEmail, recipientNickname);
            string         plainTextContent = string.Empty;
            string         htmlContent      = string.Empty;

            if (isNewUser)
                plainTextContent = "Agent, it's time to bring the cheer, and you've been approved for the cause! Follow the link here to set your password: "******"\nOnce you have it set, login at " + url;
                htmlContent      = emailStart +
                                   @$ "
                    <p>Agent, it's time to bring the cheer, and you've been approved for the cause! Follow the link here to set your password: <a href='{ticket.ticket}'>Set your password</a></p>
                    <p>Once you've done that, log into your account at <a href='{url}'>SantaPone Central</a></p>